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Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Actually, to reiterate, you get 8 Munch points which means you can pay off you LA and till have 5 left over.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Oh, by the way Azriael, I was re-reading the Psionics handbook's description of Xephs, and you were right they are "Eastern," but they aren't Oriental, they're Persian. Their interest in art and travel is reminiscent of the ancient Persians, and nestled among their names are "Cyrus" and "Xerxes," both of whom were kings of the Achaemenid empire (that's the one Alexander crushed). Ironically, this means that it would actually make far more sense for them to use a scimitar than a dao. Ancient Persian scimitars were known as Shamshirs.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Yup, Kadar is actually an Arabic name that I found on the net. I was originally considering "Numair" or 'Panther' as an ironic play on the fact that my character's skin is unusually pale for a Xeph but I thought it sounded a little too Elven.

My only other request with this character is that I can change the word 'scimitar' to 'dao' or 'Skamshir' so I don't feel so much like a wannabe Drizzt. This also fits in a little better with the slightly 'Eastern' feel I get off the Xephs.

Skamshir is just another western pronunciation of shamshir, I just liked the look and the tip weight of the Dao more and I figured that there was no need to keep strictly to the real-world culture. According to Wiki the creation of the shamshir would have been influenced by the dao of the time because of the Mongols. Anyway dao is a generic term and a shamshir is a dao depending on your language. Specifically my blades would resemble yanmao dao or liuye dao.
Oh, and I stand by my efforts to de-Drizztify him. I loved the character Drizzt but think he gets ripped off far too much.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I don't read Forgotten Realms novels (or other D&D books either). I've heard such good things and such bad things, over the years that I figured it would be best to just read books I knew were good rather than wade into a mire searching for gems. I have noticed though, that whatever type of character archetype seems to be really popular in the books winds up being over-exposed in the game. Also, I sort of hate FR on principle. There's too much going on and so much of it is stupid. It tries so hard to be "epic" that it ends up being pathetic.

Come to think of it, I should have posted this earlier, but every DM should post a list of the things in the game that they hate so that poor players don't have to discover the DM's predjudices on their own. So here is Duckluck's list of hateful abominations:

Elves: Tolkienesque elves are in many ways a form of juvenile wish fullfillment. Plus they are so inconsistenly described it makes my head hurt. More worldly elfs are fine.
Drow: They don't even make sense! How can you have an entire society where everyone starts at the bottom and the only means of advancement is murder? And how can a supposedly chaotic society have a caste system in the first place? Sorry Slaadi.
Vampires: Vampires are to Goth kids as Elves are to LotR nerds. Vampires are monsters, not Euro trash. Please remember that.
The dark, brooding hero doomed to be hated by those he protects: This includes includes Drizz't clones, the stereotypical Tiefling, and every superhero from the 1990s. It's already been done to death, and it inserts way too much "emo" into the game.
Sub-races: I believe I explained this adequately in my first post.
People who aren't Japanese but act like they are: I know Anime is big right now, but I'm not allowing anyone to play Catgirls, and the first person to call me Duckluck-san is getting Mazed. I mean it.
People who try to be funny instead of actually roleplaying: We've all done this at some point, and once and a while it's fine, just don't make a point of it. you might get a laugh here or there, but all it does in the long-term is derail the game.
People who do things for the XP: If a Yugoloth sends you on a dangerous quest through the poisoned swamps of Carceri to fight a Gehreleth of unsurpassed power while offering only the vaguest indications of a reward, your response should be "Pike off, berk!" not "Hells yeah, level 12 here I come!"
Forgotten Realms: Tries too hard to be epic.
Other things that try too hard to be epic: Remind me of Forgotten Realms.
The notion that "chaotic" means "crazy," and "crazy" means "hillarious:" Insanity isn't funny. It's sad. Just remember that.
The whole D&D alignment system: There's a reason I scrapped it.
Level/Energy Drains: I can't stand the way Level Drain works, so expect me to only use it once or twice if at all. You're welcome.
Level Adjustments: I invented the entire Munch point system just so we would have a way to get around that whole mess without screwing up the game balance (such as it is) or re-writing every race in the game.
The Epic rules: They don't even come close to working. I'm sorry, but the game ends at level twenty, despite what a certain WotC book would lead you to believe.
Lots of other things: I'm a pretty hateful person. The ones I picked were mostly the ones I could think of off the top of my head.

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
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I agree with these 100%. You missed a couple important things, but the list isn't all-inclusive, so there we go.

In any case, I *think* I'm making some headway on my character sheet. I've still got a couple nebulous ideas floating around - I'll probably be playing a Beguiler, but I haven't played a non-arcane caster for ages, so that may go.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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No probs from me (although it's lucky I didn't post that brooding Drow catgirl idea I'd been tossing around Laughing out loud ) especially on the chaotic/crazy point. I spent 5 years working with the mentally ill and while there were a few good laughs it was mostly just really depressing.
btw Drizzt's mostly good because Salvatore knows how to write action (and the early ones give a farly bleak reflection on our own society)


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
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You guys need more players? Because I'd be willing to!

The only thing I'd warn you of is that I've never played a REAL(read: RP inclusive) D&D Campaign before, my D&D experience is reading the material , for 3.0 and Planescape Conversion, playing the CRPGs like Baldur's Gate, and Planescape: Torment, and playing virtually storyless dungeon hack forgotten realms campaigns with my friends, who have virtually no writing ability Sticking out tongue

I am fairly familiar with the Planes, from reading the Planewalker material, but I don't know much of anything about Eberron or other settings you seem to be drawing on in this campaign. So, If I were to play, I'd probably want to be a Prime right? Or would a freshly outcasted, clueless Modron work?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I wouldn't mind another player, so I'll happilly let you in, but first I'd like to weigh how much you know about the rules. Can you make a fifth level character without making massive mistakes? Do you understand how skills, feats, saves, and ability modifiers work? Do you know what the difference between a move action, a standard action, and a free action is? Do you know what the other types of actions are? Do you understand (or least know where to check) how the grapple rules work?

