Sigilian Poker

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Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Sigilian Poker


Sooner or later I get around to all my projects. Eye-wink This is a major streamlining of the original rules, by some fellow at the WotC board. Hands were scored in a rather confusing point system and the deck was 211 cards big. I've tried to simplify it a bit, as much as a card game of the planes can be simple.

The Deck
Sigilian Poker uses a unique deck of 75 cards, divided into the four suits of Evil, Good, Chaos and Law. Cards can have one suit, two, or none; however, no card can have two opposing suits (eg Good and Evil). The cards mainly represent prominent races, places and faces on the Outer Planes.

Rank Cards are denoted by a number from 1 to 5. They represent planeborn (exemplar) races in line with a particular alignment. Since there is a set for each possible combination of suits, there are a total of 45 of these cards.

King Cards represent important representatives of an alignment and are denoted with a K. Only one King card exists for each suit combination, so there are only 9 Kings.

Plane Cards represent the 17 planes of the Great Wheel, plus Sigil. Unlike Rank and King cards, however, they are not evenly divided among the possible suits. There are 12 with one suit, 4 with two suits, and 2 with no suit, for a total of 18.

Special Cards are unusual in that they don't fall into the other categories. There are two Clueless cards and one Lady card here, all suitless.

Here are some examples, badly photochopped up by yours truly:

Lawful Good 1 (a Lantern Archon), the plane of Mechanus, and the Lady.

Rules of Play
Sigilian Poker plays much like its Prime counterpart. Players are dealt hands of nine cards, have a round of betting, trade in as many as they like for new cards from the deck, bet again, and then reveal their cards to see who won. However, the modified deck means that scoring rules are also new.

There are four kinds of combination one might have: Matches, Straights, Hierarchies, Cages, and Great Rings.

Matches are equivalent to Of-A-Kinds in prime Poker (Three 2s, four Kings, two Planes...) However, you can concievably go up to nine-of-a-kind!

Straights work like they do in poker as well. For non-suited straights the order is 1-2-3-4-5-King.

Hierarchies (also known as Straight Flushes) occur when one has a Straight in which either all cards share at least one suit, or none of the cards have a suit. A player may form these using the order 1-2-3-4-5-King or 1-2-3-4-5-Plane-King.

Cages are a special set that are formed from Sigil and specificly suited cards. Possible combinations are:
Law + Chaos + Good + Evil
Law + Chaos + Good + Evil + No suit
Law + Chaos + Good + Evil + No suit + Sigil
Lawful Good + Chaotic Evil + Chaotic Good + Lawful Evil
Lawful Good + Chaotic Evil + Chaotic Good + Lawful Evil + No suit
Lawful Good + Chaotic Evil + Chaotic Good + Lawful Evil + No suit + Sigil

Great Rings are the best hand in the game. They require one Plane of every possible suit combination, and so there are very few ways to get it.

Note that none of these combinations use Lady or Clueless. While the treatment of these cards varies from place to place, the usual consensus is that Lady is wild and Clueless is a dead card (can't even be a 2-card match if you have both of them).

To determine who has the best set of cards, follow these guidelines:
1.) Bigger sets are always better. In the case that a person has multiple sets, treat them as a single set of the lowest type among them, and a size 1 lower than the total of the cards involved. For instance, a 5-card straight and a 3-card match would be counted together as a 7-card match.
2.) If there is a tie for set size, then Cages beat Hierarchies beat Straights beat Matches. Great Ring wins against anything.
3.) If there is still a tie, determine winner by the highest card in the hands. (Clueless < 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5 < P < K < Lady )
4.) If there is still a tie, the top players split the pot.

Variant: Limbo Hold'em
If you wish, you can play a Hold'em-esque version of Sigilian Poker as well. If that is the case, rounds proceed like so:
1.) Players ante or post blinds.
2.) Players are dealt 3 cards each.
3.) A round of betting occurs.
4.) Five cards are dealt to the center. These cards may be used as if in anyone's hand.
5.) A round of betting occurs.
6.) Two cards are dealt to the center.
7.) A round of betting occurs.
8.) Two cards are dealt to the center.
9.) A round of betting occurs.
10.) Players reveal their cards, scoring as though their hand consisted of those three, plus six chosen from the nine in the center.

So, what do you think?

Sliver Overlord's picture
Joined: 2004-05-18
Sigilian Poker

Laughing out loud Arg!!! my Brain bleeds!!
Seems a bit complicated but other than that is is pretty good.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Sigilian Poker

Once you get the hand of it it's really a lot easier than it looks.

And if you think this is complicated you should see the original.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Sigilian Poker

:shock: wow....

this actually looks fun... mabey it's the 'loser with no life' part of me talking, but I kinda want to play.... :shock:

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Sigilian Poker

anyone else going to GenCon? We could always meet for a hand or two...

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Sigilian Poker

this could actually be used in a campaign... all we need is a full scale deck...

If you made all the image files you could use a lable making program, print the cards to lables and stick the lables on the front of real cards. mabey give them a nice new back too...

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Sigilian Poker

"Clueless" wrote:
anyone else going to GenCon? We could always meet for a hand or two...
I'm going to the SoCal one as I'm not too far from it. I could never make it to the others though.

