Sigil to appear in 4E adventure module "E2 - Kingdom of the Ghouls"

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Sigil to appear in 4E adventure module "E2 - Kingdom of the Ghouls"

An article on the upcoming "E2" adventure module at reveals that Sigil will feature at least briefly in the adventure, as the characters visit the city while trying to solve mysterious killings  and disappearances in the City of Doors. They encounter Nerbethar the Messenger, a member of Sigil's Advisory Council, who wants them to resolve the situation and also locate a missing Dwarven blacksmith...

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
The amount of quotation

The amount of quotation marks they use for that character's dialogue makes it look like Nerbethar is certainly trying to peel the PCs, especially when he's saying a lot of things that really isn't factual.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Aha. I finally found the

Aha. I finally found the article you're talking about.

I like the new illustration of myconids; they have a lot more variation than they used to have. They look creepier, too, which is fine.

They seem to have nailed Sigil pretty well, and I'm very glad that the PCs don't deal with the Lady directly - in fact, it does seem like, as the Kobold Avenger hints, the implication is that the Advisory Council doesn't actually "speak" for her at all, or have the ability to promise her "gratitude" (which, of course, is how things should be. What I'm most excited about is the reference to "a metallic concordant" - looks like the rilmani are back! 


Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Well, it COULD be a Rilmani,

Well, it COULD be a Rilmani, but it might be a Modron or some other metalic being instead - and isn't there a Marut type called a Concordant in 4E? Anyway, that screed about the Advisory Council speaking for the Lady probably just represents their puffed-up view of themselves, not a deliberate attempt to trick anyone. Unless the Messenger isn't really working for the Council after all (?)

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
"Concordant" normally

"Concordant" normally refers to Concordant Opposition, the first edition name for the Outlands (also called the Concordant Domain of the Outlands in 3e). The planar dragon native to the Outlands is a concordant dragon, and there's an "always neutral" outsider called the concordant killer in the Monster Manual IV, dedicated to maintaining the cosmic balance.

There is a "marut concordant" in 4e, which does throw a wrench in the works. Damn it. Why do you have to poison my joy? What did I ever do to you? You're right, you bastard, given the context they probably mean the marut.

I don't think the councilor is trying to trick the PCs as such, but the Advisory Council is, at root, a scam. It's a necessary one to some extent - Sigil needs some mortal law in the vacuum left by the factions, and that's pretty much the only way they're going to get it. But it relies on the fiction that the Lady of Pain approves or even cares about what they're doing.



Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Sorry, didn't mean to upset

Sorry, didn't mean to upset you about the Rilmani. As far as the Advisory Council relying on the fiction that the Lady of Pain aproves ... isn't that basically the stance the Factions took until the Lady booted them out? Most of them claimed to be approved of or working on behalf of Her...

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
[quote=Anime Fan]Sorry,

Anime Fan wrote:
Sorry, didn't mean to upset you about the Rilmani. As far as the Advisory Council relying on the fiction that the Lady of Pain aproves ... isn't that basically the stance the Factions took until the Lady booted them out? Most of them claimed to be approved of or working on behalf of Her...

Don't take it too personally Eye-wink

In any case, the factions' claim had some grounding.  600 years ago, the Lady did proclaim that there would only be 15 factions in Sigi.  If you are a factol, it's easy to interpret that as "I have the Lady's authority to be here."  At the very least, it makes excellent PR when you want backing for your presence.

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
I just got my copy of

I just got my copy of "Kingdom of the Ghouls", and as soon as I read it I will let you know what Sigil material is presented there (and if it rocks or sucks)... I'll write back tommorow with the dark of it.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Thanks, Anime Fan!

