Spire's Shadow (OOC)

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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Day 1: Kadar (a

Day 1:

Kadar (a fiend-tiefling Cipher tout) is attacked by a fake-Clueless werebear (which is odd, since they are usually good, like Ursinals).  He loses him.  The Cadence then says there is something very important he must do in Greenwell Plaza.  (This is a large Ooze portal in the Hive, the first of many plot signposts in the direction of Ooze.)

Baba Smith (currently of Tradegate but from Fire), a gnome fire/summoner mage, is attacked by an undead mind flayer.  He flees.

Linji (a Xaositect githzerai) is attacked by a party of apparently-confused githyanki.  They seem to have known the werebear, which kills some of them offscreen, while the others flee.  She meets up with Kadar, whom she knows, and they help rescue Baba from the Greenwell portal.

Cortek, a zenthyri, is attacked by an organized party of kobolds.  They seem to be trying to capture him alive, but are willing to use deadly force if necessary.  Their commander says they are seeking the Mythal, which "may be the last hope for the Planes."  He seems to think Cortek is one of some "little band of (ex-Harmonium) traitors", which Cortek's brother may be involved with (and for which the kobolds have two legions combing Acheron).  The commander has direct orders from the High One to find the Mythal.

M'Rek, a nathri (barghest-touched) spellthief, is victim of an attempted mugging.  He loses them and gets in touch with Cortek at a bar.  M'Rek, who was sent on a quest by his people's spirits (via S'leykh) regarding the Hissing Prophet, may also be seeking this Mythal.  The barkeep, from Toril where the things were invented, knows Mythals are "like powerful magical batteries" (powerful enough to power floating cities, and small enough to be looted) which could nearly destroy a crystal sphere.


Around midnight:

M'Rek meets up with the group, and asks further about the prophecy.  He claims someone "will fight the Hissing one for the sake of everything."  Apparently Linji, or one of his ancestors, is known to the Nathri people.  Cortek joins the Sodkillers, learning that the Sodkillers have subdued the mind flayer and the githyanki were taken in by the watch.  (CORTEK DROPS THROUGH PLOT HOLE)

The group sans Cortek heads to the Festhall, encountering the kobolds again (comment: Kobolds are rare on Acheron).  They learn there is an upcoming talk on the Spirelight.  They crash at Kadar's place.


Day 2:

The group heads to the Festhall.  Someone hands Baba, Kadar and Linji nuts and directs them through what turns out to be a portal to Ooze keyed by them.  M'Rek is thrown through too.  The current sweeps them to a destroyed Temple of Athena.  Zhegre falls through an Ooze portal in the Hive, and joins them in the same way.  The rogue modron P&~P also arrives, on task from the Guvners.

They meet a sickly old man, who tells them the Spirelight has a month before it overtakes the Outlands.  He quotes the Prophecy, "'When Spire's flame melts Wee Jas' wall, the barrier will shatter, and end us all.' The man who said that is the only one who really knows what's going on and the one you must stop him! Destroy his body and erase his soul that is what you must do."  He proposes that the Hissing Prophet be brought to the Temple and thrown into his Sphere of Annihilation, to stop the Prophecy coming true.  He claims the Powers arranged for the group to be brought together for this purpose.  The Guvners who recorded the Prophecy may be able to help them find the Prophet.

The portal back to the Outlands requires that they take an oath to preserve and embrace the forces of entropy.  They take the oath.  The unstable portal vanishes, leaving Linji behind.  The rest of the group makes for Bedlam to get back to Sigil and talk to the Guvners.  They meet the shad rogue Polp, an old friend of Zhegre's, in a small town called Passway, which has a portal to Eberron.


Day 3

They wake up to find that the portal to Eberron has closed.  A group from there (a mage named Zil, a nature-loving cat-person named B'Sil, a warforged, and a dwarf with a mohawk) is now stranded.  They had found the "Gem of Chaos" and wish to return to Khorvaire -- apparently it was to save them from kobolds attacking them from space with intent to liberate the kobolds of Eberron living under squalid conditions.  They had extending spears, similar to those that attacked Cortek.  The gem was retrieved from a cave on the Outlands with bodies that had been stripped of everything *except* the Gem.

