Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Krypter's picture

[from Clueless' suggestion]

Should we have a mascot, or something similar, to act as our representative? Is the Lady of Pain enough? The Mimir has Viola. The old Planewalker had Ashy the mephit but that was Collin's persona and since he's gone on to better things, we need something new. Or do we?

Would a logo be enough? Something furry and cute (like the chibis) or darker and more serious? Perhaps an entirely new critter?

Should we commission an artist to do this? Someone famous like DiTerlizzi, or a fan from hereabouts?

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Truth Golem" wrote:
The chance that tiefmar would pass his infernal genes to one child and his celestial genes to another is infinitismal, unless magic is involved, of course.

I like Persephone's idea that close proximity to the Spire (or whatever) might make this sort of thing inevitable, and I like Ohtar's notion that you always get tiefling/aasimar twins from a tiefling/aasimar mating.

I'll also suggest that the difference between a tiefling, a tiefmar, and an aasimar is a continuum rather than three absolute states. A child with more celestial genes than fiendish would be an aasimar and a child with more fiendish genes than celestial would be a tiefling, even if both had a mix. With matters of race and identity, it's going to be more about how others perceive you than your actual DNA. The kid with horns, red eyes, and the smell of sulfur is going to be considered a tiefling even if the horns were inherited from a cervidal, while the kid with golden eyes, feathery wings, and the smell of myrrh is going to be considered an aasimar even if she inherited the wings from a vrock.

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