Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

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Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

In order to stir up some conversation, I would like to suggest a small brainstorming project where we try to toss out some (possibly) inter-related adventures all set upon the same plane. I am not suggesting an epic quest that takes the PCs from 1st to 10th level; but I am hoping for ideas about:
-Three or more somewhat fleshed out adventure ideas
-That these adventures explore different aspects of the themes embodied by the plane (This is the most important one to me)
-That at least a few of these adventures make use of the species/locations/terrains/pantheons found on the plane
-While some adventures (and perhaps the overarching thread) can involve threats from outside the plane, at least one adventure should involve only entities from the plane itself
-Possibly a hook in the initial adventure that would draw the PCs to the plane
-If this experiment makes it to the lower half of the rings; some relatively “safe” haven for the PCs between adventures (like being harbored/hidden in the realm of a minor demon lord who seeks the PCs to stir up conflict between two major demon lords)
-I am not looking for NPC statistics or dungeon layouts; just enough plot points to make sense of it

For completely arbitrary reasons, let’s start with Arcadia. I would recommend reviewing the Renovation that was done on it
where we settled on injecting more conflict into the plane by having different societies in conflict (often philosophically, sometimes militarily) with each other as to which “ideal” society is the best for all the people. Because, while all are trying to promote the public good through laws, all are intolerant (to varying degrees) of those who do not share their views

Some aspects that might be used include:
The Harmonium and their “rehabilitation” camps (and their loss of a layer)
Mount Clangeddin, the home of an extensive dwarven army
Possible home of several Egyptian (Heliopolis), Babylonian, Sumerian and possibly Japanese gods
Formains (ant-centaurs)
Community of traditionally evil monsters trying to be good
Different models for conflicting nations or city-states, e.g.:
-A benign dictatorship (leaning toward law) vs. a less-effective democracy (leaning towards good)
-A Sparta vs. Athens conflict (albeit acting more “noble” than historically depicted)
-Philosopher-kings who enforce a caste system and portray themselves as superior beings (ala Plato’s Republic) vs. a grass-roots “all-people-are-equal” group
-Silly philosophical divisions (e.g. group that thinks that society should be based around prime numbers (number of streets, number of jurors, etc.) vs. a group that favor even numbers for their symmetry

Here are a few kernels that provide a starting point [Note that I know the names are stupid, I just chose them to keep things clear]:
-PCs asked to track down a thief who has stolen a magical item (the Maguffin). The PCs can track him down to an Arcadian town (Aabu) where he is exploiting a legal loophole that states that “no pilgrim in the Temple of Naboob will be harassed or harmed in any way”. Since the thief is claiming to be on pilgrimage, will the residents side with obeying the letter of the law and protect him or will they side with bringing a criminal to justice? Which path serves the public good in the best way?
-Even if the PCs deliver persuasive arguments and convince most of the citizens, they might find resistance from the leader Azzur (as the leader hired the thief to get the Maguffin as it will allow him to convince more people of the righteousness of his cause – as he has convinced himself that the end justifies the means if it ultimately leads to the greatest goof)
-With lack of means to get to Azzur, the PCs turn to the neighboring warring city-state of Bebbo to see if they can assist in removing (or at least exposing) Azzur. But to speak to the leader(s), the PCs must be “citizens” and to be citizens, they must serve in the army and fight in at least one battle with formians infringing on Bebbo’s lands
-Azzur is exposed or overthrown and exiled to Acheron. Much later, he gathers an Acheronian army (with the power of the corrupting Maguffin in hand) and invades his former city, still convinced that his militant actions will ultimately be seen as justified

This can obviously be improved (or a completely different direction could be taken) but I figured I’d throw out a few possibilities

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

Let me give a shot on this on:
Community of traditionally evil monsters trying to be good

It starts with a war. Some goblinoid types from Acheron have gotten it in their heads to march on Arcadia. Maybe ideological reasons, maybe a land grab, maybe they just want a change of scenery. Whatever the case, the upshot is that a town currently under siege on Arcadia has sent a petitioner to Sigil in the hopes of hiring some people help to repel these cross-planar interlopers. The PCs are hired and the breaking of the siege is pretty easy as the morale of the goblins is easily broken.

