Sound of Music (on Planes)

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Lingula's picture
Joined: 2007-02-07
Sound of Music (on Planes)

Currently, I use the music by Sigur Ròs to set the mood for certain scenes. The langauge it is sung in is icelandic or 'hopelandic', so no player is going to understand it. Aegatis Byrjun and Takk... are the albums I would recommend most for games. All of their music is pretty brilliant, by the way.

Other bands whose albums I've used in games include Apocalyptica (Plays Metallica by Four Cellos, Cult), Mew (And the Glass Handed Kites, Frengers) and Corvus Corax (Seikilos, Cantus Buranus).

Evilocity's picture
Joined: 2010-01-29
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

Use a lot of those mentioned for mood, and yes, nothing fits a battle better than heavy metal!

I also make heavy use of Nine Inch Nails' soundtrack to the Quake computer game, which is just audio tracks on the game CD, but also available from the usual sources to download if you don't have a copy. This music is great for dungeons and any of the Lower Planes (the game was set in hell anyways) and are mainly 5-8 minute tracks that are ambient enough to be set on loop for a good while without becoming annoying.

Also, NIN did a double-album of instrumental stuff more recently called 'Ghosts I-IV' consisting of 38 tracks of 2-5 minute pieces, a lot of which are well worth queueing up for various locations in the Planescape 'verse.

disorder_cleric's picture
Joined: 2009-10-28
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

Wagner - In the hall of the mountain king
Wagner - Flight of the Valkyries

For the Astral plane or the Ethereal try something trippy maybe
Chemical Brothers or The Crystal Method

disorder_cleric's picture
Joined: 2009-10-28
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

Heavy Industrial for Mechanus. Front line Assembly

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

Here is my small selection taken from my huge storage drives of music for your D&D enjoyment:


Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith

Wardruna - Bjarkan

Guild Wars Nightfall Soundtrack - Gathering Storm

300 Soundtrack - To Victory

The Last Samurai Soundtrack - To Know My Enemy

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Soundtrack - Night Fight

Vas- Moksha


Neverwinter Nights Soundtrack - Main Theme

Wardruna - Laukr

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor - Ancient China

Tomb Raider: Legends - Mountain Tops

Huun Huur Tu & Angelite - Legend

Guild Wars Nightfall Soundtrack - Land of the Golden Sun

Both races (yes, there are tracks that fit both!)

The Last Samurai Soundtrack - Taken

Taditional Korean Samgomu Drum Dance

Two Steps From Hell - Freedom Fighters
(aka the national anthem of all githkind lol)

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Soundtrack - Silk Road (foreshadowing the Pronouncement of Two Skies)

Myst IV: Revelation - Main Theme (The Blasted Plains)

Myst IV: Revelation - Prison Level (Pronouncement of the Two Skies)

Illithids: (you know you were looking for it)

Nox Arcana - Temple of the Black Pharaoh

Nox Arcana - Necronomicon

Nox Arcana - Resurrected

General D&Dness:

Corvus Corax - Totentanz
(great fight music with ominous growling)

Wardruna - Hagall
(good barbarian theme)

All three Lord of the Rings Soundtracks

Morrowind Soundtrack

Icewind Dale Soundtrack

Oblivion Soundtrack

All Neverwinter Nights/Neverwinter Nights 2 Soundtracks

Baldur's Gate

Myst III Soundtrack - Voltaic

Epica - Empty Gaze

Nox Arcana - Madeline's Lament

Immediate Music - An Epic Age

That's just the SHORT list..............O_o


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

Music and Planescape is actually something I have given a decent amount of thought! Organized by Artist, though assuredly not resembling a comprehensive list of my thoughts. Merely what I've committed to blog in the past.

