me and my friends love using stange and many times silly items. can anyone give me ideas of any they have used or heard of that would be fun to play with. here is one me and tenshi used once
willfull pen(intelegent cursed pen)
this is a wooden pen that is about an inch or so thick and 5-7 inches long. when picked up you must make a will save of dc 25 the pen forces you to stab the nearest living thing. if there is nothing near to stab you stab yourself. stabbing causes 1d3 damage and a 50% chance of ink posioning. repeat this process every 5 minutes. the only way to put the pen down is to make a dc 30 will save or take your own arm of.........i had to settle for the second........after i stabed like 4 modron and 2 people in my party......sigh...
any contribution would be greatly aprecated. thanx in advance.
Yes, the pen! lol
Here's some more items, one of them has an interesting history...
Cape Of Squishyness
This article of armor, is a long cape that can be made of any color and adds a +1 to AC and has no arcane spellfailure or check penalty. it ways around, maybe about 2 lbs... now for the interesting part, the cape itself can cause the user to bounce, and if anything hits the cape it bounces back... this item can also make the user safe from falls of about, oh lets say 15 feet...
My brother had this cape once, it was given to him by the DM becuase he only rolled 10gld- yeah I know 10 gld HAH! but anywho, my brother has the tendancy of being annoying, just like his gnome character... Well there was a giant pit that had a wall of flames around it and he threw a pot (why he bought pots, I don't know) into the wall and it melted falling into the pit- and after a few seconds we hear AHHHH! echoing from below. Well come to find out there was a civilization below us, and my brother decided, Hey I'll melt some more pots onto its citizens... Our DM turned him chaotic-evil, disabled the wall, we picked him up, and threw him down the pit..... his torso is still bouncing 1000 feet into the air till this very day lol