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Phonkey's picture
Joined: 2006-03-22

Hei Bloods,

I just was wondering, how the rules of turning, protection from evil and so on workes out on Tieflings.

Seemes to be some kind of the old "native outsider"/ "mortal outsider"-Discussion. So in my opinion a prot. from... spell should work on tieflings just like it works on primers. Even on primes.

What do you think, fair fellows?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

Re: Protection from Evil/Good etc
As far as my DM goes- it's just like it is on mortals.
Besides - I see absolutely no effect on the spell (Admittedly I *am* using a PHB from 3.0) that would require different treatment for full blooded fiends/celestials etc. The only time outsiders are mentioned is at the paragraph describing effects on *summoned* creatures. On the planes - you aren't running into summoned critters unless someone just threw a spell down, same as on the Prime.

Re: Turning
Again, same as 'regular'. And last I checked - tieflings aren't undead.

Phonkey's picture
Joined: 2006-03-22

Thanks for the tip.

But: what about Tieflings on primes, that are not summoned. Same like for Primers?

And my fault: Not turning. I ment Banning. How do you handle it with unsummoned Fiends?

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14

Protection against (insert alignment here) is meant for outsiders only...For example, you're a prime tiefer on a Prime plane. It's not going to work on you.

If you're a planer tiefer and somehow summoned to the prime, then yes, it would.

If you're a summoned /anything/ and the spell is cast, it works on you because you'e not native to that plane.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

My understanding (now, I'll admit, this is without looking up the exact rules) is that these things function based on whether a creature is extraplanar or not - i.e. whether or not it has the Extraplanar subtype, which every creature has if it's on a plane that is not its home plane. Doesn't matter if it's a balor, a tiefling, or a housecat.


Pants of the North!

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14

I'm seconding the Eefreeeet.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19

No, Protection from X does not work on Extraplanar creatures, it works on Summoned creatures. If it meant it worked on Extraplanar creatures, it would say it worked on Extraplanar creatures.

Phonkey's picture
Joined: 2006-03-22

I am not sure, but i think it would be very powerful against extraplanars if it worked not only against summoned ones, but also vs. unsommend planewalkers.

If it works vs all extraplanars (EP), i think its a little overpowered.

A Tiefling in my group, thats on Oerth for the moment, does not like this effect. So i was wondering if it is diefferent for those, who are not summoned but free willed on primes (or planes other than their home).

And additionally - if the EP is i.e. good - would an prot from evil work on him (still the free-willed variant). I think for summoned creatures this plays no role - but free-willed is not summoned...

Little bit chaotic, what i write, but i hope its worth thinking about.


Serion Au'Laktah

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

This is a simple problem:

Protection from Evil/Good/etc has a few different components.

First, it gives the character +2 bonus on saves and AC against creatures of the opposing alignment. This affects any and all creatures of the opposing alignment, Prime, Extraplanar, Summoned, or otherwise. Tieflings of the warded alignment are affected by this.

Secondly, it prevents mental control of the subject against ANY mental control.

Lastly, Summoned creatures are completely hedged out. This has nothing to do with alignment it just stops SUMMONED creatures from touching the character. Extraplanar creatures who are not summoned (i.e. are Gated, Called, or utilize portal) are unaffected, as are those who are from the plane. Thus, unless a tiefling was summoned using any of the Monster Summoning Spells it is unaffected by this aspect of the spell.

Banishment -

Banishment expels any Extraplanar creature back to its plane of origin. Personally, I call any mortal creature Extraplanar anywhere but the Prime, even those born in the Planes, but that's just my preference. ANY CREATURE NOT ON ITS HOMEPLANE CAN BE BANISHED. Thus, an Arcadian Tiefling on Mechanus can be banished as can a Prime Human in the Astral or a Fire ELemental Planar Djinni on the Prime.

Creatures whose homeplane is Sigil cannot be Banished back to Sigil (I'd say they're banished back to the Outlands, personally... or one of the transitives).

I'm pretty sure this is as clear as I can make it, folks.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
Thus, an Arcadian Tiefling on Mechanus can be banished as can a Prime Human in the Astral

Not quite. Nobody is considered Extraplanar on a transitive plane. Other than that, though, you seem pretty correct. My earlier statement on extraplanar creatures was likely referring to this banishment aspect. Or I was thinking of another spell entirely.


Pants of the North!

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