RoleAids Demons in Planescape

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Joined: 2007-03-18
RoleAids Demons in Planescape

If you go to, you'll find an ongoing effort by me to get all the monsters from Role Aids' Demons Line uploaded to enworld for conversion. As a result, I figured I'd start a topic on Planewalker to see if we could make them work in Planescape.

If you haven't ever read the Demons material, there were a slew of unique, high level demons to be summoned for various purposes. If one were creative enough (which I never was), you could probably make an entire campaign out of combatting their various powers of temptation and such. Anyway, I figure I'll start with the Court of the Pit and then move down the ranks.

Amdosias, King of the Pit
Amdosias is the name of Asmodeus's favored Pit Fiend, a sort of Prince Regent of Nessus. Given Asmodeus's busy schedule, he sees no need to punish mortals that scrawl the summoning symbols incorrectly: in his stead, Amdosias lashes the souls of those with the temerity to call on the Red Lord of the Nine Hells, much less those with the stupidity to fail at the summoning. The slight different in the spelling of Amdosias' and Asmodeus' names is intentional, as that means the King of the Pit (literally: it's a black walled pit filled with larvae and other damned from which Amdosias rules) is frequently called forth by accident.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape

Heh. Amdosias reminds me of Moe Lane's Beliar, right down to the name (a slight misspelling of the Belial, the Demon Prince of Fire) and his role answering summons from stupid and/or inept demon-summoners. In Moe's words:

It's not so much the fact that he gets inadvertently Summoned all the time: it's the fact that he always meets the really clumsy and/or dumb Sorcerers. The adept ones don't botch the rituals, and the smart ones know not to mess with Demon Princes.


However, the Calabite's motto is, "If I'm going to be Summoned instead of Belial, then you're going to damn well treat me like Belial". There will be beer. There will be a comfortable chair. There will be female eye candy, wearing a minimum of clothing. There will be a lot of genuflecting, prostrating and general kissing of Beliar's demonic posterior. There will be all of these things, brought forth with all due speed, or there will be trouble. Trouble usually manifests itself with a shotgun blast to the head of the most tiresome Sorcerer present, usually followed by more shotgun blasts and general carnage.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape

excited by this, might be able to contribute when i have a better sense of what it's about.


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Bootchie!'s picture
Joined: 2007-03-18
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape

Lord Raastible: Archduke of Death
Raastible, with his six arms pulled from the forms of various undead, is an upstart former general of Orcus, released upon his so-called death. Raastible, unlike many demons, is known for playing extremely long games, unleashing primarily zombies, wraiths, ghouls, and mummies in many small groups so as to wreak havoc but also avoid attention. Raastible has pulled a small bit of Thanatos off towards the Plane of Many Portals to set up what is called the Ineffable Graveyard, a realm of thousands of unmarked graves of all types. From a long distance, the graveyard actually forms an incredibly complex rune to power a spell that takes many years to cast. Any who study the form of the rune long enough go raving made, their minds burned out by the damned language on display.

Lord Bienthe of the Legions
Bienthe is an insectile Altraloth, like a Piscoloth crossed with a Mezzoloth and then advanced beyond the properties of their kin. It is well known throughout the lower planes that Bienthe holds a long term contract with the Baatezu with extremely strict language about not battling outside of the commands of his contract-holder (though he does consider most personal combat to be sport as opposed to battle). While as emotionless as his kin, Bienthe takes a certain amount of pride in acting as he wishes within the confines of his contract. He currently pursues Baatorian goals on the plane of Carceri, though he also makes no qualms about following his own lead on his own time. He wields an enormous, obsidian mace known as the Gaeatemblor, which can make the ground shake, damage his enemies with thunderclap, and slow his enemies.

Lord Rundigard, Archduke of Pestilence
A crawling mass of chittering insects, Rundigard was majordomo to Beelzebub for many millenia until he was cast down. The Lord of the Flies still controls Rundigard's loyalty, though how long that will remain in effect is in question. Rundigard has certainly irritated all those rabble of devil-kin that inhabit the First Layer of the Nine Hells, but, due to his non-cohesive nature, he is notoriously difficult to trap. Moreover, any individual fly within his body is said to act as eyes and ears for the devious lord, and many devils fear that he knows far more than he lets on.

