Some Sensate Propaganda

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Samloyal23's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Some Sensate Propaganda

Being A Sensate The first issue for a Sensate is "How do we know anything for certain?" For centuries people thought a reference to Aristotle or the Bible was "proof". Sensates are sceptics, they want to be shown, they want to see the proof with their own eyes. They don't want to hear about your vacation in Cancun, they want to go there, feel the sunshine for themselves. To the Sensates, the only proof of anything, even something that appears completely self-evident, is Direct Experience. No amount of expert testimony or reference to studies or ancient sages is going to convince a Sensate of anything. Sensates never jump to conclusions or rely on assumptions. They want Proof. The second thing about Sensates is that are voraciously curious. They want to know EVERYTHING, and they want to know it in intimate detail. A Sensate must not be afraid to try anything or to learn anything. No idea or experience must be avoided as "too weird" or "too radical". There must be no limits to what a Sensate will do to gain more experience, short of obvious self-destruction. Get a broken heart. Stick a hand in the fire. Eat that foreign food. Travel off the beaten track. Bad experiences are often the most informative, and must never be shied away from. If one doesn't like an experience spend some time figuring out "Why?" really examine it without fear or hesitation. Finally, there's the effect of exploring and savouring a lifetime of experience without fear or hesitation: An Open Mind. Its hard to be a prejudiced or bigoted when one's travelled the world, made love to men and women of every hue, eaten food from every country in the world, travelled in jungles and deserts and ancient cities, and participated in the cultures met along the way like a native would, dancing the dances and singing the songs of every people met,studying their traditions to add richness to one's own.

This is the path to real enlightenment and an appreciation not just of the universal similarities of all people, but for the real value of their differences. Furthermore, assimilating knowledge tends to make the mind more flexible and creative. The more one knows about the world, the more prepared one is to face obstacles, and the more one see connections between seemingly unrelated events, enabling one to be more creative and revealing hidden insights into the nature of reality. Sensates know that the more they learn the more is revealed to them. And knowledge is power...

Okay, this is just a jot I dashed on my website and at my faction cell on Yahoo, with a spot of colour to make it more interesting here. Any suggestions as to how to make it better? Anyone else have any pro-sensate materials? I'm working on a pamphlet my cell members can pass out at the mall to recruit new namers, does this style of writing seem effective?


I'm Samuel M. Wright, and you're not.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Some Sensate Propaganda

The major problem with this viewpoint, and it's a big one, is that it essentially reduces a person to an amoral creature of the flesh, a slave to the senses. Not to criticize too much, but from your description it would seem that a sensate might torture someone to death just to "see what it feels like" to do it. What prevents Sensates from being shallow and immoral hedonists? Most people want to follow some rules, so I figure that even the Sensates have limits, probably based on their alignment. Perhaps you could describe those limits a little more clearly.

BTW, are you handing this out in a Real Life mall, or was that just a figure of speech?

jesterjeff's picture
Joined: 2005-01-23
Some Sensate Propaganda

---The major problem with this viewpoint, and it's a big one, is that it essentially reduces a person to an amoral creature of the flesh, a slave to the senses. Not to criticize too much, but from your description it would seem that a sensate might torture someone to death just to "see what it feels like" to do it. What prevents Sensates from being shallow and immoral hedonists? Most people want to follow some rules, so I figure that even the Sensates have limits, probably based on their alignment. Perhaps you could describe those limits a little more clearly. ---

That's the thing about the Factions; most who join share a few of their beliefs and allow personal tastes and self control guide them to how far they go. Among any group you'll find that rare fanatic that devours the idiology of the Faction and go that final step into a trully ammoral beast of flesh and desire.
The same actions could be found among any faction:
The Athars may have a Defier who hunts and slaughters priests as an attempt to weaken 'false gods'.
The Believers of the Source would have fanatics who could sacrifice innocents to themselves in an attempt to collect that power an acsend(sp) to godhood.
The Bleak Cabal could have Bleakers, slowly poisoning the populace of a town to prove the pointless nature of existance.
The Doomguard could send legions hired to lay waste going so far as to invade realms of the Prime in order to have the freedom to End.
The Dustmen could have necromantic Dustmen following in the wake of the battles waged by any army animating the fallen and releasing them upon their comrades to increase the numbers even more.
The Fated could have a Taker atempt to conquer one of the gatetowns in order raise great wealth though taxing it's use.
The Free League well they can't deside anything anyway so I'll leave em be for now.
The Fraternity of Order could gave a Guv'ner organize his lessers in an attempt to claim one or more cities in the Outlands, forming an ordered kingdom to rule.
The Harmonium's resident Hardhead in any gven area could begin a long process of tracking down and 'removing' his detractors thus proving himself Right.
The Mercykillers could quite easily have more than one vigilante taking justice to that extreme few dare cross, juding everyone as guilty of something
The Revolutionary League could finally work up the nerve to attempt a full revolution against the Lady.
The Sign of One could discover a Signer who discovered how to forcefully disbelief anyone out of existance, with but a glare.
The Transendent Order could have a Cipher mage release a mystical plague that robs it's victims of any form of control-imagine 28 days later spreading across Sigil.
The Xaositects, well how often have they just gone plane scatterbrain nuts.

any group can easily have a few madmen who takr it to far. That's what makes it fun.

jesterjeff's picture
Joined: 2005-01-23
Some Sensate Propaganda

Well that went off on a tangent,
Personally i'd like to see what we can do for the others as well.
That Sensate flyer would be brillaint to see out on a few car windows.
Maybe some Bleaker bumper stickers.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Re: Some Sensate Propaganda

"Samloyal23" wrote:
The more one knows about the world, the more prepared one is to face obstacles, and the more one
Or, they become less attached to the world, as what they learn over time divorces their sensibilities from everything else.