The Pillows

Sad Sad Kiddie: Sigil, + Travelling Gear-Ward
STALKER: Rev. League area(s), Sigil
STALKER GOES TO BABYLON: Gang Violence/Combat music Sylvania
Selfish-b (B-5): Anarch Guild Limbo areas, + Sigil alleys, + maybe Bytopia
Sleepy Head: Combat music: getting mugged in the Hive
Come Down: Sigil / Bedlam / Travelling Chaos-Ward

Nine Inch Nails

The Frail: Hopeless
Just Like You Imagined: Amun-Thys & Ankhwugaht
The Only Way Out Is Through: Astral Plane: Dead Gods
The Mark Has Been Made: Nemausus
Complication: Pandemonium
Ripe [With Decay]: Gray Wastes


Reflection: Dis
Triad: Avernus/Minauros
Flood: Maladomini

Beats Antique

Talba Toy: Sigil Great Bazaar (though may be too dark..?)
Break Me: Carceri, or the Astral Plane, or the Shattered Temple?
Intertwine: Amun-Thys & Ankhwughat
Discovered: Marduk?

In summary, I clearly really really really like to associate music with Amun-thys and Ankhwugaht.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

My character, Rehael, plays wind instruments and has recently picked up a flute. He's a Guvner with low Cha, but he has put several points into Perform, enough to take 10 and get a 15 with his masterwork flute.

Net result is that his style is technically accurate but lacks feeling; he gives it an honest try, but while he's a nice guy he's just not a naturally talented performer. To simulate this, I uploaded... midis. :^)

and a few others.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

I don't like playing identifiable modern music in my games.

I advise looking up the Gastank Orchestra for Sigil music and Corvus Corax just because. CC is all primitive drums and bagpipes, very primal and energetic. Shou Shou hseng in particular is great battle musics if you're on the fields of Asgard...


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Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

I think this instrumental version of Behold the Machine is the perfect music for Mechanus or Baator.

Edit: the style of this one doesn't ft, but the text is perfect:

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

This thread needs more hurdy-gurdy.

Or perhaps

Or even

If your PCs enter a tavern in Sigil, they might hear music along these lines.


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Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

The Beats Antique album Collide is currently free for download from the band, so you should 1) download it, and 2) get everyone you know to do the same. Spread it allllll around.

I post this here because very nearly everything on Collide is so, so perfect for Planescape. Clicky clicky.

Veltharis ap Rylix's picture
Joined: 2008-07-17
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

I wholeheartedly recommend some of the background music from the Japanese visual novel series Umineko no Naku Koro ni (by the same token, I fully recommend the games themselves as well).

A few of noteworthy examples include:

Mirage Coordinator
worldend dominator
death(from stupifaction) ("Mind the Gaap.")
Dread of the grave
sy ("Tonight, you will be eaten by goat-men.")
witch in gold cenba
rahu goldenslaughterer
dreamend discharger


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Cade's picture
Joined: 2011-02-25
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

Anetra asked me to post about the Planescape playlist I'm building, but I never checked back so I never saw the message until now.

When I started putting together my playlist, I intended it to be something to play at low volume in the background constantly during sessions, so I just grabbed anything and everything that I felt fit the Planescape feel. Since then, I've recognised the need for a few different overlapping playlists for different moods, so I'm currently trying to sort everything into categories, which is a lot harder than it seems like it should be.

Here are some tracks that I've used for specific locations on the planes:

Slim Westerns - A Small Good Thing
I played Flamenco (both parts) together with a track of "city noise" when my players first entered Sigil. It's an airy, strange, very ambient track with weird noises in the background, useful for any time you want to drive home the oddness of the planes. Gulch, on the same album, is also very ambient, unsettling and threatening, and with crows cawing in the background. I used it as the soundtrack to Curst.

This Film's Crap Let's Slash the Seats - David Holmes
No Man's Land is one of my favourites. I used it after the party passed through the gate into Carceri.

David Helpling
Promise, which for me screams the Civic Festhall. This is what the Civic Festhall music should have been in PS:T, rather than this, which always grated on me. I got this off a compilation CD, so I have yet to try out the rest of Helpling's music, but I intend to.

I Care Because You Do - Aphex Twin / Philip Glass
Not too fond of Aphex Twin on the whole, but I found Icct Hedral to be great battle music, particularly for major, dramatic battles and fighting with fiends. I've actually found two versions of the track, this one which cuts straight to the action, and this one which is a little more drawn out, a little longer, maybe suitable for a more extended high-tension scene.