Lustikaar, Wellspring of Chaos
Lustikaar is considered to be amongst the oldest evil beings in the entirety of the Multiverse. There are scholars that whisper he is truly the evil reflection of Ssendam: the darkest thoughts of Limbo blasted through the black winds of Pandemonium to be deposited in an oozing mass in the depths of the Abyss. Some few Alkiliths are said to follow in the bizarre creature's wake, though none have yet accomplished any potential goals. Juiblex is known to ponder this creature, though he feels no apparent rivalry from the unthinking Lustikaar.

Bootchie!'s picture
Joined: 2007-03-18
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape

This is essentially a lark. I figure, why let good statistics and ideas go to waste? I figure there's no such thing as an unusable idea, so we may as well try and make 'em work for Planescape. For my part, these aren't thoroughly considered ideas, it's more an attempt to start a dialogue on using these creatures, where they might fit in, if any of the fluff from the Demons set (and there was quite a bit for essentially a monster compendium) could be reused or repurposed, etc.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape

You're doing a great job Bootchie, very interesting ideas. I've been going your posts and find them very enjoyable. So are you just taking the names/stats for these beings and making your own lore?

I really like the idea of a fiend that answers summons when pronunciation is off. In one Hindu story, a demon's tongue is manipulated to wish for sleep instead of divinity. I wonder if other planar beings would do similar trickery.

The evil version of Ssendam is great as well, perhaps there is a good chaos blob in Ysgard as well...


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Bootchie!'s picture
Joined: 2007-03-18
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape

Lord Dorndigaffe - Arch-Duke of Torments
{for this build, the alignment will need to be changed to Lawful Evil} Lord Dorndigaffe, devilish duke of the torments, is considered to be the vile "saint" of Abishai. Where the lowly, multi-colored Baatezu have been "leased" to Tiamat to guard her realm, Dorndigaffe frequently borrows them to teach them about torturing the loathsome souls that have been consigned to the Nine Hells. Dorndigaffe appears similar to a Red Abishai, though he is taller, frequently dons a cloak , and is always surrounded by the scent of rot and corruption. While largely considered to be amongst the rabble of devil-kin that inhabit Avernus, Dorndigaffe has also been known to taste of the sweet torments available in Phlegethos, though he is always in disguise so as not to be caught sponging secrets from the Lady Fierana and Lord Belial.

Lord Thruxus - Master Tempter
{for this build, let's assume Thruxus is Neutral Evil. Also, if you like Hellboy comics, think Koku, the majordomo of Baba Yaga} Thruxus typically takes the most innocuous form possible: that of a small, mischievous child. That shouldn't fool anyone, though, for Thruxus is a powerful Altraloth allied with the Oinoloth. Thruxus represents the seductive side of the Yugoloths, dispensing gifts as his master (and for that matter, himself) deems necessary. All his gifts are given complete with warnings, typically in the form of impenetrable riddles, but nonetheless, the corrupting aspect of his gifts is always related to his victims. Thruxus' typical scheme is one of "high short-term benefit, but destructive long-term ramifications." Thruxus can always be found near the Siege Perilous, ready to dispense the vile gifts of Khin-Oin.

Bootchie!'s picture
Joined: 2007-03-18
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape - The Court of the Heart

Anthraxus - Prince of the Heart
{Let's change his name to Anthrassos - King of Betrayals} It takes a special kind of hubris to refer to oneself as "King of Betrayals" in the Abyss, but Anthrassos, the two-faced former thrall to Fraz Urb-Lu'u, is certainly known for his ambition. Anthrassos is known for attacking the very structure of an organization, throwing off their pre-conceived notions and goals, and causing them to collapse from within and without simultaneously. Anthrassos is said to have laired on several layers of the Abyss, but has been ejected from each one with his life. At present, he makes his home deep beneath the Plane of Infinite Portals, running insurrections in both Plague-Mort and Broken Reach. Anthrassos is known for playing the long-con, as it were, leading to occasional contradictory activities: during the imprisonment of Fraz Urb-Lu'u by Zagig Yragerne, the King of Betrayals remained loyal to that demon lord, and in fact beat back several competitors from attempting to take Hollow's Heart, only to turn on the Abyssal Lord of Deception upon his return to power.

