Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Krypter's picture

[from Clueless' suggestion]

Should we have a mascot, or something similar, to act as our representative? Is the Lady of Pain enough? The Mimir has Viola. The old Planewalker had Ashy the mephit but that was Collin's persona and since he's gone on to better things, we need something new. Or do we?

Would a logo be enough? Something furry and cute (like the chibis) or darker and more serious? Perhaps an entirely new critter?

Should we commission an artist to do this? Someone famous like DiTerlizzi, or a fan from hereabouts?

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

I think the LoP is ok for an "official" thingy. However, the site itself should definitely have a mascot of its own. Something that really represents Planescape (other than the Lady). Preferrably something that's both fluffy, cute and able to eviscerate a true tanar'ri in less time than it takes to that takes a very short time to say. The thing is, almost everything in Planescape has at least a little humorous twist, so making a completely humourless mascot would be unwise.

As for the artist, comissioning DiTerlizzi would degenerate into mush at the ecstasy of expecting a fresh planescape illustration by DiTerlizzi). If the forementioned is deemed impossible, then someone else could be chosen through a poll of some sort.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Krypter" wrote:
Collin's persona

Er, Brannon's.

Something furry and cute

Like Shemeska.

or darker and more serious?

Like Shemeska.

Perhaps an entirely new critter?

Like Clueless' beefcake pinup.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Like Clueless' beefcake pinup.

*blink* I first read this as: Like Clueless. Eye-wink Which admittedly that character *does* qualify for pinup.

*teases Shemmie with a Shemmie-treat*

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Re: Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Clueless" wrote:
*teases Shemmie with a Shemmie-treat*

If anyone is expecting me to bark for 'lothy snacks, I don't think so.

*narrows eyes and then a moment later shrugs and preens*

I've got a number of illustrations that I've not posted online for various reasons:

1) One of A'kin + Shemmy. It's an inside joke and I may post it for April fools day.

2) an unfinished pic of Shemmy and Helekanalaith. Clean and tasteful, but unfinished.

3) images not fit for public consumption, for one reason or another

4) At the same time I've been trying to find an artist to draw a completely over the top chibi image of the Marauder, just for the irony.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
If anyone is expecting me to bark for 'lothy snacks, I don't think so. *narrows eyes and then a moment later shrugs and preens*
Oh, I'm certainly not expecting you to - but I got the Special Order ones... *Clueless contemplates the box* Perhaps Shylara would prefer them, you think? I mean they *are* Evil-Flavored.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Hm, maybe the pair of tiefling twins we made up in Shem's game for disguises for Clueless and Fyrehowl: Kit and Kat (or otherwise cutely named) - a pair of spunky ba'atazu blooded tiefers... who could never *quite* keep straight which one was Kit and which one was Kat.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Clueless" wrote:
*blink* I first read this as: Like Clueless.

Either interpretation works.

who could never *quite* keep straight which one was Kit and which one was Kat.

Were their first names "Wily?" If so, Kit is the girl and Kat is the boy.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Whatever you decide on using, it should look alluring or cute, and dangerous at the same time.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Nopes. Eye-wink Just Kit and Kat. I had candy on the mind at the time.

The player playing the other half of the pair is absentminded - so I switched who was Kit and who was Kat about three times on her as we were making our plans to sneak in - to the point where at one point I had Kit *and* Kat assigned as names to her character. "So I'm Kit and you're Kat." "Ok, I'm Kat." Right. I'm Kat." "Wait - what?"

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Kaelyn"][quote="Krypter" wrote:
Collin's persona

Er, Brannon's.

Damnation, Yes. That's what I get for posting while skull-dug brunk.
But woo, that Rogue's Hazelnut Brown Nectar is squeezed outta the sweat of the gods themselves, I tells ya!

Like Clueless' beefcake pinup.


For the Greater Glory of Balder 'n that Other Guy, wassitzname, I declare Furry Dark Serious Arcanaloths to tbe the official mascots of Planewalker!

Go Furry Evil!

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Two coppers.

I was thinking we could get somebody to draw a chibi of a slaad.

