Sigil's Jack the Ripper

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Paka's picture
Joined: 2005-03-18
Sigil's Jack the Ripper

Seems like the City of Doors needs a Jack the Ripper.

I'd think he'd end up being a Dabu in the end. He encases families in masonry after killing them, leaving choked spaces where the dead air has been left to collect.

It would be up to the players what to do once they caught him. How does one bring a Dabu to justice?

Thoughts and theories?

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Sigil's Jack the Ripper

Well maybe he (or she) could be doing it in the Hive and part of the reason he hasn't been caught yet is two fold. 1) people in the hive often don't care if someone disapears and 2) When someone does care it gets mixed up with the Kadyx a monster that roams through the Hive and eats people sometimes and will often arrange their remains in unusal ways. Few have ever seen the monster and hangs out only in the Slags which is the worst part of the worst part of town (The hive.)

Perhaps if he expands the rumors might end up being that the Kadyx is moving outward. Then again if you want the city to be talking about and possibly caring enough to do something about it the Hive is the very worst spot to have him come from. Then again you could have him start there and then move out into better districts.

P.S. the Kadyx is from In the Cage: A guide to Sigil in the Hive Section

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Sigil's Jack the Ripper

But if the Kadyx leaves a trail of strong cinnomon smells, then unless you have a killer who is going out of his way to seem like the Kadyx, wouldn't people soon realize that its someone else?

and if the guy does imiate the Kadyx, isn't the Kadyx getting peeved?

BTW: bring a Dabus to Justice, just report him to toher dabus, and Try to detain him without hurting him. Then the Dabus can do what they want with em.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Sigil's Jack the Ripper

Perhaps the Scratcher is a better choice for this, but the signer may just be more of a "destruction of property" guy, rather than a "killing prostitutes in the hive" kinda guy.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Sigil's Jack the Ripper

"jordarad" wrote:
Perhaps the Scratcher is a better choice for this, but the signer may just be more of a "destruction of property" guy, rather than a "killing prostitutes in the hive" kinda guy.

Then again there are always over zealous paladins and fighters for their ideals going on the occational 'spree o' justice."

Toras's picture
Joined: 2004-05-14
Sigil's Jack the Ripper

Speaking as someone who's played a Chaotic Good version of the Ripper, it does work on all sides of the street. It can lead to some rather striking contrasts in a character, especially if he is good in any traditional way.
For Example

Toras Schedule for XXX in the year xxxx. (I'd do the times in Sigilian reckonning but I can't seem to remember the correspondance.)

9am - Waking up from the Sleep of the Just. Morning Prayer and Breakfast. I enjoy being me.
10 am- 3pm Bouncing at the Bar.
3pm - 6pm Helping out at the Orphanage.
6pm -7pm Dinner
7pm- 9pm Random Acts of Kindness / Violence (Healing Sick kids in the Hive / Stomping Random Fiends for no reason what so ever)
9pm Evening Prayer and Check List to see if any had been named for Justice. (List of villians to dispatch)
10pm-12pm Hunt down Child Slaver and Associates. Trap his soul in gem, sell into eternal slavery, and use money to help fund church and orphanage. Take a few moment to apperciate irony. I like being me.
12pm - Back home for sleep

But then again, he is a little nuts.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Sigil's Jack the Ripper

"Gerzel" wrote:
"jordarad" wrote:
Perhaps the Scratcher is a better choice for this, but the signer may just be more of a "destruction of property" guy, rather than a "killing prostitutes in the hive" kinda guy.

Then again there are always over zealous paladins and fighters for their ideals going on the occational 'spree o' justice."

An interesting story.

Of course, having the Harmonium conduct the investigation and then the Mercykillers exact justice on the guilty will be just as interesting.

Zadara the Titan's picture
Joined: 2005-04-05
Sigil's Jack the Ripper

See, berk, these murders are not happening in fast succession, but they've been occuring over quite some time, decades by now. The chant is, the madman has been almost caught lots of time, but he always gives 'em the laugh, like he knows what his chasers are doing. By now it's none, who believe he even CAN be caught. And what that means here on the planes ... well, if YOU want to be the one scragging him, you'd better have some unconventional measures.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Sigil's Jack the Ripper

I'm not aware of any Jack the Ripper type characters in the canon materials, but the Grixxit goes around 'killing' portals...

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Sigil's Jack the Ripper

"Zadara the Titan" wrote:
The chant is, the madman has been almost caught lots of time, but he always gives 'em the laugh, like he knows what his chasers are doing.
Perhaps it's never the same madman nearly caught twice.

They're the fevered creations of a shattered Signer mind. The thought constructs from a man whose been wronged one too many times. In his maddened and feverish state... his mind reaches out. He thinks about what he would like to do to those who have betrayed him... not realising that his thoughts are delivering his deepest urges. His enemies and those that have betrayed him are falling, quietly and quickly.

And he will never know.

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