Phryxis - duke of the Heart and the Mind
Phryxis, as master of sycophants, is the major-domo of Mammon, Lord of Minauros in the Nine Hells. Phryxis is particularly unctuous and little-liked throughout the Nine Hells. Nonetheless, there are some devils (mostly imps) that learn from him the art of base flattery: a flattery so obviously, obnoxiously servile that the target's revulsion is enough to direct their attention away from the obsequious creature's true intentions. Most devils, most particularly those in the procurement wing of the Dark Ministry, consider Phryxis to be valuable in that they assume he flatters Mammon in hopes of gaining access to the Arch-Duke's fabled riches.

Runstibble, Duke of the Heart and the Soul
Runstibble is directly responsible for leading Nessus' disinformation campaign against the gods. This duke has given himself the form of a solid gold idol, encrusted in the jewels and gems of the many worlds he has lead to faithlessness. Ironically, given the seductive nature of his role within the Nine Hells, Runstibble is known to frequently spar with other high ranking devils within the silent depths of Nessus, using only his fists and his massive club "Anotheos."

Gutterfowl, Duke of the Heart and the Flesh
(alignment needs to be changed to Chaotic} The Abyss is well known for spawning infidelity. Where certain demon lords, including Malcanthet, are purely in it for the seduction and the corruption, Gutterfowl represents each act of betrayal that makes up infidelity. His two heads, one male the other female, tell small lies constantly, reassuring each other, masking the small betrayals. In some instances, his two heads are involved in incredibly complex schemes that act in contradiction to each other. The succubi and incubi that Gutterfowl leads are constantly at each other's throats. Gutterfowl would likely have a more prominent place in the Abyss if not for the inherent disloyalty he feels towards himself.

Great Tufforp, Duke of the Heart and the Blood
{change alignemnt to Neutral Evil} As the lord of Vengeance, Tufforp has been leading Yugoloth armies into the very depths of Carceri for thousands of years in hopes to destroy Apomps himself, and thereby cast out of the Ghereleths from the Chaotic side of neutral evil. The Baern that led to his creation graced him with a second head that attempts to devour his primary skull every time he has intentions that sway him from completing his task in Carceri. Should Apomps ever be cast down, it is likely Tufforp would render justice against his own tormentors with the serpent sword "Nihilus" and his axe "Smasher of Hades."

Discuss away!

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape

Wow - this is pretty great stuff you are coming up with. I like the description of Gutterfowl as unfaithful to itself, an interesting definition of adultery.

Could you explain the two heads of Great Tufforp - I'm not sure how one devours the other.


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Bootchie!'s picture
Joined: 2007-03-18
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape

As I recall, Tufforp has two savage, bestial heads: one that's scarred, pitted, knotted, and appears to have been gnawed on; the other is in "pristine" savage condition, and causes damage to the other head. I like the idea that the two heads are continuously gnawing upon each other, only for the gnawed-on head to be regenerated and begin chewing on the other head. The creature has a single mind, but stray thoughts lead to the secondary head acting of its own volition. That being said, the two heads will also utter statements in direct contradiction to the other, and force individuals to decide which one is telling the "truth" - or something close to it.

Bootchie!'s picture
Joined: 2007-03-18
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape

Grand Polyphon: Prince of the Mind, Lord of Deception
This mass of ooze and ninety-nine fanged, forked-tongued mouths lairs in several holes throughout the Plane of Infinite Portals, slithering his way through tunnels and sewers into many of the palaces ruled by Tanar'ri lords. As a former grand general of the Obyirths, and a former duke that was cast down by Fraz Urb'lu'u, Lord of Deception, Polyphon foments the rebellions amongst the petty beasts that hope to gain control of the uppermost layer of the Abyss. Ancient texts claim that Polyphon's role amongst the Obyirths was as a representation of the creeping hatred that results from trying to determine what is truth and what is a lie.

Forneus, Duke of the Mind and the Heart, the Treacherous:
The Yugoloth lord Forneus outwardly appears to be one of the Jackal-headed Arcanoloths. However, while taken from amongst their ranks, this being was altered by the Night Hags to have his mouth sewn shut, a lying mouth gashed into the area where his heart should be, and a pair of eyes bored into the back of his skull. Lairing deep in forgotten corners of Khin-Oin, Forneus practiced the art of lying, stealing, murdering and developed martial skills of a talented warrior and assassin, in addition to knowing a measure of dark arts. Forneus has since been directed by the General of Gehenna to keep the most powerful of Gehenna's volatile inhabitants from ever coming to an agreement. Graz'zt is also said to have targeted Forneus for his role in keeping the grand alliance from materializing. {change alignment to Neutral Evil}

Volak, Duke of the Mind and the Soul: the False Prophet
Volak bears a prize role within Asmodeus's ranks. As the duke of false prophecies, he preaches tales that ultimately lead his faithful to acts that trend away from faith in the gods of good. Over a long enough period of time, their actions lead to the embrace of powerful evil mortals that commit atrocities in the name of stability. All Baator smiles when Volak speaks his black lies of the future.