But arcanaloths are fine too.

Creepy buggers though.

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Abyssal Hell Monkey . . .

Everyone on the planes fears the Chupacabra . . .

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Clueless" wrote:
The player playing the other half of the pair is absentminded - so I switched who was Kit and who was Kat about three times on her as we were making our plans to sneak in - to the point where at one point I had Kit *and* Kat assigned as names to her character. "So I'm Kit and you're Kat." "Ok, I'm Kat." Right. I'm Kat." "Wait - what?"

*dies laughing* Should I mention that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is one of my favourite plays ever?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Tom Stoppard is *god*. Eye-wink And no - she hasn't seen the play before but it was very much one of those moments...

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Tom Stoppard is indeed god, though I'll take that back if he wants to put on a play in Sigil.

As for a mascot... a cute and fluffy Dabus? After all, the Lady is there for the 'official' stuff.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Oooh, I agree. A'kin would make such a lovely mascot, wouldn't he?


Pants of the North!

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Well, if your going for cute, you could always do a Lim-Lim.
And if you wanted something deadly... Dont forget that cracked-out killer Lim-Lim from torment.

But, then again, thats probably more a mascot for torment then planewalker.

Alot of the mascots posted seem to be really focused on Sigil.

But for planewalker in all its glory, I think that the mascot should be a Rilmani.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

The killer lim-lim was fun...

And then I went and kicked it. *headdesk*

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

A mascot is a good idea, but I've got a few bits to add to the supposed requirements:

Since it's Planewalker, not Sigil n' the Planes, I figure it should be something more universal, and not just Sigilian or Sigilian-focused. (LoP, Dabus, Factioneers, etc.)

Also, an original character not developped in the original PS run, unique to the site. (And, at least to me, not an in-joke to certain people; so that anyone new to the site can easily understand and "get" it.)

Something most everyone recognizes as being Planar, even those with little exposure to the setting. (Something even the Clueless will recognize as being Planar.)

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

How 'bout a cute, fuzzy pit fiend? :twisted:

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"ceratus" wrote:
I think the LoP is ok for an "official" thingy. However, the site itself should definitely have a mascot of its own. Something that really represents Planescape (other than the Lady). Preferrably something that's both fluffy, cute and able to eviscerate a true tanar'ri in less time than it takes to that takes a very short time to say. The thing is, almost everything in Planescape has at least a little humorous twist, so making a completely humourless mascot would be unwise.

As for the artist, comissioning DiTerlizzi would degenerate into mush at the ecstasy of expecting a fresh planescape illustration by DiTerlizzi). If the forementioned is deemed impossible, then someone else could be chosen through a poll of some sort.

Hello, mortals! Xanxost is here to be Planewalker's mask. Ot? Planewalker's mascot.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Rhys" wrote:
Hello, mortals! Xanxost is here to be Planewalker's mask. Ot? Planewalker's mascot.
Told ya! Eye-wink

Samloyal23's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Hmm... Fuzzy and dangerous? Cranium rats...

...Lots of them.


I'm Samuel M. Wright, and you're not.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Please, people, don't do the cute thing. Newcomers to planewalker will think this is a joke site. It would be better to have a mascot like the Mimir had; something serious yet occasionally funny.

How about a small dabus figure (non-chibi)?

Or an angel and demon wrestling. This would be a better indicator for D&D players who would recognize fiends and celestials as originating from the Outer Planes.

Something most everyone recognizes as being Planar, even those with little exposure to the setting. (Something even the Clueless will recognize as being Planar.)

Agreed. A balor maybe? What do the kids playing D&D recognize as planar these days?

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Krypter" wrote:
Agreed. A balor maybe? What do the kids playing D&D recognize as planar these days?

The rare and noble buomman!

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Another idea: Why not just use that frontpaged Quadrone sage some more?

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

I'll second the quadrone.

FyreHowl's picture
Joined: 2003-12-28
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

I was thinking cute - but Kryper does have a point.

After reading this Here are my thoughts -

Something not *completely* dark and serious. The whole serious but occasionally funny idea I think works best.

- I like Kit and Kat personally but I'm biased.