On the Outlands, they meet a Rilmani that calls them "servants of imbalance" that "bear the mark of entropy"; he was told they would come and seeks to kill them.  He says that the version of the prophecy they heard from the old man on Ooze is wrong, and that there may not even be a true one.  The one M'rek heard, however, should be right.  He was looking for champions, and possibly the Eberronians would fill the role.  He asks them to find the Prophet and his Prophecy, and says *we* know where to find him!  He claims the old man of Ooze is not who he says he is, and tells us to be off.

A lady in Bedlam directs them to a portal to Sigil, calls the Spirelight "Sigilight," and says her grandfather said Sigil is both the lock and the key.  Hilaren shows up through a random portal.  They collect him and return to Sigil.  P&~P heads offscreen.  They get some sleep that night.


Day 4: Zhegre takes a few quiet moments to write a letter to Rodina regarding recent events, asking offhandedly about any disruptions of magic in the way of inhibitions or planar connections.  Zhegre learns that the Sunken Temple was ripped from Sigil one night when the priests gave shelter to an unknown faction that was being pushed out as one of the fifteen, accompanied by a quake, screams, and torrents of blood.

Hilaren gets in Clueless trouble, and (ex-)Factor Duckluck of the Fraternity of Order arrests him.  (Offhand comment: Duckluck is from Backwater, where Rodina is, and his cousin in a great druid there.)  Hilaren is sentenced to community service and probation, with Duckluck as his parole officer.

The group meets up at the Hands of Time at peak.  Aloric, a psionic dwarf known to Zhegre, joins up.  They are directed to the Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment for word on the prophecy.  Baba and P&~P have not rejoined them.  Zhegre, Kadar, and M'Rek are divined to have been "corrupted by some sort of entropic radiation."

The Hissing Prophet uttered Semi-Confirmed Prophecy 8661, recorded by Duckluck, and is cataloged as "anonymous" prophet; the "Hissing" bit seems to be Doomguard propaganda.  The recorded prophecy is, "When Infinity's Sword pierces Wee Jas' wall / The barrier will break and doom us all. / And after it shatters with a Horrific Crack, / The Maimed One's Mirror will turn things back."

That evening, back in Sigil, (ex-)Factor Duckluck sends Hilaren and M'Rek after Slemnore's Sword, an object in the demiplanes "that is said to be able to exist outside time and has the power to stop the unstoppable."  According to Duckluck, the anonymous prophet rushed in frantically forty-five years ago, delivered the prophecy, and left without his secretary noticing.  He suggests they ask the kobold High One at the Sandstone Citadel that they've recently set up just outside of Rigus.

A priest at the temple of the Dwarven pantheon says Zhegre's oath wouldn't normally leave an aura unless it were taken in a place where the forces of entropy were extremely powerful, and even then he would probably have to seal it with a destructive act.  (Personal note: the Sunked Temple does seem to be such a place, given its backstory, and tossing someone into a sphere of annihilation would seem to be such an act!)


Day 5

The remaining group heads to Automata.  They see that the Spirelight is advancing, causing refugees.  They arrive late in the day at the Sandstone Citadel, where a tout directs them to the tavern Kurtulmak's Spear to contact Driak'ttl, the Minister of Mining, who would be willing to talk to dwarves.  She agrees to provide them contact with the High One (and a military oficial, since it sounds like a military op) in exchange for finding out what has attacked a mining party in a recently opened tunnel deep down.

Day 6

The party descends, around evening.  There is a tough fight against fire elementals, minor demons, and a Disciple of Alzrius, which was responsible for an ancient race's destruction at this site before it was trapped in a deep sanctum (and has since been occasionally released to wreak havoc on the latest inhabitants of the site).  They confirm the fate of the dead miners, survive, and head back up bearing an orb that remains after they resist the temptations of the sanctum.  The orb, Kadar senses, is "an artifact of supreme magical power and metaphysical import"; it responds to an input of positive energy with a blast of positive energy, healing people's wounds and fixing their equipment, and an offhand wish for their enemies to be ashes by turning their enemies' corpses to ashes.