Andrealphus, Duke of the Mind and the Flesh, the Demonic Highwayman
Andrealphus is one of the few Abyssal Princes that spends significant time amongst the Great Road in the Outlands. This Tanar'ri lord steals from all he meets, and maintains a small cadre of thugs in the town of Plague-Mort to do his bidding. After Andrealphus robs his victims blind, he often sends out the thugs to capture his victims and drag them back to the Abyss to have their souls added to the larvae that crawl through the Plane of Infinite Portals. In order to keep from having to recorporate himself in the muck of the Abyss, he keeps a phylactery atop an enormous tower in the center of a lake that is incredibly far from any roads. He is utterly untrustful, even towards those he typically associates.

Eligos, Duke of the Mind and the Blood, Lord of Madness:
Eligos has a strange position within the Abyss, as he is one amongst many Abyssal Lords that focus on madness. Appearing like a gaping maw with thousands of lashing tongues, it is believed by some antideluvian scholars that Eligos lairs invisibly in the realm inhabited by Diinkarazan, his gibbering words driving the Duergar God mad.

Bootchie!'s picture
Joined: 2007-03-18
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape

Grand Rubbibat, Prince of the Soul, the Blasphemer
Amongst the devils, Grand Rubbibat is the mystic preacher of the black ministry. In some ways, he is incredibly ascetic: he lairs in a cave in Nessus known as Og, and wears only a tattered black robe, from which stair his thousands of eyes. While Volak spreads blasphemy through lies of the future, Rubbibat tell lies of the gods themselves. He convinces mortals to place their faith only in mortals, which he is well aware are oh-so-easy to seduce to the ways of the Nine Hells.

Orobas, Duke of the soul and the Flesh, The Corrupt:
While nominally in the employ of Mammom, Orobas is one of the few Baatorian Dukes to involve himself in the bureaucracy of the Dark Eight. He leads a large cadre of imps whom he directs towards mortals of particular political power. In particular, he delights in the basest of bribes to turn the allegiances of mortals: the smaller, the more trivial, the better. That is the beautiful side of Orobas' two faces, though, with the hand that holds a bag of coins: the other is a skull flensed of all flesh, with a skeletal hand holding a fierce blade. That face uses coercion, with blackmail taking the place of flattery and gifts. Against his clutching nature, Mammon approves of Orobas use of his funds, particularly as they always come back to him.

Dantalion, Duke of the Heart and the soul, the Depressed:
Dantalion was once a powerful Abyssal Lord, spreading despair from plane to plane. Eventually, however, his actions became his nature: he no longer found glee in the act of spreading despair, but instead only found that he could see only despair itself. Despondent, Dantalion fled the Abyss to the shrieking, wind-wracked caves of Pandemonium, in the attempt to drown out the despair he feels.

Malphas, Duke of the Soul and the Mind, Lord of Hubris
Malphas is one of the few Altraloths that was left less physically powerful after the Night Hags corrupted him. With a lair appropriately located in Pluton, Malphas is greatly hated by Hades, who see hubris as the highest crime, and does not lightly torture the likes of Tantalus, Ixion, or Sisyphus. Malphas always appears as a mortal being of the appropriate race, wielding an enormous club he is incapable of wielding and an enormous crown on his brow. Malphas sees a constant string of Yugoloths that come to Pluton to learn the blasphemy of hubris (following their lessons in the blasphemy of atrocity in Oinos, and before the blasphemy of rank cowardice in Niflheim).

