Silly Items!

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dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Silly Items!

me and my friends love using stange and many times silly items. can anyone give me ideas of any they have used or heard of that would be fun to play with. here is one me and tenshi used once

willfull pen(intelegent cursed pen)

this is a wooden pen that is about an inch or so thick and 5-7 inches long. when picked up you must make a will save of dc 25 the pen forces you to stab the nearest living thing. if there is nothing near to stab you stab yourself. stabbing causes 1d3 damage and a 50% chance of ink posioning. repeat this process every 5 minutes. the only way to put the pen down is to make a dc 30 will save or take your own arm of.........i had to settle for the second........after i stabed like 4 modron and 2 people in my party......sigh...

any contribution would be greatly aprecated. thanx in advance.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Silly Items!

Yes, the pen! lol

Here's some more items, one of them has an interesting history...

Cape Of Squishyness
This article of armor, is a long cape that can be made of any color and adds a +1 to AC and has no arcane spellfailure or check penalty. it ways around, maybe about 2 lbs... now for the interesting part, the cape itself can cause the user to bounce, and if anything hits the cape it bounces back... this item can also make the user safe from falls of about, oh lets say 15 feet...

My brother had this cape once, it was given to him by the DM becuase he only rolled 10gld- yeah I know 10 gld HAH! but anywho, my brother has the tendancy of being annoying, just like his gnome character... Well there was a giant pit that had a wall of flames around it and he threw a pot (why he bought pots, I don't know) into the wall and it melted falling into the pit- and after a few seconds we hear AHHHH! echoing from below. Well come to find out there was a civilization below us, and my brother decided, Hey I'll melt some more pots onto its citizens... Our DM turned him chaotic-evil, disabled the wall, we picked him up, and threw him down the pit..... his torso is still bouncing 1000 feet into the air till this very day lol

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Silly Items!

so that's what your signiture was talking about......ahhhhh

i thought up a new one in economics today

donut of embiggening

it appers to be a normal powdered donut but one bit will cause the player( or anyone else who eats it) to become obese for several days. this would lead to charisma penaltys as well as penaltys on physical actions like jump and swim. after the several days are up the victem violently turns back into his original stature.

i need to try it out still but i bet i could have some fun with the not so bright players we get once in a while.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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Firey Sword of Pudding and Despair
This sword looks like a regular flaming sword.
Damage: 1d10+1d6 fire
When its tip is dipped into water, and a drop of blood is added ( note: blood on the sword will work too) it instantly transforms a 1 foot cube of the water into pudding. If consumed, the eater must make a will save ( DC 12) or be effected by Despair.
When struck by this flaming blade, the target takes the normal damage, but also must make a fortitude save (DC 12), or all blood touching the blade polymorphes into pudding. If this occures, the target takes 1d2 strength damage, which dissapperas the next time they rest.
However, the magical properties of the pudding force the target to make a will save ( DC 12), or be effected by Despair.
Despair: when effected by Despair, the target takes a minus 1 to both will and reflex saves, due to an overwhelming apathy to the events around it. They just don't see the point. These effects stack.
If a person is effected with despair for a second time, it must make another will save ( DC 17) or the overwhelming sense of despair causes it to attempt to take its own life. In this, a character has +5 to its base attact bonus. It deals damage with whatever weapons it has, but will attempt to kill itself in another way if it has no melee weapons.
Undead are immune to Despair

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Silly Items!

I have created a new doughnut (or two) MWAHAHAHA! lol

The Jelly Filled Doughnut of Gelatin
This delicious doughnut comes in three wonderful flavors, apple, grape, and rasberry. it looks like your simple average powdered delicious mouthwatering irrisistable can't help but grab first, jelly doughnut... but when it is eaten, depending on the flavor, you will be polymorphed into specific type of Gelatinous Cube (apple is the basic), and this effect can last as long as the DM wants it to... if he/she really wants to torture the player for that long lol...

