Sigil, city of doors

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Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Sigil, city of doors

It’s the single largest city in the multiverse.
It’s the most corrupt and barbaric cesspool sentience has ever created.
It’s the greatest wonder on all the planes.
It’s the theorised Center of All.
It’s Sigil, city of doors.

Sigil is Sigil. Unity of rings, cutter(figures that it would be even more effective in a ring on the great ring, huh?). Though the multiverse changes around it, sometimes for good, in Sigil, no matter what, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Firstly, the facts.
Sigil is the single largest city in all the known multiverse, with a population of well over seventy million planars, exemplars, primes, elementals, and others, spread out over a minuscule area compared to the population(roughly 1320 square kilometres, with the ring being 50 kilometres wide). It consists of ten wards: The Lady’s Ward(1>%), The Guildhall Ward(5%), The Clerk’s Ward(6%), The Business Ward(1>%), The Market Ward(9%), The Lower Ward(22%), The Upper Hive(31%), The Lower Hive(19%), The Docks(6%) and The Industrial Ward(1%).
Denoted in parenthesis is the approximate percentage of the population living in the area. In addition, quite a large amount of people(approximately 3,8 million) do not actually live in Sigil, but in large suburbs surrounding well-known portals into it(cagers have given these people the nickname “pendulums”), which they simply use when heading to work.

The Upper Hive
Situated between the Docks and Lower Ward, The Hive is a living hell for those forced to live in it(very few people would willingly even step into it). As huge gangs engage in what resembles all-out war in its alleys, paths(it has nothing worth the title of “street”), catwalks and tunnels, murderers run unchecked through the night, and thousands succumb to disease daily, most people lose what little faith in others they may once have had. This leads to even more violence, hate, and destruction. Very few people of the other wards take an interest in the goings on of the Hive Wards, except to make sure that they stay out of the lives of more “civilised” people. The only authorities to be found within the Hive are the local gang bosses, and now and then a small group from the Sons of Mercy. The latter are led by a sun elf named Woll’jyn, who is one of the few people to rise from the pit of despair that is the Hive. In appearance, the Hive resembles slums all over the planes, just in a far greater scale(and with more spikes). Buildings on top of buildings, alleys overhung with plastic tarp to help the homeless living there escape the common acidic rain, burning thrashcans(often stolen from the richer wards, due to the extreme lack of trashcans in the ward)… The Hive’s got it all, and more. However, the close proximity of the Mortuary means that surprisingly few corpses litter the paths, and the Sigil Sanitation Committee is directly funding the Dustmen to allow them to offer greater rewards to the collectors.

The Lower Hive
If the upper parts of the Hive are hell, what lies below is bad beyond description. Initially created to escape the overflowing gutters, disease, and wars that plague the Upper Hive, desperate cagers went for the last direction of escape: Downwards. There in Undersigil, they did find peace from the gangs and murderers roaming the cityscape above, but in return, they may have gotten something far, far worse. The speedily growing community attracted all manner of unsavoury beasts(who were already pretty pissed about being driven out by the subway system), who were greatly annoyed by the new presence within their hunting grounds(well, some of them were probably actually quite happy with all the fresh meat delivered at their proverbial doorstep), and took steps accordingly. Thus, most people in the Lower Hive live in a proverbial state of paranoia, and most areas have a great deal of neighbourhood protection. However, unlike most other neighbourhood protection programs, these guys carry automatic weapons, rocket launchers, and combat armour. In appearance, the Lower Hive differs somewhat from its above-ground counterpart: mainly in its lack of extreme overpopulation. In the Lower Hive, you will find no burning trashcans(as nobody’s stupid enough to sleep outside in the streets), no homeless, as there’s plenty of spare homes(mostly vacated due to the violent death of the former owner), and no corpses in the streets(as most creatures down there don’t leave behind valuable nutrition). Another thing which singles out the Lower Hive is the lack of razorvine and spikes: the entire ward is made up of the yellowish-brown bedrock of Sigil.

