sigil for neverwinter nights

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Casvenx's picture
Joined: 2006-04-03
sigil for neverwinter nights

greetings all, ive been lurking on here for awhile, but thought i would mention a project im working on you might be interested in. im somewhat long winded, so bear with me. Smiling

little history first, so skip this paragraph as its just my intro:
planescape is the only setting i have any interest in at all. ive tried a few others, but few if any really do it for me. im also past the age where its somewhat easier to find a pnp gaming group (let alone a good one, and lets not even mention the rarity of a good, mature, -planescape- gaming group). so i turned to the internet to find and outlet for my gaming, and honestly, internet gaming has some large advantages over face-to-face gaming anyways. mostly i played MUDs, but there were no good planescape MUDs out there. so just as i started working on one myself, i found NWN and thought that would be even better. i was waiting on CODI for a long time, but anyone who knows about CODI knows what happened there. NWN2 could model sigil so much better then nwn1, so i waited again for nwn2, only to find out that PWs are seriously hampered, and the game will hardly run on my machine. so now, years late, i am getting a planescape nwn1 PW together.

so the idea is to make a persistent world of sigil for nwn1. this in itself is not exactly unique (theres even a regular here that had one), but it is rare. and a decent one is even rarer. i dont know why, with all the fanatical fans of planescape there still are (like myself), that it is so rare to come across a real-time game in the setting.

there is still a lot of work to be done before anything near a usable product is available (ill keep you posted how it goes), but the idea is to stay true to the idea of planescape, if not the sourcebooks, as i am having to convert it all from 2e to nwn's 3e. yes, i am using this site quite a bit for that too. the mod is low-power, high-magic, and pre-faction wars. i have some pretty cool ideas im playing with to keep things interesting. i am of course using everything from CODI i can get my hands on, plus anything else cool i can find. its surprising how much activity nwn1 still has going on.

now before anyone throws the idea out simply because the game is so old, it is simply a medium to run my own game on. i dont have the skills or time to design my own entire game from the ground up (but wouldnt that rock? an entire multi-player game designed with planescape in mind... *sigh*), so i am using a game that is designed to allow you to make your own game, based the same rule system planescape is based on. it is also cheap enough now anyone can afford it, and run it on just about anything. and considering that there is NO other option for real-time anytime planescape gaming, we might be able to make this into something worthwhile.

like i said, there is still a lot of work to be done, and i have little enough time to do it in. so while i do simply want to bring attention to the project, i am also looking for help. anyways, just thought id see if anyone was interested around here.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
sigil for neverwinter nights

'Casvenx' wrote:
i am of course using everything from CODI i can get my hands on, plus anything else cool i can find. its surprising how much activity nwn1 still has going on.
Actually, a large portion of the NWN community, after the disappointment of NWN2, are dusting off their old NWN CDs. Many PvP and persistent world servers have returned as a result.

For links to NWN Planescape material (including CODI content and tileset) check out this thread. Also, the CEP v2 contains all the CODI creature and placeables that they released on the Vault (with various bug fixes/improvements).

I run a NWN and a NWN2 server both of which have areas in Sigil. If you need any help with scripting just ask.


lsdfjkdsf's picture
Joined: 2007-03-10
sigil for neverwinter nights

Sounds intresting. Recreating Sigil, along with the other important Planescape planes, is no easy task, but I wish you the best of luck.

Out of curiosity (and self-intrest), what expansions to you plan on using. SOU? HOTU? CEP?

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
sigil for neverwinter nights

Random unrelated question here, but hopefully somebody might be able to help:

Does anybody that has NWN2 have a problem with the autoupdate patcher tool? Because I have not been able to patch the game or play online since I got the thing. To preempt any such thoughts, it is a completely legal copy of the Limited Edition NWN2. I've filled out Atari's technical support form at least three times now but have not gotten anything but an automated "we'll get back to you" reply. Even though the game seems awesome, that problem combined with the terrible framerate despite the lowest settings on a monster machine is making me want to dust off NWN1. Very disappointing.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
sigil for neverwinter nights

Iavas, here are a couple links that may help. I know there was a big problem with a broken version of .NET 2 causing problems.

v0.95? Can't patch! Need help!

