Sigilian Holydays

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Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Sigilian Holydays

In Sigil every day is holyday.
I mean: with all those cultures and races there, practicaly every day something is celebrated in one ward or another or in one gheto or another.
So I was wondering about Sigil exclusive holydays like: Day of Mercy when Lady spared litlle girl that gave her flowers.

Here is some ideas for Sigil holydays:
Day of Fallen Gods:Sigil celebrates the death of Aoskar. It is carneval atmosphere where people dress as various gods and celebrate on streets. Of course sometimes fights breaks out with members of faith.
Hollyday ends with burning of "Aoskar"in great pyre, and people leave thir masks at temple door´s or burn them in pyre.

Memories of War / Price of Peace: New holyday in Sigil, where people remember the fallen or lost in Faction War. Holyday is celebrated in silence and wisiting most sites of Sigil battlegrounds, where the the ruins of Armoury is most visited.

That is it for now, if you hawe ideas plaese post them (or alternate holydays names and other comments). Also I was not shure where to post his thread. (RPG Discussion or Civic Festhall)


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Sigilian Holydays

I think I remember reading somewhere, and someone point it out if they know, about the Chaosmen occasionally celebrating Factol Skall's birthday. Someone thought it was sad that since the faction does not celebrate life that he never got to have one, and it went from there. Sometimes its celebrated several times a year, just whenever a bunch of Xaositects get together and think it's a good idea. I think it was a fan written thing, but I love the idea

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Sigilian Holydays

* Spoiler for 'Harbinger House' *

If you're playing after the 'Massacre at Bloodgem Park' then that's probably an event that gets marked by the populace, at least for a cycle or two... ditto for all the major Sigil adventures I suppose (its a nice way to showcase the achievements of the party by having their successes/failures reflected in local festival days for a while).


"The Festival of Lamps"

A celebration of the city's lightboys, including street parties and processions. Although a secular holiday, clerics of Powers of "light" tend to involve themselves as much as possible, leading to inevitable conflicts with darkness gods and (of course) the Athar. People traditionally give away old lamps and torches on this day and its considered bad luck to end the night with the lantern you started with. Many people also practise a custom of trading their lamps for a kiss (and more than a kiss on occasion...) so its a night of romance for many as well.

More arcanely-orientated celebrants often light up the city with faerie fire or other spells at this time - and some deliberately start fires of course. The Harmonium/city guard consider it one of teh worse nights for random arson and chaos.

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Sigilian Holydays

Hmm.... well, I would think that Sigil would have a *lot* of small holidays, but very few major ones. There are simply too many cultures for a holiday to gain a real foothold among such disparate groups. So while the gnomes might celebrate the holy days of Garl Glittergold, and the Guild of Glassblowers might have its own special celebration, and Estevan might host an end-of-year feast to celebrate the year's profits, its unlikely that there's much cross-pollination of holidays. There are probably some dedicated party goers that try to attend every single festival.

Add to it the fact that the true ruler of Sigil, the Lady of Pain, permits no worship of her (and thus holy days in her name are unlikely, as they'd tread a little too close to veneration for comfort). I'd imagine in the old days most of the factions had their special days, but these days it would be a lot of guild holidays. The religions, or at least the bigger ones, would try to hold special events too, (these could be a good way to drum up converts actually, just go into the Hive with enough free food and you'll have people lining up).

I *doubt* that Sigilian holidays go into parades much. Can you imagine the traffic problems of having a dozen parades every day?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Sigilian Holydays

The Harmonium would take issue to all the parades--probably require a permit, posted notice, etc. If you needed a public disturbance for your campaign for whatever reason this would help. (Or a way to iritate Xaositect PCs who want to have a parade on Skall's birthday Smiling) I would also use lot's of smaller holidays for the same reasons posted above.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Sigilian Holydays

The day of mercy? Can someone give a good run down of that day? I'm interested. Y'know big story, long complicated words with poetic meaning. More than just a statement.

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
Sigilian Holydays

There is, somewhere on the Mimir site, links to articles about the calendar of Sigil. One thing it noted was that the first day of each month (named for the factions) was dedicated to the faction for whose month it was named. There would be a celebration of some sort and it would/could be considered a holiday.

Other likely holidays (Pre or Post Faction War) might compose of; First day of the new cycle/Last day of the old, Shatter-Day (remberence of when the Lady killed Aoskar and banned the Powers from Sigil), Mind-Day (noting the break down of the Illithid Empire, particularly religious day among the Gith), Dabus Rest (a day of rest in the Cage when even the Dabus are not seen working the cage).

I see many other holiday celebrations being too loalized for cultures to be wide spread, except for exceptionally fun ones promoted by Sensates throughout the Cage and just stuck after the Lady banned them.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
Sigilian Holydays

There has to be at least one day of the year where all the factions are encouraged to reverse their normal roles.

Xaositect are supposed to act perfectly logical and sensible, Guvners are supposed to act crazy as hell, Bleakers run around throwing flowers everywhere and talking about the beauty of life, and Sensates compose dark gothic nihilistic poetry.