Aha! Yet another doughnut

The Bouncing Red Headlight Doughnut of Squishyness!!!
(Oh yes I did! Sticking out tongue ) Now this delicious doughnut isn't for eating... if it is consumed than the piece will just bounce around like a bouncy-ball inside of your internal organs until it hits your stomache... This one of a kind food object is especially useful for beating the crap out of any of your enemies if they are in a solitary room, just aim, throw, and watch it do it's magic. after hitting the target it should bounce off, hitting a few walls and hitting the tasrget again, and again... and again..... and again...... each successful hit dealing 1d2 bludgeting damage... oh you want it back? it'll stop bouncing..... eventually

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Silly Items!

But what if your are one a featureless plain? nevermind.

Lucky Underwear
Created by the power of belief, these undergarments of fortune came into being when a resident of aborea became truely convinced that his recent good luck came from his new undershorts.
He won gamble after gamble, untill one day he lost in his favorite game to a women from the next town over. Assuming he had lost his good luck, he sold the underwear, unaware of its power.
If only he had know the women had been wearing TWO pieces of lucky underwear...
Effects: +1 to all saves, +1 to ac, +1 to hit

Planewalker's Difibulater
These look like simple metal rods, but when the command word it uttered ( clear!) they emite a jolt of energy, granting life under certain conditions.
This item can be used to reasurrect any character that died from death magic or any cause that killed it that has not severly damaged the body, in which case the body must be heal in another way first. The planar defib will only work within five minuets of death, and if the corpse makes both a will save (DC5) to return to its body and a fortitude save (DC 14) to reasurrect. after three tries on a corpse, the corpse becomes unable to be reanimated in this way.
Alternativly, they can be used to cast a 2d6 bolt of lighting 3 times per day.

and now, for another nutritios foodstuff:
Dougnut of Doom
When thrown, this jelly filled pastry it deals 1d2 acid damage and saps the targets life force and will. Resulting in a reduction of all saving throws by 1 for 1d6 rounds. If, afterward, the target fails a fortitude save (dc 15), it becames paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. The id6 -1 save round do not begin until after the target can move.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Silly Items!

hmmmm... does anybody really read this thing- other than us? lol

I'm guessing not... but I guess I'll contribute more then hehe

Ring of Belching
well this cursed item, drops charisma by well ... uh.... 2 (initially) and the ring cuases the user to belch every 13 minutes and 12 seconds unless they succeed in a DC 16 Will save, and for every belch made, then their charisma drops an aditional 1, and if they belch in front of a person then charisma is dropped an adittional 2... the drops in charisma are not permanent, but you have to sleep a day for each point lost in order to recover them... the only way that you can get this ring off is by putting on the ring of flachulence (I can't spell)... but more on that later =P

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Silly Items!

Fidrikon, are you gunna post Micheal Jacksons nose or should I post my version of it? let me know lol... I am currently in the proccess of creating more edable mischief (boy I really can't spell worth crap, enormous vocabulary- suck at spelling >.< ) yes this means more doughnuts, and we should soon have a couple of muffins and bagels too!!!

To the people that have read these, yes we have used some of these items, but this is only when we're just in a goofy mood and feel like playing something a little less serious, other than that we usually have "normal" quests, that is if you can truely define normal lol

Eternal Zzyx's picture
Joined: 2004-11-15
Silly Items!

the great donut* of baator[b]
(cursed simpson inspired donut)

this donut turns up in peoples bags/gear etc it looks very appetising and tastes good (so good infact once bitten it takes a DC 15 will save to stop eating and with each bite th DC increces by 1) the eater will even go to the point of picking up crumbs off the floor to get it all when finished a gate opens and a pitfiend comes through to take the eater to the 9th layer of baator if attacked the pitfiend will grab the eater and escape through the gate the only way to stop this is to pursuade the pitfiend to release the eater.
once the eater and pitfiend enters the gate it closes blocking easy rescue.

this is a cruel item, but then im a cruel sort of person :twisted:

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Silly Items!

yes, yes you are

This isn't so much a silly item, as an odd item...