This setting incorporates Eberron, along with Toril, Oerth, Krynn, Athas, Mystara, Ortho, Rokugan, and every other Prime world ever, but that doesn't mean you'll actually visit any of them, at least not for any legth of time. If I wanted you to spend a significant amount of time rampaging across Khorvaire, I'd be DM'ing an Eberron game. Basically, you can be a prime from any world you want, or a planar from any plane you want. If you're new to the setting though, you should be sure to play a character with a certain amount of "Cluelessness."

Regarding the Outcast Modron, if you want your first real D&D character to be a guy who says "Subject: Self = Modron, Quadrone Type - Energy Pool Connectivity - rank - memories + outside training," every time someone asks who he is, then who am I to stop you? Although, I'll warn you that Modron are sometimes dificult to roleplay convincingly, and are a lot more work mechanically speaking than most of the more standard races.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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I'm not familiar with some of the class types being spoken about at the moment so how are we going for party balance?
I'm pretty sure we've got an arcane spellcaster but do we have any Rogue types, Divine casters or Solid fighters?
I know that these aren't essential but we should probably know if we need to pack some 10 ft poles and healing potions.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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No class is essential, but that doesn't mean you want to have to do without. Akonas, the guy who was considering playing an Archivist, told me that he might not have time to play in the game, and is considering pulling out. So if we discount him for the moment, we have:

Meat sheild: Possibly JaggedOldRed's Paladin (if he plays one).
Dex-based Fighter: Azriael's Dervish wannabe.
Skill Monkey: Possibly a Beguiler played by Oberoni Fallacy
Arcanist: Oberoni Fallacy seems to want to play either a Beguiler or a Wizard, both of which would work as a primary caster.
Healer/buff-monkey: JOR's Paladin would work for the first half.
Support: Perro's Incarnate. Possibly.

Come on peopple, let's fill those holes!

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
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I'm going w/the Incarnate DL I'll try to get the stats to as soon as possible.BTW an an incarnate I should be able to fill certain gaps in the party(skill monkey being one I can't)I have a few binds that will make me fight worthy and with the right feats I can even play the party healer,check me off as the jack of all trades type Laughing out loud .

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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Your campaign sounds amazing -and I am very much interested in playing (the level of work you have put into it and posted already seems to be a very fortiutous indication -and I very much am in agreement with your ammendments and house rules).

If you still have room, I would definately like to join. I can definately post within the parameters you listed (being able to post 1+/day -is no problem at all, as well as the timeframes) except for posting on Sundays -if this precludes my participation I understand).
Hopefully, this will not exclude me, but please let me know (I want to be upfront with you -you have put a lot of effort and thought into the campaign).

I love the concept, as well as the focus on the Spirelight (the Outlands and the Spire are indeed two of my favorite settings/aspects in D&D).

I'd like to characterize myself as appropriately informed/knowledgable in Planescape -so I'd like to not play a Clueless berk.

If there is room, let me know, and I'll submit a detailed character proposal (I won't waste your time if there isn't room/inclination).

I have two character concepts in my head now:

Chaond Githzerai Monk (possibly Chaos Monk from Dragon Magazine, if allowed) [Limbo]

Essentially, the Githzerai-Chaond would be a philosopher-spiritualist, blending the metaphysical views of Will to Power and Merological Nihilism -being a savant of Teotl (Blending the idealogy of Zerthimon and the Slaadi Lords -as espoused by Senzi's Reward of Trispellion of the Golden Spires.

Thus, his identity unset would blur between extroverted inquiry with koan meditative states -mirroring, complimenting, and colliding with his physical motion.
*note, in no way is this concept the crazed-CN archetype that I (and you) loathe. The PC would not conflict/reject "moving" among the lawful PCs.
*also, I may drop the chaond bloodline entirely at your discretion.

The other option is:

Maug Fighter/Hexblade [Archeron] -classic mercenary soldier, though with an undertone of the Intelligent Soldier -meshing Clausewitz and Sun Tzu. If I go the Hexblade route, then there would be the resigned retributive killer -the petrification of the flesh mirroring the petrification of the spirit (Perhaps following the creed of Hoar/Assuran).
It would have the dichotomy of being extroverted and vocal relative to strategy and tactics, but deeply inward and reserved concerning moral, ethical issues (yet still observant).

Let me know if either of these two might be acceptable (I'd vastly prefer the first one).

Regardless, thank you for the consideration.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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:shock: You're in. Congratulations. You seem a lot less Clueless than I am, though, so I'm a little bit intimidated. Try to seem non-threatening, or I'll over-compensate by posting entirely in Planar Cant. Smiling

Those are both fine characters, and you seem to have put a lot of thought into them, which is nice. Unfortunately, my knowlege of Githzerai mysticism (and real world philosophy for that matter) is quite limited. I know who Zerthimon is, but that's about it.

I like both character ideas, but the Monk class is pretty weak, and this party already has two secondary melee combatants, so you might want to consider another class. I'd suggest shifting either to front-line melee combatant or hard-core skill monkey, but you might want to go in a different direction entirely. Check my above post on party holes for more information.

