Spire Builders

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simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Spire Builders

A new sect has made an appearance on the Outlands claiming to be
descendents of those who built the Spire. They claim that the goal of
building the Spire was to pierce reality and form a breach head in to a
higher reality. The building project, so they claim, was brought to a halt
when beings from the higher realities put a 'lid' atop the Spire that is
now inhabited and referred to the as the City of Doors. The City of Doors
contains portals that are in effect breaching to this higher reality but
they are each redirected to other locations in the known Multiverse by the
guardian that they left behind, namely Her Serenity The Lady of Pain.

As as final measure to prevent the completion of the Spire the beings from
the higher realities instilled the belief in planars that the Spire is
infinitely tall. The descendents have returned to complete the building of
the Spire. When asked how they would complete it they became very
tight-lipped. When asked about the rings on the Outlands and the magic and
psionic nullifying effect one of the descendents began to explain that
these forces and powers to do not operate the same way in the higher
realities hence this bleeds over in to the Outlands. No further
information could be elicited from this source as the others immediately
seized the individual and sacrificed her to appease the vengeful spirits
that guide them.

The Rilmani have allowed the Spire-builders unimpeded access to the Spire.

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Spire Builders

Perhaps this should in the Civic Festhall ? :shock:

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Spire Builders

Sounds very "Tower of Babel", stairway to heaven, I like it!


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Spire Builders

'simmo' wrote:
Perhaps this should in the Civic Festhall ? :shock:

I'm moving it over. Smiling

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Spire Builders

'420' wrote:
Sounds very "Tower of Babel", stairway to heaven, I like it!

I was reading up on the stories about the Tower of Babel in various cultures and was inspired to write this up. It's fun to take something like that and to translate it in to a Planescape concept/plot-hook/little write-up Laughing out loud

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