Later on, a seemingly two-way dispute between warring kingdoms over battlefield reclamation rights (gathering up arms and armor for reforging/reuse). Both sides agree who has the current rights to such reclamation, however when the current rights holder approached the battlefield, they found it had already been stripped of goods. As there is a battle scheduled in two day's time, the PCs have been asked to act as a neutral third party observer and investigator. Nothing untoward happens when the battle is going on, but shortly afterwards, bodies are discovered already stripped of their goods.

As it turns out, goblins refugees and AWOLs have gathered in secret and have started up a small village. They've found the current plane to their liking but encountered a great deal of local prejudice towards them whenever they ventured into any of the towns. The only means of survival they've settled on is scavanging (much like what they used to do on Acheron). They're ignorant of the local claim rights and might be persuaded to respect them. The current leader and his entourage is still thoroughly evil and will need to be deposed/exiled/killed before progress can be made on that front however.

Once an arrangement is reached, a new deal will have to be brokered between the two kingdoms and the goblinoids. Claim rights, scavanging rights, how much is acceptable, what happens to illegal scavangers, etc.

Alternatively, once the location of the goblins is known, the two kingdoms can be told. They'll march on the goblins and remove them as a threat to their organized battling. This will leave the goblinoids scattered. There were good folks living amongst them and they'll mostly be spared, but they'll need to be relocated and integrated into the existing kingdoms.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

Another potential over-arching theme that seemed to have possibilities to me would be something involving the underused Mesopotomian pantheon (especially due to Tiamat having her influence spread beyond just the pantheon)

One aspect of the various D&D mythos that always interested me was the relation between Tiamat and the githyanki. While I saw what the githyanki got out of the deal, I never heard of anything that Tiamat gained from the alliance. Perhaps it is time for her to call in her favor

According to legend, when Tiamat first battled with the Mesopotamean pantheon, she stole the Tablets of Destiny (the symbol of divine ruleship) and gave them to her consort Qingu (whom I picture as a dragon instead of the traditional bearded man). Eventually Marduk slayed Qingu and took the Tablets back to show his right to rule the pantheon.

Perhaps Tiamat, is instructing the githyanki to re-assemble and re-animate her former lover to create a powerful demigod dracolich. While they may not be contained to the plane of Arcadia, this could create a lot of potential adventures where the PCs try to stop the githyanki from collecting the components they have been instructed to gather without the PCs understanding Tiamat's involvement until near the end.

If Qingu is restored (or prefeably imperfectly restored due to the PCs), Tiamat might then launch her attack with Qingu and the githyanki armies attacking the Mesopotamian gods while Tiamat tangles with Bahamut

To keep it in Arcadia a little bit, perhaps the githyanki agents are stealing various minor artifacts from Arcadia to power their restoration attempts. This could provide an opportunity to have the PCs run about to various locations on the plane

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

Following up on Wicke's idea of the goblin "deserters" (from the Acheron POV), I see some additional/tangential political conflict once the goblins oust their evil leader. The goblins may want to just live a quiet life but their unique position draws the interest of several factions:

-A member of the Harmonium wishes to entice the goblins to join his organization as this would be a
PR success to "prove" that if the Harmonium can convert goblins to the cause of good; then it can work for anyone.
-Meriadar (patron of monsters trying to be good) might take an interest
-The larger Acheron goblin armies or even the gods Maglubiyet or Khurgorbaeyag may be interested in recapturing or destroying the "defectors"

For a more light-hearted elements, I might have the Egyptian gods take an interest. Perhaps the goblins were mostly the seige engineers of their army and now that they are exposed to some of the Egyptian gods, some of them start venerating the diminutive but powerful, Ptah
The reason I say "light-hearted" is because I like the idea of throwing in a comic element by getting Bast involved (I know she doesn't primarily live in Arcadia; but I imagine her having some solidarity with the rest of her pantheon). Imagine the chaos of some stuffy Harmonium agents suffering from random cat attacks. Depending on what side the PCs support, they might become quite paranoid of "ninja cat attacks" undermining their effort even if not a physical threat

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

You might also get some comical events from the reality that is goblin engineering. Exploding projects, impossibly balanced structures and towers, goblins in large mechanical/clockwork suits, etc. They might have the best of intentions with whatever they're creating, but they always have this tendency to go awry.

