Some role ideas for lesser-used celestials

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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Some role ideas for lesser-used celestials

There's no Planar Renovation project for Arborea (and it probably doesn't need one), but I thought of roles for both the Eladrin and the Bacchae.

For the Eladrin, I envision one of their primary roles against the fiendish races is rescuing of mortal blood war conscripts, including the removal of Fiendish Brands from those who took them under coercion. This of course would take the form of subterfuge rather than actual warfare, of course.

For the Bacchae, I thought a good role would be rescuing mortals ensnared by the Grey Waste's power-- essentially kidnapping them and taking them back to a gate town, or something. For the Bacchae and Dionysus, the greatest tragedy of all would be the loss of ability to experience emotion or pleasure. In addition to rescuing them, the Bacchae (or the Dionysian priesthood, or a guild of the Sensates, or both) would likely put the rescued victims through some sort of rehabilitation, perhaps reintroducing the victims to color and sensation slowly so as not to overwhelm them or drive them to insanity (I haven't read the Grey Waste stuff from Planes of Conflict for awhile, so I don't remember what happens if the victim is forcibly removed from the plane). The question of course is how the Bacchae could do this without themselves becoming victim to the plane. Perhaps their passions are so strong that it simply takes longer than usual for the Grey Waste to have its maximum effect on them...

Both celestial races would likely focus primarily on rescuing non-evil victims (or at least give them first priority).

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Some role ideas for lesser-used celestials

I already had the eladrin filling such a role in my campaign (along with sabotage). But that is a good use for the Bacchae who always just seemed like a bunch of abnoxious frat boys. Since they are agents of a good plane, they should have some purpose towards helping good (at least on occasion)

Dalmosh's picture
Joined: 2011-03-13
Re: Some role ideas for lesser-used celestials

Sorry if this is covered somewhere else, but does anybody know if there is any canonical or decent homebrew material for members of the Court of Stars beyond Morwel and her two consorts featured in 3.5 ed Book of Exalted Deeds? I find the link between Morwel and Zaamon Ruul quite interesting and am seeking to establish connections between prominent eladrin and other entities and locations across the Planes. I use the Celestial Hebdomad quite centrally in my campaign and focus heavily on Erathaol the Seer who I see as the Celestial counterpart to and opponent of the great loremasters and subtle manipulators of the Lower Planes such as Dagon and Abraxus of the Abyss, and the baernoloth Demented. What I would really like is material on specific eladrin nobles and their key areas of concern and roles in and beyond the Court.

ShirreKnight's picture
Joined: 2011-03-05
Re: Some role ideas for lesser-used celestials

I tend to use the Bacchae, more as native hostiles, on the upper planes, then as anything else.

while they may not be evil, they tend to go around stirring up chaos and anarchy wherever they go.

and note, that Their are sizable populations of evil giants, on ysgard, and medusa and cyclpse as far up as arborea, its not impossible to find such things if you want to look.

As for Eladrin, way I use them, (I tend ot, even wehen running 3rd edition stick with a lot of 2nd edition fluff) I prefer the eladrin, as described, going to the prime material in disguise, URGING mortals with words to choose right rather then wrong.

and if ever they use their powers in a perceviable way, they are banished for 1,001 years.

but yes for roles they can serve on the great wheel, your idea my be worthwhile, , Just remember one thing above ALL else.

Eladrin value mankinds freedom as much as his right to live unmolested by evil.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Some role ideas for lesser-used celestials

I find the link between Morwel and Zaamon Ruul quite interesting and am seeking to establish connections between prominent eladrin and other entities and locations across the Planes

Wait, wasn't it Ben Hadar who is an item with Morwel? (which is pretty damn hilarious seeing as Ben Hadar is an oafish, arrogant slob.)

Zaaman Rul I doubt has a love interest, or if he does it is unrequeited. I can't picture him being willing to devote any time to romance, let alone bring a child into a world that Imix exists in.