Also, a Githzerai Chaond would have a +3 Level Adjustment, which is more than my starting number of Munch points is able to handle (meaning that you'd still have a +1 LA). I recomend just dropping the Chaond template, but the choice, as always, is yours.

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
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'Duckluck' wrote:
I wouldn't mind another player, so I'll happilly let you in, but first I'd like to weigh how much you know about the rules. Can you make a fifth level character without making massive mistakes? Do you understand how skills, feats, saves, and ability modifiers work? Do you know what the difference between a move action, a standard action, and a free action is? Do you know what the other types of actions are? Do you understand (or least know where to check) how the grapple rules work?

I could easily make a character of 5th level without any mistakes, there are very few things I'm unclear on in that regard, and I know where to look up pretty much anything except some of the supplement book classes(i.e. Archivist). As for Grappling rules, I understand it for the most part, and know where to look up the full shabang if I can't name it off the top of my head.

I know how move actions, standard actions, and free actions work, and full actions, and in terms of other actions, all I can name off the top of my head are swift and immediate actions(is that it?).

Point being, I'm pretty much good to go on mechanics, I'm fuzzier on deep roleplay, and non-Planar/Forgotten Realms settings.

I get what you mean about the horrid syntax needed for "true" Modron speech, it was mostly an idea, I probably won't do it considering that, I find it hard enough to feel right typing chant("am I saying cutter TOO often?, etc.).

So, I'm thinking I'd be a Zenythri Human Fighter/Horizon Walker, ideal plane Ethereal(if there's still room).

I'd probably place a comparitively large amount of his points into Int, to get him skill points, he'd probably be a knowledge monkey(if the group doesn't already have one). I wouldn't utterly neglect his Fightery attributes to this end though.

His personality would be similar to a Monk, in that he generally rejects money or possessions as a motivating factor in his actions or his life. He fights for the fight, and doesn't much care what happens to him. An example behavior would be that he wouldn't accept a job unless he was offered a sufficient reward, but when pay time came, he'd turn it away. He'd be traveling with the group because he was asked earnestly(mere circumstances won't drive him to do anything), though he'd be getting nothing in return by his own choice. He feels life is largely meaningless and as a result feels little in the way of pity when killing en masse to achieve whatever temporary goal he's been enlisted to accomplish.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Good, as long as you know how to play.

Very nice, I approve with one objection: the Ethereal isn't an Outer Plane, hell, it isn't even conected to the Outer Planes. Sure ghosts live there, but they are spirits who died on the Prime, and most of them didn't want to get trapped on the Ethereal. Based on the character you described, I'd say the appropriate plane would be Acheron or Mechanus, depending on how violent he is.

One last thing of importance though, we already have a Fighter/Ranger, an Incarnate, and possibly a monk and a Paladin. We really don't need another character who can deal a lot of damage in melee, but can't take a hit. Plus, I don't want your character and Azriael's Ranger stomping all over each other's talents. Therefore, I want you to make a character that is very distinct from his. To that end, I'm inclined to suggest that you pick a different prestige class.

What's with all the fighter-types, anyway? Doesn't anyone want to play a Psion, or a Cleric, or a Rogue, or a Scout, or a Warlock?

Alright, I want people to start posting finished character concepts. Particularly Oberoni Fallacy and JaggedOld red. That way, I can know what holes we have to fill.

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
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You "don't need another character who can deal a lot of damage in melee,
but can't take a hit?"

Does that mean you need a meat shield, or non-melees?

If the former, then pure Fighter(or some PrC that gives d12 HP) is fine by me. If the latter, then a Bard would be my choice.

And I WAS thinking Acheron, so that's fine, thanks for the correction(I knew Ethereal wasn't an Outer Plane, but I guess I didn't know petitioners don't end up there, or do they?)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Prime souls end up on the Ethereal, but they are Ghosts and spirits, not Petitioners. I'm fine with you being a Bard or a Front-liner. I just don't want your character to be too much like Azriael's.

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
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Alrighty then, one question about 32 point buy though: What baseline? Stats start at 8?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Yes, start at 8 and add the racial modifiers last. You know how the rest of the system works, right? In case you don't, a 8-14 cost one each 15-16 cost two each, and 17-18 cost three each. Then you add your racial modifiers and any munch points you spent.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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Thank you so much for the gracious acceptance -and your counsel is well recieved (I wasn't meaning to sound overbearing, just prepared and hopefully qualified). Nonetheless, point taken.

As for character type/build:

I certainly want to create a character that will meaningfully and constructively integrate with your campaign and the group (not only in ethos, but also in party role/niches).

I am very interested in your input (as well as the input of the others players -I mean we are/will be a team -meta-game, as well as in-game).

That said, the Githzerai shouldn't be too much of an imposition for a couple of reasons:

He is an aberrant gith, falling out of the mainstream traditions of the Githzerai (partially due to the Chaond bloodline, but more so due to his semi-heretical intermingling of Zerthimon-Slaadi perspective/beliefs).
Thus, you don't have to worry about throwing out tons of Githzerai interaction, or making sure all Gith's know the Unbroken Circle Mantras by heart or use Gith Cant.

(At the same time, a veritable treasure trove of information exists on Githzerai on this site, under the Rrakkma: Legacy of Zerthimon section -and none of the work is mine; so, it's not like I'm trying to pander my own brainchildren into the campaign).

Secondly, the Githzerai monk is CN (Limbo) and thus is a subjective, dynamic, individual thinker -and thus, all of his beliefs are influenced by different sources, but are ultimately his own amalagation. Due to his subjective, relativistic mindframe, he has no problem conversing and dealing with other ethos (seeing bits and smatterings of eclectic "truth" in all factions, alignments, creeds, etc). At the same time, he likes sharing his views (but not proselytizing like Paladins/Clerics).

