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Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Solo Campaign?

All the players from my "Awakening" campaign have gone AWOL - I was actually having a lot of fun 1 on 1 with the last player because I didn't have to wait for multiple characters to post, and the plot, as well as combat moved relatively quickly (seeing as how there were only 2 people involved). That was, of course before he... disappeared

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in playing a solo campaign.

I think character and plot development would be really easy and really deep in a solo adventure, and of course, you'll have a good share of hack-and-slash as well.

So if anyone's interested, here's the deal -

Any race, class (including prestige), and alignment. I'm not too familiar with psionics, but if you'd really like to play one, then I shouldn't have trouble teaching myself. ECL 7, roll 4d6 for 4 base stats, drop lowest roll for each one. 5d6 for one base stat, and drop 2 lowest, and finally, roll 3d6 for the last base stat.

Some other tidbits - No items, no history. You're going to start an amnesiac, and "discover" any abilities (fighting, magical or otherwise) through the early course of the game.

Just let me know if you're interested. I post frequently (at least once a day, and usually twice or more). I'm on the website a lot.


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Solo Campaign?

Yea Tri. I'm interested. Let me come up with a good character ...

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Solo Campaign?

cool, one thing about alignment - ideally, an amnesiac would start out as True Neutral, but if you have something inherently good/evil or lawful/chaotic in mind (eg. Archon, Baatezu...etc), then go ahead and start out as whatever the token alignment for the special race you have in mind.

(OR, actually, you can make it interesting - starting as a neutral Baatezu or a lawful slaad ).

So in the case of the Amnesiac, s/he will retain general knowledge about the Planes and Sigil (basically, how things work) the only thing of note unknown will be his/herself.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Solo Campaign?

OK ...

Here's what I've come up with: Half-Dragon Kobold Sorcerer 4 (for ECL7). He might not even know his own race, if significantly larger than an average kobold (I was thinking just over 5', making him a medium critter). I havn't decided on Red vs. Blue, but I'm leaning toward blue just because its less iconic draconic.

Starting at neutral alignment makes sense to me.

I'll stat-up "Bluescale" (or "Crimson" if I change my mind) and PM him to you in the next few days.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Solo Campaign?

sounds sweet, can't wait!

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Solo Campaign?

Oh, and one more thing- no items (save shoes and clothes...), and, of course, no history. We'll take care of all that in the game.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Solo Campaign?



Half-Dragon (Blue) Kobold Sor 4

Str 15 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Con 14 (+2) Int 16 (+3) Wis 10 (-) Cha 19 (+4)

Race Features - Bite (d6) Claw (d4) Breath Weapon Electricity (6d8 DC18 )

Class Features - Simple Weapons, Use Magic, Spells

Feats - Alert (+2 spot/listen) Lightning Reflex (+2 ref) Metamagic: Natural Spellcaster (spellcasting is a supernatural ability, and does not require material components beyond the caster's own body. Limitation - all spells must be chosen on a theme) Martial Weapon: Bows

Skills - Craft: Trap 8 (+11) Craft: Bow 4 (+7)
Hide 8 (+11) Silent 6 (+9) Listen 6 (+8 ) Spot 6 (+8 ) Search 4 (+7)
Spellcraft 4 (+7) Know: Arcana (+7) Know: Planes 2 (+5)
Concentrate 4 (+6) Escape Artist 4 (+7) Bluff 4 (+8 ) Diplomacy 4 (+8 )

Saves - Fort +3 Reflex +6 Will +4

Combat - Init +3 AC 18 (natural + Dex) Touch AC 13 Flatfooted AC 15
Melee +4 Ranged +5

23 HP (d4 for sor, half-dragon ups to d6, 6 @ lvl1 + 3x3 lvls 2-4 + 4x2 con, 6+9+8=23)

Spells (lvl) /day - (0) x7 (1) x7 (2) x4
(0) Detect Magic, Read Magic, Dancing Lights, Daze, Light, Flare
(1) Shocking Grasp [d8+4], Mage Armor [+4 AC], Magic Missile [3x d4+1]
(2) Resist Element [ignore 12 dam/rd of any 1 energy type]

Physical Description:

Excerpt from Harmonium Arrest Record #H23-00Z929OU812

... The source of the disturbance was observed to be a reptilian humanoid. The perpitrator was 5 foot, 0 inches tall, weighing about 130 - 135 pounds. Scale color: dark blue. Eye color: pale blue. Tail: Full, non-prehensile. Distinguishing piercings/markings/tatoos: none. Other distiguishing features: Subject has small horns/spines at the ends of both upper and lower jaws, and small horny ridges above eyes. Observed behavior at the scene included, but was not limited to [see addendum C16 "Court Docket #F18-966037V"] aggression, menacing, incoherance of language [see addendum Lin2697 "Linguistic Study of Mimer Record #H23-R-929"], destructive and enthropic behavior towards inanimate objects, and {Censor#5329463927543} ...