About midnight, they exit the tunnels.  There is discussion as to what to do with the orb.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Posted a summary for

Posted a summary for reference, since it's been a long time since some of this happens.

In the huddle, Zhegre would propose that 1000pp is nice, but they were offered 20%, not 10%, and he thinks it's reasonable to interpret that as our group getting input -- including a veto -- on any drastic plans involving the orb.  We may need it in a hurry if it turns out to be involved with out mission, such as this "Mythal" the kobolds on Acheron are looking for, or something involved with the Spirelight.  He'd also want some leverage to see that it wasn't misused.

This does seem like an issue it would be most appropriate to take up tomorrow with the High One, or whenever our promised meeting is to happen.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Agreed.  Kadar had been


 Kadar had been hoping that the Cadence would give him some indication as to the importance of the orb to their overall quest and whether it would be a good idea to simply give it over unconditionally but it seems that the cadence is being affected by the spirelight too as it provided nothing useful.

 Thanks for the summary Jem. It's good to get some perspective like that.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Great overview Jem! I'll

Great overview Jem!

I'll chime in here soon, I've just been overwhelmed by a very hectic course lately.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Jem wrote: In the huddle,

Jem wrote:
In the huddle, Zhegre would propose that 1000pp is nice, but they were offered 20%, not 10%, and he thinks it's reasonable to interpret that as our group getting input -- including a veto -- on any drastic plans involving the orb. We may need it in a hurry if it turns out to be involved with out mission, such as this "Mythal" the kobolds on Acheron are looking for, or something involved with the Spirelight. He'd also want some leverage to see that it wasn't misused.

This does seem like an issue it would be most appropriate to take up tomorrow with the High One, or whenever our promised meeting is to happen.

Good point - a friendly reminder to the kobolds of the original deal would seem fitting if they interject. We should ask for where the orb is being kept, too, in case something goes classically horribly wrong and we need to rush to the scene.

I'll just post our response in-game and keep us going again, unless anybody wants to interject or take the initiative?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Go for it.

Go for it.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Jem wrote: Posted a

Jem wrote:

Posted a summary for reference, since it's been a long time since some of this happens.

In the huddle, Zhegre would propose that 1000pp is nice, but they were offered 20%, not 10%, and he thinks it's reasonable to interpret that as our group getting input -- including a veto -- on any drastic plans involving the orb. We may need it in a hurry if it turns out to be involved with out mission, such as this "Mythal" the kobolds on Acheron are looking for, or something involved with the Spirelight. He'd also want some leverage to see that it wasn't misused.

This does seem like an issue it would be most appropriate to take up tomorrow with the High One, or whenever our promised meeting is to happen.

Thanks for the great summary Jem, some of those loose ends even I'd forgotten about. Did I really really get the percentage wrong? I went back and checked and everything. Oh, well, I was expecting you to haggle it up anyway.

Anyway, sorry I've been a little scarce this last week folks, I just started a new job and it's been kicking my ass a little. I should be able to make time to post in though, once I get my schedule figured out. No promises though, as I've broken the last ten or so.

Also, Jem's summary made me realize how many jewel/orb shaped McGuffins I've been scattering around. For claritiy's sake, the cool white sphere you guys just found is not a mythal (no comment on the Gem of Chaos). Also note that thanks to weak Realms-Fu, I used the term "Mythal" instead the of the proper "Mythallar." A "Mythal" is actually (apparently) the magical field generated by a Mythallar, which is totally different. It's like comparing apples to slightly different apples! I appologize for my mistake.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Sorry I'm not with you guys

Sorry I'm not with you guys at the moment.  I've been feeling rather keenly the lack of a bit of magical oomph on my secondary weapon. :^)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Jem wrote: Sorry I'm not

Jem wrote:
Sorry I'm not with you guys at the moment. I've been feeling rather keenly the lack of a bit of magical oomph on my secondary weapon. :^)

Hopefully a combination of diplomacy and booze will defuse the situation before it turns ugly, but if it comes to it I hope we can take on a bunch of unarmored kobolds with daggers (not that Polp would be less frightened, though).

