So, about... Chaotic Neutral.

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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
So, about... Chaotic Neutral.

I have a little trouble getting a really good understanding of the Chaotic Neutral alignment. A lot of portrayals of this alignment in D&D products seem more like "chaotic stupid" or "chaotic silly," i.e., slaadi in pink taffetas juggling plates. Or plain old schizophrenic Gatehouse insanity. Some attempts to portray CN seem more like CE.

LN is pretty easy to grasp -- order, stability, conformity, bureaucracy. NE is all "do unto others" and "me, me, me." What is CN? How would a CN character behave differently from a CG, CE, or NE character? How would a CN exemplar behave differently from exemplars of other alignments?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
So, about... Chaotic Neutral.

According to one of those internet quizzes out there, I'm Chaotic Neutral...

Trying to think to how I think... Well there's the distrust of authority, most of society at large, and the fact that you like to think things up as they come. You don't feel the overwhelming need to help anyone most of the time, unless they're someone you like. You don't care too much that people are suffering, but you won't go out of the way to cause anyone to suffer either. And often you go by your own whims, emotions and instincts.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
So, about... Chaotic Neutral.

Howard Hughs - he's a *great* example of a real life CN sort of person.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
So, about... Chaotic Neutral.

The problem isn't in finding a good definition of CN, really. It's just chaos without the benevolence and malevolence associated with the CG and CE, respectively. The problem is in how you define "Chaotic" in the first place. I've said this before, somewhere, but there is no good, agreed upon gauge from Chaoticness, and even the Player's Handbook flip-flops and contradicts itself (effectively. they describe Chaotic is as being just like Lawful only, you know, not).

Here's what I do. Throw out all the crap about self-discipline, spontanaeity, and insanity -- it just confuses the issue and causes people to talk in circles -- and look at it concretely. Lawful people have strong inclinations to respect the Laws and traditions of whatever land they are in, Chaotic people have strong inclinations to defy the laws and traditions of wherever they are, and Neutral people don't care much either way. Chaotic Good people defy the law in order to help others, Chaotic Evil people defy the law in order help themselves (at others' expense), and Chaotic Neutral people defy the law because, well, they feel like it.

Chaotic Neutral is the alignment of smugglers, spies, dashing rogues, anarchists, petty (but harmless) theives, mercenaries, and other ne'er-do-wells, as well as a number of more respectable individuals that don't break the law often, but would if they had a reason to, and didn't fear arrest.

If a character routinely breaks the law to help others, that character is Chaotic Good. If a character routinely breaks the law to harm others, that character is Chaotic Evil. If a character routinely breaks the law, but helps and hurts others in equal measure, that character is probably Chaotic Neutral (or Chaotic Good and really bad at it).

For the record, stealing from those who can't afford it, killing people who don't deserve it, and fighting those who can't fight back are all Chaotic Evil actions, as is stealing everything not nailed down and and harrassing random peasants and then claiming you're allowed to because your Chaotic Neutral (the correct response being, "not anymore, you're not."). Oh how I hate it when people do that.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
So, about... Chaotic Neutral.

Right. Chaotic means anti-authority, pro-individual rights. You don't like to be told what to do. You're not really a good guy, but you're not a bad guy either. There are a variety of models: non-evil pirate (Jack Sparrow), bounty hunter (early Han Solo), motorcycle outlaw, hippy, hedonist, libertine, dropout, acid head, club kid, grizzled veteran who has retreated into the wilderness with a bunch of guns, lovable loser, shadowy rogue trying to play both sides, snarky jerk with a heart of gold (maybe David Spade's character in Tommy Boy), beatnik (Dean Moriarty), joy-riding car thief, the anthropomorphic cat who smiles all the time in this cartoon, Hunter S. Thompson, J.D.'s brother in the TV show Scrubs, Shaggy in Scooby Doo, John Constantine, Robin Goodfellow, Wolverine...

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
So, about... Chaotic Neutral.

What Rip's getting at is that it's one of the most popular personality archetypes in fiction, fantasy in particular, so it's surprising how many people get it wrong. I think the thing to start watching for is when CN people start using their alignment to justify their actions ("I burned the inn down because I'm chaotic"), when they should be letting their actions speak from them ("I'm Chaotic Neutral because I love the ladies, but I'm not so fond of their husbands").

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