the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

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Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

Yes, you read it right. mysterious Liquor.
its actually kinda funny how this came around. We stole it from a drunken Lizardfolk (who, by the way, claimed it was vodka Eye-wink ) and its been showing up in odd places ever since.
You dont want to drink this Liqour. Or maybe you do. It all depends on whos DMing. Because mysterious Liquor can do ANYTHING the DM comes up with. All in all, it can make for a fun time.
Not to mention, it is always in Reserve in case you mess up. You know that swarm of Ankheg you thought your party could handle, but is right now tearing you to shreds? just throw a bottle of ML and wham, 5D6 fire damage to the lot of them.
Or if you have a time when your players do something incredibly stupid to mess up your quest, something you thought no one in thier right mid would ever do. A swig of ML can cast Gasoes form if you really need it to, and thats just perfect for slipping through the rubble blocking the passageway you just collapsed with a rune of explosion.
But what would you do with your Mysterious Liqour Puzzled:

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

Sounds like the fey wine Shemmie has in her campaign... Eye-wink To which my answer would be "Attempt to addict Shemeska the Maruader on something that can actually get her drunk - failing that, proceed to peel her as the supplier of her latest designer drug." Eye-wink

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
fun with th ml

me and my buddy fidrikon were using the liquor one day and it lead to many misadventures involving popcorn and exploding dire bears..........and a castle made of dukie!

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

and, in my defense, it was late and I was tired.
But all in all, that was a fun time. Although I don't think the druid was happy when you caused a cave-in in the poo fort. That was a fortitude save and a half.
Never use a fireball in enclosed spaces you fool.
By the way, your fired.

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

i don't have a fireball spell..............and that druid was asking for it picking on chronoplasm sling.......i thoaght it would be a badass idea at the time........uhhhhhh.......i'll shut up now..........

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

uhhhhh.... this is in reply to dread pirate swan (another one of my wonderful players lol) it was not dire bears you liar! it was exploding Care Bears! Yes people, Exploding "Care Bears"... I remember... it was-......... embarrasing.... damn that golden poo....

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

Care bears? CARE BEARS?
For the love of god. ( and whoever you are, don't reply to that.) Not even I am that demented. And I'm not your player any more. Im a DM. Im a big boy now. :x
Yes mike, ive been reading the DMs guide behind your back. And Iv'e DMed the games that you wern't there. so.... AHA?

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

Dude... I know this, and I was there when you made the liquer and when those damn care bears exploded, remember, I was your player for that time ( even though I am now a DM again *rolls eyes*) lol... and that wierd Kobold camp... or was it Lizard folk... or was it a mix... DAMN IT! I can't remember >.<

P.S. Yeah I know you're a DM, If it wasn't for me you would have never have known that Planescape was a setting of DND... you should thank me for the introduction Hmph!

P.S.S. We should do a team effort agian lol, it might be interesting *evil grin* :twisted:

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

it was a mix of kobalds and lizard men in the camp and you said you wouldn't bring up the bear thing..........

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

Did I... I don't remember much about that night... I think I drank a lil too much of that damned many times did I get thrown into the air by some sort of mysterious force? none? I hope... *quivers*

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

wow this got off topic fast... that was my fualt... Gomen Nasai!!!

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

yes it did. It think you scared them away with your care bear talk. But anyway, seriusly people, what would you do with mysterious liquer?

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

we could use the ml as a sort of cure for certain curses and than tease nick with it when he gets mummy

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

Heh. If you're all very lucky, some day I'll tell you the story of the hobbit shakes... Eye-wink

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

hobbit shakes.........i don't know if i should be corious or worried..........

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

I think worried

but the question is, will it cure the curse of the were-midget?

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

I wa thinking the same thing, I think we should tease Nick with the ML...

Hobbit Shakes? mmmmm, sounds good- I wanna know lol... but I'm a bit afraid to ask

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

"Fidrikon" wrote:
I think worried

but the question is, will it cure the curse of the were-midget?

if i only had a dollar for every time i had a were-midget curse

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
the secret powers of mysterious Liquor

dude i had this great idea............vampiric kobald! eh?

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