An adventure idea in this vein: Kingdom A has put out word asking for assistance with a major engineering project (say a series of aqueducts). With the intent of building up goodwill between the goblins and Kingdom A, the goblin chief has asked/ordered/tasked his engineers with assisting with the project. While the assistance is welcomed, the goblin's approach is a little too chaotic for everybody's tastes. I'm drawing a blank as to specifics right now, but the adventure could center around negotiating ways that the goblin engineers could meaningfully contribute to the project. Maybe break the project down into a series of component pieces: surveying the landscape, building mechanical pieces for the aqueducts, actual construction.

Alternatively, the adventure could center around figuring out a way to politely tell them to bugger off. Too rough and they'll start reverting back to their tendency towards evil, seeing the people of Kingdom A as the people who insulted them.

Unsung's picture
Joined: 2012-10-04
Re: Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

It turns out an eerie type of chaos can lurk just behind the facade of order - and yet, deep inside the chaos lurks an even eerier type of order. --Douglas Hofstadter

Arcadian archaeologists (Arcadaeologists?), determined to understand and codify the history of the multiverse, dig into the bedrock of the plane. They want to dig into the sands of Heliopolis, and restore to order what chaos has lain to rubble.

Everything they dig up seems to validate their various pet theories-- but what merit is there in rigor and method when reality conforms to whatever you want to believe? Can you give any credence to the evidence when it might have been planted by the powers? How can you trust an immortal, when the past is so easily changed? Factions, powers, exemplars, ancient dragons, and liches with skeletons in their closets all start showing up, to verify or refute the more controversial discoveries for themselves, and to protect or sabotage the dig team's efforts as they see fit.

When later relics/fossils seem to contradict earlier findings, that's when the fireworks really begin.

As the excavation delves deep into Arcadia's second layer, and finds giant brass cogs whirring far underground. Is it a sign that all of Arcadia about to slide into Mechanus, or is it possible that Arcadia might be able to reclaim what they have lost?

This one's not for every campaign. It depends on how you want to portray Ra and the whole Risen Sun heresy, for one thing.

Ra has gone mad, or so it seems to most Sigil, and has declared himself to be the originator of all things, the provider of light and life and law, the archetypal sun god of which others are mere shadows. He determines that the time has come to put his house in order and bring his 'children' back in line with the lawful tenets of the Pharaonic pantheon, starting with the Realms and their beloved Lathander.

As Amaunator-- Amun-Aten-Ra-- the sun is a god not of love but of truth, and reason, and duty. When the party happens upon what had been an avatar of Lathander in human form, weary and half-delirious, pursued by angelic servitors of Ra who seek to disembody the avatar and return his essence to lawful Amaunator, over his protests. He is not a being unto himself, they argue, but a part of another being who accepted his fate and did his duty.

Will the party turn Lathander over to Ra's agents? Or are they willing to risk defying the will of one of the most powerful gods in the multiverse, to protect the life and freedom of one good man? Which is more important, Law or Good, and which of the two is being served here, and by whom?

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

Thank you Unsung (and Wicke) for not letting this thread die just yet

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

The Spreading Chaos

Caravans come and go all the time across the entire planes. Some go far as to trek across the full breadth of the Great Wheel. In their wake, exotic diseases follow.

One such caravan, recently arrived from Limbo (though their papers officially state that they've never gone further Chaosward than Elysium) have brought with them a highly contagious chaos-infused infection. The nature of the disease is insidious as it only sparks a mild aversion to authority and greater sense of individuality/free will/going against the grain within whoever is infected. However, as the social order of Arcadia is typically highly stratified, the effects of such a subtle change compound quickly and whole Arcadian societies are thrown into disarray as the disease spreads.

Enter the PCs. During their travels across Arcadia, the PCs encounter something unprecedented on Arcadia: Riots! Upon entering a city, rather than finding it to be neatly laid out and organized, they find the place littered with rubble and destroyed/abandoned buildings. People are running wild through the streets. A mob has formed outside the entrance to [local authority's place of residence/work/seat of power], and the people are making demands, some practical, some irrational.

