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Joined: 2004-05-10

This is a monster made for the module "Toymaker's Mansion" that I am currently working on and recently test run. The stats are done in 3rd ed, as I do not have 3.5.

The modual thread can be found here: /forum

	Common Snatcher
	Medium Construct
Hit Dice	4d10(24hp)
Initiative	+4(Dex)
Speed	55ft
AC	17(+4 Dex, +3 Natural)
Attacks	zapper +6 ranged(5ft only);
	or kick +4 melee
Damage	zapper 1d6 electric
	(or 1d4 electric stun);
	or kick 1d6+2
Face/Reach	5ft by 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks	none
Special Qualities	Construct,dual sided,
	half damage from piercing
	increased encumbrance
Saves	Fort +1, Refl +5, Will +3
Abilities	Str   15, Dex 18, Con --
	Int   4, Wis 14, Cha  1
Climate/Terrain	Underground/any
Organization	Solitary, Squad(3), 
	Task Force(6) or Pack(9)
Challenge Rating	1
Treasure	none
Alignment	Always Neutral
Advancement	--

The common snatcher is built from a previous construct design meant for lifting and carrying of raw materials and moderate loads. Its predecessor was replaced in favor of a larger six-legged design able to carry larger burdens over rougher terrain. Very few of the original unmodified design still exist (remove zapper attack, reduce Wis to 1 and change Int to “--”) and both look nearly identical as a four legged spidery construct built around a tube like body with two pairs of gripping claws mounted on either side of the bottom of the tube and a swiveling “head” sensor array consisting of two pairs of circular lens eyes one on either side. The only real way to tell apart the two constructs is by the presence of the zapper module added on top of the head of the snatcher.

Inside the body of the common snatcher lies the real difference between the two. While its predecessor held a “simple” mechanical analytical engine to process orders and go about its work the common snatcher holds a bio-mechanical core built around a living humanoid brain. The statistics above represent a snatcher whose brain has only relatively recently (in the past couple years) been taken from its donor and put inside the core. The mind inside is not one that recognizes its new body or is able to control itself, and is kept somewhat sedated as it is adapted to its new form.

The common snatcher will not generally engage in combat unless it is trapped or it can out number or otherwise overwhelm lesser foes. In combat it will either fight to defend itself and flee or it will fight to the death depending on its orders. Preferring to fight in groups it will attempt to surround and flank a foe attacking from all sides if possible.
Construct: Immunities and other qualities as normal construct
dual sided: The common snatcher is built with sensors and gripping claws on both sides of its body and is able to use both at once, thus it must be threatened on three sides in order to be flanked. However if attacking opponents on both sides (either using its zapper and kicking or kicking with two legs) then both attacks suffer a -2 penalty with the second suffering a further -2 “offhand” penalty.
half damage from piercing: Due to its construction the snatcher only takes half damage from piercing weapons and attacks.
increased encumbrance: Designed to carry heavy loads these constructs have the same encumbrance as a heave horse(up to 200 light, 201 to 400 medium, 401 to 600 heavy).

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