Some Planar Science Stuff

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Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Some Planar Science Stuff

OK, this is some basic stuff I've been using in my comic for the Planescape setting. I made a lot of it up, being the ignorant sort Eye-wink, so I'm just curious how close I am to the more "canon" material. So feedback is appreciated!

Theoretical Planescape!
What follows are some theories of Planescape that may appear in the comic, but not in any official material. Since this page has been used as a basic guide to Planescape (thanks!), I guess these could be considered to be house rules.

Prime Material Planes?
It is argued by some that the Prime Material Plane should actually be the Prime Material Planes (plural), but evidence suggests that this is merely an illusion from misreading the true relationship between stars and planets. If there are other dimensional planes, they likely do not share the same outer planes, but have their own Sigil, their own Outlands, etc.

Planar Connections

As you can see, the picture shows the Prime Material Plane as the sky above the Outlands. However, the Outlands is not actually an outer plane, thus justifying this view. This also shows the location of Sigil as being the center of all existence, so I like it. Also note that the blue looking sky above the visible Outer Planes is NOT the Prime Material, but rather leakage from those planes into the astral, intensifying the closer you get.

The Makeup of the Multiverse
Since the Planes are often described as spheres within each other, some different theories crop up about how they actually link up. It is known that Sigil is the center of the Multiverse, and, since the Outlands is directly below it, then it follows that the Outlands is next in line. There things get a bit hazy. The Outer Planes are visible from the Outlands, and, theoretically, so is the Prime Material. But which is actually on the outside of the great sphere, the Outer Planes or the Prime Material? In order for things to make the most sense, I would argue that the Prime Material is the outermost layer of the sphere, and is actually the only plane that is indeed infinite.

The Astral Plane
I see the astral plane as more than just a connection between the planes, it is a shield that prevents them from leaking into each other.

Finite Matter
Under this theory, the only infinite in the Multiverse is void. That is, unoccupied, empty space. This abounds in the Prime Material, it should in the other planes as well (well, possibly. See the Makeup of the Multiverse, above). Thus, even though each of the outer planes is supposed to be infinite, the amount of liveable space is finite. Whether this applies to the inner planes (as the building blocks of all matter), is up for debate, but if the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy applies to the Multiverse the same as it does the Universe, then these planes must also be finite.


ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Some Planar Science Stuff

Why did you decide the Outlands weren't really an Outer Plane? They fulfill all the criteria for an outer plane:

1. Home of gods.
2. Destination of souls.
3. Made of belief.

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Some Planar Science Stuff

I wasn't aware any gods were permanently stationed on the Outlands?

But actually, I figure it that for the following reasons:
1) Does not fit into the same wheel structure as the surrounding Outer Planes
2) Has defined boundaries
3) Seems more affected by belief, rather than composed of belief. IE, Gate Towns exist, but massive belief pulls them OUT of the Outlands, rather than change the nature of the Outlands.
4) Each Outer Plane is its own "world" and once you are inside, you cannot see out of it. This is NOT true of the Outlands.

I can see how it could be argued to be an Outer Plane (and, indeed, my 2nd Ed. DMG lists it as an Outer Plane), but it makes more sense to me that each primary "Layer" of Planes be connected by an intermediate layer.
For example, the Prime is connected to the Outer Planes, Sigil, and the Outlands via the Astral Plane. The Inner Planes are connected to the Prime and Outer Planes via the Ethereal, and the Outer Planes are connected to Sigil through the Outlands (though passage is obviously not normally possible this way)


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Some Planar Science Stuff

Chronepsis for one is in the Outlands....

Also - ever hear of the Hinterlands? You know - the region of the Outlands that radiates outside of the space defined within the gatetowns - the infinate and in many ways what I'd call the most mysterious portion of the Outer Planes?

The Outlands are the plane of True Nuetrality. Excessive belief (In a lawful, chaotic, good or evil meaning of the word) by defintion is pulled elsewhere...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Some Planar Science Stuff

'Swiftbow' wrote:
I wasn't aware any gods were permanently stationed on the Outlands?

Most neutral deities live there, and others as well. Officially, the Outlands are the home of Ilsensine, Shekinester, Vergadain, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Dumathoin, Gzemnid, Annam, Gilean, Chronepsis, Yen-Wang-Yeh, the Norns, Shinare, Sheela Peryroyl, Thoth, most of the Celtic pantheon, Gond, Zilchus, Waukeen, Sera, Ubtao, Ramman, Untamo, Apshai, Erik, Ruornil, Boccob, Obad-hai, and Ulaa.


1) Does not fit into the same wheel structure as the surrounding Outer Planes

It's the hub of the wheel. If it weren't for the Outlands, the Outer Planes wouldn't be a wheel; they'd just be a ring.

2) Has defined boundaries

Gehenna has defined boundaries, too. But as Clueless mentioned, the Outlands continue past the gate-towns into the infinite Hinterlands.

3) Seems more affected by belief, rather than composed of belief. IE, Gate Towns exist, but massive belief pulls them OUT of the Outlands, rather than change the nature of the Outlands.

No, they're definitely made of belief. Massive belief can pull things IN to the Outlands just as easily as out - that is, belief affects the other outer planes in exactly the same way. Curst can be pulled into Carceri if it becomes too evil, but it can also slide back into the Outlands if it becomes neutral again. The layer of Nemausus slid out of Arcadia into Mechanus because belief changed it.

Across the Outer Planes, it's the same way: the nature of the land is changed (through belief), and then it slides into the appropriate plane. Belief changes the nature of Fortitude, say, so it slides into Arcadia. If Fortitude was then changed to become more neutral, it might slide from Arcadia into Mechanus.

4) Each Outer Plane is its own "world" and once you are inside, you cannot see out of it. This is NOT true of the Outlands.

Actually, I think it is true of the Outlands. I don't know of any reference to you being able to see other planes from the Outlands - the infinite Hinterlands are in the way.

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Some Planar Science Stuff

Ah, of course, the Hinterlands. I'd only read a brief excerpt thingy on that. Hm... may have to consider changing that around then.


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