Some suggestions?

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Child_Of_Morrigan's picture
Joined: 2006-09-25
Some suggestions?

Hi all.

I'm, unfortunately, new to the Planescape setting.

I've read all I can find about it, I find it fascinating, and seeing as my group is soon to be starting a new campaign, with me DMing, I'd love to run it in Planescape.

However, there is such a wealth of possibilities. As such, I'm finding it difficult to think of any ideas. I'd like the action to take place either in, around or based from Sigil, and the Blood War sounds like fun, but that's as far as I've got. Also I'd probably be starting the characters at 5th level or therabouts.

So, do any of you more experiences planar folks have any suggestions of good adventures and/or campaign concepts for my group of clueless?

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Some suggestions?

'Child_Of_Morrigan' wrote:

So, do any of you more experiences planar folks have any suggestions of good adventures and/or campaign concepts for my group of clueless?

I think one of the most compelling aspects of Planescape is how belief can shape/change reality in the Outer Planes. If your PCs are clueless from a Prime world who are new to Sigil then they will be very surprised to see how belief affects them as much as any physical, substantial encounter.

Maybe the priest of a dying god who needs worshipers to prevent its death confronts the party. Maybe this deity is evil and by lying about the nature of the deity the priest unwittingly convinces enough people that the deity is benign that it actually changes the deities nature, making the priest an affront to the newly changed deity.


Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Some suggestions?

If your players have no experience with PS, I suggest having them start as Primes on the Prime, and then thrust them into the Planes in as traumatic and one-way a method as you can think of.

I'm in the planning stages of a campaign myself (first time DM) for a group that has four players, one has little gaming experience, the other three are vetteran D&D players, but of them one has played Torment, and the other two have no PS experience.

After the first adventure, (starting at 1st level) which will probably involve them meeting in an inn, and being tasked with retrieving items from goblins and such, and will involve a trek through the sewers (ie, typical Prime adventure), I'm going to have Githyanki invade through a portal in the center of the city, seal off the city gates, and start slaughtering the townsfolk. The PCs will have to use their wits to get to the center where the portal is, trick the guards into abandoning their post, go through the portal, wind up in Sigil, and deal with the last guard (that conveniently destroys the portal during the fight. From there they will be shown the ropes by a friendly Bariaur (good greeter types because they are usually Good, and are alien looking) Urban Druid (Dragon Compendium).

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Some suggestions?

I've got tons of ideas - as you've noticed the Planes almost have *too* much to play with, so you have to narrow it down at first...

What sort of tone are you looking for in your game?
What sort of game do your players like?

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Some suggestions?

"Narfi Ref" wrote:
...and deal with the last guard (that conveniently destroys the portal during the fight.

What is it with this new trend of destroying portals? First there was The Grixitt, then some random bashers on the street did it, and finally even the Lady of Pain got in the trend with that Faction War fiasco a few years back. And now even the bloody Primes are starting the gig. Pretty soon, if we'll want to get up to Sigil we'll have to climb the soddin' Spire.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Some suggestions?

Haven't you heard? Exercise is good for ya, berk! Eye-wink

Tarion'sCousin's picture
Joined: 2006-10-13
Easy Intro

If you want to start your game with outsider PC's (as opposed to Clueless Primes), here's an easy first game:

1. Pick a faction that you like. It should be one that welcomes members of all types, like the Sensates.
2. Familiarize yourself with the main NPC's from that faction.
3. Have the PC's create characters that will belong to that faction.
4. Create a simple test for the characters to take to join that faction.

For example, the Sensates like to capture different and new sensations. You could send the PC's to Gehenna to find the fear a graydusk caterpillar feels just before it is crushed under a boot. Give the PC's a magic recording device to capture the feeling, point them toward a portal and a way to learn the proper portal key, and run with it.

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