Then again, they might happen to be particularly tough martial art masters that would provide a level-appropriate challenge or worse. ;) 

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
By the way -- perhaps after

By the way -- perhaps after Polp and Kadar deal with the kobolds -- some XP might be in order, given that we're in a lull after the end of a dungeon dive.  We last received XP over a year ago (post #530 of this thread).

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Polp has just gotten his

Polp has just gotten his first piece of loot, I wouldn't push my luck and ask for XP on top. Laughing out loud

Seriously, though, I didn't notice its been a year.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Wait, seriously? I didn't

Wait, seriously? I didn't give you XP after you fought the Khaasta? I know I put you guys up to level 7 after you left Sigil, I'd never forget to do that... ah crap! So, um, why don't I just make you all level 8 now and we can all go back to pretending I'm a conscientious DM who keeps track of XP, deal? So, uh, ahem *Ping!* Welcome to level 8.

Also, Azriael can you re-post a link to Kadar's sheet here? I seem to only have the old, broken link, and don't feel like parsing through 600 posts to find it (when my laptop died this summer, it took my bookmarks with it).

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Try this one:

Try this one: http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=4962


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
That works, and bookmarked.

That works, and bookmarked. Thanks Azriael.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
No probs, Kadar seems to

No probs,

Kadar seems to be up to level 7 at the moment which I assume is because of his ECL, Can I use 3 munch points to bring him up to level 8?


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
I think he meant

I think he meant accumulated experience has now brought us to ECL8. If I'm interpreting it correctly, that means Kadar's 3/2/2 + tiefling LA and Zhegre's Clr 8 are where we're supposed to be. (If not, Duckluck, lemme know! I'm skipping L7 here!)

 {Edit: RAWR!  Post of the Beast!}

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
I gave you guys two levels

I gave you guys two levels worth of XP because I forgot to give you the a massive XP infusion a few months ago. You guys should now have ECL of at least 8. Those of you who paid off your level adjustments using 3 Munch points (which, unless I'm mistaken, includes Kadar) have a higher ECL.

By the way, you guys all get two extra Munch Points from gaining those two levels, in case you forgot (I had). As a refresher, you can spend one Munch Point to boost any ability score by one point, Two Munchers will give you a free extra feat that you meet the prerequisites for, and three Munch Points will give you a free feat you don't meet the prereqs for (I get a veto though) -- alternatively, you can spend [b]one[/i] Munch point and a feat slot to gain a feat you wouldn't ordinarily be able to get (for instance, if said feat is one you just made up on the spot). You can also do anything you want with them, provided you get me to go along. As a general rule, bending the rules costs one Munch, breaking them costs two, and tearing the rules into tiny pieces costs three or more.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Zhegre is updated to Level

Zhegre is updated to Level 8.  Bumped Wis, did all the standard stuff for leveling.  Mostly put the skill points into Sense Motive (Dip synergy) and K(religion) (turn synergy) plus one each in weaponsmithing and K(the Planes).


Sheet's at http://www.3edb.com/viewCharacter.asp?cid=15342 ; I believe you should be able to see that.  If not, lemme know. 

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Polp is also

Polp is also updated.


Bumped Dex and made respective level changes, and noted the minister's payment (a quarter of the 15k gp, right?).

Aside from the usual suspects in skill selection, he has also put points in Profession (herbalist), which I thought was very fitting.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
I'm sorry for the two month

I'm sorry for the two month disappearing act. I've been busy/had other things on my mind/have a bottomless supply of excuses and empty promises. Basically, I no longer trust myself to run this game without just jerking you around every few weeks, and frankly, you shouldn't trust me either. If any of you are still around, I'd like to discuss what to do from here, but frankly, I'm not sure I'm the right guy to be running this game. I'm too much of a flake.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
I've found another game

I've found another game since, can't be in that many at once, and don't want to half-heartedly play one myself.  Best if we move on, I think.