History: Igo was comitted to the Gatehouse, deemed a danger to himself and Sigilan society after having being arrested in a psychotic state. Only a prolonged and escalating series of electro-shock treatments was able to calm him down. After a month or so, the Bleakers began to take the muzzle and strait-jacket off for long periods between treatments. Last week he had another 'episode' and escaped.

Personality: Igo is short for Indigo, his name at the gatehouse due to the color of his scales. Some of the Bleakers started calling him Igo (pronounced 'ego') because he has what some would call 'classic little dog syndrome'. He does not seem to comprehend that humanoids like ogres are larger than he is.

Igo is a 'zap addict'. He is pathologicly addicted to the "tingly feeling" he gets chaneling arcane energies. He will rarely have any spell slots open by the end of any day, often casting shocking grasp on himself at random, or mage armor before he goes to sleep.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Solo Campaign?

Sounds very interesting!

I might've been up for it, but I see Azure's got you covered.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Solo Campaign?

I hope both of you got my replies to the PMs.

The game has begun - "Puppets and Wolves"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Solo Campaign?

Your First NPC Companion!


Small ..."Creature"
Hit Dice: 3d6+3 (15 hp)
Alignment: ? (Probably N or CN)
Movement: 40ft

Str 10 (+0) Dex 17 (+3) Con 12 (+1) Int 3 (-3) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 4 (-3)

Combat -

Init: +3
Base Attack - (+0) (bite +3 due to weapon finesse)
Grapple - (-2)
Bite (d4)
Attack - 1, Bite
AC: 18 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +4 Nat)
touch: 17
flat footed: 15

Feats - Alert (+2 spot/listen) Weapon Finesse (Bite)

Skills -
Hide (+8 )
Jump (+8 )
Listen (+10 )
Jump (+10 )
Escape Artist (+12)
Swim (+12)

Saves - Fort +3 Reflex +5 Will +1

Combat - Init +3 AC 18 (natural + Dex) Touch AC 13 Flatfooted AC 15
Melee +4 Ranged +5

Special Abilities?

None that you know of.. yet. In this campaign, as you progress, so will your companions (assuming you want to keep Rgootoo as a companion). That means via dialogue with your companions, other NPC encounters or magical upgrades, or simply leveling up, your companions can and will gain special abilities.

To keep you on your toes, I'll let you know that Rgootoo DOES indeed have one special ability. You can try to identify it by getting him examined by 'vet' (good luck), or interacting with him.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Solo Campaign?

Whoa, glad I registered here. An amnesiac fiend that somehow become neutral would be really interesting and funny!

"Stay back Kyton, I know your kind!"
"Wha? Aw, do you need a hug?"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Solo Campaign?

'Trias' wrote:

actually, seeing this as a solo game, I am tempted to give your character either regeneration or fast healing (Like PS:T) so that either you don't die, or it's harder to kill you. (ooc - that doesn't mean I'm a nice DM, death is only one means of failure..mwhahahah!). this would also nicely justify you waking up randomly in the slags

How about this- from normal attacks, Indigo has regeneration (except from some certain, unknown substances.. for example- maybe acid...etc). In exchange, he does himself 2d4 damage everytime he uses the breath weapon?

[OOC reply: Well, since 2d4 damage is about 94% likely to be fatal right now, I'd pass on that.

Alternate idea 1: Electricity actually heals Igo with a 2:1 ratio. Thus, casting shocking grasp on himself would heal (1d8+4 /2) 3-6 hp a shot, and since he can cast up to 7 a day, potentially he can fully heal himself in 24 hours, but there is a cost, in 1st level spell slots. Also, the breath weapon might heal him up, but he can only do that once a day too.

