In order to stir up some conversation, I would like to suggest a small brainstorming project where we try to toss out some (possibly) inter-related adventures all set upon the same plane. I am not suggesting an epic quest that takes the PCs from 1st to 10th level; but I am hoping for ideas about:
-Three or more somewhat fleshed out adventure ideas
-That these adventures explore different aspects of the themes embodied by the plane (This is the most important one to me)
-That at least a few of these adventures make use of the species/locations/terrains/pantheons found on the plane
-While some adventures (and perhaps the overarching thread) can involve threats from outside the plane, at least one adventure should involve only entities from the plane itself
-Possibly a hook in the initial adventure that would draw the PCs to the plane
-If this experiment makes it to the lower half of the rings; some relatively “safe” haven for the PCs between adventures (like being harbored/hidden in the realm of a minor demon lord who seeks the PCs to stir up conflict between two major demon lords)
-I am not looking for NPC statistics or dungeon layouts; just enough plot points to make sense of it
For completely arbitrary reasons, let’s start with Arcadia. I would recommend reviewing the Renovation that was done on it
where we settled on injecting more conflict into the plane by having different societies in conflict (often philosophically, sometimes militarily) with each other as to which “ideal” society is the best for all the people. Because, while all are trying to promote the public good through laws, all are intolerant (to varying degrees) of those who do not share their views
Some aspects that might be used include:
The Harmonium and their “rehabilitation” camps (and their loss of a layer)
Mount Clangeddin, the home of an extensive dwarven army
Possible home of several Egyptian (Heliopolis), Babylonian, Sumerian and possibly Japanese gods
Formains (ant-centaurs)
Community of traditionally evil monsters trying to be good
Different models for conflicting nations or city-states, e.g.:
-A benign dictatorship (leaning toward law) vs. a less-effective democracy (leaning towards good)
-A Sparta vs. Athens conflict (albeit acting more “noble” than historically depicted)
-Philosopher-kings who enforce a caste system and portray themselves as superior beings (ala Plato’s Republic) vs. a grass-roots “all-people-are-equal” group
-Silly philosophical divisions (e.g. group that thinks that society should be based around prime numbers (number of streets, number of jurors, etc.) vs. a group that favor even numbers for their symmetry
Here are a few kernels that provide a starting point [Note that I know the names are stupid, I just chose them to keep things clear]:
-PCs asked to track down a thief who has stolen a magical item (the Maguffin). The PCs can track him down to an Arcadian town (Aabu) where he is exploiting a legal loophole that states that “no pilgrim in the Temple of Naboob will be harassed or harmed in any way”. Since the thief is claiming to be on pilgrimage, will the residents side with obeying the letter of the law and protect him or will they side with bringing a criminal to justice? Which path serves the public good in the best way?
-Even if the PCs deliver persuasive arguments and convince most of the citizens, they might find resistance from the leader Azzur (as the leader hired the thief to get the Maguffin as it will allow him to convince more people of the righteousness of his cause – as he has convinced himself that the end justifies the means if it ultimately leads to the greatest goof)
-With lack of means to get to Azzur, the PCs turn to the neighboring warring city-state of Bebbo to see if they can assist in removing (or at least exposing) Azzur. But to speak to the leader(s), the PCs must be “citizens” and to be citizens, they must serve in the army and fight in at least one battle with formians infringing on Bebbo’s lands
-Azzur is exposed or overthrown and exiled to Acheron. Much later, he gathers an Acheronian army (with the power of the corrupting Maguffin in hand) and invades his former city, still convinced that his militant actions will ultimately be seen as justified
This can obviously be improved (or a completely different direction could be taken) but I figured I’d throw out a few possibilities
Let me give a shot on this on:
Community of traditionally evil monsters trying to be good
It starts with a war. Some goblinoid types from Acheron have gotten it in their heads to march on Arcadia. Maybe ideological reasons, maybe a land grab, maybe they just want a change of scenery. Whatever the case, the upshot is that a town currently under siege on Arcadia has sent a petitioner to Sigil in the hopes of hiring some people help to repel these cross-planar interlopers. The PCs are hired and the breaking of the siege is pretty easy as the morale of the goblins is easily broken.
Later on, a seemingly two-way dispute between warring kingdoms over battlefield reclamation rights (gathering up arms and armor for reforging/reuse). Both sides agree who has the current rights to such reclamation, however when the current rights holder approached the battlefield, they found it had already been stripped of goods. As there is a battle scheduled in two day's time, the PCs have been asked to act as a neutral third party observer and investigator. Nothing untoward happens when the battle is going on, but shortly afterwards, bodies are discovered already stripped of their goods.
As it turns out, goblins refugees and AWOLs have gathered in secret and have started up a small village. They've found the current plane to their liking but encountered a great deal of local prejudice towards them whenever they ventured into any of the towns. The only means of survival they've settled on is scavanging (much like what they used to do on Acheron). They're ignorant of the local claim rights and might be persuaded to respect them. The current leader and his entourage is still thoroughly evil and will need to be deposed/exiled/killed before progress can be made on that front however.
Once an arrangement is reached, a new deal will have to be brokered between the two kingdoms and the goblinoids. Claim rights, scavanging rights, how much is acceptable, what happens to illegal scavangers, etc.
Alternatively, once the location of the goblins is known, the two kingdoms can be told. They'll march on the goblins and remove them as a threat to their organized battling. This will leave the goblinoids scattered. There were good folks living amongst them and they'll mostly be spared, but they'll need to be relocated and integrated into the existing kingdoms.