The Docks
The Docks are built around two large basins(well, half-basins, really), one known as the Ditch, the other known as the Pit(in fact, both used to be known as the Ditch, but more on that later). The Ditch is the cleaner of the two, but it’s still very, very dirty water there, from all the waste led into it from the Industrial ward(the Celestials aren’t very happy about that). The Pit is filled with what’s basically diluted Styx water, and industrial waste(wait, make that regular Styx water). The two basins are connected to the river Jordan and Styx respectively(accordingly, the piers surrounding the Pit is constantly searching for experienced men, as nobody remains experienced around there for long) through gigantic, eternally-open portals that Shemeska the Marauder hired an extremely skilled portal-mage to open(it’s rumoured there’s also one to the elemental plane of water, at the bottom of the Ditch) back in the dawn of time(well, nobody can remember the time before the Docks, aside from perhaps the Golden Lords and other outsiders in Sigil). Accordingly, she owns nearly all of the piers and most of the warehouses of the ward. Though she doesn’t put a toll on the use of the portals, she has close to a monopoly on trade through them, as very few captains care to swim their cargo to shore(especially in the Pit). However, some twenty years ago, Snail Outfitters managed to obtain the deed for a teeny tiny spot of land on the shore of the Ditch, and they have used this as an anchoring point for a pier of their own, along with an attached shop. It is said that when Shemeska heard of this, her wrath cost several million Torus in damages(mostly property, but also a few cases of life insurance). The Docks are dominated by large warehouses, owned by the various golden lords(and rented out to lesser merchants), each with their own highly trained and equipped security teams.

Right, so I just posted this here as a way of shouting "dibs". It's not finished yet(seven wards to go! WOO!), and I'm open to critique and suggestions(frankly, it's SIGIL. If this isn't a group effort, well, something's wrong), but I have this perverse fascination with always being first at something, so my ideas get considered first.(also, I'd hate for the official version of modern Sigil to be different from the one in my head)

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Sigil, city of doors

Looks pretty interesting. Just one problem...

"Erik" wrote:
gigantic, eternally-open portals that Shemeska the Marauder hired an extremely skilled portal-mage to open
See, you can't do this... the only ways in and out of the Cage are the naturally-occuring portals. Unless you were intending to change that rule (which frankly I don't reccomend) I doubt even Miss Crosstrade has a way around it.

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Sigil, city of doors

How is it impossible? Get a portal in a barrel(or something else movable) that needs styx(or oceanus) water as the key(and that, preferably, leads to somewhhere near the river Styx), expand(possibly an enlarge spell) the thingy till a ship can sail through, and there you go. Maybe I should change that part, though, as I was kinda rushing through its writing.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Sigil, city of doors

"Erik" wrote:
How is it impossible? Get a portal in a barrel(or something else movable) that needs styx(or oceanus) water as the key(and that, preferably, leads to somewhhere near the river Styx), expand(possibly an enlarge spell) the thingy till a ship can sail through, and there you go. Maybe I should change that part, though, as I was kinda rushing through its writing.
Alright, that makes sense. From the original post it sounded like you were making it from scratch.

I'm fine now, just a misunderstanding. Eye-wink

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Sigil, city of doors

A portal like that could be damaged or destroyed fairly easily, though, if it didn't spontaneously change destinations by the Lady's will.

It could also be that changing the size of a portal or the location of its frame automatically changes its location, though that might be needless joykill in this instance. If you want permanent portals leading to docks, you can have them.

But in other situations, it might be something to keep in mind. Definitely a way to help curb PC portal abuse.

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Sigil, city of doors

True, Rip, but we're not talking your run-of-the-mill gatecrasher here, are we? We're talking about a high-epic wild mage/psion with a knack for breaking the laws of physics(And yes, I'll be posting his stats eventually. The concept's too cool to not share.).
And yes, this is in fact a ill-disguised bump. I need a reminder when I log in that I need to get writing. Eye-wink

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Sigil, city of doors

We're not talking about the laws of physics, though. We're talking about the will of the Lady of Pain, which is quite a different matter. Whether or not there are docks in Sigil is entirely up to her.

Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Sigil, city of doors

"Kaelyn" wrote:
We're not talking about the laws of physics, though. We're talking about the will of the Lady of Pain, which is quite a different matter. Whether or not there are docks in Sigil is entirely up to her.

My guess is, when it becomes necessary, the Lady will do it herself in order to protect and enhance her city-- or, at least, allow someone else to do it.

Just as I imagine, with the influx of Shadow Primes, that Sigil itself becomes physically wider, and new buildings appear overnight.

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Sigil, city of doors

I.. Have... RETURNED! Not that anyone cares or anything, but what the hey. No war write-up(working on the golden ward), but I figgered I'd give the place some traits.


Objective gravity(down towards the ring)
Finite size(Though it’s belived to be slowly growing)
Linear time(chronomancy doesn’t work at all.)
Lady-ishly morphic(as divinely, just replace any mention of deities with the lady)
Magic traits: no trans-planar spells, or chronomancy(I think that’s about the extent of it?)

