This is mostly directed at Azure and Dunamin (and Rhys and Clueless).
I would like to create a few new Rrakkma articles for the Rrakkma: Legacy of Zerthimon project here on In particular, I think that "Githyanki Historical Personalities," "Githyanki Insults," and "Githyanki Quotations, Proverbs, and Sayings" are about ready to be put into article form. (Note that we can always add to them later.)
These articles would have multiple authors. I propose dividing the "Insults" and "Quotations" articles into blocks for each author. So you would have:
[block of quotations]
[end block]
Author: Zimrazim
[block of quotations]
[end block]
Author: Azure
for example.
Given the length of "Historical Personalities," I would propose actually making "Githyanki Historical Personalities" its own link, with a separate article for each NPC.
Azure, Dunamin -- does that work for you?
As for the structure of "Rrakkma: Legacy of Zerthimon" itself, would it be possible to divide it into "Githyanki," "Githzerai," and "Illithid" sections? (I'm aware that some of the articles don't fit neatly into only one of those categories, but I'm hoping to get the project better organized into subsections.)
I'm also wondering whether the existing article code can handle multiple authors for a single article -- for example, "Zimrazim, Azure" or "Azure, Zimrazim, Dunamin" or whatever. That would be a nice feature.
The new codebase can't do multiple authors (though I will look to see if there's a module out there that does).
The structure of Rrakma is likely to stand where it is for the moment until that section gets more with the hopping and less with the slumbering.
Tag the illithid, githyanki, githzerai articles with that in the about section and I can generate some new sub sections for you based on those once we reach enough momentum on it. And don't be afraid to use more than one of the tags - the article will show up wherever it needs to show up.