sidebar planescape quotes

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snoeseven's picture
Joined: 2008-07-08
sidebar planescape quotes

I'm sure this is not the correct forum to post this in, but I couldn't find one which would be closer. Is there a text file containing all the planescape quotes used on the sidebar? And if so, could it be made downloadable? I'd like to take a large planescape quote file and process it into a python module to have quick context based quote dictionary searches. This probably sounds odd, but I think it would be great for running a campaign. Say your PCs meet up with a doomguard, I'd like to be able to type in 'doomguard' and have all the doomguard related quotes show up. That way all that great flavor from the quotes can be directly accessed in real time during games. I'm in the progress of creating a python module to do this, but I'm currently typing in all the quotes by hand. It'd be much faster if there was a file with them already ... and I'm betting there is. Laughing


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
There isn't actually - it's

There isn't actually - it's all in a database, so I'd need to run a query for it. I'll take a look and get back to you on that.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
In the meantime though you

In the meantime though you can browse through the list here: /quotes

snoeseven's picture
Joined: 2008-07-08
Hmmm ok, well that's better

Hmmm ok, well that's better than nothing. At the very least, I can probably write something to crawl every page of quotes and extract them all. Do-able, but it'd be a pain. Once I get this planescape python quote dictionary module done (not in the near future, probably a few weeks since I have to do it in my *free* time) I'll upload it for others to use.

snoeseven's picture
Joined: 2008-07-08
Don't worry about getting

Don't worry about getting all those quotes from the database. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be to write a quote page crawler/miner. Took less than an hour in python. w00t. Laughing

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Awesome! No problem I'm

Awesome! No problem Smiling I'm curious what you did you get it set up - I'm not a python coder, but any useful apps we can set up here to get more folks interested,  I'd be glad to.

snoeseven's picture
Joined: 2008-07-08
Well I have a small python

Well I have a small python module which simply visits every page of quotes and reads the entire page in html. Then it finds the <div> tag pairs for 'quotes-quote' and 'quotes-author' and saves off every quote. Lastly, i pipe out that info to a file. Done. It's pretty raw right now, but it works. If you'd actually like to see the code, I can paste it in. It's pretty small.

My end goal is to have a very polished python program which can be used by DMs to quickly find planescape quotes for use during a game. I absolutely love the flavor of planescape and I think the quotes really grab that essense. I wish I could make up great quotes like that on the fly all the time, but I don't think I can. So to translate all that into a game, I'd like to be able to say: "I could use some extra flavor for this baatezu here." And quickly find all baatezu related quotes and hopefully find one or two which might be applicable directly to the situation or at least give me a good idea for immediate flavor. I don't think any programs do that already, unfortunately. So I need to create one.

Basically, I'm going to have a quote python dictionary in the backend and a nice front end for quickly querying that info and providing it to the user. If anyone has any feature requests, I'd happily consider putting them in. If I get a nice finished product (eventually), I plan to upload it when I'm done.

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