It occurred to me that the Rilmani could very well be the incarnation of the Rule of Threes.
Consider the following:
Aurumach, Argenach, Cuprilach, Abiorach, Ferrumach, Plumach. Six rilmani types. Rule of Threes taken twice.
But, more importantly, no matter which alignment axis you take on the Great Wheel, the Rilmani consistently comprise the third (and central) point of the axis. The Elysium-Hades Axis goes NG -- TN -- NE, with NG and NE being the points that define the axis, TN being the center of the axis itself. The third rule.
In the spirit of the Rule of Threes, there is likely one more way to prove this hypothesis...
Then I guess that makes this the 'if you see two, the third is hidden' part. right?