Thanks, Anime Fan!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Hey!  If you could write a

Hey!  If you could write a short synopsis, in the form of a news article from a Sigilan point of view, I will put it in the LSE.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
What's the LSE, please? And

What's the LSE, please? And sorry about the delay, I haven't had computer access a few days (and don't have my notes with me now). On tuesday or wednesday I'll give you the full details, but suffice it to say that there are no jar-dropping changes to Sigil or the way it works (i.e. can only enter thru portals... in fact, the author goes out of the way to spell out that a NPC Angel who appears got in the city by using a portal, not teleportation. Likewise with some NPC Maruts who pop up to harrass the heros... they have a base in Sigil. Teleportation WITHIN the city is fine, but not in or out.) A Sea Nymph Plaza is mentioned in the (I think) Hive, by Coriander Road and Firegut Lane. Any of those place names sound familiar to you? I could swear they are on one of those Sigil maps somewhere...

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Anime Fan wrote: What's the

Anime Fan wrote:

What's the LSE, please?

The Lady's Sharper Eye, the Sigilian newspaper.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Ah, yes, I forgot! Anyway,

Ah, yes, I forgot! Anyway, here (in unpolished form) is the "dark" on Kingdom of the Ghouls. Please note that there are some "spoilers" here, so if you plan on playing the adventure, be forewarned. Kingdom of the Ghouls picks up right after the adventure Death's Reach, in which something ominous was stolen from the Shadowfell and taken into Sigil, there to be shipped piece by piece to the White Kingdom of Doresain the Ghoul King and then to Orcus for his own nefarious use. Naturally, it's the PCs' job to try to stop them. Depending on whether the Pcs played the previous adventure, there are several "hooks" to get them into the city, and a couple different entrance points depending on what portal they used (at least one leads right into a fight!) Once there, they visit sites in the Lady's Ward, the Market Ward, and the Hive Ward, searching for clues. As you might imagine with Doresain's involvement, ghouls are causing trouble in the city and are responsible for the kidnapping of numerous people - including the five that the Sigil Advisory Council wants found. (Warning: spoilers ahead!) If the Pcs try to use divination rituals to find out what's going on, they get a nasty surprise: Orcus has already cast a counter-ritual that teleports a group of hired Maruts to the location of the heros and disrupts their divination! (In this case, it 'ports in a group of Maruts already in Sigil - they have a base there.) The Maruts call themselves "Balance Keepers", but really they're just mercenaries. One Marut leaves thru a portal to a base in the Astral Sea to get reinforcements, but they won't arrive for eight hours, giving the Pcs another chance to use divination (Orcus's ritual can't send the Maruts in the Astral Sea to Sigil - they have to get there on their own.) Another source on info is Vocar the Disobedient, who is hiding out from Vecna's agents in the city. (Pcs briefly visit Sea Nymph Plaza in the Hive Ward, but he's not on his usual bench. Something ELSE is, however...!) Eventually tracking down Vocar, they might get info about where the captives have been taken (and learn that Vocar loves sugar cubes...) In the Market Ward, they can find the hidden Slaver Stockade down an old well (does Sigil HAVE wells?) Those prisoners scheduled to be sacrificed are held in individual demiplanes accessed by pouring blood on the glass panels in the floor (Why demiplanes - wouldn't good old locks and chains get the job done easier? And doesn't this violate the rules, unless the glass panes count as portals? Oh, well...) The Stockade is run by a Neogi Great Old One named Blarux, and he spills the beans about what he knows if the PCs capture him alive. Other prisioners are found in a warehouse, along with crates of what looks like odd black stone but is actually the hacked-up body of an ancient Primordial named Timesus! It seems Orcus located him in Death's Reach where the Gods put him long ago, and Orcus has decided to make him his servant, after turning him undead of course. This is all part of Orcus's plot to kill the Raven Queen and take her place. Since Timesus is massive, he had to be cut into managable pieces and shipped thru Sigil to Orcus. (Only some of Timesus is present in Sigil as pieces at any one time, and he's in stasis out cold, so the Lady's got no cause to deem him a threat.) The whole operation is being run by Elder Arantham inside a temple of Sehannine in the Lady's Ward - seems a Raavasta (aka Arcanoloth) named Ilyanma helped boot out the high priestess and took her place - disguised, of course - and gradually the ghouls turned everyone there into more ghouls, so that now the site is actually the Embassy of Ghouls. Of course our heros have to clear it out. Also, Doresain is using some living ghouls in this adventure - berks that are still alive but hunger for flesh just the same. (They look more like normal people, which is why Doresain uses 'em... they can go places normal ghouls can't.) Oh, and they have the aid of some Doomguard mercenaries (nothing special about their stats, and they're Unaligned.) Actually, I kind of goofed - the heros go here first, THEN to the Slaver Stockade, because the Stockade has the portal to the White Kindom, while the Shadowfell portal they bring the pieces of Timesus in thru is in the Embassy of Ghouls. My bad... Anyway, at the Stockade they have a chance to go thru the portal and find their way to Doresain's palace after some harrowing encounters, and if they beat him they learn they are too late - Timesus is on his way (some crates left behind, but no matter - Orcus has enough to re-form the deadly Primordial.) Their only hope is to use a Chaos Ship to catch up... but will they succeed (my guess is: no. Expect to fight both Orcus and Timesus in the next adventure!!!) Oh, and Sigil population is given as 50,000 in a sidebar, but I think that's just a misprint for 250,000. I'm sure I left out some stuff somewhere, but that's pretty much it. Oh, and you may have a beef with the fact that a monster named Xamshil is allowed to redirect a portal to the Feywild into one for the Shadowfell (he does the same thing to a pool of holy water - which presumably wasn't a portal before!)

