While I was preparing some information for my Planescape campaign, a question struck me. All right, after the Faction War, the dabus took over as judges for a while, but after a year or so made it clear that other qualified judges were welcome to return to their positions. Also, after the Faction War, taxes became a thing of the past, as the Fated were kicked out of Sigil and it was discovered that the taxes had just gone to support the tax-collecting infrastructure in the first place.
So my question is this: Who pays the judges' salaries? Sure, the dabus were no doubt willing to work for free, but other judges are going to need money to live on. Where does it come from? Surely not all the judges are independently wealthy or working second jobs, and are doing their judicial work pro bono out of the goodness of their hearts. Actually, while it's the case of the judges that first occurred to me (because of the possibility that a PC is going to get involved in Sigil's judicial system), this would apply to other city officials as well. While Faction War says that all the taxes just went toward the tax collection bureaucracy, it seems more likely this is an exaggeration and that while most of the money went there, some of it also went toward paying the salaries of the judges and other city officials. So now, with no taxes coming in, where are they getting their pay? It doesn't really help to say that their pay comes from the Sigil Advisory Council, because that just shifts the question--unless the Council members are using their personal funds (and none of them except Estevan have that much money in their personal funds anyway), where are they getting the money?
I can think of a number of possibilities, such as:
- The judges and other city officials are paid out of the money coming in from fines exacted on lawbreakers. (This one strikes me as very unlikely, both because it doesn't seem probable that enough money would come in from that source and because it would tend to encourage judicial corruption.)
- Certain wealthy individuals sponsor the various city services. (This one strikes me as unlikely too, for different reasons. While there are certainly people around who have the money to do so, and while I could even accept that they'd do it for the good publicity generated, among other reasons, there'd be too much danger of their using the system to buy influence, through hints that their money is only going to go toward those city services that work in their favor. Given how carefully the Advisory Council system has been designed to avoid giving undue influence to the very wealthy, it seems to me this is a pitfall they'd want to avoid.)
- The dabus supply the money. Where do they get it? Well, presumably from the Lady of Pain. And where does she get it? Any Cager knows better than to ask questions like that.
- The Sigil Advisory Council has a number of investments which generate enough of a return to pay for city officials' salaries.
- There was enough money left over from what the Fated had collected before the Faction War (plus what was gained by selling off a lot of the property Darkwood and the other Fated who fled the city left--hey, fair's fair) to pay the city officials for some time. Of course, that money's not going to last forever...
Personally, I think I'm going to go with #5 for my campaign, if only for the role-playing opportunities. As the money starts to run low, maybe there's an attempt to reintroduce taxation--which is not going to go over well with Sigil's populace, even if it is taxation on a much smaller scale than when the Fated ran it. Maybe there's a proposal to start a citywide lottery to generate funds (Zadara (who's going to play a prominent role in the campaign) could be willing to pony up the starting money, in exchange for a cut of the profits). Maybe the Sigil Advisory Council is tempted to allow sponsorship by wealthy individuals, in spite of the dangers involved (Estevan would almost certainly advocate this, since it would allow him to increase his own influence)...
So, anyway, like I said, I think I'm probably going with #5 in my campaign, but I was curious what thoughts others had on this matter...
Hmmm... #5 does sound like the most likely, but I like #3 as well...
#4 sounds feasible, too, considering Rhys is on the council, and remembering that knowing what will happen is what got Zadara so rich in the first place.
#5 is what I'd go with, though.