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Sigilian Holydays

Some kind of Sigilian Saturnalia? That would be interesting, although I have a hard time imagining getting some people to go along with it. Chaotic Guvners...?

I wonder if it would extend to the Planars. A benevolent Baatezu?

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
Sigilian Holydays

Some kind of Sigilian Saturnalia?

Precisely. Hosted by the Sensates and the Xaositects--I imagine not everyone approves (most of the Guvners are way too stuffy), but great pains have been taken to make it official and accessible to everyone. It might even be on the Law Books, which gives some of the less snooty Guvners a perfectly rational excuse to go out and have a crazy-fun time.

I can't think of any reason why it would be so wide-spread and accepted among all the factions and even the Planars, but it would totally rock if it were.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Sigilian Holydays

There should also be some kind of Burning Man festival held by Xaositects and Sensates. The founder of this bohemian outing, of course, is the very Titan of forethought, Prometheus. He creates the huge burning man out of clay and then gives the people what they want... fire!

Pretty silly idea, but maybe somebody can run with it.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Sigilian Holydays

'The Great Hippo' wrote:
I imagine not everyone approves (most of the Guvners are way too stuffy), but great pains have been taken to make it official and accessible to everyone. It might even be on the Law Books, which gives some of the less snooty Guvners a perfectly rational excuse to go out and have a crazy-fun time.

I'd guess the official Guvner line is that it's to be frowned upon, but on an individual level a lot of Guvner's have discovered that, once a year, it's relieving to do something different, be a little chaotic. They're probably bad at it, though, leading to great humour among the Xaosmen.


Pants of the North!

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Sigilian Holydays

Week of 7 Sins / Dark Week: This Un-holiday was started by fiends of the Lower Ward in the distant past, and sages believe it is conected with first (and last Blood War Truce), while others claim that festival comes from hidden Pandemonium town where Baatezu, Yugoloths, and Tanar ri live in union and work toward goal of unification of 3 fiendish races .

Fiends are celebrating during 7 days, and each day is dedicated to particular sin, a face of evil that tightens fiendish grip over prime material plane and thus dominance over entire multiverse.

On this 7 days fiendish festivities are held in Temple of Abyss and darkest corners of Hive and Lover Ward, and during this time fiends act especially friendly and many invite (lure) mortals and primes in their festivities. (needles to say during that time many people dissapear never to be seen again). Since the factions or council of Sigil (not to mention Lady) would dissaprove of this this holiday is celebrated in small circles of fiends and each year Dark Week starts on deferent date.

Sins are celebrated in this order: Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Pride, Envy and Wrath. Witch represents the path of mortal corruption also during each day there are themed events witch are different to each circle but are tied to respected sin.
Day of Lust: During this day fiends are are preparing for main events of next days, they usually show mortals that follow them all the beauties and pleasures of multiverse, but with one twist: they cannot have any of it. (during that day Erinyes and Succubus usual play games of lure and let go).
Day of Greed:On this day, revelers are encouraged to gather as much things as they can whether they are food or money or power, and if those things came from other people even better.
Day of Gluttony: Entire day is one big orgy of food, sex, souls or whatever thing please the fiends or mortals. This day is considered the peak of festival.
Day of Sloth:Everyone rests from past day and they do nothing, but on that day revelers are most vulnerable and usually spend this day in hiding.
Day of Pride:This is day where amongst other things revelers, tell tales of their great deeds. Usually the tales are overblown and mostly untrue, but the goal is to set stage for another day.
Day of Envy:Also called the day of Bile, where revelers tray to induce as many jealousy in their surrounding s, they usually do that by preforming amazing feats or display of beauty wealth and power, but they also manage awaken The Green Eyed Monster in other circles of fiends. Witch build tension for final day of festival.
Day of wrath: Final day of festival where steam stress and frustration that are gathered during week are blown out of their systems. Duels are held in underground arenas, blows are exchanged within the circle or between the circles, on mortal followers and even on property. Sometimes the revelers go to such extremes that that night other cagers call Night of Blood. With that night fiends usually leave Sigil for lover planes or go into shadows to hide.

I hope you like idea, of this fiendish holiday witch celebrates moral corruption and decay.

Whew, that was one long post.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Sigilian Holydays

Naturally the forces of the Upper Planes would try and counter this with festivals based on the Seven Virtues: Chastity, Courage, Abstinence, Liberality, Generosity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility. Somehow I can't see those holidays being quite so much fun though...

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Sigilian Holydays

'Armoury99' wrote:
Naturally the forces of the Upper Planes would try and counter this with festivals based on the Seven Virtues: Chastity, Courage, Abstinence, Liberality, Generosity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility. Somehow I can't see those holidays being quite so much fun though...
Except that no one fully agrees on what the Seven Virtues are...

I'd prefer the Three Theological + Four Cardinal Virtues since those are the ones being used in the WoD books...

lsdfjkdsf's picture
Joined: 2007-03-10
Sigilian Holydays

I decided that I would flesh out the counterpart of Dark Week. I choose to use the Roman Catholic version of the 7 virtues. Some of the days are not as faithful as they could be, but nobody wants to celebrate 7 days of "we're going to be good people today" days.