Marchosias, Duke of the Soul and the Blood, the Bleak Crusader
Marchosias is one of the high generals of Bel's army, leading conquests against the Rabble of Devilkin and the Tanar'ri alike. In the Nine Hells, Marchosias bears the form of a slender Pit Fiend encased in black armor, floating amongst his throngs, exhorting them to battle. Marchosias, as the lord of crusaders (those who take action without thought) has quite possibly the highest death toll amongst any of Bel's generals, due to taking nearly undefensible risks. All inquiries by the Baatorian internal affairs, however, find that his actions are merited due to his capability to both a) defeat his enemies, and b) kill off known insurgents within the Baatorian ranks.

Bootchie!'s picture
Joined: 2007-03-18
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape

Grand Decarabia, Duke of the Flesh, Lord of Lust
{change alignment to neutral evil} Various theories amongst the Arcanaloth philosophers (though, needless to say, little talked about amongst other beings) attempt to explain the blank slate that is Decarabia: it is, after all, exceedingly strange that, of all the infernal species, the Yugoloths have no caste specialized in seduction, and yet they do have an Altraloth tasked with just that task. Two theories hold the most sway: either he was a baern in the earliest eras from whom the first erinyes and succubi/incubi were formed, or he is a grand experiment in providing ultroloths a purpose beyond their innate innefability. Decarabia's faceless nature essentially reflects back at any individual what they wish to see, and his hands always hold items of the utmost capability to sway those he meets to his side. Where the continuous war in Oinos is said to wear away the capability for the individual to understand or comprehend atrocity, the hedonistic lair Decarabia keeps in that layer of the Gray Wastes is said to strip away the capability of an individual to understand sensuality and tactility.

Vapula, Duke of Greed
Vapula is frequently whispered of, but little experienced, throughout any urban area of the Abyss, and even unto Plague Mort. It is well known that Vapula takes the form of a small beggar child, of which the Abyss is possessed of vast quantities. However, Vapula uses that form to seem inconsequential and learn secrets. He then uses those secrets to convince those around him to amass wealth: a whisper of a valuable treasure, a secret of uncounted wealth available if one acts the interest of the whole. Vapula loves bankers, as they always spill secrets for him, even as they pass him by as unworthy of their attention: their secretes are then used to seduce other bankers to screw over the populace to line their own pockets.

Gremory, duke of the flesh and the mind, the Envious
Gremory is easily the least subtle Abyssal Prince attempting to steal a layer from the Abyssal Lords. He is in no position, in terms of power, to accomplish that task. In the meantime, he covets the allegiance of Arch-Lictor Rannison of Plague-Mort. Well known, in the Abyss at any rate, for his capability to inspire a loathing of all religions (mostly through his tendency to change religious allegiance on an irregular basis), Rannison actually follows no whim but his own. Gremory has sent gifts and threats, alike to try and draw Rannison from his allegiance to himself. Ironically, what Gremory wants is a mind as wicked and keen as Rannison's.

Rofocale, Lord of the flesh and soul, the gluttonous
Rofocale, the corpulant lord, is a vassal of Dis Pater, doing his will in Avernus. Rofocale does little more than eat a lot in order to seal mercantile deals with the rabble of Devilkin.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape

Just wanted to say these are great. They really flesh out the ranks of the fiends on the Lower Planes and are very enjoyable reads!


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Bootchie!'s picture
Joined: 2007-03-18
Re: RoleAids Demons in Planescape

Last of the Dukes!

Phenex, Prince of the Blood, the Raging Lord
Phenex is a vassal and frequent rival of Marduk, blazing lord of the Balor demons in the Abyss. When under Marduk's control, Phenex is frequently turned loose to drive his enemies into a rage and have them turn against each other. When under the minimal control he can muster, Phenex is also a competent general that always, ALWAYS, battles using scorched earth tactics.

Gusion, Duke of the Blood and the Heart
{change alignment to NE} Gusion is an altraloth lord inhabiting the plane of Carceri, leading a cadre of assassins in support of whichever side of the Blood War holds his contract. Gusion holds a special loathing for the Titan's pride, and frequently murders their servants and placing evidence that implicates the Greek Gods. It is believed that Gusion is particularly loathed by Hades, but the arcanaloths smile enigmatically when asked.

Botis, duke of the blood and the soul
Botis wanders a lonely forest in Avernus, wherein suicide victims' souls are shaped into lanterns or their ectoplasm is used to water the trees. Botis is particularly hated by most good gods, as he frequently steals their followers for his forest. As the lord of suicides, his role in the Blood War is to convince mortal realms on the cusp of invasion that there is no defense against the Devils, and that they are better off dead before they are overrun. He has a close relationship with Bel, owing to the role he played in the destruction of Carthage.