However, curiosity burns in me like unto a felinoid Sensate on his first life, so I'd very much like to know what was going to happen.  If Polp and Kadar have no objection, I vote that Duckluck writes a capstone post in the game thread that for once and truly puts a period on the game, explains what all had been going on, and tells us Our Heroes' valiant parts in the final events.  He knows us well enough by now that I trust him to give our characters a reasonable flow, I think.

We read it, suggest a couple rounds of edits, declare that we're done, and Duckluck posts a whopping big THE END in the OOC thread, and we free up our characters for another mission elsewhere.  All in favor?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
I'm going camping for a few

I'm going camping for a few days, so sorry if I'm out of touch for a while. I'll start working on your super special awesome final update monday.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
No probs, I've got a few

No probs, I've got a few other char's on the boil at the the moment as well and totally understand how hectic life can get.

Thanks for taking us this far and I look forward to the capstone!


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Same as Az. Shame we didn't

Same as Az. Shame we didn't get further through the plot, but keeping PBP games alive is definitely hard work.

Hint: Polp would be immensely delighted if the seeds he has planted throughout their travels have grown for further shad generations to see. Wink. Oh, and if they and the world survive he'll invite them to visit his home village of Gemstone Gardens on the Elemental Plane of Earth for tea at his Uncle Phelin's.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10


Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10


Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Bump, if Duckluck's at all

Bump, if Duckluck's at all still around.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Re: Bump, if Duckluck's at all

I want to start by apologizing profusely for not only abandoning the game, but for not even having the decency to provide the promised plot explanation. The last year has been a very hard one for me, but that still doesn't excuse me just ignoring you guys, not after running this game for two years. That isn't fair to you, and it wasn't fair to myself (after all, I'm the one who put a lot of work into a plot that no one has ever seen but me). I hope there are a few of you still around who will read this apology and understand that I didn't mean to act like a jerk, but I did anyway.

Let me try to make it up to you guys, here.

OK, I might do a proper adventure write up (like the kind that would be it's own pdf and stuff) at some point in the near or distant future, but you guys no me and promises, so for now I'll give you what I have.

This is the original outline I made three years ago. I've updated some of this stuff as I tweaked the plot (which I did quite a bit). I'll intersperse these sections with explanations as I go.

Spire's Shadow Outline:
1) The Beginning.
A. PC's meet up in the Festhall to attend a lecture on the Spirelight crisis
B. PC's get dumped into a portal to the Plane of Ooze and fight Ooze mephits.
C. PC's Slog through Ooze until they find a ruined temple to Athena.
D. PC's meet slightly-barmy old sinker who gives them important plot exposition.
E. PC's talk the Doomguard into telling them that the portal out is in the basement.
F. PC's journey into the temple's muddy basement and fight a couple Otyughs.
G. PC's find phat lootz, and the portal out.

Originally I'd been planning to railroad you guys into Ooze at Greenwell Plaza, but I couldn't get the PCs together quickly enough, so I came up with the whole Festhall lecture. I can't remember if I ever decided who tricked the PCs into the portal, but it was either Doomguard, kobolds, Rilmani or Yugoloths, all of whom had reasons for manipulating the players.

2) The Plot Thickens.
A. PC's arrive in a patch of woodlands just outside the Spire's "Dead Zone."
B. Players probably camp for the night
C. Players begin to walk toward Bedlam, and (maybe) fight random dire/fiendish wolves
D. PC's arrive in the village of Passway, where the residents watch in horror as their main source of income, a portal to a prime world, begins to cease functioning.
E. PC's (probably) stay the night in the inn and buy whatever supplies they need before leaving, and/or getting chased out by a lynch mob of villagers.
F. PC's find defenseless "villager" being attacked by [Monsters] and save/ignore/kill him.
G. The villager is secretly a Rilmani who imparts important wisdom and pleads with the PC's to "save Concordant Opposition and restore balance to the planes."
H. PC's arrive in Bedlam, where a Bleaker who happens to be an expert on the Outlands, and a part-time barmy tells them that the Spirelight is growing and all kinds of other shit is going down. The Bleaker tells them to, "just ignore it, it doesn't matter anyway."
I. With the Bleaker's help, they take a portal back to Sigil.