Thus, if my character beings too ramble about Koans -others can merely disregard him (though he isn't barmy -as long as you don't go listening to Guvner screed!). However, his comments are always percieved as relavant (versus random), but many are couched in self-created philosphical nuances or allegories (and best of all, there is no one "right" answer to comments -so all the PCs could intrepret him differently and he would be happy).

For a snap shot at some of this, feel free to check out "Koan" at www.wikipedia.org

Basically, what I am saying is that he shouldn't be a problem character since he can interact with Slaadi, Githzerai, and others, and all will have relative and differing views/ideas, and he is ok with this.

Likewise, he isn't going to be the game-killer who when asked if he goes to the right hallway of the dungeon or straight, he goes making arm-pit farting sounds in order to "harness the secrets of Ki" (save that for the real barmy) -his dynamic subjective philosophy doesn't inhibit his ability to think rationally (CN=/=crazy).

However, to address the monk=underpowered, what makes you think so? (not being/meaning any antagonism, but sincerely curious).

His hit points would be moderate (not very high with a d8, and probably only a 12 Con =27 hit points as 4th level Chaond Gith, or 33 as 5th level Gith).

Considering a lot of melee builds, I wouldn't be needed as the meat shield. However, my build is one that would be compartively hard to damage those hit points (Achtung! that is not a DM challenge! Please!).

What I mean is that as a Gith monk, he would have a very high AC -and all of it would be touch based too -high Dex, Wis bonus, as well as inertial armor.
Secondly, he would have Power/Spell Resistance (do you use the Psionic/Magic Transparency Rule?), and so many spells would need to first bypass that, and then with perfect saves, monks tend to make their saves -and even partial saves that are Reflex based can be bypassed by evasion.

-once again, I'm not trying to create an uber-PC, or swagger and say "try and beat that DM -(which of course you could/can), but I am trying to say that explain why my character would not suck, and be in danger of instant death (compartively speaking).

Also, the monk has a moderate amount of skill points -including some good class skills relative to roleplaying (diplomacy, sense motive, knowledge -arcana and religion).

So I'd be a lil' skill monkey (who would be very fast and hard to hit, and able to deal moderate amounts of damage, fairly consistently).

My greater concern are the other PCs-players:

If any of you hate Gith -let me know now -please.

If any of you are going to play -"I kill chaotic people on site" PC's, let me know.

As said, this is a team, and I want to accomodate the group.

However, it may be that the other PCs (or you as the DM), would rather me play the Sodkiller Mercanary Maug Fighter (perhaps throwing some Hexblade).

I think I'd prefer the Gith from a pure role-playing perspective, but such is contigent upon the wants/needs of the group.

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

I decided to go with Cortek, a Zenythri Human Fighter 2/Barbarian 3, ideal plane Acheron(if that's acceptable). I have the character sheet complete as well on 3Eprofiler.

Cortek was born in Courage, the Gate Town of Arcadia. He was reaching adulthood around the closing of the Faction War, and a couple years after it ended, when the Harmonium had begun it's next recruitment drive from it's new home on Arcadia, he was swept in by the idea of everyone believing the same thing: happiness and order for all. He was initially trained as a Soldier(Fighter) by the Harmonium, but he didn't remain there long after his training.

He didn't need much time as a Hardhead to figure out that people didn't like the Harmonium, or their attempts to impose their beliefs, no matter how benevolent, on them. Within a few years, his outlook on life(and even more so, people) had changed entirely: he now believed vehemently that people's minds can never be changed, no matter what, and that those who disagree with you must be ignored or killed to make progress.

He deserted the Harmonium ranks and wandered for a time. His wandering led him to Acheron, a plane of Law which appealed to his Zenythri heritage much like Arcadia did. What he found to be different was the constant battle and scavenging: here people didn't try to agree, they agreed to disagree, and to determine who was right by determining who was to remain alive. His new philosophy and worldview seemed to be mirrored in this plane, and he was once again swept into the idea of a new life, one of killing over persuading, and he adopted the barbaric ways from the Orcs he fought alongside.

After many battles over nearly two years, he decided to take a journey across the planes again, this time in search of battles on other planes. His suspicion was that perhaps a battle in a place where battles are less common may provide a greater inner sense of reward to it's participants.

Seeing a group(this campaign's group) saddling up for a quest, he offered his services. He demanded a price initially, but upon settling on a satisfactory cut, he turned around and admitted he didn't require payment, just to be treated as appropriately valuable to the group. He's along for the ride, and is fairly tolerant of others who behave and act differently than he. His rules are simple(but very rigid):
1. Do what you say you will.
2. If deliberately insults me, he's dead. No exceptions.
3. As one who generally refuses rewards or "loot divisions", on the very rare occasion that I require money from my fellows, I will recieve it. Otherwise, your disrespect will be treated as a deliberate insult(see above).

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

'Dialexis' wrote:
I think I'd prefer the Gith from a pure role-playing perspective, but such is contigent upon the wants/needs of the group.
Sounds fine by me, we're a bit melee heavy so I'd make sure I've got a ranged backup if I were you and it sounds like we are all going to need 10 ft poles. Cool sounding character though, something similar to what I like to play. Bringing up Koans'll be interesting given my characters pursuit of Mushin/Heijoshin I can see I'll have to make sure I read up on my eastern philosophy.

Korchuk, nice to have you aboard. Thanks for taking the big guy role, I was starting to think I'd have to go back to my warforged samurai idea.