Throughout the city and kingdom beyond, social order has mostly disintegrated. Most villages have closed their gates to outsiders and paranoia runs even more rampantly, making it unclear whether they've succumbed to the disease or if they're just being Arcadian. Elsewhere, it comes out that certain key battles are being decided by a single duel or an arm wrestling contest or a flip of a coin.

Now the PCs can discover this infection in just the beginning stages (a few odd occurrences here and there) or it might act as an interesting backdrop for other goings on in Arcadia. The solution could be tracking down the original caravan and finding out that they've been to Limbo. That information would provide native healers with the knowledge they need to start addressing the problem. It could be that, because the disease is so widespread containing it is no longer possible in a conventional sense. Rituals would need to be performed and deeds done in an effort to force a shift of the afflicted kingdoms to somewhere off-plane. The Outlands, Elysium or Arborea (or elsewhere).


This scenario would touch on a number of Arcadia-specific issues. Subverting the usual way the individual subsumes into Arcadian society by showing the anarchy and riots. Weighing the sacrifice of a small number of uninfected individuals against the greater good of removing the spreading infection from the plane. How long do you hold out hope for a cure? When do you decide that something needs to be done before there's total collapse? Arcadia's already lost one layer. What kind of effect would losing another - something which would be entirely possible if the disease went unchecked - have on the remaining inhabitants? The infected are still good people, even if they've been affected.

Unsung's picture
Joined: 2012-10-04
Re: Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

I like the idea that Arcadia's solution to growing chaos would be to simply eject the offenders wholesale from the plane. Menausus set the precedent, and of course the Arcadians would *love* precedent. Think of it as a sea change in attitude-- they've been looking at this all wrong all along, they shouldn't be sorry to lose part of the plane, they should think of it as cutting the fat.

The idea that all changes to Arcadia are for the better merely because it's Arcadia doing the changing strikes the right note for me.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

Cut out the fat. Excise the infection. Amputate the limb to save the body...

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

As a next phase, I could see the Harmonium (or other Arcadian group) seeking out a "graft" to be taken from elsewhere and applied to Arcadia to help it "heal" back to its former strength

atomicb's picture
Joined: 2011-06-19
Re: Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

A thought I had during the Dark Roads & Golden Hells brainstorming with the Kobolds revolved around order so complex that it was all but indistinguishable from chaos. I like the image of Arcadia's orchards spinning out into maddening new geometries, perhaps at the behest of long-forgotten & hyper-lawful beings from the plane's ancient past. From their perspective Arcadia as we understand it is basically in the dark ages, clumsily grappling with primitive, luddite notions of order.

I may try and spin this into a more substantive adventure seed if time and inspiration permit, but if anyone would like to run with it in the meantime, please do.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

So are you picturing the "order so complex that it was all but indistinguishable from chaos" as something like fractals (recurring geometric instances creating complex looking patterns)? Compared to that, squares and straight lines would look like the "Dark Ages" of patterns

But more importantly, how would you tie this into an adventure for the PCs?

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Single Plane Mini-Campaign - Arcadia

I'm not sure how this one would play out exactly, but the idea is that the PCs would be conscripted into the role of a census taker, participating in a plane wide poll. They would have to travel to a variety of different locations, interact with the full range of people across the plane (they'd be given the credentials to access the normally inaccessible). I'd see it played out in a number of quick scenarios that would highlight some of the conflicts that arise on the plane.

Naturally, one such interview would have them traveling to Nemausus. Of course, they'd be denied access by the Harmonium, official papers or no. Do the PCs respect the Harmonium's orders, or do they stay true to their duties as census pollsters?


More on the series-of-adventures scale (as opposed to a full campaign): The dwarves of Mount Clangeddin are marching off to war. The march will take roughly two weeks (to reach a prophecized off-plane portal that will take them to their enemy) and will take them through a number of kingdoms. Passage rights need to be secured as well as camping space and food. If rights can't be secured, then alternative routes need to be scouted out. Left to their own devices, the dwarves will march in the straightest possible route, leaving a wake of disturbance as they travel through.

I hope you're getting the gist of that. It makes sense in my head, but it coming out somewhat jumbled...

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