As you can see, I merged the random encounter with the wolves with the Rilmani encounter and also added the eberronians because I thought they'd be funny. I also felt like I was stringing you guys along too much and wanted to give the PCs a chance to discover the plot on their own so instead of having the Rilmani just giving you guys exposition, I instead chose to force you to listen in on the eberronians getting the exposition (because planewalkers have to be cannier than ordinary berks).

3) Choosing a Path.
A. PC's arrive back in Sigil and take care of lingering business.
B. Side Quests related to their backstories could be embarked upon.
C. Players choose to prevent, encourage, or ignore the spreading Spirelight.
D. Players head out in search of answers.

Chapter 3 was intended to just be a breather, but between introducing a new pc and having to deal with that pc engaging in random violence it dragged more than it needed to. Ultimately I chose to introduce the character of Duckluck (something of a "Mary Sue" I'd already created for a Lady's Sharper Eye article) in order to get things back on track.

4) The Revelation.
A. Players arrive at their destination (probably the Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment)
B. Players embark upon a series of quests to prove themselves worthy/navigate the bureaucracy.
C. Players learn the Hissing Prophet's full prophecy and important clues about him.
D. Players head back to Sigil and take care of lingering business.

At this point, I decided the plot had started to drag so I let you guys go through this section with relatively little fuss, otherwise I probably would have made you go off plane to do some quest or other for the Guvners before you could access the archives.

5) The Calm.
A. Players head back to the Outlands, where they learn that the "Dead Zone" is half-way to the Gatetowns, and it's only a matter of weeks before the major gates break down.
B. Players head to the Sandstone Citadel where they meet a kobold warlord who may be the Hissing Prophet and offers to tell them more if they do some work for her.
C. PC's do some incredibly dangerous work for her.
D. PC's learn the (dread?) truth and set out to make things right.

Part C is as far as you guys got. Despite the jobs you do for the High One being listed with just a sentence here, I eventually decided they were going to be an essential part of the campaign. The first quest involved defeating the Deciple of Alzrius and giving the High One the mysterious orb (which was, obviously, a terrible decision, but one I more or less forced you to make). Your first "real" job for the High One was going to retrieving the Mythal briefly mentioned way back at the beginning from a tower on Pazunia. That was supposed to be another chance for you to get to know the High One's nephew Captain Whats-his-name, who was going to be an important character later.

After that, the High One will give you the story, or most of it anyway. Basically, the "Hissing Prophet" was the kobold who originally conquered the Sandstone Citadel (the High One before the current High One), and he towards the end of his reign he became obsessed with apparently went nuts, started spreading his prophecy around, and generally acted shifty. He then mysteriously disappeared somewhere in Sigil and was probably Mazed. According to the High One, that's where the involvement of the kobolds end (although the PCs should have their doubts about her by this point), and the actual Spirelight crisis was orchestrated by the Doomguard over decades, and they simply used to prophecy as cover (remember that if enough people believe the prophecy it starts to come true).

6) The Storm.
A. PC's make yet another stop in Sigil, where they take care of any business they have.
B. PC's then head to the Quasi-elemental plane of Ash where the Doomguard of Ash are rumored to have created a device that will stop the growth of the Spirelight.
C. The PC's arrive in time to help fend off an attack from the Doomguard of Salt who have allied themselves with Genies who wish to see the Outer Planes laid low.
D. The PC's thwart the attack and recover the Device.
E. The PC's race to the base of the Spire with numerous enemies trying to stop them, and have to contend with numerous Planar refugees trying to escape while they still can.
F. The PC's reach the base of the Spire where they have to contend with the Rilmani, Athar, and others.
G. After a harrowing battle against [somebody], the players use their Device to stop the growth of the Spirelight. The device gives every indication that it worked, but the PC's return to [Gatetown] just in time for the portal to flicker out and die.

