Running Great Modron March/Dead Gods !!!Spoilers!!!

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bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Running Great Modron March/Dead Gods !!!Spoilers!!!

I was wondering what would you think if after a long campaign in an attempt to stop some great evil from emerging the heros failed? I mean obviously they would get drawn in by other interests as well not to mention have many small victories on the way making an impact.

But how would you feel as a character at the end when all is said and done the ultiment evil rises anyway. I mean perhaps (maybe even likely) they survive and maybe the campaign continues but here is the new big baddie they failed to stop...

Those who have read Dead Gods know who I am talking about but for the time being I will not mention the name. Also I am not saying I would ensure they fail but the possibility is certainly there as those with knowledge of the new Planar material knows as well.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Running Great Modron March/Dead Gods !!!Spoilers!!!

depends on the game. If it is a campaign with a set begining and semi set end then sure it would be cool. If it was a general campaign where there is no storyline just kinda well today lets go see whats going on over here kinda game then no cause with that one ya kinda get a little overly attached to characters.

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Running Great Modron March/Dead Gods !!!Spoilers!!!

Personally I'd feel dejected and as if the goal of the campaign had failed. It would depend on how things were run whether I'd want another shot at taking down the big bad guy or not (considering the scenario that seems an improbably course of action).

However, you could turn it around and have the heroes actively want the big bad guy to return. You can come up with all manner of reasons for this such as their return prevents something worse from coming in, or their return restores a balance that is causing the plaes to fragment and drift apart etc. etc.

If the hereos do their level best to prevent the bad outcome and despite all their efforst they fail - it's an anti-climatic ending imo. If the heroes mess up and the bad guy wins, well that is more palatable.

If you, as a GM, are determined to have the bad guy win this round, then explain it to the players so that they know it's coming and that it is part of the campaign plan.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Running Great Modron March/Dead Gods !!!Spoilers!!!

thats even worse in alot of ways. I'd say it would be better if the players thought they were gona win but didn't. As long as the DM isn't too blatant about having the badguys win. such as the players finding out instead of the badguy being a CR around their level he is a CR 60 and they are level 10s could be a bit of a downer. But if it looks like it was just a case of the odds not being in their favor and they lost well (even if its a case of the dm having an ace up his sleeve perhaps) oh well badguys gota win sometime.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Running Great Modron March/Dead Gods !!!Spoilers!!!

Would it be possible for the party to have at least a partial success? Perhaps the big baddy comes back but because of the PCs actions he is weakened and vulnerable. The BBEG hasn't been able to regain his former Ultimabe Power but might instead just be a shadow of his former self. You might look at the Pact Magic chapter of the Tome of Magic for some plot ideas. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Running Great Modron March/Dead Gods !!!Spoilers!!!

Yeah there is a chance they could win out but the odds would be extremly stacekd against them of coruse. Yes they most likely unless they really mess up have many partial victories as the campaign progresses. Not to mention a chance to become greatly endeared to various good powers and those opposing the undead and the persona in question.

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