The Crowds
No matter where you go in aboveground Sigil in “daylight”, one thing is constant: The crowds. Any street will have traffic problems, any sidewalk will be stuffed with pedestrians and other “soft” traffic, and any of the maglev trains running on rails some twenty feet over the ground will be filled with passengers. This is impossible. Even taking into account the incredible amount of people just passing through the city, the small souveneir shops and cafés lining the streets in the non-slum wards report numbers that would mean only 0.0001% of the people on the street ever enter. Most planar philosophers believe this to be the physical manifestation of the urban crowds, but no serious evidence has ever been found that can back this up; indeed, anyone who’s pulled aside will have an entirely legitimate reason to be out, and shadowing them further always confirms this(though not necessarily the reason stated.).
Mechanically, this means that from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM, moving in a public outdoors area incurs the penalty for moving in a crowd(namely, taking twice as long to reach any destination and halving ground movement speed in combat.) A synchronization spell removes this penalty as normal.

(This one's kinda edgey... Should I keep it?)
The Lady
Once, Sigil was home to an enigmatic entity known as the Lady of Pain. She’s gone. Or at least on extended vacation, for no-one has seen her for several decades(well, except for that guy down in the gatehouse… But that sighting was in a pickle jar, so it doesn’t count.). Or, if anyone has seen her, they’re either incapable of, or simply not willing to do much talking. Believers say that she’s simply not acting as obviously as before, while disbelievers say she’s just an urban myth the planes have grown out of. Somebody definitely has an interest in people believing the former, as people openly worshipping her have either mysteriously disappeared, been found horribly mutilated in a back alley a few days later, accidentally tripped over some razorvine, or had a house fall on them. Sceptics counter this by saying that people seen worshipping the Lady are no more likely to have this happen to them than anyone else, and that “The Lady” has been used to mask several hundred cases of murder. No-one knows for sure, but most people follow the old “rules” to be on the safe side.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Sigil, city of doors

To be honest, I would not recommend removing the Lady of Pain from Sigil.

She wasn't just some entity that enforced weird rules. She was also Sigil's first and ONLY line of defense from countless threats like Evil Gods, Formian Armies, Ethergaunts, Illithids, the Blood War... need I go on?

If you so much as even slightly reduce her role in the city of Sigil, the whole place would be overrun within weeks, if not days.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Sigil, city of doors

It honestly sounds less like he wants to remove Her and more like he wants to hide Her. The note does mention flayings and the like still existing - almost like she's become an even greater mystery by taking on a boogeyman status. I could see it going either way - so long as, in this case - the boogeyman actually exists.

deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
Sigil, city of doors

Awwww, but making the Lady less obvious means no blatantly, agonizing, horrific death for anyone who is stupid enough to splatter a Dabus. Well, they still die in horrible agony, but you don't get the "ohshitohshitI'mgonnadie" expression on their face when they realise what they've done.

Forged's picture
Joined: 2005-03-13
Sigil, city of doors

I could just see some clueless newscrew or paparazzi scrambling to get a shot of the Lady, that night a bunch of flailed bodies are found with a tape that flails all who watch it....

Dante the Bard's picture
Joined: 2005-07-22
Sigil, city of doors

Question, if the lady were to send someone into a maze - what would be a good "modern" rendition? I mean, she doesn't just kill everyone she encounters. I almost wonder, since she has direct control over the mazes - if they would end up in a world/realm/area kind of like the one presented in the movie Tron? Just a thought, any suggestions?

Forged's picture
Joined: 2005-03-13
Sigil, city of doors

Heh, maybe they are pocket dimensions linked to the plane of information, where you can watch a live video of the mazed person wandering an abandoned sigil. of course obbsesive watching can lead YOU to getting you own "website"

Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Sigil, city of doors

'Dante the Bard' wrote:
Question, if the lady were to send someone into a maze - what would be a good "modern" rendition?

Well, since the Mazes seem to be spun off of sections of Sigil, and look very much like Sigil-- similar architecture, same kinds of floors and ceilings-- I'd say that holds true. They just look like the modern Sigil.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Sigil, city of doors

Would skyscrapers have blades? Cool

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Sigil, city of doors

That would make them skyslicers.


Pants of the North!

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Sigil, city of doors

What about the other wards?

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Sigil, city of doors

Does the Dead Nation still exist?

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