Duckluck, I've knocked together my notes about my character into something readable by humans. It's not very well written but it gets all the main points across. Do you want me to post that here or PM you with it and let the other characters find out in-game?

oh, and has anyone come up with a solution to this question I asked earlier?

On a similar line does anyone know of a dignified way to carry around a bag of holding so that smartass hive kids can't just run past and slash it? Will it fit in a backpack given that it's 2' by 4'?


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Spire's Shadow (OOC)


Thanks for the response. I also took a look at Kadar at 3EProfiler (I hope that was OK). I really like what you have done. Likewise, I am very interested in seeing how our characters will interact -as the two nonlawful, but also the mystic/philosophical correlations.

Though my character, Linji (Rinzai), will definately "use" koan and have smatterings of Zen and other Eastern Philosophy, he will perhaps even more so be adhering to Nahaul (Aztec) Philosophy -specifically the Dialectic Polar Monism of Teotl. So don't feel as though any research is necessary (though definately, it is appreciated).

I was also thinking of having Linji be ascociated with the Transcendant Order -to them, he might be percieved a Cipher, but his cosmic view precludes any absolute status (moreso, he views the unset of his identity as member-nonmember at the same time).

Specifically, I am going to pick up Cipher Trance (and probably go heavy with that feat progression) -and thus, while not using the exact terminology of Mushin (but sometimes using it), our two characters would have a lot of complimentary ascociations.

Perhaps, we can jointly weave the latter histories of our characters -both belonging to Ciphers and all (especially with you being a Tout too), as well as each of us dealing with Mushin -Kadar seeking the "state", while Linji moves in the "path" of Mushin/Teotl. The different nuances make this interesting, but not conflicting either -and niether (according to Linji) is superior or inferior.

I'll post Linji pretty soon, and will then post his character bio/background (which I think is what Duckluck wishes us to do?). If you're interested, we can than weave the bios together at the end (my backgound at that stage being highly dynamic and changeable).

Of course, this is up to you.

You are right about the traps and such -though we might have a beneficiant DM here relative to traps (especially since it is play-by-post, without any visual aid). On the other hand, I might end up being the veritable trapspringer (moving through areas and "trusting" my reflexes). Granted this is not ideal from a meta-game perspective.

Oh, wait, isn't Fallacy going to play a Beguiler? If so, perhaps he/she could fill the role of trapfinder/disarmer?

As for ranged, well I was moreso going for the tumble-fast monk speed to reach enemy versus ranged (this tactic does have many pitfalls, admitedly). I'll think about it though (I really was shying away from weapons at all for the Chaos Monk).


Indeed, very nice to have you join. I like the background very much (especially as it provides all kinds of plot hooks with the Mercykillers (now Sons of Mercy and Sodkillers, as well as the Harmonium)). Are you going to be currently a member of the Sodkillers?

I am also gald you are picking a high-hp, front-line melee -which seems to absolve me of the necessity of playing my Maug concept.

I look forward to interacting with views/ethos.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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My character's been acting as a tout for 2-3 years and also developed his philosophy before encountering the Trancendant order. He has only recently become a Cipher. Our characters have probably met on a number of occasions through the faction or in the course of our work so I'm happy to work together on our recent history although Sigil is a big city so it's not essential if we don't get around to it.

I'll be investing pretty heavily in the tumble skill too and I was thinking I'd use the Dervishes class abilities to represent his cipher trances rather than buying the feats (although I may do this too).

With the research I was mostly speaking about my own character's philosophies as my background in these subjects comes from what I've picked up here and there in martial arts although, come to think of it, a patchy, more practical approach might suit my character better anyway.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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'Azriael' wrote:
I can see I'll have to make sure I read up on my eastern philosophy.

That makes two of us.

I think we have a winning character. You say you have a character sheet written up? Then you should post a link so that the rest of us can see it.

Regarding the question of Bios, you can post them here and in the "other information" section at the bottom of your Character sheets, or both. Just so long as I and the other players can see them. Anything that you want to be hidden from the other players should be left out of your profile and PM'd to me. That way they won't suspect.

Monks suck because they can't actually do anything. They don't have enough of the right skills to be decent skill-monkeys, they don't have good enough AC's, HP, or BaB to hold their own in front-line combat for any length of time, they don't have any really good special abillities, and even Clerics are better at ranged combat. The only reason to even have a monk is for caster assasination, and they aren't even that good at that. Monks are hard to kill using touch attacks and spells, but if they spend any length of time in melee with a real fighter, they get knocked out before you can even say "Hi-ya!" An enchanted Greatsword does a lot more damage than a flurry of blows. And because Monks have worse AC and BaB than a Fighter, they get hit far more often.

They are too fragile for melee, and they don't do much of anything outside of melee. Therefore, they suck. A lot.

Also, Oberoni Fallacy IM'd me, which if you'll recall, you guys are all welcome and encouraged to do, and said that he had decided to play a Wu-Jen. There go our hopes of having a skill monkey. At least now we have a primary caster.

All right, here's what we have. I'm a little leery of the party you guys seem to have chosen, but, hey, it's your funeral.

Azriael: Tiefling Xeph Ranger/Fighter (Outlands).
Perro: Bladeling Incarnate (Acheron? Just a guess).
Oberoni Fallacy: Wu-Jen (You know as much as I do).
JaggedOldRed: Paladin?
Korchuck: Zenythri Human Barbarian/Fighter (Acheron)
Dialexis: Githzerai Monk (Limbo), unless I can talk him/her out of it.