It could also be a problem with your firewall, make sure the ports listed in this thread are forwarded:
NWN2 Router / Firewall Ports


Casvenx's picture
Joined: 2006-04-03
sigil for neverwinter nights

i actually just updated to CEP2 a couple days ago. i was without internet for awhile, and the copy i had was of the CEP2 beta, before they added the CODI stuff. so its easier to simply use the CEP stuff then work out my own haks.

right now im just looking at sigil itself, the city is enough of a project. i will be expanding onto some planar areas, but thats later. im using CEP2, which means i need both expansions.

i found that thread, and was using most of it already. havent messed with the primer CD or torment music yet, as i havent even begun looking at sounds. im playing through torment again as i build, so if i find anything nice ill work it in.

for the record, i think nwn2 has a lot of potential. roguedao studios is doing some amazing work right now on a planescape mod (its been mentioned on here already). but it simply wont run well enough on my comp for me to even consider playing multiplayer. but hey, if people not liking nwn2 means they are going back to nwn1 and might stop by my PW, im all for their opinions Smiling

so as a question to the dedicated PS fans: what parts of sigil do you most want to see? modeling i cant do much about; im working with what ive got, but im trying to add as many 'required' places as possible.

Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
sigil for neverwinter nights

I'll add a quick shameless plug to this topic to advertise an already existing persistent world that features certain planes and the Cage. Shocked

Check out NWFaces of Sigil when you have the time. It's a local vault server, found under the RP section. It takes place before the Faction War, features a way too many areas to sum up, and the players are nice too (at times).

- Kris

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
sigil for neverwinter nights

'Casvenx' wrote:
what parts of sigil do you most want to see?
The Hive of course!

Also, if anyone is interested here is a link to a forum where I posted a bunch of screenshots from the Sigil mod I ran a few years back. I'm thinking about bringing it back up this summer sometime:
Return to Sigil! Bringing Planescape to NWN


Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
sigil for neverwinter nights

Thanks for the links, 420, but the blurdy thing still won't patch. Rather, it downloads the patch fine but then refuses to see it in the \temp folder. Ah well... I'll figure it out eventually or get bored and never buy an Atari product again. I tried the toolset and, perhaps due to inexperience, found it so difficult and counterintuitive to use that I am absolutely shocked at the stuff that RogueDao and others have been able to do with it.

Now, since I'm not signed up for the RogueDao forums, does anybody here know if they will include Bariaur, Genasi, and non-human looking tiefers in their mods, particularly as playable characters?

Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
sigil for neverwinter nights

'Iavas' wrote:
Now, since I'm not signed up for the RogueDao forums, does anybody here know if they will include Bariaur, Genasi, and non-human looking tiefers in their mods, particularly as playable characters?

I sincerely doubt that adding Bariaur is within the realm of possibilities, seeing as they require a whole new set of animations. And sadly the community doesn't have access to the required tools to incorporate new animations into the game, yet at any rate.

- Kris

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
sigil for neverwinter nights

'Iavas' wrote:
Now, since I'm not signed up for the RogueDao forums, does anybody here know if they will include Bariaur, Genasi, and non-human looking tiefers in their mods, particularly as playable characters?

From the Rogue Dao forum (Link):

"fractal" wrote:
"kasimir" wrote:
What about playable races?
Are you going to implement any new races? For example other planetouched than aasimar and tieflings like chaonds, zenythri, tuladhara or genasi. Or even bariaur...

Bariaur, when made possible (currently there are problems as far as new animations are concerned in NWN2. We are hoping this is resolved before Purgatorio's release), will be our top priority to add in.

Rogue Modron is also high on the list of "when-possible".

But as to what's feasible in right now, you are likely to be able to play as a githzerai, genasi, axani, cansin.

Discussion pertaining player races is still at hand, so nothing's final.

Regarding the patch: Is there any way to run it manually from the temp directory? Is it a .exe file?

If that doesn't work try this:
NWN2 Patches on NWVault

There is also a link to an alternate autopatcher but it requires at least NWN2 v1.0.


Casvenx's picture
Joined: 2006-04-03
sigil for neverwinter nights

i love seeing other PS projects tossed around as a subject, but the idea here is the project at hand. my apologies if i seem heavy handed. but i am single-handedly working on a project and want to know what the community wants to see. i am already taking on more then i can handle, so i would at least like a focus (or volunteers).

as far as i can tell i DO trust in roguedao studios. they will do as much as is possible for them to do, considering the failings of CODI. i know some people involved, and they will do everything they can to bring the PS experience to nwn2. honestly i wish i could do my work on nwn2, it has much more possibilities then nwn1. give it 2 years and it will be the PREMIERE method of online gaming (for those that want a more personal gaming experience at least).

bertrum's picture
Joined: 2007-02-01
sigil for neverwinter nights

I found a sigil mod for nwn on nwvault

The mod has of 30+ areas include taverns etc. there's at least 2 areas for each of the wards. It might prove useful as a foundation?

