Salt zombies

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Elder Elemental Jester's picture
Joined: 2007-04-17
Salt zombies

On a side adventure from the Great Modron March, 3 of my players were badly wounded on the plane of Salt and ended up succumbing to their wounds. Upon being resurrected, one of my players asked simply "Why don't I have any effects from the salted form my body was?"

I was dumbstruck. Of course, I quickly rebounded with his character having an unnatural fear of salt now...he won't swim in the ocean, he won't eat salted meat or food, and he has panic attacks if somebody refers to him as a "Salty dog." But I was also a little perturbed that I couldn't come up with something more concrete (he's a great RPr, and now has assumed his new phobia into his personality) that would have game effects.

Any ideas on what (if anything) the effects of becoming a crystalline corpse for a couple of days before resurrection and healing would have? I don't want anything game destroying, but on the other hand have not found a good reference for Salt Genasi (which he now calls himself, even though he's afraid of "his" element) anywhere to see if he has any new salt-related powers and penalties that I can work into dice-rolling situations. Any ideas are welcome, I just wanna see what you folks come up with...Smiling

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Salt zombies

Well, let's see there's a fan's take here, a rather sparse Creature Codex entry here, and of course my own Salt Genasi template here. You could even apply my template to the saltified character straight on (although it would mean taking a level adjustment). There's also a Salt Elemental Creature template that is worth looking at here.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Salt zombies

"Ye cannot abide salt, water, oil, the cross: and no marvel: no more cannot the devil, who possesseth you and rideth you." :^)

An aversion to salt is an old element of folklore, that gave this stuff the power to repel evil spirits, witches, and all manner of devils. Perhaps during his time on salt, the stuff of his body was infused with some of the dark energies of that plane, and his phobia of salt is the repulsion his now-living body feels as it tries to reject the foreign implant. Some options:

Undead may now find him unpalatable! Perhaps the salt and residual traces of negative energy mark him as less of a target than his juicier, more vital comrades. This could manifest as something like the Dead Truce.

If he can embrace these energies, he might find himself able to turn the effects outward, and make his salty presence repulsive to witches, undead, spirits, or fiends. As a negative-energy-based power -- and to keep it from acting as a turning -- I suggest that, if he manages to learn this trick, it only affect living beings: hags, devils, demons, blackguards, etc., etc. Of course, angels might find it nasty as well. This would probably require trial and error, and maybe a feat or spell slot or the like, depending on his base class.

Is there time yet for him not to have noticed some physical changes, like being really thirsty all the time? How about potions? Perhaps he can absorb surprising quantities of liquid for some reason... drink a lot, and not get drunk? Resistant to imbibed poisons? Potions and poisons at half effect, due to the absorbent material in his bloodstream?

Elder Elemental Jester's picture
Joined: 2007-04-17
Salt zombies

Well, talking to the guy on the phone, we agreed that he is now a water sponge. He's going to always be thirsty, but not to the point of dehydration or anything...more like the way a diabetic is just always THIRSTY with a capital T. He also doesn't know but alcohol no longer effects him and I like the idea of becoming inedible to undead. Perhaps he has enough negative taint now that he just doesn't seem like he's worth attacking (first, anyways Eye-wink ). Effects such as repeling night hags and fiends could be worth the RP value, too.

Thanks for the ideas, guys. Duckluck, I looked at all the links and decided that some of the actual Salt Genasi powers were a bit strong. I guess I'm going to stick with more RP-oriented things instead of dice rolling things for him. But thanks again for the links!

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Salt zombies

Give him Ménière's disease.

A friend of mine has it and has to avoid salt like the plague.

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