And yeah, it'd be awesome to play a few hands. Just need to decide on what all the cards are, and get pictures...

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Sigilian Poker

to make things easier, do the number cards really need things devoted to them? I mean, in normal poker decks only a small number of the cards have anything particularly entertaining about them, and you have to remember, extra-planer or not, these are city people with LIVES and whatnot. they would probably be playing with cards that are easy enough to draw out. not horribly involved designs.

Tevish Szat's picture
Joined: 2004-08-07
Sigilian Poker

Certainly a lot more playable than the brain-breaking origional on the wizards boards. in fact, i rather like it for as a planar card game. I might make up a deck and see if my players will bite.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Sigilian Poker

"Sarrin" wrote:
to make things easier, do the number cards really need things devoted to them? I mean, in normal poker decks only a small number of the cards have anything particularly entertaining about them, and you have to remember, extra-planer or not, these are city people with LIVES and whatnot. they would probably be playing with cards that are easy enough to draw out. not horribly involved designs.
True. I suppose that means all I need now to get a deck together is some idea of what the CG King is.

Tevish Szat's picture
Joined: 2004-08-07
Sigilian Poker

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
"Sarrin" wrote:
to make things easier, do the number cards really need things devoted to them? I mean, in normal poker decks only a small number of the cards have anything particularly entertaining about them, and you have to remember, extra-planer or not, these are city people with LIVES and whatnot. they would probably be playing with cards that are easy enough to draw out. not horribly involved designs.
True. I suppose that means all I need now to get a deck together is some idea of what the CG King is.
Perhaps the kings are Powers? that would make it easier, but i don't know about the rest of the kings...

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Sigilian Poker

"Tevish Szat" wrote:
"Eco-Mono" wrote:
"Sarrin" wrote:
to make things easier, do the number cards really need things devoted to them? I mean, in normal poker decks only a small number of the cards have anything particularly entertaining about them, and you have to remember, extra-planer or not, these are city people with LIVES and whatnot. they would probably be playing with cards that are easy enough to draw out. not horribly involved designs.
True. I suppose that means all I need now to get a deck together is some idea of what the CG King is.
Perhaps the kings are Powers? that would make it easier, but i don't know about the rest of the kings...
I had originally intended the kings to be prominent non-Power individuals (see the WotC thread for the current list) but that might work too.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Sigilian Poker

could you post a link to the thread at WotC? I'm really close to finishing my deck desogn, and all I need are the kings.

btw, I figured out that the plane cards are easier to do if you use the symbol for each plane. you can find them on mimir net I believe.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Sigilian Poker

"Sarrin" wrote:
could you post a link to the thread at WotC? I'm really close to finishing my deck desogn, and all I need are the kings.

btw, I figured out that the plane cards are easier to do if you use the symbol for each plane. you can find them on mimir net I believe.

Already posted the link, but sending it again couldn't hurt.
Find the original topic here.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Sigilian Poker

thanks.... and by 'desogn', I meant 'design'.

I'll probably be done with them in a couple weeks, what with me getting home one week hence. I'll post them if anyone wants me to.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Sigilian Poker


Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Sigilian Poker

yeah, so does anyone have any good pictures of any of the kings I could use?

I kinda forgot about this whole thread until just now.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Sigilian Poker

If I was better at art I'd draw them up in Hoyle-king regalia.

But I'm not better at art.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Sigilian Poker

I was talking to Eco and ended up doing 4 of the 9 Kings...

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Sigilian Poker

Ooh, I really like the Primus. Using the duality of his hands in the presumably mirror-image is a nice touch.


Pants of the North!

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Sigilian Poker

nice stuff. anyone have any others? I sadly, can't do my own because my hand has issues with doing what I tell it to when it has a pencil in it... ^_^;;;

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Sigilian Poker

yea... im making a sigilian poker deck, but I'm having trouble with the kings. So far I have Primus, center of all, the General of Gehenna, Asmodeus( but what do I draw for him?) and thats it. I heard mention of a list on the orginal forum over at wotc, but that seems to be gone.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Sigilian Poker

'Fidrikon' wrote:
yea... im making a sigilian poker deck, but I'm having trouble with the kings. So far I have Primus, center of all, the General of Gehenna, Asmodeus( but what do I draw for him?) and thats it. I heard mention of a list on the orginal forum over at wotc, but that seems to be gone.

It's not gone, it's right here.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Sigilian Poker

This page is also worth looking at. By its scheme, the suits are Horns, Pits, Stars, and Tomes. The neutral planes and planes of conflict are derived from combinations of cards - so the Queen of Stars (Morwel or possibly Faerinaal, since the eladrins are matriarchal) and the Queen of Pits (Lolth or Pale Night) would each have half the image of the slaad lord Ssendam on it; when you put the two chaos queens together you see the whole picture. Similarly, Lolth's picture and the picture of the Queen of Horns (maybe Tiamat, the Hag Countess, or Glasya) would also each have half of the yugoloth queen (perhaps Shylara the Manged or Shemeshka the Marauder).

In Planescape, Asmodeus was depicted as a horned humanoid in silhouette, his face obscured in darkness.

I think the jokers should be rilmani (the Yellow Emperor and Center of All, perhaps). That way, they could be wild cards and represent "allies" of whatever card the player desires.

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