Furfur, Duke of the blood and the mind
Furfur is actually an infernal being that owes no allegiance to the Demons, Devils, or Daemons, having sprung from the very soil of Carceri. Furfur repeatedly manages to escape the plane, but is always dragged back kicking and screaming. He is capable of moving his palatial estate around Carceri, and inevitably attempts to steal some being's land in the process. For being in Carceri, he always places it in the most ideal real estate. His theft always is noticed by whatever Ghereleth, Defier, Night Hag, Titan, or other infernal being he attempts to steal from, and they inevitably throw him out. His stupid pride continuously puts him back in the same position, though.

Sabnock, Duke of teh Blood and the Flesh
As the devilish lord of depravity, Sabnock gladly pursues the goals of Belial and Fierana. His pierced body is frequently used to demonstrate horrors that will be visited upon the souls in their realm. Some believe his craven nature is a ruse, but there are other whispers that say that Sabnock once held a higher position of power in the Nine Hells, but was cast down so thoroughly that it broke his spirit. These same whispers say he was then plucked from Avernus by Belial to demonstrate that no spirit, no matter how powerful, cannot be broken.

Bootchie!'s picture
Joined: 2007-03-18
Generics from Demons

Relative to the Type I - V Demons in the first boxed set, perhaps these could be considered to be advanced manes that have formed on a plain other than the Plain of Infinite Portals.

Malniatu (Type I): The Servile Demons - These lowly savage demons clutch the walls of the Grand Abyss, their huge claws barely scrabbling for purchase along the sheer cliffs. They are frequently conscripted by various demon lords using the thousands of portals and paths available in the Grand Abyss to invade the layer of a rival demon lord. They often see these raids as an opportunity to become a demon lord or general's parasitic servant. Lupercio, Lord of Sloth and Darkness, is said to have given them the ability to summon darkness and thereby win their fealty, which makes sense: it takes no effort on his part to gain their loyalty.

Mobrodo (Type II): The Howling Demons - Mobrodo are said to hale from Layer 242 - the Shrieking Plain, a realm said to have boundaries that are either transparent or punctured between Pandemonium and the Abyss. The only means by which these creatures can contact each other is by means of their screams, which they've taught to act in concert so as to fend off the clouds of Vrocks. Pazuzu claims the Shrieking Plain, but has little interest in its governance, instead using it to contemplate bringing his despair to Pandemonium and claiming the winds for himself.

Falshan (Type III): The Demons of Blazing Pride - Proud and boastful, Falshan are the least of Kardum's followers in the Sixth Pyre. They fly high above the seas of flame, avoiding the hungry Balor's below. In some ways similar to Vrocks, the Falshan have an unseemly pride in themselves and their ilk, and have little ambition to move beyond their current form.

Lamazu (Type IV): Fang Demons - The four-armed, winged Lamazu are said to be the result of Shaktari's experiment in creating male Mariliths. She considers them an utter failure, lacking any of the foresight and tactical planning for which the mariliths are known. They are, at least as close as can be claimed in the Abyss, utterly loyal to Shaktari, and constantly fly over the portals leading to her realm.

Mephorum (Type V): Mist Demons - Mephora are easily the most powerful of Lissa'aere the Noxious Lord's servants. While they generally take the form of vicious demons, all tooth, barb, and claw, they are also known to randomly dissolve into mist so as to keep their enemies flat-footed. They're capability to render their victims insensate by making them relive their worst memories is said to have been stolen by Lissa'aere from Fraz Urb'Lu'u during his imprisonment.

Fiends: Fiends are actually a form of larvae that have cast off their earth-bound form and shaped themselves into a swarm of extremely small, hungry beast. They can be found in any Infernal Plain, with alignments attuned to those plains. They are least common on Baator, where they are quickly smushed together into masses of lemure.

Gatekeepers: Gatekeepers were shaped by the Nine Archdukes of Hell as a more loyal response to the maelephants used throughout the lower planes. In particular, they are used to guard particularly important portals leading between the individual layers of the Nine Hells, save only that they are particularly poor at protecting those apertures resulting from the River Styx.

