Side-bar: Well-Rest Prison Island

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Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Side-bar: Well-Rest Prison Island

This is something that proved too lengthy for my "Isles of Pan-Thaera" article.

Well-Rest Prison Island

Well-Rest is an island that's fairly close to most civilized locals but far enough that fleeing by boat or swimming is a fool's errand. Well-Rest is the home of one of the Harmonium's most peculiar prisons. The colony is filled with high-ranking alchemists, bureaucrats, nobles, philosophers, priests, scholars, and similarly important personages that have been 'Vanished.' Many of these individuals are those from the Colonies that were against absorption in the Harmonium but were otherwise not guilty of any crime.

The island is tremendously pleasant with luxurious apartments and villas. The prisoners are not abused either but kept fed lavish meals in hope of preventing them from being athletically capable of resisting. Spell-casters are deprived of their focuses and also fed a diet of harmless narcotics that prevent them from focusing enough to use magic. Spies are interspersed amongst the prisoners and Divinations are conducted constantly to make sure none-escape.

Well-Rest is, despite its semi-benign exterior, a horrible one where the only chance for escape is to undergo voluntary brainwashing into a loyal citizen of the Harmonium. Summoned elementals incapacitate or even kill those who persist in attempts to escape. Worse, Well-Rest is so successful that their need for disposing of increasing numbers of dissidents will require the Harmonium to build three more like it very soon.

Well-Rest is controlled by the enigmatic Mister Beta (LE Doppleganger Enchanter 12) that is a sadistic dissector of minds. Mister Beta is seeking to perfect magical and non-magical solutions to breaking individuals to the will of the Harmonium. It is not enough for individuals to obey out of fear or weakness but most come to 'voluntarily' love the OCA.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Side-bar: Well-Rest Prison Island

"I am not a number: I am a free man!"

Laughing out loud

I can certainly see myself using Well-Rest in a game.

Its nice and it should go in the main writeup - unless you want to stick in 101 Orthorian Adventures instead. Don't forget to include the albino rolling-beholder called Rover... or would that be too much?

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Side-bar: Well-Rest Prison Island

I may do an adventure hook, but let's just stick it under the description of the Isles of Thaera.


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