I once played this song while writing a description of a baatezu deployment, but only to myself. The associations are a little too goofy to play it at the table, unless for a light-hearted adventure.

More generally, I use a lot of video game soundtracks - the soundtracks to Divine Divinity and the Myst games are particularly appropriate - and ambient artists like Pete Namlook (Travelling Without Moving especially). I also use some of the artists already mentioned in this thread - Wardruna, Beats Antique, and so forth.

I've been toying with using jazz for Sigil, alongside more ambient stuff - I run Sigil as fairly 'noir', so it might be thematically appropriate, but I'm not sure. At the very least it would help set the place apart from the rest of the planes. Here's an example of the kind of music I would include if I decide to go that route.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

This is so perfect, thank you for posting it! I'm in the process of doing exactly the same thing, so the more ideas I can get the better.

I'm afraid I don't have much I can suggest in return, as I'm still in the beginning stages, but most of my choices so far have been Beats Antique and Nine Inch Nails -- I especially enjoy imagining Sigil to the former.

Cade's picture
Joined: 2011-02-25
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

Beats Antique has a Sigil flavour to me as well. I don't use any NIN, mostly because it feels a little too 'contemporary' and has too many vocals to fit with most of the stuff I use.

One album I forgot to mention, Brian Eno's Small Craft on a Milk Sea is absolutely worth buying. It has no vocals, and tracks ranging from quiet and mysterious (Complex Heaven, Small Craft on a Milk Sea to angry songs like Horse (unavailable on Youtube, unfortunately) and Dust Shuffle that would work well on the lower planes, or possibly the inner planes. Nearly every track on there is usable in some way.

I occasonally listen to Radio Rivendell to try and find tracks, though I've stopped since I seem to have heard more or less everything in their library. Most of it's just generic fantasy music from movies and games, but every now and then there's something that takes my fancy and I make a note of it. Sifting through film and game soundtracks on Youtube is another good resource.

Oh, and I strongly recommend you sort your music into different playlists as you go along, rather than getting stuck in my position trying to sort through hours and hours of music afterwards.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

I agree about a lot of NiN, but they have enough material without vocal tracks that it's actually pretty easy to overcome that particular pitfall should one be hellbent on using them. In particular, I can't get over the idea of using The Frail or A Warm Place for Hopeless. The Wastes, Carceri and Gehenna would all benefit from some tracks from Ghosts, The Fragile and Things Falling Apart though (at least, as far as I'm concerned). I really want to remove the audio from The Great Collapse :<.

Thanks for the suggestions! I've ... sort of been sorting things into playlists. Originally I was going to sort it by plane, then switched to sorting it by mood, then ... decided I don't know what I want to do yet, haha.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)


I don't know why this didn't occur to me sooner, but inspiration/realization finally struck and I procured all of the Cirque du Soleil soundtracks I could find. They were difficult to track down, but not impossible. I'd thoroughly suggest going through the trouble for them though! So good.

Some albums and tracks more Planescape than others. I haven't listened to every song yet, nor really thought about what to use where, but I can already tell they were a good, good find. Highly recommend!

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

The Bastion Soundtrack. Just downloaded this thing, and all I can say is: aw yiss.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

I'm usually listening to some form of metal while writing posts for my Planescape game. It probably shows. Eye-wink


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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

Good battle music, especially for anywhere in or near the Lower Planes:
Motorhead, "Deaf Forever" (Citadel of Slaughter, possibly Ysgard?)
Motorhead, "Killed by Death"
Judas Priest, "Blood Red Skies" (despite some anachronistic lyrics, this one is good for the Blood War, in my opinion)

I'm looking for music that would be good for anything related to Demogorgon...


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Cade's picture
Joined: 2011-02-25
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

I just listened to the Deus Ex: Human Revolutions soundtrack. There aren't any individual tracks I'd pick out as being particularly awesome, but for sheer volume of ambient background music it's a motherlode.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

So I'm 8 sessions into my game that I'm trying to use background music in, though I cheated a little bit for a few of them -- I stuck my PCs in one of the Harmonium rehabilitation camps on Nemausus, so for the sessions spent in there (about four), their only "background" music was a metronome, and let me tell you that was super effective.