Umm I'd like to point out that you have three or four melee combatants one caster, and a "support" character. Puzzled

Regarding linked profiles, that's a great idea, and I can't believe I didn't suggest it myself. All right, if any of you want to incorporate another character into your profiles, and you have the player's permission (my permission for established NPC's), you not only have my blessing, but my encouragements.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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You make several valid points relative to monks as a class.

That said, I'd still like to post my monk. Look over it, and if you still feel that it sucks, not only in looming PC death, but also in lacking value to the group, let me know.

And since we have a number "warriors" already, switching to the Maug Hexblade wouldn't really fix things relative to the party role imbalance.

Kadar and Linji seem to not only fit the melee role, but also with skills to be moderate social characters (sense motive and diplomacy), as well as capable scouts/sneaks (relatively high move silently/hide, listen and spot).

Also, depending on how JOR creates his/her paladin, the need for healing is slightly allieviated, but so might be the need for a "face" -a party speaker.

And besides, we'll leave Intimidation to the Barbarian of Archeron!

This may or may not help things.

Thus, as far as I'm seeing, we may be scrimping on divine magic and lack a trapfinder -is there anything else I am missing?

Anyways, let me know in the interim.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I don't have any major objections to you playing a Monk. I was just saying that it's a bad class, and the party has some serious holes that need filling.

You could always play Monk/Rogue or Monk/Scout, (or just a straight Rogue or Scout), that way you'd still be able to get your Monk on, but you'd have access to some skills the party desperately needs. Namely Disable Device and Use Magic Device. Remember guys, as it is, not only are you lacking any type of healer, but you're lacking anyone who can even use healing wands. Potions aren't cheap. Of course, if JOR plays his Paladin, that need is alleviated somewhat.

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
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Well, the sheet is at http://www.sylnae.net/3eprofiler/view.php?id=41668

There were some things I wasn't sure of: I don't know the experience table, and couldn't find it anywhere, so I didn't know how much XP a level 5 character has(10,000?), and certainly didn't know how much was needed for next level.

Also, I wasn't sure how to note my land speed as a Medium Armored Barbarian, I just put 40 in the Speed box, and put 30 under my Armor's Speed(Chainmail reducing speed by 10).

Other than that I believe everything is accounted for, my 4th level attribute went into Constitution, and I documented my Munch point usage in the "Other Notes" box.

You'll notice he has pretty much no possessions, this is mostly due to his character, and I can fill in any other needs that arise later.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Don't worry about XP for now. That's my deal.

You did the speed right, don't'cha worry.

You really spent all 8 Munchies? That's reckless.

Um, you realize that I gave you 9,000 starting gp, right? The least you could do is get your equipment enchanted. I know part of your character is his unwillingness to rely on equipment, but it'd be a right barmy sod who got inna' scrape he weren't equiped for. Basically, if I give you the gold, spend it.

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
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Alrighty, I got that now, I misread and somehow thought 900 gold for starting wealth(what's that parentheses number?), which isn't enough for any enchantments :shock:

I spent it now! It's updated and whatnot...

As for spending all 8 Munchies, I'm no fan of action points, and can't see any other way to use them. My character doesn't really strike you as prudent anyway, right? Sticking out tongue

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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The 900 PP in parenthises means "900 Platinum Pieces". It's the same as 9,000 gold, but I figured some players would appreciate the smaller number.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Okay, now you're spending too much. The +2 Longsword costs 8,315 gp alone.

I suggest making the Longsword a +1 (2,315). Enchanting your Tower Shield +1 (1,180), and either making your chainmail +2 (4,300), and buying another minor magic item or two, or leaving your chainmail at +1 (1,300) and buyings something more major, ike having your sword or armor be made from a special material.

Also, you really should buy a bow. Even if you'd rather not use it, a masterwork Composite Longbow will no doubt prove useful (Hint, hint).

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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I just pmed you about Linji.

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
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Meh, determining starting gear is my LEAST favorite part of character creation. I hate the math involved in costs and figuring out how much starting money I have left, and usually just take basic items and forfeit the rest of my money when I play.

I'll fix that ASAP, right now I'm too tired to do that much math..

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Yeah, i'm going to bed in a sec as well.

Dialexis, I got your PM, and I'll let you know what I decide in the morning.

Korchuk, I hope your math skills improve with rest. I recomend keeping a running tally of expenses in your money section. That way you can do the math more easilly, and I won't have to go through the SRD and individually price check each item.

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
change of roles?

Hello all.
I really liked the recent submissions I saw...we seem to be atracting a very nice group. Speaking of which, we seem now to be needing a skill monkey and or a healing one...and I was really at a loss as to how to make a fresh looking paladin (having played at least two before...) so,
Duckluck, given the current group composition, what would you think of me playing a spell thief (from complete adventurer)? It would probably be a lightning genasy/thiefling ...It would be a skill guy, but also pack some caster slayer, and limited spell/range capability...it would still leave us short of a healer though. ..(not that a paladin would have made that much of a difference...at 5th he would be able to, at the most cure some 20 hp/day, plus use a wand of healing...)
If spell thief is not ok I could just play a normal rogue or even a bard...

If I must, I guess in the interest of party survivability I could also play a druid (although I still have lots of doubts about how one would operate...would a charm animal spell work on a native animal like denizen of tarterus? What about on a fiendish wolf in the abyss? Do most planes have a natural aspect (like trees and animals) that could be affected by spells? Otherwise the class gets seriously underpowered...
So Duckluck, any preferences? Sugestions?

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
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Alright I fixed the wealth situation finally, went with Chainmail +2, Tower Shield +1, and an Adamantine Long Sword(no magic). As for ranged weapons I picked up a stack of Shortspears(wanted something that could be operated with one hand).

