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Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Just wondering, as I was reading Az's last post, what are your thoughts on Critical Confirmations, Duckluck?

To me, they seem like a chance to cheat a character of his glorious moment, rolling that beautifully small (for the most part) range of "Crit" status. Then again, I didn't make the system, so I guess this is an empty question.

Just wanted an intelligent opinion on the matter. Thanks!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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I thought I’d just give a heads-up in advance, that I’ll be gone from the 17th until the 21st. Got a festival coming up; beer, music and parties ahoy! Smiling

I’ll PM the DM my character’s plans shortly before leaving.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Sorry guys, I'm going to be out of town for a day or two. Kadar'll just keep hacking away until the combat's over. I should be back not long after that so he'll just be quiet and agreeable after the fight.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I'm a big fan of crit confirmations, without them, high AC monsters would get killed by lucky hits constantly. Besides, if I gave you free crits, I'd have to give your enemies free crits and then you'd be getting killed left and right. So it would be a whole getting killed thing on both sides. No fun at all.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Duckluck' wrote:
I'm a big fan of crit confirmations, without them, high AC monsters would get killed by lucky hits constantly. Besides, if I gave you free crits, I'd have to give your enemies free crits and then you'd be getting killed left and right. So it would be a whole getting killed thing on both sides. No fun at all.

A fair assessment. Having fought two nimblewrights under a "no confirmation" house rule, I'd say such is true enough. Those bad boys were eating HP faster than a Slaad goes through a buffet line. Sticking out tongue

Edit: Any status on the char concept? No rush (real life is often harrier than a combat scene IC); just checkin' in with the boss. Smiling

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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OK, I've looked over the Anthropomorphic Creature template, and I've decided that it's not something I want PCs to be messing around with. Honestly I don't think it was designed for PC use at all. I can't figure out if it's underpowered or overpowered, but it's really complicated and seems to have some things poorly designed aspects and a lot of ability for abuse. I could probably make it work to my satisfaction, but it would take a couple hours that I don't particularly want to blow. So, um, if you'd just go back to the Fey'ri and save me the headache, I'd be grateful.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Alrighty, I'll definitely spare you the aspirin.

I'll make your life even easier. I have a planar's worse nightmare statted up: a prime human. Just have me walk through a portal on accident and wham you have a complete clueless to torment. Eye-wink

He'll be an archer, so that'll give a ranged specialist to the mix.

Edit: Sorry it has taken so long to get a character locked down; I've decided templates are a good way to generate frustration...something I'm not looking for more of. So, I hope this basic race/regular class build will do. I'll save the munch points, cause I'm just looking to enjoy a game of roleplaying, not become Rambo the Bow Slayer. That said, he should prove useful at what he does. Eye-wink

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Works for me. I'd recommend throwing some munchers into a feat or two. It's handy to have a couple spare, especially if you want the Demiplane Full of Fudge Reward* at the end, but they're really there to spend not to keep.

*may not actually include a demiplane or fudge.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Duckluck' wrote:
Works for me. I'd recommend throwing some munchers into a feat or two. It's handy to have a couple spare, especially if you want the Demiplane Full of Fudge Reward* at the end, but they're really there to spend not to keep.

*may not actually include a demiplane or fudge.

Alrighty, I'll scope something out.

Too bad on the stipulation...I think I could enjoy a demiplane of fudge. Laughing out loud

Edit: Feats to Munch on... Dodge, Mobility, & Precise Shot.

Let me know how many munchers it would take to get the first two (particularly together) or the other one by itself. I'm trying to flesh out the archery feat tree as much as possible.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Those are all fine and all two munchies each. I'll only ever charge more or disallow a feat if you could not have possibly gotten it at your current level without Munchies. Otherwise I'd wind up drowned in overpowered feats.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Hm...may as well as get the crew. So that's six munchies gone, but well worth it.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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While I’m away (from tomorrow afternoon), Polp will help in this and any upcoming battles as well as he can, requesting an invisibility spell or using his potion if the group is in serious trouble.

Otherwise, he’d just be his typical fearful self, ranging from utmost despair when things look grim to joyful optimism when things go well.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Have a blessed trip, Dun!

Maybe we'll see the ol' ranger soon too. Until then, fight valiant and hard my (soon-to-be) fellow comrades! Smiling

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Thanks a lot Ben! I expect you all to be wearing necklaces with eyestalk-trophies by the time I get back. Eye-wink

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Assuming I actually get around to posting. Sorry, I've been fairly busy. I'll get it going tomorrow though, I promise.

Zodar's picture
Joined: 2006-10-09
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is that "recruiting reopened" in the title still applicable? If so, I'd like to join (as a Tuladhara Binder*from Tome of Magic*, dropping the +1 LA via the initial 3 munch points).