Basicly, you take your average, run of the mill cloak, and you sprinkle it with crushed rubies. then you cast continual flame.
now your cloak is forever burning, yet doing no damage at all. Unless your photophobic, im sorry....
And i think, oif you add in other crushed gems or medels, you can change the color of the fire.
C'mon, imagine an invisible cloak with conitnual flame on it. Your wreathed in fire! greatest costum ever.
and you never have to worry about dropping the torch again.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Silly Items!

the great donut* of baator[b]
Wow! that is amazing lol, that there is the ultamite doughnut!

lol, I think we should slow down on the doughnuts lol, we have so many now Laughing out loud

If you have any more doughnuts or anything else feel free to post- but as for myself, I think if I post one more foodstuff Fridrikon will strangle me lol

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Silly Items!

dude, you know strangleation isnt my style.

Fireants. Fireants and a bag of salt.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Silly Items!

lol... well the point is that you'd have your way with me- I mean.... oh that didn't come out right.....

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Silly Items!



GOD's picture
Joined: 2004-12-08
Silly Items!

Tenshi, your sick. And your going to hell.

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Silly Items!


dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Silly Items!

damn it!

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Silly Items!

my bad!

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Silly Items!

wow! there are some sweet items coming up! while i'm here i'll post my not so famous goggles.

goggles of income

my charector is always wearing these goggles and as a pirate they come in handy. they look kinda like old aviator goggles but when worn they allow the player to see money where ever it may be ie. a pouch or in a chest. they make stealing a bit easier cause you can see if your victim is even worth stealing from and if your down on your luck mabye you can find a coin or two buried in the trash.

p.s. tenshi, you are sick.....poor poor fidrikon

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Silly Items!

opps! sorry, it told me there was an error or something so i thought it didn't bad

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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that is quiet possible the coolest idea for your goggles yet!

maybe you could even echant them with see invisibility later...

note: keep those the heck away from nick!

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
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nick would have to pry my goggles of my cold, dead, head before i'll even consider letting him near the goggles..........i had a sweet item but in my monday morning fatigued state i forgot it!

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Silly Items!

DUDE I love those goggles!

sorry I haven't come up with anything lately- been busy with the campaign and its maps, creatures, races, items.... yeah- it's not easy creating Settings lol, but I want to get us in the setting so bad lol it'll be worth the wait I promise... and I'm still keeping everything that you two have contributed, so if you want to contribute more feel free, there are after all seven other prime material planes that need creating lol

P.S. sorry Fidrikon... it really did come out wrong- I din't realize it until I re-read what I wrote :oops:

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Hi brother

Tenshi, why are you telling my story to tell, after all I am the original owner of the cape of squishyness


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Silly Items!

Shiido, you have never even heard of planescape, and while Id love to convert another into the fold :twisted: Im afriad you are too kick-in-the-doorto really get into the swing of it.
And tenshii told me that, and this is hearsay mind you, that you are afraid to enter Sigil because the Lady of Pain is more powerful than you?
I hate to break it to you, but get used to it. If you play planescape, your on the Pit Fiends turf now.
And our group has official abolished the alter-the-multiverse-to-keep-us-from-dieing-a-grusome-death thing. Fair warning.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Silly Items!

can we get back to the items???

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20

See, I didn't like the lady of pain because my brother mislead me into believing that she could kill gods


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20

Also I'm only considered kick in the door to my party members because I'm sadistic and like to get them killed by people and/or traps by attacking everything we meet or annoying it or running through a dungeon trying to set off traps. The whole point of me playing that way is to make things more interesting so i don't get bored, because our entire party is powerful usually.