This is where the plot was supposed to really start to heat up (although things still haven't gotten as crazy as they will). Logically, if he Doomguard created the whole problem, they should know how to fix it, so the PCs try to make contact with someone in the Doomguard in order to demand answers. Interestingly, the logical person to ask is the old sinker they met on Ooze who, at this point, is fairly close to being sucked into a sphere of annihilation. A return to Ooze demanding answers would more or less bring them right back where they started from, but under different circumstances. From him, you'd get the idea to seek out the Doomguard of Ash (aka, the least crazy Doomguard), and the plot would go about how I've written. Don't ask me what the mysterious Doomguard Device was going to be, I never did decide.

7)The Retreat.
A. Cut off from Sigil and the Outer Planes, the PC's return to the Sandstone Citadel to speak with the High One who tells them that they must find a way to return to Sigil before it's too late.
B. The High One tells the PC's to walk through the Hinterlands until the edges bleed away and they find themselves in the Far Realm.
C. The PC's trek across the Outlands righting wrongs and the like until they leave populated lands and arrive in the Far Realm.
D. Our heroes travel on a mind-bending journey through the lands of madness until they find a way out.
E. The PC's hop across various planes, and see that the "De-mystified Zone" isn't just limited to the Outlands anymore. Monsters are fought and quests are embarked upon (including a visit to Acheron to see Wee Jas' "wall," and one very fortunate trip to the Mazes in the Ethereal).
F. After a particularly difficult struggle, the PCs finally find a functional gate back home.

This part is where the plot starts to take a turn for the purely theoretical. I spent a long time trying to decide exactly how this thing was going to work out. The Doomguard's mysterious Device obviously didn't work because there's more going on than just sinker scheming, but I couldn't quite decide on how treacherous I wanted to make the High One. Originally, I had the High One and the Hissing Prophet be one in the same (the High One was also originally male), but again I decided that was too straightforward and players would see through that (plus I didn't want you throwing her in a sphere of annihilation). Eventually I decided the High One was not the Hissing Prophet after all, but whether the latter was still around (and where) was something I never quite made up my mind on. Ultimately, one of the two was going to be the true villain of the campaign and the other was just a distraction, but I couldn't make my mind up as to which one was which. Eventually the compromise I settled on was to make them both dastardly schemers who both know the score (or most of it).

The Hissing Prophet's plan, to put it simply, was to create a situation so disastrous that the person who resolved it would have literally saved the Multiverse. Naturally, as the person who initiated this disaster, he would be in a prime position to reverse it in a grand magical feat the likes of which the Planes had never seen. The billions who saw or heard of the man who saved the multiverse would naturally see him as a god, and the sheer force of all that belief would transform him into an actual god almost immediately (and a powerful one at that). What would happen if the Prophet failed to reverse the Spirelight did not even cross his mind.

The High One is the only person besides the Hissing Prophet himself who knew what he was planning, and she eventually decided he was insane and proceeded to "deal" with him. Unfortunately, he survived her attempt to dispose of him and fled to Sigil where he set his plan into motion. Unfortunately, he then was Mazed before he could take advantage of it. So, for twenty years or so, the High One has been the only one who knew about the coming disaster or how to reverse it. A good and generous person would have told everyone and gotten the brightest minds in the Planes together to stop the Spirelight's spread. There's just one problem though, the Hissing Prophet's plan would actually work, and the High One knows it. Her primary goal is to save the Multiverse, but if she can become a goddess in the process, she's going to.

All through the game she's been sending the PCs to gather items to assist her in her ascension, and now she sends them back to Sigil the long way to make sure they don't get in her way later. Meanwhile, the PCs have given her all she needs to travel to Sigil and begin her plan.

