Sigil Menu

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Agamemnon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-17
Sigil Menu

Curious to know if anyone's prepared a menu (in addition to the ones offered in Uncaged) for the average (and not so average) drinks that one may find on a trip to Sigil?

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Sigil Menu

From the 3rd edition PSCS (Chater 7: Life):

Planar Food and Drink

Bytopian Cheese: There are three varieties of Bytopian cheese: blue, red, and white, all made from goat’s milk on the plane of Bytopia, and each has a delicious, unique flavor. The blue kind glows softly in the dark, and the flavor becomes spicier and tangier, encouraging merchants to double the price when selling it at night.

Fire Fruit: Grown on the Plane of Fire, a fire fruit burns with a soft flame while fresh and most vendors tend to serve them with tongs. If the flame is doused right before eating, the taste is unrivaled by other fruits. Even then, if eaten by someone without fire resistance the fruit is like poison.

Giant’s Wine: Made in Arborea with enormous grapes crushed by the feet of giants. Quite potent when drunk by smaller folks.

Glacial Blue Wine: A bluish-white wine made by the elves of Alfheim.

Green Fields Tea: The halflings of Green Fields grow these famous tealeaves.

Green Fields Tobacco: This flavorful tobacco is a favorite of halflings and connoisseurs.

Heartwine: This is the slightly heady and sour wine brewed in Curst from razorvine. It is popular with gourmands in Sigil.

Mushroom Wine: Made with fermented fungus by the dark elves in shadowy Svartalfheim, it is popular with many subterranean races, including dwarves and gnomes.

Rations, Arvandorian: These delicious rations are produced by the elves of Arvandor. Dried venison cured with berries and herbs and flaky bread make up the largest portions.

Rations, Undersea: Undersea rations are similar to their terrestrial counterpart, consisting of dried undersea plants such as kelp, and dried fish, abalone, and the like. They are made in places such as the Elemental Plane of Water and the underwater farms of Tir fo Thuinn in the Outlands. They are mostly eaten by those who come from those places, or by those who are traveling through them.

Sheela’s Gold Cider: A cider made with apples from Sheela Peryroyl’s orchards in the Outlands. The fermented version is quite potent, although it is a favorite of the smaller sorts, like halflings and gnomes. The Greencage across from the Civic Festhall has a plentiful supply of it.


perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Sigil Menu

How about actual dishes those were just small snacks and drinks.They really should be alot more planar food and drinks.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

I feel for you and have come up with a few things myself recently. Mind you, these aren't full meals, but primarily main courses:

Abysmal Ant: Simmered in its own corrosive venom until the shell becomes thin and the meat loose. The meat tends to absorb the coloration of the shell during preparation, becoming a dark pink or ghostly white. The shell must be cracked away with the provided shears before consumption. - Usually served with noodles or vegetables and a light wine.

Boiled Banelor served in Repose: When served in this manner much of the Benelor is cut away and used for soups or filler in other dishes. Only the skull and one foot of body make up the meal itself. (though, for larger customers, more of the body might be included) In preparation, the skull is emptied and the eyes removed, though much of the skin is left intact to anchor the curled tentacles. The attatched body is sliced open to reveal the meat, which is served within its own purple skin. The meat is peppery in flavor and so often served with water to quell thirst. In addition to the main body, the tentacle is also edible, though much spicier and quite fiberous; do to this last quality it is more common to chew the tentacle meat until the flavor is exhausted and spit out the remains, than actually swallow it.

Capestri Caps: Not necessarily the caps of intelligent Capestri, (though any respectable restraunt will insure their origin) the head of any large mushroom will suffice. (average 4-10 inches in diameter) Partially hollowed, the cap is stuffed with boiled sea food - shrimp and crab (or optionally Banelor meat) being most common. Then a white cheese (differs between restaraunts) is spread over the meat and the entire thing is cooked until the cheese browns. - Typically the dish is sliced into equal portions and served in concave plates, so as to prevent the stuffing from spilling.