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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Well thats gunna change once Aluncias finished, becuase you won't running through things or killing my NPC's becuase I'll make sure that 1.) for every action there is a conciquence 2.) You will most likely die if you run through things 3.) No more high rolls, and house rules, what you get is what you get whether you like it or not 4.) Treasure is going to be more realistic 5.) The True DM that is me will be the only one creating anything, and whatever anyone else creates won't be allowed in Aluncia unless if I want to adapt it. 6.) I don't care if your bored or not, if you end up screwing up the whole quest for everyone else you will be out... a gold dragon eats you- my favorite line, better get used to it. 7.) and yes I'm not screwing around anymore, there will be no more crap from any of my players (Fridrikon, Dread Pirate Swan, you guys haven't really done anything to set this off- except for Fridrikons arguements with Nick) 8.) if anyone, and I mean anyone starts to fighting ever again I swear to Kyoki I will burn the damn books!

Now I'm gunna go back to my usual happy HOT PINK chocobo self WARK!

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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Oh and one more thing- If you don't like the Lady of Pain get used to it, becuase everything will always be more powerful than you- I learned te hard way, and so will you...

*runs away to the fields, and returns to being a happy oversized chicken... aka Chocobo*

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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Tenshi sorry but you need to read better you friken idiot, i said that i had a problem when you told me that she had the power to kill all the gods which she doesn't is what you told me yesterday!!!


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Silly Items!

if you guys are gonna argue do it somewhere else so peolpe who want to post bout the topic at hand can do so!

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Silly Items!

Good point Swan, and with that, i give you...

The Boots of Funk
basically, these are cursed boots that affect you like the spell otto's irresistable dance. However, wearing these boots for any extended period of time gives the character, regardless of race, dancing as a class skill. If you wear it for 3 hours, its a skill with no ranks. After 12 hours, thats 1 rank. 24 hours, 2 ranks, 36 hours, that 3 ranks, and so forth.
*note, you only get the skill bonus IF YOU ARE DANCING THE ENTIRE TIME
It should also be noted that the dance is always funky, and players, if they have light skin, may be refeered to as honkeys, and beaten.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Silly Items!

First off... Swan, I'm sorry about that- but I wanted it to go back to items as well- if you go to page two- a little over half way down I was complaining about going back to items... so I actually came up with something and I apologize...

as for Shiido- from now on, if you want to say something to us- tell us in real life so that the nice people here at PlaneWalker don't have to listen to us- that includes things with Swan and Fridrikon... and there's always private messaging...

Now for the item YAY!

"Furts Freaky Ring Of Attraction"
Now according to legend, Furt was a highly charismatic and goodlooking goblin- even making the beautiful elven kind blush... so in honor of this wonderful Goblin a ring was created... this is a silver ring with the signet of a slightly-.... overwieght elf (wich I don't think is that much weight lol)... and when put on grants the wearer a +6 to Charisma, and a plus 10 to the Diplomacy skill- unless if it's towards a female... then it's +15... also this ring alows the character to cast Furt's False Friskyness wich is just the same thing as Fredrique's False Friskyness


dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
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"Furts Freaky Ring Of Attraction

who would have thought my first charector ever(furt) would have been so popular.......ohhh well.

shovel of paralisis

this is a common looking shovel at first but it was once inside a gelationus cube. now when ever someone tries to hold the shovel it causes a sharp stinging to the hands followed by paralisis. the only way to use the shovel is to wear metal gauntlets so your skin does not come into contact with the item. it can also cause paralisis if used like a weapon.

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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ok, sorry about before, well i have an item for ya:

Eternal Smoking Bong:

When used all people in a 15 foot radius must suceed on a DC 15 Fort Save every turn they are in range or become confused and light headed, -2 on attack rolls, -5 AC, +2 HD of temporary Hit points, and a 10% chance of falling unconscious. When the effects are over you get the munchies (see ring of munchies)

I got the idea from Lucas


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
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Is magic sphagetti considered a item or food same goes for vodka that is imbued with a baleful polymorph spell. please help :mrgreen:

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
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I don't think this is a great NPC a elf with a spagetti fetish. need a second

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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here's another one from me and sphagetti man:

ring of munchies:

this ring looks like a ring of three wishes, but when you try and wish you get a major pain in you stomach and forces you to eat for the next hour or you take 1d12 points of damage. It also uses a suggestion spell (DC 20 Will) on the user to make them think it wasn't the ring and that they were just hungry


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
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Dread pirate swan you figured out a way for those vampirac kobolds yet?