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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Behold, I am done! (or at least I think that I am).

Linji is finished. Players and DM feel free to peruse (especially Azraiel is we are to have already known each other).

Regardless, here is the site:


"If you have some bananas, Linji will give you some."
"If you don't have bananas, Linji will take them from you."

"Wu says, 'woof'".

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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OK, I got three PM's last night, so I'm just going to answer them here. 'Cause I'm lazy like that.

I'd still encourage you to not be a Chaond, because LA's are bad, and this means your character would be even more squishy. If your character dies, that will mean your fellows will have to embark on a really weird side-quest to bring you back, and you will have more to deal with than just a level loss. That's all I'm going to say on the matter. Also, Chaos Monk is fine and won't even cost a Munch point.

Also, regarding your Karrach gloves, the item you are looking for is on page 47 of chapter six in the Planescape Campaign Setting. The item you seem to be talking about is a pair of Karrach (+1) Spiked Gauntlets which would cost you 3015 gp unenchanted. It would have an innate +1 enhancement bonus that works in a dead magic zone (or the Spirelight), but doesn't stack with a regular enchantment. Since this is from an official source, it won't cost you a Munch point.

You could spend a Munch point to apply a variant of the Ancestral Weapon feat to them, but considering that the gloves have a base value of 3015 GP, and the first enhancment bonus wouldn't even stack, that is a massive waste of a feat and a Munch point.

Just because you aren't sure how point buy works doesn't mean you can or should opt out of it. It's described in depth somewhere in the DM Guide, and I gave a breif summary of it earlier. At any rate, here's how it works. You start out with a base score of 8 in each abillity, and 32 "abillity points." You can spend abillity points to increase increase your abillity modifiers. It costs you 1 abillity point each time you boost your abillity score up until you reach 14, at which point it starts costing two. At 16, it starts costing three. Therefore, a 14 costs you 6 points, a sixteen costs you 10 points, and an 18 costs you 16 points. The maximum before racial and Munch modifiers is still 18. After you spend your ability points, you apply any modifiers from race or spent Munch points to your totals. It's really not that hard once you get the hang of it.

Also, would you please use 3E profile for your character sheet? I know I linked to it earlier.

Spellthief is fine and dandy. Although, by royal decree, it is your duty to put full ranks into Use Magic Device and Disable Device. Also, Planar Druids can be just as good as their Prime cousins. I'd explain why, but if your playing a Spellthief, it's not terribly relevent.

You seem to have gotten the costs about right this time, although if your are going to throw them, you should use Javelins instead of Shortspears, because they're lighter and have a longer range. Of course, a Longbow is lighter, cheaper, and better than a either.

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
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Sorry I've been absent. Within a day or two, I should have my character sheet up full-bore.

While my Beguiler idea was fun, I'm honestly quite sick of playing social characters - and illusions. I'd like to play something more traditionally caster-y (I.E, blowing stuff up. Over and over and over.)

As such, it looks like it's Wu Jen or even (gasp) Evoker for me. I'm quite fast at creating character sheets - well, below tenth level or so, at least. I like Wu Jen due to it's quirky spell list, it's powerful and interesting abilities, and it's actual class features make it fun to play.

Also, when I get to sixth level, I get Elemental Mastery. That's just awesome.

On the other hand, going Wizard gives me way more spells. We'll see. But whatever I do, I'm going to blow $*@! up, even if it *is* mechanically inferior.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Hi all, I'll post my (messy) notes on my character in my next post, it's still not set in stone so I'm happy to adapt it to include other characters. Firstly though I've got a few comments after looking at peoples sheets-

Korchuk, I just checked out your sheet and it looks pretty damn good, Your attack bonuses look to be a bit off though- use the total ranged attack bonus for your javelins and add a couple of points to your longsword from your weapon focus and the masterwork quality (included in the cost of the adamantine).

Dialexis, I really like the look of your character - lots of flavour, especially in the gear. Have you considered, and I'm really not trying to push if you're not interested, taking the Sacred Fist PRC from Complete divine at some point? It'd fill that spot in the party and it'd differentiate our characters a bit more - mine focussing on the physical manifestation and yours on the spiritual/mystical. Just a thought.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Kadar Saeed – Xeph Tiefling Ranger(3)/Fighter(2)

Kadar has unusually pale (for a Xeph), grey tinted skin and cropped black hair. He stands approximately 6’2’’ tall and has an athletic build. His fiendish heritage is made obvious by his yellow, cat-like eyes which seem to glow slightly in the dark. In fact they merely reflect any ambient light present and thus don’t glow in complete darkness. Although not immediately apparent Kadar casts no shadow, which sometimes gives him an unsettling, ‘un-natural’ appearance. Kadar is quite conscious of this and deliberately wears clothes (such as his hat) which will cast shadows across any exposed skin. When encountered on the street he is usually wearing his blue-black chitin armour, dark brown leather pants and boots, a snugly fitting fur cloak (which sometimes seems to shift of its own accord) and a wide brimmed black hat which shades his face. In cold weather he also wears a scarf. He usually wears two finely curved swords sheathed and buckled to his belt, one appears to have a bright steel blade, flecked with iridescent green, the other is a dull, flat grey.

