Sensory Stone: Torment

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Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Sensory Stone: Torment

Did it occur to anyone that the game Torment is kinda like a sensory stone. I mean the sheer fact of the simplicity of the title is proof enough. But its kinda like finding a sensory stone labled Torment and then from then on its the final chapter of the nameless ones story, waking on a mortuary slab.

Quite a long one but I don't recall their being a limit to a sensory stone.

xantrius's picture
Joined: 2007-06-27
Sensory Stone: Torment

Interesting thought :mrgreen:

Heh, could have some fun in the future, with story within a story, within another story etc. , where one incorporate sensory stone(s) and dreams, and let mayhem ensue. ^^

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