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I'm sorry, Benyamin already grabbed the spot. Feel free to yell at me for forgetting the change the title though.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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Glad to see you're still alive, Duckluck. Does this mean there'll be a post in the game thread soon?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Yea, verily! I have been wandering the twisted and shattered halls of the San Diego Comic Convention since Woden's day eve last, but I have returned safely and shall remain here until week's end when I shall enter the belly of the great metal bird and journey to the far off land of "New England" to commune with my ancestors.

(Was at ComicCon from Wednesday night to Sunday night and will be going on a week-and-a-half-long vacation to Maine on Friday where I'll have limited internets. In case you're wondering why I didn't post yesterday, I, um, forgot.)

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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No problem!

If I'd known you were off to Comic-Con, I would have seen if I could have put you on the hook for a certain promotional issue of a comic that got handed around there a few years ago... been wanting it for ages to complete my series.

(And its difference with the other #1 issue of that comic I have? The, um, cover. Gad, I am such a fanboy...)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Might I suggest simply printing out a facsimile of the cover in question and attaching it to the front? Then when people ask to see it you can say "Oh no, it's much too rare." It's foolproof!

Anyway, I have posted, finally. Oh and Benyamin, I'm trying to introduce your character when they head off to Sigil, but I promise I'll have you show up before I go on vacation so you can get some in character chatting going.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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No prob!

Hope the trip goes well.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Alright Ben, you're up.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Woot! Love the entrance--talk about greeting cards. I want a refund on the interplanar travel service. lol.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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I thought shad-kind could do with some fleshing out of culture and tradition, so I made up this ritual for the flavour of it (hope Duckluck don't mind taking such liberties).

It's not cannon, though I plan to write an article for Planewalker about it.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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I really like it! I've been doing the same with my Prime's culture, as I created Avlis as a realm to contain his ranger spirit and not worry about stepping on cannon.

It makes conversing unique when you live in a realm without cities, plains, towers, etc etc. Anything barren of trees is marked as a blight of evil and either shunned or reforested quickly. Even the mountains are heavily forested and their tops avoided as the holy ground of the heavens, which cloak Avlis from the darkness beyond...

Yes, I have a hippieland on my hands, but without the drugs and classic rock. Laughing out loud

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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OK guys, I'm back! Did you miss me? I've got some stuff to catch up on and I still haven't read the in-character thread, but I'll try to squeeze a post in tonight, although jet lag might force me to postpone it to tomorrow (no later though, I promise).

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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There's something I'd like to do at this point but I can certainly imagine howls of player outrage if I went and did it unexpectedly, so I'd like to give everyone a heads up and wait a day or so to see if anyone freaks. :^) (Character outrage is an entirely separate thing, and might be quite fun!)

We never really established which one of us picked up the gems and jewelry from the temple of Athene in Ooze. Zhegre spent some time going over the magical artifacts we recovered. P&~P ran off with the dusty rose ioun stone, but other than that nothing much was said, and Zhegre does have a handy haversack in which it would have been convenient to pack the haul.

(For reference, it was 2000gp in general coinage, 1000gp in gems and banged-up jewelry, a ring of mindshielding, a ring of sustenance, a conjuration periapt of some sort, and the ioun stone.)

Zhegre also mentioned, a couple of times, returning all this stuff to its rightful owner. ^_^ That is to say, Athene, who temple it was. Since we're back in Sigil now, he fully intends to do exactly that first thing in the morning if the loot is still in his haversack. I'd like to write up an individual scene in which this occurs, and the temple has any reaction Duckluck would care to supply.

Now, one of your characters might feel robbed if they felt entitled to a share of the stash, but Zhegre's willing to defend the ethics of his action, so that's not as much of a problem. If a player, on the other hand, would feel that this is an unjust swipe, speak now or forever hold your peace. We can have it transpire that you had already picked up a share or something, and Zhegre has been spending downtime on the trip trying gently to convince you that, you know, it's not yours, it's theirs, but hasn't wanted to sow group discord and so has not pushed the matter. However, I'd much rather be able to give it all back. ^_^

There's also the matter of whether the GM would prefer that we pick up the standard advancement treasure somehow, despite this attempt to return it; but that'll be his post. Any comments?

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Of course, my voice shouldn’t carry as much weight since I only joined after the incident in question, but as I read up on that part of the campaign, I got the impression that this was Duckluck’s way of dropping loot in the way of the group – particularly with the notion that the temple seemed very old and (naturally) abandoned.

'Duckluck' wrote:
Among the jewelry is a holy symbol of the goddess Athene made of tarnished silver. It's seen better days but it will still be worth a few merts when it's polished.

It does seem in the spirit of D&D to collect treasure from ancient locales, and the game is designed for characters to stay somewhere within a suggested wealth-progression curve as they gain XP.