Alternate idea 2: What you said, but breath weapon deals Igo subdual damage. Therefore, it would wear off after a battle (like this one). It would also pretty much insure that Igo'd only use it as a last resort.

Alternate idea 3: Casting spells heals Igo a little, maybe d6 hp per spell level, d4 for 0 - level cantrips.

Alternate idea 4: Just give him fast heal/regeneration. It'd unblance the character, but what the heck, rules were meant to be broken.

Notice I'm also not using material components. Igo should get an additional feat every 4 levels for being half a dragon, which I haven't given him yet {edit} check his sheet in this thred. Half-dragon feat chosen, 100% homebrew, if you OK it it'll stay]

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Solo Campaign?

yea, definitely go ahead and not use annoying material components (they make wizarding/sorcery lame - "Oh I'm gonna kill you ... as soon as I roll this guano into a ball").

Ok, so I personally like alternate idea 2 the best right now (btw, 2d4 damage would NOT be fatal if Indigo had regeneration)

Alternate idea 3 sounds like a cool reward for some magic-related quest.

alternate idea 1 is pretty interesting too, and don't even think about idea 4 without drawbacks

so... in other words... let's compromise and go ahead and use idea 2 in conjunction with idea 4, SO

Igo damages himself with the breath weapon (subdual damage 2d4, though it could be normal damage as well) but has regeneration 1/round so unless he's below -10 hp, he wont die, if he runs out of HP.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Solo Campaign?


Creatures with this extraordinary ability recover from wounds quickly and can even regrow or reattach severed body parts. Damage dealt to the creature is treated as nonlethal damage, and the creature automatically cures itself of nonlethal damage at a fixed rate per round, as given in the creature’s entry.

Certain attack forms, typically fire and acid, deal damage to the creature normally; that sort of damage doesn’t convert to nonlethal damage and so doesn’t go away. The creature’s description includes the details. A regenerating creature that has been rendered unconscious through nonlethal damage can be killed with a coup de grace. The attack cannot be of a type that automatically converts to nonlethal damage.

Creatures with regeneration can regrow lost portions of their bodies and can reattach severed limbs or body parts. Severed parts die if they are not reattached.

Regeneration does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation.

Attack forms that don’t deal hit point damage ignore regeneration.

An attack that can cause instant death only threatens the creature with death if it is delivered by weapons that deal it lethal damage.

A creature must have a Constitution score to have the regeneration ability.


Fast Healing

A creature with fast healing has the extraordinary ability to regain hit points at an exceptional rate. Except for what is noted here, fast healing is like natural healing.

At the beginning of each of the creature’s turns, it heals a certain number of hit points (defined in its description).

Unlike regeneration, fast healing does not allow a creature to regrow or reattach lost body parts. Unless otherwise stated, it does not allow lost body parts to be reattached.

A creature that has taken both nonlethal and lethal damage heals the nonlethal damage first.

Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation.

Fast healing does not increase the number of hit points regained when a creature polymorphs.

yea, i'm def. thinking regeneration over fast healing

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Solo Campaign?

Yea, Regeneration is more powerful. Question is, is it in character? Dragons don't get fast healing, but they do get damage reduction.

Personally, I liked idea #1 the best. It gives Igo the option of healing, with some drawbacks. If the breath weapon heals him too, he might be able get back into this fight. It also might lead to some interesting role-playing situations. ("What are you doing with that long metal pole? There's a storm coming!" "Oh, I've had a headache all day.{ZAPPOW} Ah, that's better.")

Still, you are DM, so you get to choose what's what. Smiling

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Solo Campaign?

ok, good point, We'll go with Alternate Idea 1: that's the final call -

Igo is immune to normal and magical electricity by 150% (meaning instead of getting hurt, he'll gain half the hp by which he was supposed to be damaged in an electrical attack).


I just really wanted to use that troll

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Solo Campaign?

Neato, hiyall. Smiling

Should I post my character here or will you make another thread for that?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Solo Campaign?

Another thread

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Solo Campaign?

(as you may have noticed-) posting is not back to normal - I'm sorry - I'm busier than I thought I was, and a new commitment (8 hours/ per 5 day week) is really eating up my time. I hope you dont mind, but I'm putting my solo campaigns on PAUSE until December... :/ sorry Sad

I'll still post on BoGr to keep your game going (because I'm not THAT lame..), but Igo is under time stop, for the time being.

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