And you did that on purpose Clueless? DARN YOU!!! I thought I was loosing my mind or being wayyyy more confused than usual. You sneaky you know what.

On other thoughts- I'm not sure about the original creature idea. Yes it's a cool idea artistically, but we're trying to associate heavily with Planescape and while Planescape has the room to be creative, something *slightly* more standard but non-Sigil specific would be good.

Perhaps a lesser known creature as opposed to the teiflings etc mentioned? I mean, we have all the planes to work with here and I"m sure there's some creature someone hasn't thought of in ages that might work.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10

I'm not presenting these as mascots, or anything. But kawaii and all that.


Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Krypter" wrote:
How about a small dabus figure (non-chibi)?
I like that idea. What about Fell?

Certainly, the character of Fell is well known enough to be regarded as such.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"FyreHowl" wrote:
And you did that on purpose Clueless? DARN YOU!!! I thought I was loosing my mind or being wayyyy more confused than usual. You sneaky you know what.

MUhahahahaha! Eye-wink

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Ok. Let's summarize a bit on what we've worked out so far.

1) We defiantely need a mascot.

2) It should probably be mostly serious - with an ability to be wry or humorous but no requirement to be so.
3) It needs to have a personality. (So it can be roleplayed out online or in messages as a mascot/host character).
4) It needs to have a wider association than Sigil.

Possible suggestions. I'll note what requirements the suggestion meets and fails as the case may be...

1) Fell. Meets: #2, #3 Fails: #4
2) A generic dabus. Meets: #2, #3 Fails: #4
3) A balor (or other powerful fiend). Meets: #3, #4 Fails: #2 (balors do not *jest*)
4) A celestial/fiend fighting. This is more a logo idea than a mascot.
5) Shemmy. Meets: #2, #3 Fails: #4
6) Akin. Meets: #2, #3 Fails: #4
7) Xanxost. Meets: #2, #3, #4
Cool Kit and Kat (tiefers, or something simular). Meets: #2, #3, #4
(Bonus: cute tiefer twins make for nice posters and pinups. Eye-wink )
9) A modron. Meets: #3, #4 Fails: #2
10) A rilmani. Meets: #2, #3, #4

Did I miss any other ideas?
Right now it looks like the twins, Xanxost, and a rilmani are - at least on analysis - ahead. If we can get a handful of things that meet those requirements, than we can actually start picking based on what we *like* - not just what we need. Eye-wink

Truth Golem's picture
Joined: 2005-02-12
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

A baku would seem to fit those requirements pretty well. Though I have to admit, Xanxost is pretty cool too.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

What about a rogue modron?

FyreHowl's picture
Joined: 2003-12-28
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Hey- maybe one of those Teifmar things?

Meets #2 i think,
Meets #3
Definately meets #4.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"FyreHowl" wrote:
Hey- maybe one of those Teifmar things?

Meets #2 i think,
Meets #3
Definately meets #4.

Heh heh thanks

Just stats for a race that some members should be. Would still need a personality to go along with it.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

I think a balor might make for a nice mascot. Or perhaps not something that powerful, but maybe a cambion. Wouldn't it be nice (and humorous) to have a mascot who cheerfully invites visitors to the site, always with muttered ramblings about peeling their skulls off and wrenching his knife through their guts?

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

Outside of my own obvious bias here, though I wouldn't mind it, I'd have to go with Xanxost or a rogue modron. Smiling

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Re: chibis

"Kaelyn" wrote:


*blood curdling scream*

"My baby pictures! Noooooooo!"


"Oh, wait... that's right... at first I thought someone had published my baby pictures. Except that I was never a little kid, unless you count the period of time I spent as a runty mezzoloth, and you'll believe me if you know what's best for you."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Clueless" wrote:
Ok. Let's summarize a bit on what we've worked out so far.

1) We defiantely need a mascot.

2) It should probably be mostly serious - with an ability to be wry or humorous but no requirement to be so.
3) It needs to have a personality. (So it can be roleplayed out online or in messages as a mascot/host character).
4) It needs to have a wider association than Sigil.