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
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thanks for giving credit on the ring of munchies shiido. i think

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
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Eternal Smoking Bong:
could we leave the stoner refrances out's uneeded.
I don't think this is a great NPC a elf with a spagetti fetish. need a second opnion
dude, sounds intresting and funny but it's not a silly item now is it! and i think your spegetti is a magic item not a food item.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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Um, shiido? I hate to rain on your parade, but....
If the ring of munchyness looks like a ring of three wishes, unless you have seen rings of three wishes before, you would still have to identify it. And if you identified it, it would be shown to be a rin of munchyness, not a ring of three the way (sry Swan, but I have to ask) how do you activate the bong? do you have to light it? and if you light it, then does it become ever smoking? or does it have a cap you can unscrew?
also, is it ceramic? and if so, what happens if a shatter spell is used on it? does the smoke stop, or does it just keep on spilling vile, THC filled smoke into the world?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Silly Items!

Um, shiido? I hate to rain on your parade, but....
If the ring of munchyness looks like a ring of three wishes, unless you have seen rings of three wishes before, you would still have to identify it. And if you identified it, it would be shown to be a rin of munchyness, not a ring of three wishes.

ven's picture
Joined: 2004-12-15

Hey guys i totally found out how to work this thing check this out
to be used only in the five mystical bongs, enchanted rolling papers, or the roach clip of terror. *You must inhale all the smoke from this* or your ac will go down 4 points (temporarly) but if you manage to get all the smoke (30 dc fort. check) you will gain 4 ac for 1d12 rounds.
used to light the five mystical bongs, or joints.( the same for the everburning ronson) it deals you 1d4 damage if you cant get a dc reflex check of 25. It can be used as a weapon (if you have lighter fluid) and it deals 1d4 damage, and three times a day it shoots a fireball dealing 3d6 damage to everybody within a tenfoot cone!

ven's picture
Joined: 2004-12-15

Props to Shiido on giving me credit on the eternal smoking bong

ven's picture
Joined: 2004-12-15

To handle the ornament you must make a dc check of 15 (will) and if you fail it shatters and deals you 1d6 damage, and a chance to make you blind. If you succeed on the will save/ check, the ornament grants the power to change into a christmas tree (fully adorned with lights and all that)

this is a cursed item, when you pick them up you have the strange urge to clip hedges and only a dc will check of 25 will save you and everytime you fail you clip a finger off.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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hey ven, welcome to planewalker.
And I think all of us here can say the everlasting drug refrences have reached their limit. No more of those, please. God, i miss the dognuts...

And, unfortunetly, the continual flame spell that your everlasting zippo seems to be based off of... continual flames casts out light only, and not heat. And I dont think you can catch things on fire with continual flame, though i may be wrong about that, have to check the books... but anyway, the zippo couldn't burn anyone.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
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Weed his usually an abstract non-existing item as in "and then i roll one so we can all enjoy the nice special effect while traveling through the conduit, har har har"

If you want real mean drugs, like those our parents made up to scare us, seek the book of vile darkness. I remember some cool buff-ups that cause addiction. Passing those to players (eg. hidden amongst some healing potions) might be a cool idea, especially because of the old proverb "it's not the drugs that kill you, it's going around looking for drugs that kills you" :twisted: Laughing out loud

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
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frid. the eternal flame spell only casts light no heat and it can't catch thins on fire. and what do mean by dognuts :idea:

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
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Ven where did you get the idea for "hegde clippers of doom"
wierd idea but creative

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