In character, however, Polp would have a different mind. Most importantly, he is not and does not feel entitled to any treasure the group has gained before he joined, and should it be offered to him he would feel unworthy, though grateful (considering his low self esteem).
Should there be no consensus in the party on the issue, I would think Polp to be easily swayed to Zhegre’s arguments, considering their longer friendship and more similar mindset in relation to “alignment”.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I'm going to leave this for you guys to work out, but considering that that was your loot for the level, it might be wise to put some thought into what you do with it. Anyway, it's time for...

Important DM Announcements!

Announcement One: You guys get a total of 3500 XP for killing the wolves, not getting killed by the Ferrumach, and generally just talking to people. Combined with the 2000 XP from last time, this should be more than enough for you all to go up a level. I don't care if you were there for some of it (like Dunamin), or weren't there for any of it (like, Benyamin), you still get the XP and the level, because I'm nice that way. Don't forget, this gives you all an extra Munch Point.

Announcement Two: My college's fall semester started Monday, so I'll be a bit busier. Given how lousy I've been at updating during the summer though, this might actually be an improvement. Or not.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Awesome! PrC here I come! I'll finally be able to actually use those swords I've been carrying around (now they'll be considered light weapons so my attack bonus doubles)


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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Whoo, level-up!

(For reference once again: There was 2000gp in coins and 1000gp in gems. The dusty rose ioun stone is 5000gp (P&~P took that and ran off with it), the ring of sustenance 2500gp, the ring of mindshielding 8000gp, and a periapt of some conjuration school (possibly health, at 7500gp).)

About the treasure, there are a couple of options, some of which would require DM intervention:

1.) Zhegre follows the communal will whenever possible. If, way back after we'd just gotten out of Ooze, everyone else insisted on keeping the treasure and dividing it up evenly, he'd have reluctantly gone along with it. Assuming Linji didn't get a share, that's P&~P, Baba, M'rek, Zhegre, and Kadar. It's not easy to divide up that loot evenly, so he'd propose holding them in common, getting the periapt properly identified (to the tune of a 125gp scroll), and using them as necessary. However, people might want specific items for specific uses -- such as coinage to upgrade weapons, or materials for magic item creation, or the like.

2.) Failing agreement on divvy, I guess we could have diced for it, highest number gets first choice. The lots could go sustenance, mindshielding, periapt, coins/gems, and the ioun stone making its way to P&~P.

3.) Here's something that might be interesting: this is at least 26000gp worth of treasure. Think about the value this has to the temple of Athene! Instead of keeping it for ourselves, if we returned it the temple might be considerably grateful -- to the tune of some valuable spellcasting or magic item creation services "on-call" as we might need them in the future. Even if the absolute value of the "trade-in" was less than the amount of the treasure handed off, it's also handier since it's flexible to meet our needs as they arise. Alternatively, they might have something more specific to offer. And besides, in a meta sense we're also handing it off in exchange for roleplaying XP, which has its own value. ;^)

4.) The temple might just look at us funny and refuse to take the loot. Zhegre is a Ring-Giver, after all. Gifts from them often have a hook in them. ^_^

If we do decide to dice for it, here's my roll below:

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 5.
JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
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Regarding the treasure, M`rek as far as I remember, was using the necklace, which he does not necessarily has to keep...regarding the jewels, it would be safe to assume that Zhegre would mention returning them at some point during downtime, together with perhaps sharing toughts on the magical stuff...if this came up at all, M´rek`s culture, living on the ethereal, has two basic beliefs regarding "stuff"¨:
a- waste not
b- finders keepers

If those priests want back sonmething that was legitimally recovered from lost they better be prepared to barter for it...He would be very oposed to "just" giving it back.

Of all the magical items, the one that would make the most sense for sneaky M`rek would be the ring, but he is very willing to listen to others needs, they are his new clan after all, and even get just a share of money, gems...

Since we are discussing loot, ity might be fair to remember that M´rek has left a "gift"v for Kadar at his house...a Githianky silver sword...it might be there, or not...they might be there waiting for us, or not...just a thougth...

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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I'm going to be disconnected for the next few days as I move. Hopefully I'll be reconnected Monday evening. Assuming any other active players mention their preference for disposing of the loot, I'll go along with whatever Duckluck finally proclaims happened.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Ah, and here I was enjoying the dialogue with Zhegre... Sad

I understand being disconnected as well, Jem--especially to move. I've been having trouble here--the wireless network at school keeps going down, to the chagrin of students everywhere.

Thanks for being a good sport with poor Hilaren; you've made the role of utter clueless well worth playing and highly enjoyable! Smiling It stretches my mind to think through how he'd take it, as I'm accustomed to much of the chant...takes me back to my first days in PS. Laughing out loud

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Just throwing it out there but since Hilaren hasn't really rolled any important dice yet then if DL was amenable why not just change the background mechanic's and play on? All your dialogue would still make sense and you'd be able to be a geomancer in no time, or at least give yourself a couple of levels of druid so you just need to get the arcane caster levels.