I've been trying to get the map for another online game I'm using. There another mod on nwvault but I don't thing it has as much areas.

Hope it helps.

Casvenx's picture
Joined: 2006-04-03
sigil for neverwinter nights

thanks for the the link. that mod was actually the beginnings of the CODI project, before they began making their own models and tilesets. i should look at it again though, at least just to see where they put stuff.

MLMarkland's picture
Joined: 2006-10-03
sigil for neverwinter nights

Casvenx - I wish you luck on your project. Jack, Michael and I (three of the designers for the rogueDao Purgatorio project) all built for the Gatecrashers server, and NWN1 is a great platform for building a Planescape PW.

I would also say though, don't give up on building a Planescape world for NWN2, multiplayer should be pretty stable by the time we release around 2 gigabytes of Planescape content this summer, and included in that content is a very detailed recreation of the Hive Ward.

It is our hope that PW folks who want to run Planescape PWs will view our area design work as pre-fabricated content that will help them get their PWs up and running quickly.

If you ever have any questions about modding for Planescape or building a mod team (since you mentioned you are working by yourself right now), feel free to drop us a line at the rogueDao forums.

I also wanted to poke my head in and say that Obsidian is going to be releasing a granny plug-in, and that some of our team members are beta testing the plug in right now, and as a part of that beta testing process, one of the 3d modellers (Postjudice) is working on a Bariaur mesh.

Whether it's ready for the first Chapter (Purgatorio) remains to be seen, but playable Bariaurs & Rogue modrons will happen within the next 2-6 months for NWN2.

Montgomery Markland
Project Lead

Mask's picture
Joined: 2007-04-22
sigil for neverwinter nights

Building the PW with NWN I is a great idea:
1.Most people interested in Computer-RPGs do have it, and if they don't, it's still easily available. In germany you can buy it for 10 Euros including both add-ons.
2.NWN I needs a lot less coputerpower - which means even a crowded area in the hive of sigil would make no problem on older PCs.
3.There is a linux-client for NWN I. (which is reason anough for me to stick with it Eye-wink )

However, as sigil is BIG, maybe you should concentrate on a smaller part of it for a start. Hive might be a good idea, perhaps the lower wards. Somewhere you are likely to end as someone new in Sigil. As you know PS:Torment, you might remember the setting in Under-Sigil or Baator - they just put some monsters in there for a dungeon crawl and nothing else. Boring - and I guess at least in Baator it was during lack of time.

So instead of trying too much at once, start with a "small" area, perhaps one ward, give it the planescape-feel (which is hard enough, I guess Eye-wink) and get the PW running. Then you can use the input from players and testers while adding to it later.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
sigil for neverwinter nights

Wait for Purgatorio for NWN2 to come out in a couple of months, trust me it's turning out to be an impressive game (which I happen to be involved with) and is going to be a very good single player module.

As for making a PW, good luck with that.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

Do the PS persistant world in NW2 ... more people will be moving their and the blah blah blah .... yeah, really I want this because my new soundcard isn't supported by NWN 1 - which upset me to no end, considering how often played the mods for that game.

Good luck with your project, if you want help devising ideas for quests, side quests, items, npcs, places, etc. Feel free to ask. I have no skill at modding, but I'm a never ending font of ideas.

Mordheim's picture
Joined: 2006-10-15
sigil for neverwinter nights

'Ello bloods, following up on what Monty(Markland) posted I'd like to do a little advertising on our Gatecrashers server he mentioned. We use all of the expansion packs, except for the CEP. We have a large amount of hak packs though, but most of these are for Planescape models, items, and clothing. A lot of the areas were actually created by most of the guys that formed the Planescape trilogy mod team.

Our main focus is on the Outlands and a few key areas of the Outer and Inner planes. Sigil is in our cosmology, but we don't have any areas for it. We use the CODI models and tilesets, and we try to stay true to the 2nd edition Planescape material as far as canon goes.

Here's a link to a short bout of information concerning our server: Click me! The linked page is being updated this weekend, so there's going to be some changes made to it. If you have any questions concerning the server, just send me a PM.

Also check our wiki site for IC information(and misinformation) easily found by PCs.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
sigil for neverwinter nights

Gatecrasher looks really nice. One question though, since I can't find an answer on the site:
Is this for NWN 1 (which I have) or NWN 2 (which I don't)?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
sigil for neverwinter nights

They are NWN1 Smiling

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
sigil for neverwinter nights

Nice to hear. Guess I'll have a look at it sometime. Perhaps next weekend.

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