The site is called 'Planewalker' so perhaps our mascot/host for the site should be a real, honest to goodness/evil Planewalker a la Planewalkers Guild. The mascot/host should be well-lanned and well-travelled, and should definitely have Sigil-manners.

I personally think that we need to avoid existing canon Planescape personalities like A'kin, Xanxost, Tarsheeva, etc. We need an original personality.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

What about a cocky, know-it all Tiefling Planewalker? Even though they are prevalent within the FR setting, I would say that most people would associate Tiefers with the Planes...

It has an edge that remains true with the setting, but a persona that shines through as know-it-all or extremely cocky would give it more of a weakness and human aspect; something more viewers to the site could relate to.

A monnikker like "the Wanderer" would be keeping with the nature of Planeswalkers; seeing what's out there purely for the idea of seeing what's out there. A nom de guerre that it goes by instead of its true name for ease and keeping with the idea that "Names have power - especially true ones".

Just a thought.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

What we need are a pair.

How about a tiefer and aasimar?

Mabey a small comic for them?

I dunno

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Clueless" wrote:
10) A rilmani. Meets: #2, #3, #4
Actually, the idea of a Rilmani mascot does sound appealing. But which type would be more appropriate?

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Evil Construct" wrote:
"Clueless" wrote:
10) A rilmani. Meets: #2, #3, #4
Actually, the idea of a Rilmani mascot does sound appealing. But which type would be more appropriate?

I like cuprilachs most myself as they tend to be both active, and have the results of their actions be readily apparent, unlike the subtle pullings of the argenachs or the massive, world altering, but perhaps long brewing changes of the aurumachs.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
"Evil Construct" wrote:
"Clueless" wrote:
10) A rilmani. Meets: #2, #3, #4
Actually, the idea of a Rilmani mascot does sound appealing. But which type would be more appropriate?

I like cuprilachs most myself as they tend to be both active, and have the results of their actions be readily apparent, unlike the subtle pullings of the argenachs or the massive, world altering, but perhaps long brewing changes of the aurumachs.

Actually, given their penchant for stringing pulling, and being the overall "heads" of the Rilmani, I was thinking more of the aurumachs.

This is afterall supposed to be THE Planescape site on the web... the one above all others. So what better race to reflect that position on the web than the heads of the ultimate exemplars of Balance.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

A daubus or a tiefling aasimar pair would work but the first seems gimicky and I'm surprised the bladed one has'nt been mantioned.
*lets out blood curdling scream of pain and suprise*

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

And that would be why. Eye-wink *cleans off the blood splatter*

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: chibis

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
*blood curdling scream*

"My baby pictures! Noooooooo!"


"Oh, wait... that's right... at first I thought someone had published my baby pictures. Except that I was never a little kid, unless you count the period of time I spent as a runty mezzoloth, and you'll believe me if you know what's best for you."

But you just...


*pikes it*

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

"jordarad" wrote:
What about a cocky, know-it all Tiefling Planewalker? Even though they are prevalent within the FR setting, I would say that most people would associate Tiefers with the Planes...

This is a good idea. It has brand recognition. Nobody outside of planescapers knows what a Rilmani is. Hell, I've been playing this game for a good number of years and I still don't know much about them.

FR players are probably the biggest bloc of D&D players right now. They know tieflings. A wise-crackin' planewalking tiefer (or pair, or tiefling-aasimar sparring friends) would be instantly recognizable to them, and would serve as a good introduction to the Planes.

Now that we have some ideas, how about changing the poll to determine what we want specifically?

Truth Golem's picture
Joined: 2005-02-12
Should Planewalker have a mascot?

I disagree. No offense, but cocky, know-it-all tieflings have been done to death. And I agree with Enzo; we should probably come up with an original mascot, not someone that's already canon.

I like the rogue modron idea, and the tiefling/aasimar idea sounds good, too.

I guess if you don't want a baku because it isn't humanoid, we could use a grizzled maelephant veteran. That would be pretty original, I think. He could have served in the blood war in his youth, then escaped and 'risen', and finally explored the upper planes before making his home in Sigil.

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