Alternately you could just use a whole lot of munch points.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Not that it’s a big deal, but Polp’s reaction would be significantly more toned with awe had Hilaren identified himself as a druid. I figure shads generally holds the tree-huggers in utmost reverence, considering how druids indirectly were their creators (even though such was not deliberate).

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Actually, I could easily make druid part of Hilaren's build (I think), should I be allowed to do so. It'd be fitting as well, since the druidic role is heavy in Avlis' society. I don't think a 'pure' woods world has been created too much (that I know of), as most people are loath to surrender their +3 swords for a living wood bow...I'm really liking the feel, though.

And plus, he would see himself as a ranger foremost, as his role is to roam the expanses of Avlis, protecting the Round against razing incursions and monstous humanoids bent of pillaging. This would make his druid classes go unnoticed for a season or so. Eye-wink

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Just so I’m clear Ben, by “the slats of butchered trees” is Hilaren referring to the tavern in particular, gnomish wooden dwellings in general, or other pieces of worked wood?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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The cottage is the only building of wood described, so yeah, it's the tavern.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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With the new level, a some revamping, the druid/ranger blend works great in balancing his nature skills and features. If I can drop the munchered feats with this change, I'd like to use some for dropping the arcane class prereq. of the geomancer. This removes the spell versatility feature of the class, but leaves the drifting and ley lines. If poss., how much would that cost??

Edit: The would bring me back to nine munchers (3+6lvls); at the moment I have 3, but I'm not jiving with the selection of bonus feats as before (for some reason I had melee focused feats for a ranged specialist...I failed my int check Sticking out tongue)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Sorry, one thing I don't let people do with Munch points is drop Prerequisites -- I'm willing to let things get tweaked a little, but I figure the requirements are there for a reason. In this case, it's because the class would be 1) too easy to get into and 2) totally different if you took off the Arcane magic requirement. I'm sorry, but if you want to be a Geomancer, you're going to have to go the whole hog on this one.

Also, have you checked out the Totemist yet? It's got a lot of the same feel as the Geomancer, but it's a base class, so it's way easier to get into.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Understood. No, I haven't found a site with the stats for the class; any help in that regards?

I'd still like to blend the druid/ranger, though, as it has a richer feel to it; don't know exactly why, but it does.

Edit: Just read the WotC low-down on the class...didn't like it as much. Besides not understanding the Incarnum rules system (haven't read much in that, which explains part of my ignorance), the totemist leans more toward attack forms than communing with nature. I like the geomancer's devolution into natural aspects (vine hair, eagle's sight, etc etc); anywho, personal preference, though I agree the progression is smoother as a totemist. :\

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Let's see if a natural 19 on the Diplomacy check will make a difference, Ben.

Regardless, the shad definitely will have some words to share with Hilaren of a much more serious nature than Polp usually employs. Sticking out tongue
Pretty impressive luck too, that you didn't kill the gardener outright with 24 damage - that probably would have left us unable to make a difference for Hilaren's fate (I'm guessing the gardener is a level 4+ Commoner).

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Well, this is the trouble with being devoted solely to an element--it'd be like someone peeing on the statue of some god in front of an acolyte. Or worse, killing an entity of that god.

So, yeah...I was afraid Hilaren would get into trouble, but I still don't see how a full-plate gnome could move that fast. And AoO leave you few options when he's obviously three or so levels below said paladin.

Anywho, guess we'll see what happens when the defender of woods finds himself hobbling everywhere for his devotion. Oh, you would recognize he spoke druidic. Eye-wink

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Actually, the gnomish paladin in question is level 15 and a major player in this here campaign. Be careful what you do around him.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Remind me to buy a portable hole next time...he can swing his morningstar in there all he wants.

I had a feeling six levels was a better estimate--and still too low.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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...if you can get him in there. Not an easy proposition.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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True. Especially at that level. Depending on his skill ranks, he could be getting out of bed and not had his morning coffee, but uncover where the hole rests before slapping his foot down into it.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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Well well, Hilaren and Polp have been busy little boys while I was gone. :^)

Since there has only been one post on the disposition of the treasure from the group involved there, I'll force the issue by assuming that Zhegre was outvoted and everyone decided to split the loot. Zhegre will take the unknown periapt. Part of my post will be him dropping it off at the Temple of Athene; if they're inclined to return the favor materially, that's GM's prerogative. The rest of you can split the rest up as you choose.

Anyway, I'm back. I still need to level Zhegre up, but I'll get to that in a day or so. After that, I'll compose a post that runs any activities thus involved.

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