So... I was working on a progression over centuries on my homegrown campaign setting using the D20 modern and d20 future sourcebooks. While mapping out future history, I began to wonder how would the progression of technology (mixed with progression of magic) affect the Planes and Sigil?
What do you think Sigil would be like when much of the material plane worlds reached the Information Age or even the Fusion Age?
Very off the wall I know; but if anyone has theories, I'd be glad to hear them.
My assumption is that Sigil would always have whatever the latest technology available throughout the multiverse. How would that affect the way everything works though?
Something to consider: Do the Outer Planes stay more or less the same (ie. they just get updated in response to the technological developments) or do new planes come into existence while outdated planes fade away?
A place like Mechanus would probably embrace and, ironically, change with any new developments. I could easily see it turning into something akin to Tron or shades of The Matrix. The Beastlands, on the other hand, I'd imagine would remain more or less untouched.