Infernal Wyrm: Infernal Wyrms, with their void breath, ridge the infernal winds in the empty spaces between the layers of Carceri, Gehenna, and Acheron. With genius level intelligence, they are considered by low echelon yugoloths to be too dangerous to trust, but high level yugoloths prefer them to the animalian intelligence of the slaasrath.

Leviathans: Infernal Leviathans are an unholy mix between the mammalian orca and enormous carnivorous sharks. They are a gift from Sekolah to Asmodeus in exchange for the use of Stygia for her realm. Asmodeus, however, now uses her gift to patrol the waters around her realm to ensure her loyalty.

Scourge: Yugoloths regularly create servitor species to fulfill tasks they feel are beneath their station. The scourges are one such species, specifically created to be similar enough to a conventional mortal to interface with petitioners on large construction projects. Beneath the hoods, the faces are completely blank, a mixture of grey and white that seems to melt and shift continuously. Occasionally, they are imbued with enough power to order around mezzoloths, much to the delight of higher order yugoloths.

Shapeless Horrors: Shapeless Horrors are primordial obyirth, creatures that crawled forth from the raw malevolence of the Abyss. In effect, they were never able to tap into primordial terror beyond the fear of the unknown. They remain incapable of attaining an effective shape beyond a crawling mass that causes mass destruction.

Soulhounds: Soulhounds are the servitors of Cernunnnos in his most evil aspect. Amongst the Celtic pantheon, Cernunnos is one of the few gods that is utterly unbound to any particular plane, instead moving from Arborea to the Outlands to the Grey Waste. In Arborea, he hunts the evil beasts that haunt the outlying areas of the plane. In the Outlands, he leads the hunt of the gods against the remaining Fomorian Gods. In the Grey Waste, Cernunnos is the infernal huntsman, acting on behalf of Annwn. The Soulhounds are well known for capturing souls that attempt to exit Arawn's realm. Yugoloths are known to follow the hounds and slay them to take ownership of these wayward souls, which remnants of ambition fetch a fine price from Night Hags.

Ah, heck, why not the generics from Denizens of Vecheron while we're at it?

Lieutenants, Thanes, Warriors and Seducers: These really should be either templates or prestige classes for each of the main demonic races (not really a role for seducers amongst the daemonic species).

Bloodwyrm: these masses of rope-like strands of blood inhabit eddies of the River Styx throughout the lower planes. Some scholars of infernal knowledge claim the living pools of blood are actually the remains of beings eviscerated by the blades of Ocanthus, left to drift throughout the planes. Their most feared ability is possession. Tieflings in burgs near the Styx having a saying: "when the eyes turn red, they're already dead."

Demon Wyrm: Demon Wyrms lair throughout the watery realms in the infernal planes. In particular, Oceanus, Dagon, and Math Mathonwy claim them as servants, though they are ruthless and generally untrustable (though not particularly bright).

Garam: These mimic-like creatures appear to be islands deep out in the sea throughout Demogorgon's watery realm. Demogorgon is believed to have created them to inhibit invaders from the sea, and then forgotten about them when the other head took over. Now they've infested his waters and are rivals for his attention with the Ixitxachitl.

Lurking Devourer: Lurking Devourers consist of little more than an enormous circular mouth surrounded by teeth from which toothed tentacles stretch forth. They are truly the spawn of Turaglas of the Ebon Maw. Left behind by Abyssal Blood Warriors throughout the planes of Conflict, the Lurking Devourers are direct conduit to the Ebon Maw himself.

Mist Dancers: These creatures appear to be a roiling mass of fog extruded into the rough shape of a human, with long, pointed limbs that trail off into nothingness. From the creature's back grow icy spikes which it drags forth to harass other inhabitants of the lower planes. They are believed to be created by the Styx from the memories of its victims, and are found when the Styx lefts forth its noxious fog.

Sea Demon: Follow Dagon. {sorry, these ones are kind of pointless once you have wastrilith, hezrou, etc.}

Winged Shadow: Winged Shadows are believed to be Obyirth that represented the fear of darkness. Some Tanar'ri claim they are undead demons, but Orcus makes no claim over them (in fact, he hunts them down), so most scholars pay that theory little heed. As infernal assassins, they wield impossibly shining blades and have preternatural intelligence. Some scholars of Mechanus who have seen their blades claim the swords are actually date to the ancient Law-Chaos War: in particular, they were wielded by the Wind Dukes of Aaqa.

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