Really, I'm studying the PDF now and would love to work on any parts that need work. But some direction would be helpful since I'm not sure what's out of date and what's not on the "To-Do" list.
So, how can I help?
I look forward to the update. Just to be clear, when it's revealed what needs to be done....
1. I do a post of my ideas for review first.
2. Listen to the ideas and feedback.
3. Do a rough draft write up?
How many classes and feats are you guys interested in?
Also, I remember the Cardinal rule. Treat this primarily as a Prime Material Campaign setting that just has connections to the Outer Planes.
Hi there and welcome aboard!
(insert obligatory pirate noise here)
Your points are good and sound like a very professional and mature attitude... sadly, I personally tend to skip straight to point 3 and get on with what inspires me, and just try and keep an open mind about revisions. I'd say (strictly own opinion here) that unless you think its a controversial topic, just go with whatever gets your creative juices flowing - but don't be afraid to leave sections blank 'for later' and keep an open mind about revisions/add to your post as necessary. Thankfully I can say that in my experience however, the other contributors are much more often positive rather than negative when it comes to this. for the inevitable sticking points that crop up now and again, Clueless generally acts as arbitrator and this system works.
On to your other point. Strictly from my own point of view, Ortho's chief needs at present are:
1. Clearer definition of how the Harmonium is structured
(I've taken this topic as far as I can go with it and lack the knowledge/research time/motivation to do a good job of making one up at present)
2. Clearer definition of how the world government functions
(lots of lively debate on this one!)
3. More development of the Churches/faith of the Lords of Order
i.e. actual dogma, symbols, colours, sacrifices, etc. The fluff for being of each faith (or the faith in general).
I site these three as paramount because they are the most broadreaching aspects of Orthorian culture that are as yet underdeveloped. In other words they have significant impact on the setting and we're hamstringing ourselves for other work while they are undone. Getting them sorted will make the next two tasks much easier:
4. Adding (an equal) flavour to each of the Provinces
...and making sure they are all detailed to approx. the same level.
5. Crunchy stuff like new spells, PrC, spells, etc
On this topic I'd say that coming up with a good origin story for your creation and an explanation of how it fits into Orthorian society is at least as important as the mechanics, probably more so. To be honest, most obvious prestige classes/feats/spells that came to my mind flow naturally from the background material.
And Finally....
I'd also really like to hear any feedback you have on the project so far. What you love, what your not so keen on, what you think was missing, what your impressions are on things as a whole, and a critique of all the articles currently in development. A fresh pair of eyes is always good!
Armoury's got it pretty close to nailed in terms of what we need, but he forgot to mention how desperately we need interesting NPCs. They bring a lot of life into the setting, and currently we're lacking them for a lot of provinces.
Provinces that need write-ups include Heka, Voll, and at least two of the Thaeran ones. A lot of the other provinces have write-ups that are sparse and need work, I'll let you judge which ones are almost done and which ones need a lot of work. I was planning to do Heka and Voll at some point in the future, but they're not terribly high on my list, so I don't mind if you grab them first.
In regards to Ortho's Government, I'm currently working on turning my post on Ortho's Bureaucracy into a proper write-up (complete with 25 or so sub-bureaus), which is why that post is such a mess at the moment. As soon as I have some free time, like, say over Thanksgiving break, I'll finish that up, get it looking nice, beat out something on the Council of Ortho, and begin the difficult task of putting a bunch of scattered Write-ups into a coherent chapter (I'm hoping Clueless will help me there). It should be finished by the end of the year. So, well it's a total mess now, the Government section is actually one of the closest to being finished.
Not to get all possessive of my pet project, but I think I've got the Government well in hand. It's not like we don't have anything else you can do.
Whoops on Ortho's Bureaucracy.
Well clearly yours will trump mine.
But it gives you an idea of how I tend to write (admittedly, this was typed up over a few hours)
FYI- So these areas need specific work:
More NPCs (any types especially)
Azlrius, the Demon King
Rialondru – god of hierarchy
Much of Thaela
Yeah, Heka-Voll and, I believe, North and Central Thaera need write-ups, plus all the other stuff you mentioned, plus more stuff about how people live in Ortho (read some of what Armoury has written in Life in the Pax Harmonium, Adventuring in Ortho, Technonology and Equipment, and other threads for a look at what we have as a starting point), plus anything else that takes your fancy.
Also, I'm sorry your work repeated mine, but take heart, I'm only half done, so I will be combing through your work and seeing what I can steal to make my own better. Your names are already better than mine, for instance. Keep up the good work!
I did a bit on Alignment for Ortho, Alzrius, and a few NPCs at this point as my chief contributions. I'm interested, primarily, in what you thought of my take on Alzrius at this point since he's such a major character.
At this point, I'm reading a lot of Armoury's articles on this webpage and curious if I should start weaving elements from the important ones into my own future contributions to make the world feel organic.
To that end; Clueless, Duckluck, Armoury---I was curious what elements you'd feel should be referenced.
My next major project is those three Provinces undetailed.
That's a fair point, but from my own poing of view I'd rather get the world-building done first, since the setting is the framework upon which any NPC will be hung, and many opportunities for adventures and NPCs and everything else should spring out of a good background.
On the other hand, go for it!
Let me have a gander and post on the Alzrius thread. In general however, I'd say go for it with anything you think would help interweave the various disperate articles. Its a communal thread, after all.
Thanks, I've already done up some NPCs that I think were strongly needed.
* A Chaotic High Level Do-Gooder to balance out the negative portrayals of Chaos.
* A "Arch Villain" that exists basically to be Ortho's Doctor Doom.
* A "Restrainer" character (I'll add your political party to his description but he's an Extremist) in Ortho's government.
* A pair of "Inn of the Last home" girls to give the PCs a steady base to work from.
I'm going to spend a lot of my time reviewing your stuff Armoury, I figure that the biggest thing we need in addition to missing elements being filled in is also feedback.
I know I write better with it.
Well - first thigns first -t the ToDO list needs updating.
But that's more something resting on my shoulders.
I believe a number of provinces could still use write-up. did anyone do Voll yet? If you happen to enjoy working on crunch more, we also need feats and classes.
That's just off the top of my head mind you and I've not caught up yet in reading the threads Armoury and Duckluck have been pounding out since I took my break.