RPing Baatezu/Tanari/ri in World of Warcraft

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Varsinax's picture
Joined: 2006-07-29
RPing Baatezu/Tanari/ri in World of Warcraft

Do any of you play, or are familiar with World of Warcraft??

I want to know how I could translate my Pit Fiend character to the Warcraft universe. In D&D, a pit fiend is a devil, but in WoW only demons exist. So, I'm guessing pit fiends are simply elite demons in Warcraft.

Any comments??

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: RPing Baatezu/Tanari/ri in World of Warcraft

I think in WoW fiend = devil = demon. So yeah, it would be some type of elite demon.


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Veltharis ap Rylix's picture
Joined: 2008-07-17
Re: RPing Baatezu/Tanari/ri in World of Warcraft

It's been a while since I did anything Warcraft related, but I'm fairly familiar with the lore, as of a year or two ago, at least...

Personally, I think the Burning Legion would be the best place for a pit fiend-type creature. Although the demons of the Burning Legion are ultimately about the unmaking of the Titans' works (though I forget if this means destroying only those worlds the Pantheon has put its personal touches on or annihilating all of existence), they operate largely like a Baatezu military force - conquering worlds one by one, converting the natives into new demons when they can and slaughtering those they can't.

While there is a "Pit Fiend" demon in Warcraft lore, I'd recommend converting your character into an "Eredar", a race of demons derived from the race that became the Draenei. They are powerful demonic sorcerers and two of their leaders (Archimonde the Defiler and Kil'jaeden the Deciever) served as the Lieutenants to the Legion's ultimate ruler Sargeras, the Fallen Titan (essentially the Lords of Nine to Warcraft's Asmodeus).

Kil'jaeden himself now (seemingly) rules the Legion, as Archimonde was killed during the Third War and Sargeras's fate is largely unknown (after the assassination of the possessed Guardian Medivh).


Looking for help fleshing out the Lords of the Nine: here.

Varsinax's picture
Joined: 2006-07-29
Re: RPing Baatezu/Tanari/ri in World of Warcraft


Interesting. I never played a draenei male before. I always played a blood elf or a human, and simply claimed to be polymorphed.

I will check out the draenei, to see if I can make one I like.

Veltharis ap Rylix's picture
Joined: 2008-07-17
Re: RPing Baatezu/Tanari/ri in World of Warcraft

Just be aware that the playable Draenei are culturally distinct from the Eredar... In fact, while they share a common ancestor, it was the involvement of the Burning Legion which split them apart in the first place. Those who allied themselves with Sargeras became corrupted and eventually became demons, while those who rejected him fled, allied themselves with the still mysterious Naaru (essentially celestial beings), and eventually became the Draenei.

As far as game lore is concerned, a playable Draenei are diametrically opposed to the Eredar, and the two try to kill each other whenever possible. This doesn't stop you from claiming to be an Eredar, of course, but the in-game options don't really support it. But then, the same can be said about being polymorphed Blood Elf. As far as the in-game lore is concerned, no player character is allied with the Burning Legion.

I still wish they'd introduced Draenei Warlocks with the new Race/Class combos in Cataclysm. I've always wanted to play a Draenei looking to get in touch with his/her Eredar roots.


Looking for help fleshing out the Lords of the Nine: here.

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