Honeyed Songbirds: Typically a small singing avian no more than three inches in length, fried whole, glazed and served on a bed of rose pedals. Commonly the meal is served with a sweet nectar or water, so as to encourage the illusion of simplistic beauty. When prepared propperly the bird's final song remains contained in its body until the chest is pierced, at which point the song flutes forth to serenade the diner during his meal.

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Sigil Menu

Balor Ale
They say the most potent drink in the entirety of the Multiverse is the fabled "Balor Ale."
Distilled from the detonated remains of a greater Tanar'ri (a demon from the lowest depths of the Abyss).

It is unknown if anyone has ever survived a draught of the stuff... as it is only rarely asked for and but a few bottles exist. Only a truly foolish person would even dare take a sip, let alone drink an entire

(A drink like this one appeared in a Planescape campaign I was playing in a while back, and I adapted the drink and subsequent plot to my comic a few months ago:


Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Sigil Menu

Heh heh, I remember that bit. Laughing out loud

Agamemnon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-17
Sigil Menu

Gifts by way of Dungeon Issue #55, Dungeon Issue #60, Tales from the Outer Planes & a few Internet trinkets:


Tanar'ric Aperitif - a liquor made from scrumptious Spinagon ichor served in a metallic stein; served as a before dinner drink to stimulate the taste buds. The green are oft to suffer penalized Will saves, blurred vision and an out right deadening of the tast buds (compare drinking acid willingly).

Charred Maggot Meat - served flaming on a spit. Ummm-mmm!


Viperwine - usually served in an obsidian mug, this tanar'ric concoction appears as a hummus liquid. If served in any other container, it appears as a sickly affair of putrid greens with unsightly chunks of something quite unidentifiable. A rancid substance that can prove to be quite fatal to the non-tanar'ric, it is the equivalent of Type F Poison with -6 to the Will save if willfully imbibed and, best of all, it's highly addictive.


Ole’ Mitchifer’s specialties include Venetian Mountain Brew, Sigma Flytrapper, Sterozium and Elysium Elixir.

Elysium Elixir – is made with fresh otters, an acidic juice that liquefies the entire otter and bee’s wax around the mug’s mouth. It is a poisonous mixture that can cause paralysis in non-planars and numbness in all others.

Glass O' Happy – this is an as yet unidentified drink that resembles a pink cloud of smoke; believed to have extracted (somehow) from Pibius, the Abyss of Happy Pink Clouds.

Sterozium – a container of purple fizz that reeks of something thought long decayed to the point of no longer being a physical substance.

ABROAD (@ select other bars & inns)

Woldian Blue Wine – surprisingly fruity and fresh despite it’s semblance to ocean water.

One Royal Soul – although it contains a myriad of (unidentifiable) liquids added in just the right combination so as to render them invisible to the naked eye, it is in high demand in the Lower Ward. A mere additional drop from a stopper containing nectar from Olympus causes a chemical reaction that manifests in an outburst of purple flame. Once the initial outburst subsides, a pale glowing purple mist remains. The drinker will taste whatever flavor he longs to taste and it will be the best liquid that he’s ever experienced in life. The only initial ill-effect appears to be on the drinker’s jink as it is addictive and expensive.

Happy Hunting Ground Tea - a deep, rich sepia delicacy that smells of turkey gravy and tastes like roasted meat. It tastes best when served piping hot.

Razorwine - any extremely potent alcoholic beverage, no less than 100 proof; 150 proof in the Lower Ward.

Agamemnon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-17
Sigil Menu

Gifts by way of the & the records of Brix:

Heward’s Forks off Brandy Lane, Lower Ward

Drinks: 4 greens for the cheap bub, 2 ice for Carcerian bitter and up to 10 ice for curdled aasimar blood;
Brix Recommends: The Oarsman has a plentiful stock of heartwine, due to Comstock's unsuccessful attempts to discover the secret recipe of the Cilenei Brothers. The sour, sophisticated beverage fetches the steep price of 150 jinx a bottle.