Unfortunately for the High One, the players stumble onto the mazes from the outside where they meet none other than the real hissing prophet. If they're smart they'll get all they need to know from him without releasing him, and if they're not, he'll trap them in the maze and go off to finish his ascension. The Prophet tells them that Spirelight is emanating not from the Spire, but from Sigil and that Sigil itself is a Gate that must be closed again. Now that the PCs actually know what's going on, they finally have a chance to fix the problem.

Cool The Decision.
A. Players arrive back in Sigil much the worse for wear and begin searching for an essential "key" the Prophet told them of [remember, Sigil is both the lock and the key].
B. Unfortunately, the Doomguard and Athar beat them to it, and they have to fight them both in order to gain control of the Key.
C. The PC's acquire the Key after much fighting, and wrestle with how to use it.
D. In the end the PC's are forced to act when the High One and/or The Hissing Prophet shows up, and tries to take the Key and (and powered by the Orb, the Mythal, and the Device) use it to become a god while at the same time reversing the anti-magic tides and gaining the instant reverence of Billions.
E. The PC's either hand over the Key and watch as the Hissing God is born and sets things right, or fight it out and hope to win so that they can try to figure out how to use the Key on their own.
F. This is pretty much the end of the campaign.

The essential choice is one without a clear answer. Who do you let wield the ultimate source of power? A power-mad lunatic who can save the Multiverse (the Hissing Prophet). A cold manipulator who can probably save the Multiverse (the High One). A reasonable man who may be able to save the Multiverse (Captain Dri-someting), or you who has no idea how to save the multiverse, but how hard could it be?


so yeah, that's the campaign, more or less. I'm sorry we only got to play like a third of it.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Sounds very cool Smiling

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Re: Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Also if you guys still have questions about how any plot/character was going to be resolved, please ask me before I wander off again.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Hm. If someone's trying to become a god inside Sigil, the Lady of Pain may have something to say about that! :^)

What would Zhegre choose? Hmm. Well, he has a god already -- if there's time, he'd propose putting a call out to the dwarven pantheon. They're well-known, reasonably trustworthy, already gods so they should know how to work with this stuff, and let's face it, the brownie points for handing over a mythal and getting them the credit for saving the multiverse would have to be pretty awesome.

Assuming they're not available due to planar vagaries, his next choice would be the Communist god. No, srsly, hear me out. If Sigil is both the lock and the key, and the whole point of the scheme is to focus a bunch of belief, let's broadcast both of these facts to the population of the city and ask everyone to play a part in saving the Multiverse -- focus their belief on the ending of the Spirelight and the proper functioning of the Device. You could picture the scenes: the Harmonium organizing meditation sessions in the barracks... the Signers all focusing their imaginations... the Athar willing their desires into a solid, present object instead of a god... the Ring-Givers offering belief so that the Universe will believe in them... and all the rest. The Hall of Speakers convenes and the assembled factols collect the will of their factions and attempt to power the Device.

Preface to all of this would probably be trying to get Captain Driban to join up with us in convincing or forcing the Hissing Prophet to turn over the secret of how to use the items properly to stop the Spirelight, on the theory that he can grasp that we're never going to let him use it and he doesn't care to die in the Far Realms either.

Generally, I wouldn't be thrilled with handing the Key to anybody who wants it, you know?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Re: Spire's Shadow (OOC)

The reason the gods can't help out is because it has to be done within Sigil. The Lady will put up with all the scheming so long as some one fixes the problem and doesn't make too much a mess of Sigil in the process, and I don't think anyone is planning to stay in Sigil after ascending. At most, they might pull a Vecna (remember the line about the "maimed one's mirror"). Also I was considering have he final final confrontation take place on top of the spire (which I know theoretically would be an infinitely small point, but, well, that's why the High One had to spend years preparing (the Mythal and the Orb were both to allow magic to sustain them in a place where magic ordinarily doesn't exist (the Orb, in case you guys didn't guess, was pure positive energy, basically the opposite of a Sphere of Annihilation).

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