With my PCs finally in Sigil, though, I habendashed together a general Sigil playlist, for use when there isn't an event deserving of its own music choices going on. It's about an hour and a half long, and I've been sticking it on shuffle and repeat and just letting it go.

It needs refinement, and I have some folders of music I haven't searched for Sigil things yet, but so far this is the Sigil playlist I'm using:

Beats Antique - The Lantern
Beats Antique - Talba Toy
Beats Antique - The Porch
Beats Antique - Beauty Beats
Beats Antique - Scratch Tail
Beats Antique - Battle
Bastion OST - Spikes in a Rail
Bastion OST - Twisted Streets
Homestuck Soundtrack 5 - Skaia (Incipisphere Mix)
Nine Inch Nails - 7 Ghosts I
NiN - 24 Ghosts III
NiN - 29 Ghosts IV
NiN - 33 Ghosts IV
NiN - 35 Ghosts IV
Metronomy - Danger Song
Octopus Project - Tuxedo Hat
Octopus Project - Righteous Ape And Bird
Octopus Project - Hold the Ladder
Farscape OST - Tannot Grooves
Sixtoo - Sidewinders
Assassin's Creed Revelations OST - Crossed Swords
Assassin's Creed Revelations OST - No Mistakes

It suffers from being a little too electronic, but, well. No accounting for tastes haha.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

I'd love to see these suggestions get a space in the zine.


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Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

Compared to my last selection of tracks, my collection has grown immensely. Shout-outs to Zimrazim and Anetra for their awesome taste in music. So without further ado, I shall post my even larger list of tracks for all your Sigilian, adventuring and planeswalking needs:

Daemonia Numphe - Satyricos Xoros
David Helpling - Promise [Sleeping on the Edge of The World]
Dead Can Dance - Cantara
Dead Can Dance - Nierika
Faun - Andro
Game of Thrones Season I Soundtrack - 22 - Kill them All
Game of Thrones Season I Soundtrack - 23 - The Pointy End
Garmarna - Brun
Guild Wars: Eye of the North OST - Kathandrax
Guild Wars 2 Soundtrack - A World Without War
Guild Wars 2 Soundtrack - Charr Environment 01
Hagalaz' Runedance - Seidr
Hagalaz' Runedance - The Dawning
Immediate Music - Witch Hunt
Irfan - Return to Outremer
Isihia - Anahoret (Excellent track for a party starting out from a monastery! Highly reccomended)
Jia Peng Fang - Silent Moon
Kayno Yesno Slonce - Kukud
Musica Canora - Lamento La Rotta
Music for a Knight - Palästinalied
Music for a Knight - Saltarello
NiN - 19 Ghosts III
NiN - 36 Ghosts IV
Niyaz - Arezou
Niyaz - Hejran
Planescape Purgatorio Soundtrack - Lot's Lane
Planescape Purgatorio Soundtrack - Shivery
Red Dead Redemption Soundtrack- Dead End Alley
Ruhr Hunter - Denned Earth
Sherlock Holmes OST - 01 Discombobulate
Sherlock Holmes OST - 08 Not in Blood. But in Bond
The Sims Mediaeval - Peteran Church
Ulf Söderberg - Nordvinterögon
Ulf Söderberg - Tempel Och Katedral Reser Sig Ur Djupen
Virelai- En ulv, en ræv, en hare
Vox Vulgaris - Stella Splendens
Zombie Girl - Dance Of The Headless Corpse


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

atomicb's picture
Joined: 2011-06-19
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

Some great stuff here. For whatever it's worth, I think Opeth's Harlequin Forest might be the best anthemic galloping music ever. (I'd probably be even more into this band than I already am if I weren't afraid it would lead to some kind of LARPing situation...)

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Sound of Music (on Planes)

Last time I played something in the background of the game was Amon Tobin - Permutation - Mechanus inspired.

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