Food/Poison: Styx Snacks (complimentary when available), house special: Retriever Pie in Viper Tree blood sauce, 4 merts;
Brix Recommends: Nothing from Comstock's kitchen could be regarded as palatable for anything other than a fiend, a gannet of a tiefling or a particularly adventurous dwarven Sensate armed with poison neutralisation skills. Any other race that eats at the Oarsman is affected by a randomly chosen ingested poison type (see DMG p73 for details). Prices range from 4 ice for a gut ache to as much as 15 jinx for a decent dose of bilious carcass, fit for a Blood War general on the march. The prices for non fiends vary, but life is usually cheap for the unlucky Clueless that dare to eat at the Oarsman.

Slacker Street, Lower Ward

Drink: 6 green for the cheap bub, up to 20 jinx a bottle for the vintage Limboan Xaos Juice.
Brix recommends: Spire Wine, at 3 jinx a glass. Tastes of infinity.

Food: 5 stingers for a slap-up extra-planar meal, up to 60 jinx for a planewalker's banquet for 10.
Brix recommends: Vaath steaks, at 10 jinx each. Exquisite.

Furnace Street, Lower Ward

In the centre of the building is a zone that is protected from the flame and heat. In this 'cold spot,' Setara (the proprietor) stores the wares of the Furnace: exotic fuels, incenses, firefruit, and flameproof meat (the firebat steak is highly recommended), which her customers seem to prefer over the food and bub of other taverns.

Astoria Road, Market Ward

The Drunken Dabus Exclusive Drink List

Pan Planar Fiend Buster Excellent 1 jinx/cup
A mixture of every pleasant drink you can find.

Claremont's Bytopian Very pleasant indeed 4 jinx/cup
Four shots whiskey, and melon juice served in a bilayered cup

Vine o' Styx Barely Drinkable 2 sp/cup
Place a sprig of razorvine in the River Styx, ferment 10 Years, and serve very hot.

Baator's Best Bub 5 cp/cup
Half blood, half whiskey

Tanar'ri Twister Bizarre 4 sp/cup
1 part caustic acid, 14 parts beer, 15 parts puréed rosebuds and thorns

Lady's Delight Barely drinkable 1 sp/cup
Extra sharp whiskey

The Green Prime Delicious, but expensive 2 jinx/cup
1 part vodka, 1 part wheatgrass, 1 part coconut rum

Acheron Alteration Bub 3 sp/cup
Sugarcubes, whiskey

Cager's Cocktail Extremely Drinkable 3 jinx/cup
Pineapple juice, rum, vodka

Celestia Slam Kicks like a goristro 9 sp/cup
10000 parts Rum; 1 part dragon scales

Grasshopper Covered Gehennan Delicious (but an acquired taste) 2 sp/cup
Live Grasshoppers under brandy and magma

Beastlands Breaker Bub 3 cp/cup
Tiger teeth mixed with poor quality wine

Purple Knight-of-the-Post Drinkable. Variable. 1 jinx/cup
Wine mixed any other liquor. Don't let the customer know which.

Carceri Cooler Very nice bouquet. 5 sp/cup
Cherries in high quality beer

Frozen Blood War Barely Drinkable 9 cp/cup
1 part blood, 1 part caustic acid, 13 parts beer. Serve over ice.

Heaven in a glass 10 jinx/cup
The gods only know...

Glass Way, Lady’s Ward

Food & Drink: The cuisine is passable to delicious, served by surprisingly tactful water mephits (either training or magic has helped curb their jovial tendencies). The bar is well stocked with everything from strong liquor to non-alcoholic fruit drinks. Prices vary, and a full meal can be had for as little as a gold piece, but the very best can cost over 50 jinx. Similarly, drinks cost anywhere from 1 stingers to over 5 jinx a glass.

Strumpet Lane, Hive Ward

Entry: 1 stinger
Drinks: 1 green and up
Rooms: 3 jinx and up (per companion)
Food: 1 jinx (standard meal)
Fines for killing employee: 2 jinx

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