As for other alliances and enemies, let me see...
I have Cryonax and Aseroth the Winter Warlock as allies. Cryonax and Kostchtchie are bitter enemies (Cryonax represents subdued or dead emotions while Kostchtchie represents wrath, and both are quasipowers who vie for the devotion of the frost giants.)
Sunnis and Seatiel are also allies.
Yan-C-Bin doesn't have any long-term alliances persay-- he has a strong sense of honor but tries to avoid entangling obligations at all costs.
Dumathoin is one of Crystalle's few non-elemental allies. For among the powers of the flesh-based deities, only Dumathoin understands Crystalle's frustration and anguish when mortals carve out mining tunnels or pluck minerals from the ground after so much painstaking cultivation. As such, Dumathoin and Crystalle have an agreement that worshippers of the Keeper Under the Mountain will not take minerals from Crystalle's dominion without his permission. In return, Dumathoin's worshippers will be treated with respect and dignity, something the Lord of Crystals doesn't often show to the random gnomes, dwarves, kobolds, and dragons that tromp around the areas under his authority.
Crystalle is also on good terms with the Aurumach Rilmani counsels, as they share his reverence for balance and neutrality.

Here's the alliances from the above + Dragon Magazine.
Ben Hadar: Charon, Eadro, Morwell, Persana, Rennbuu
Bwimb II: Ghaunadaur, Juiblex
Chan: Aerdrie Faenya, Ehkhak, Kharash, Koriel, Sathia, Syranita, Ty-h'kadi, Zaaman Rul
Cryonax: Aseroth, Levistus, Nomog-Geaya
Crystalle: Dumathoin, Rilmani Aurumachs
Imix: Moloch, Sultan of the Efreet
Ogremoch: Gazra the Pit Fiend
Olhydra: Dagon (lover)
Sunnis: Dwarven & Gnomish pantheon, Seatiel, Skoraeus Stonebones
Sun Sing: Taba (Yugoloth)
Yan-C-Bin: nobody, though sometimes bolstered by Lissa'aere.
Zaaman Rul: Amaimon, Chan, nameless phoenix, Raziel, Ronothere the Brass Dragon

Ben Hadar: Bwimb II, Panzuriel, Sekolah
Chan: Lissa'aere
Cryonax: Kostchtchie
Crystalle: Abbathor, Kurtulmak, Hiddukel, Urdlen, Vergadain
Olhydra: Cegilune
Sunnis: Alu Khan Sang, Crystalle (Crystalle is slightly amicable towards Sunnis, but Sunnis despises him for his condescension towards earth creatures), Dispater, Ugudenk, Zuggtmoy
Yan-C-Bin: Caliph of the Djinn, Pazuzu
Zaaman Rul: Gazra the Ash quasielemental, Kaelthiere, Mephistopheles, Sultan of the Efreet

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Some role ideas for lesser-used celestials

ShirreKnight wrote:
I tend to use the Bacchae, more as native hostiles, on the upper planes, then as anything else.

while they may not be evil, they tend to go around stirring up chaos and anarchy wherever they go.

I agree that the Bacchae can serve as an "opponent" on the the Upper Planes (which need some conflict to keep them from being painfully dull)
I just liked the idea that they ALSO served a purpose in furthering the cause of good (in the suggestion above, by reviving those afflicted by the Grey Wastes)

One can argue that the monsters in Arborea and Ysgard serve to test the courage of the other inhabitants. But the Bacchae (as originally written) just came across (IMO) as obnoxious frat boys. If that was the only role they served, it made them stick out as being pointless.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Some role ideas for lesser-used celestials

Yeah, my idea, looking back on it, doesn't fit the behavior of the Bacchae at all (don't stray from the group and never stop partying), but yeah, it's a pretty damn good idea.

As for alliances between the archomentals and other quasipowers, one thing to bear in mind is that the Archomentals, despite being true neutral, all gravitate towards either chaos or law. The law-leaning archomentals include Cryonax, Crystalle, Imix, and Sunnis. The chaos-leaning archomentals include Ben-Hadar, Chan, Olhydra, Sun Sing, Tykhadi, and Yan-C-Bin. It's difficult to pinpoint Ogremoch or Zaaman Rul, but I think Ogremoch leans towards law while Zaaman Rul towards chaos.

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