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Hmm... no replies. Hope I

Hmm... no replies. Hope I wasn't too incoherent above!

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Not at all. I've just been

Not at all. I've just been busy. Thanks for the write up, I think I'll pick this up and give it a look despite my allergy to 4e. It apys to stay up on things and since I'm a huge spelljammer buff the neogi is a bonus!


Thanks for the recon!


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ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
I don't see why Sigil

I don't see why Sigil couldn't have wells. Their water would ultimately come from other planes, but there are watery places and underground rivers in Sigil's undercity (for example, the Drowned Nations in Planescape: Torment) whose water people might drill down to get.

There's an adventure in Dead Gods featuring a petrified dead god that got hacked into pieces and shipped into Sigil, so that's a very similar idea. It definitely doesn't violate the Lady's ban against gods entering the city.

Yes, glass panels can count as portals. Any space with a border around it can - a framed painting, muddy puddles in the Hive Ward, a chalk outline, anything.

People other than the Lady moving portals around is sketchy. I guess it depends on how it's done. People can use magic to seal or destroy the Lady's portals, so I'm not terribly offended.

It sounds like an interesting adventure, and definitely counts as a new Planescape source, in my mind.


Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Yeah, the adventure is nice,

Yeah, the adventure is nice, but don't expect any actual maps of Sigil streets or anything like that - just the grid-style close up site maps used for minuatures (i.e. a close-up of one tiny part of the Great Bazzar, and another of a small portion of Sea Nymph Plaza - nothing that really adds to or invalidates Planescape canon about those sites (assuming they didn't make up Sea Nymph Plaza for the adventure.) The Dabus are mentioned but no stats given. It would be great if they had a map with streets and everything in the DMG2 - assuming it resembled the ones on this site and not a piece of Yugoloth dung. I wonder whether they will take into account the events of Faction War with reguards to the state of the Armory... and whether Vecna ever took the Armory over in this version of Sigil (in "Die, Vecna, Die!"... remember?) Judging from what I've seen in the 4E MOTP and other sources, the Faction War did occur in some form, since they're using the Sigil Advisory Council and the Sons of Mercy as the would-be-police. I hope they include that Son of Mercy paragon class they put on D&DI, and also some for the other Factions too!    (P.S. Loki, more Neogi stats are in the MM2 - I was glad to see them back, too!)

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