Kadars’ personality is, in many ways, the antithesis of most tieflings. He feels extremely comfortable with who and where he is. When he arrived in Sigil it felt like the home he never had while growing up and the Ciphers are swiftly becoming his family. As a result of his own experiences he tends to be very accepting, judging others by their actions rather than their appearance or reputation (within reason). He also eagerly listens to the stories and teachings of other, seeking to expand his knowledge of the planes. The only real exception to this is with aberrations which he sees as being outside the natural order of the multiverse.
Kadar tend to be quiet an patient, waiting until the time for action and then acting with a single-minded purpose which is not easily swayed. The only thing that tends to visably annoy him is intolerance, especially when paired with willful ignorance.
While he claims to not hold the unfortunate circumstances surrounding his birth against the Tanar’ri (he claims that causing violence and pain is their purpose) deep down Kadar still holds a spark of resentment for his hard early life.

Everyone has their own role to play in the multiverse although not everyone realises this or accepts their true place. Our instincts reflect the inner recognition of our role within the multiverse. Once one really learns to trust themself they are able to simply let go of conscious thought and act as they truly know they should rather than second guessing their instincts.

Brief History

• Born in the Outlands in a small community of Xeph to a mother raped by a cambion during a Tanar’ri raid of his village. His mother died during childbirth.
• Raised by the villagers but was always somewhat ostracised- he brought up painful memories - Kadar never really felt a part of the community, never had a true role.
• Spent a great amount of time in the wilds, found that he had a talent for the rangers trade although his hunting techniques were unorthodox relying more on speed and reflexes than stealth.
• As a Ranger he learnt to trust his instincts and his body which seemed to know how to react when he trusted it. He watched natural predators hunt (mostly the giant vermin surrounding his village) and found that he too hunted best when he rested, waited for the correct moment, then acted with sureness and without hesitation. From this he extrapolated his philosophies on the multiverse, coming to believe that the body instinctively knows what it needs to do.
• Acquired his armour when he tracked and slew a Cildabrin which had been indiscriminately destroying the local eco-system. He had the creatures chitin forged into armour and has worn it ever since.
• After a time Kadar began to feel that he would never understand himself, nor his purpose without first understanding more of the context in which he existed. Therefore he resolved to travel the planes, trusting that this inclination was a consequence of him recognising his path.
• Kadar travelled to Sigil initially intending to use it as a staging point for further travels but decided to stay in Sigil for a time in order to learn the lessons he saw it offered.
• Became a tout, finding that his rangers skills and naturally accepting nature made him well suited to the role. In addition the role allowed him to essentially be paid to increase his understanding of the planes.
• Once he learned of them Kadar became interested in the ciphers, seeing them as kindred spirits and he recently became a member.
• Currently Kadar stays regularly in a small apartment in clerks ward. He works as a tout, mostly in the Hive ward where he feels he is most needed. He has no guild affiliation and occasionally runs into trouble because of this with some of the guilds more militant members. However guild enforcers generally consider him too much trouble to bother with and he gets along quite well with most members in the free-spirited guild. Kadar has become quite proficient at his trade, partially owing to his friendly demeanour towards potential customers, non-judgemental attitude and the fact that he keeps cant to a minimum when speaking to clueless.
• Kadar is rapidly assimilating the teachings of the Ciphers with whom he associates and feels he is close to making a breakthrough in his quest to unify thought and action.
• Kadar is beginning to feel dissatisfied with his progress towards enlightenment and believes that he should re-start his quest to experience the Multiverse for himself.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Not bad, not bad. It could use some proof-reading, but otherwise it's quite good. So he guides people around the Hive and lives in the Clerk's ward? Hmm, I'll have to remember that. Does this mean he has spent very little time outside of Sigil and the Outlands?

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Korchuk, I just checked out your sheet and it looks pretty damn good, Your attack bonuses look to be a bit off though- use the total ranged attack bonus for your javelins and add a couple of points to your longsword from your weapon focus and the masterwork quality (included in the cost of the adamantine).

Actually, that's not quite what I did, I remembered all those things, but forgot to add the ability modifiers, Str and Dex respectively Shocked

Do I write those in for damage too?

EDIT: wait, factoring in the Tower Shield penalty my stuff is correct... you confused me!

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Yep. The weapon's stats should include everything the effects them. Otherwise I won't know what's going on, and may become angry. You won't like me when I'm angry. I send people into encouters they aren't prepared for and I haven't fully thought through when I'm angry. Just kidding, of course (I'm not really kidding). Smiling

Edit: Yeah, Tower Shields can easilly be abused for cover tricks and the like, but in straight melee, they're a bit of a mixed blessing.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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'Duckluck' wrote:
So he guides people around the Hive and lives in the Clerk's ward? Hmm, I'll have to remember that.
Yeah, he'd live in the hive but he's not suicidal, possibly the marble district.
Does this mean he has spent very little time outside of Sigil and the Outlands?
Pretty much, he's travelled through a few portals to various planes with people to see them to their destination but no meaningful visits. He's planning on visiting Elysium at some point to meet with some of the Ciphers there.

Do I write those in for damage too?
I think I did, it just makes it easier when you don't have to remember to add it each time.

[Edit] aah, forgot the tower shield, I never use them for that reason


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Alright. I suppose there's no harm in you having a small apartment in the marble district. I'd charge you rent, but considering how little it costs, I doesn't seem like there's much point. Just assume you pay a few gold every now and then.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Yeah, I kind of figured I scraped together enough each week from my work as a tout to rent a small, relatively clean and safe apartment rater than sleeping rough. Feel free to burn the building, I carry what I need with me.
Most of my gear (the expensive stuff) comes from gifts or was looted off opponents. Other stuff - like the tanglefoot bag & sap come in handy when customers try to do a runner without paying.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Nat'rally. I think it's safe to assume that your character is a tout who sometimes beats the everloving crap out of people and takes their stuff. In other words, a part-time adventurer.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Hey, if they do right by me then I do right by them.
Especially with tanar'ri. Smiling


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

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