As for some suggestions... The Sensates strike me as a rather VISUAL and AURAL faction. Some imagery and maybe some sounds linked by the text would be a further attraction for potential namers.

Samloyal23's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Some Sensate Propaganda

"Krypter" wrote:
The major problem with this viewpoint, and it's a big one, is that it essentially reduces a person to an amoral creature of the flesh, a slave to the senses. Not to criticize too much, but from your description it would seem that a sensate might torture someone to death just to "see what it feels like" to do it. What prevents Sensates from being shallow and immoral hedonists? Most people want to follow some rules, so I figure that even the Sensates have limits, probably based on their alignment. Perhaps you could describe those limits a little more clearly.

BTW, are you handing this out in a Real Life mall, or was that just a figure of speech?

Well, a sensate interested in torturing someone would have to experience the treatment themselves, otherwise the experience is incomplete, but yes, there are those who are into exploring the nature of pain. Also, remember, that being a sensate is not about having experiences, it is about learning from experiences. An unexamined life is not worth living, and an experience that is just swallowed whole and not fully understood is not worth having. The purpose of being a sensate is to expand the mind and achieve enlightenment.

Yes, I meant a mall in Real Life, I have my own faction cell on the internet and I want to recruit new members. The flyer is intended for just that purpose, to get interested berks who are not even gamers to join the Society of Sensation.


I'm Samuel M. Wright, and you're not.

Samloyal23's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Re: Some Sensate Propaganda

"Evil Construct" wrote:
"Samloyal23" wrote:
The more one knows about the world, the more prepared one is to face obstacles, and the more one
Or, they become less attached to the world, as what they learn over time divorces their sensibilities from everything else.




As for some suggestions... The Sensates strike me as a rather VISUAL and AURAL faction. Some imagery and maybe some sounds linked by the text would be a further attraction for potential namers.

I imbedded a song on the sensates page of my website that has a very sensate-oriented pov, but I for the flyer I'm thinking I need some sort of art that conveys the ideas behind the faction's beliefs. I don't want to use game-related art either, that would narrow my audience too much.


I'm Samuel M. Wright, and you're not.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Re: Some Sensate Propaganda

"Samloyal23" wrote:
...I'm thinking I need some sort of art that conveys the ideas behind the faction's beliefs. I don't want to use game-related art either, that would narrow my audience too much.
Hmmm... What about real-life art forms?

The philosophical tendencies and visual imagery of the Postmodernist movement might be the place to start. The works of David Hockney and Jean-François Lyotard could provide some fascinating insights into creating some artistic pieces of your own that exemplifies your personal experiences with the Sensate philosophy.

Lyotard in particular is important, because he identified contemporary culture as “junk Postmodernism” or “eclectic Postmodernism” because of its willingness to absorb a variety of styles regardless of their provenance or status. The philosophy of the Sensates could be interpreted in this way... as the breaking down of all meaning and the blurring of structure and form.

Lyotard saw that the growing popularity of “camp” and “kitsch” bears witness to this general trend. He has suggested that the explosion of information technology, and in particular cyberculture and virtual reality, has increased a sense of the possible diversification of experience.

Depending on how you relate to the ways of the Society of Sensation, diversity in experience might be just one of many possible interpretations.

Samloyal23's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Re: Some Sensate Propaganda

"Evil Construct" wrote:
"Samloyal23" wrote:
...I'm thinking I need some sort of art that conveys the ideas behind the faction's beliefs. I don't want to use game-related art either, that would narrow my audience too much.
Hmmm... What about real-life art forms?

The philosophical tendencies and visual imagery of the Postmodernist movement might be the place to start. The works of David Hockney and Jean-François Lyotard could provide some fascinating insights into creating some artistic pieces of your own that exemplifies your personal experiences with the Sensate philosophy.

Lyotard in particular is important, because he identified contemporary culture as “junk Postmodernism” or “eclectic Postmodernism” because of its willingness to absorb a variety of styles regardless of their provenance or status. The philosophy of the Sensates could be interpreted in this way... as the breaking down of all meaning and the blurring of structure and form.

Lyotard saw that the growing popularity of “camp” and “kitsch” bears witness to this general trend. He has suggested that the explosion of information technology, and in particular cyberculture and virtual reality, has increased a sense of the possible diversification of experience.

Depending on how you relate to the ways of the Society of Sensation, diversity in experience might be just one of many possible interpretations.

That sounds like an interesting place to start, got any linkage? Also, to stay in the theme of experience, I'm thinking I need pictures of people having some. Maybe some art photography of people eating something exotic or climbing Everest or something...


I'm Samuel M. Wright, and you're not.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Some Sensate Propaganda

I've got a few.

I'm at work at the moment, so I don't have access to my bookmarks.

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