Week of 7 Virtues / Holy Week: This holiday was started by celestials as a dirrect counterpart to the Dark Week. It was created long after Dark Week was established. Although nowhere near as popular or as well-known as Dark Week (especially since it's so much funner to sin...), Holy Week is still celebrated by many cagers in Sigil. It celebrates the 7 holy virtues which directly mirror the seven deadly sins. Festivities are held in various temples and in more respectible parts of the Hive and Cleric's Ward.

Despite many different temples participating in the festivities, no power claims to be associated with Holy Week. In fact, a fair amount of effort has gone into making sure that no powers try claiming Holy Week as their personal fesitval. Noone knows if this is because the powers-that-be are afraid of alienating people, people just don't want a name attached to the week, because nobody is quite sure how The Lady will react, or some other reason. Regardless, no god is mentioned with relationships to Holy Week.

Day of Love/Chastity: Originally a day to celebrate Chastity, not many people particularly wanted (or qualified) to celebrate it. Therefore, it was unofficially transformed into the Day of Love, where revelers enjoy spending time with their loved ones. Beings with significant others tend to “enjoy time” with one another, while singles tend to try to find a little love of their own. Marriage proposals are quite common on this day.
Day of Charity: Revelers give gifts to one another, usually minor things like flowers or a few copper pieces. This day ends with a large free community potluck.
Day of Temperance: Probably the least popular of all days, revelers are supposed to refuse all temptation, especially jink, beer, and women. Normal cutters ignore this day for the most part, but celestials and more devoted mortals will abstain from any temptation. A particular favorite of fiends, who enjoy trying to corrupt mortals who are supposed to be avoiding temptation.
Day of Diligence: Considered a break from celebrating, everyone treats this day as a normal working day.
Day of Humility: Revelers dress in their most beat up and ratty clothes and compliment one another while refusing any comment that is directed at them. Arguments have been known to start as to which of two cagers is the better hero, with each cutter insisting that the other one is far superior.
Day of Kindness: Revelers are encouraged to do particularly kind acts of charity. Although donations are not unheard of, the idea of this holiday is to donate time rather than jink. Oftentimes, a group of celestials and revelers will get together to build a community center in the Hive (the community center always seems to get burned down every couple months).
Day of Forgiveness: Final day of the festival where all revelers ask for forgiveness for any misdeeds or sins they may have committed since the last Day of Forgiveness. Similar to Yom-Kippur, except this day focuses more on asking other mortals for forgiveness as opposed to any one power. Refusing to forgive someone today is considered terribly unlucky. Afterwards, the revelers feel particularly good about themselves and return to business-as-usual.

All said, Dark Week is a great idea.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Sigilian Holydays

Good work Isdfjkdsf. Smiling

Here is some of ideas how to balance these two holydays: I think that for now Lady would permit both holydays since they are both on small scale and there is Holy Week to balance the Dark Week. If both holydays would escelate in open fights on streets she would do something about that long time ago.
Second idea is that both holidays are celebrated simultaniously.

Secondly I think that would be nice if Holy Week would be some how conected with Day of Mercy, wich is Sigil holy day on wich people celebrate event in wich Lacy spared litle girl who gave her flovers. (prehaps Holy Week is planed so that starts or ends with day of mercy - it would be like 8th day in holy day).

Also here is some ideas for Dark week: Baatezu always celebrate week in same order of days, while Tanar´ri and Yugoloths sometimes change order of days, this reflects various philosophies on paths of coruption.

Planar sages have also noticed that Dark Week allvays falls on Days of Calibration - calendar event of words that are under influence of Astec and Mayan Pantheon (also, during that time on Mechanus, Modrons are calbrting and tuning gaers of Regulus, syncronising them with rest of Mechanus). Days of Calibartion are considered highly unauspicious becaouse they are "days out of time" (calendar) and during that time people belive that forces of chaos and evil are most active.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Sigilian Holydays

I like how the Dark Week sort of flows right along, Lust to Greed to Gluttony to Sloth to Pride to Envy and finally culminating in Wrath. It actually goes together. Holy Week makes for an interesting counter, although I kind of see it as more of a Celestial "forced cheer" kind of thing. I have a hard time seeing the Day of Diligence being popular.

Hmm.... perhaps in an effort to get up interest, some of the pantheons might work on a single massive celebration? I.e. the entire Greek Pantheon holding a holiday, rather then each individual god? With a dozen or more temples working together, this could be a much larger celebration then the usual small ones (which would still be going on). Probably on the most important holy day of the chief god of the pantheon.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Sigilian Holydays

I like the ideas of the holy/unholy weeks, but let's not forget Law and Chaos, which are at least as important as good and evil on the planes. Given, it's a little harder to find 7 good qualifiers for them, but let me try a rough guess.



Heck, why not Neutrality while we're at it:

Alright, now somebody with more time run with it Sticking out tongue

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Sigilian Holydays

Surly if it was a lawful festival it would be to celebrate three of something?
Or a least three threes of something and a festival of chaos would celebrate almost any number of anything?

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