River Ma'at and Thoth's Estate - Thoughts?

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NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
River Ma'at and Thoth's Estate - Thoughts?

I am shortly going to be leading a batch of hapless clueless on a trip down the River Ma'at, to Thoth's Estate and Thebystys, and then down the river some more, almost to the Bog.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can spice the think up a bit? So far the most I can think off is having their skiff attacked by some dire crocodiles or something, but that's fairly sparse.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
River Ma'at and Thoth's Estate - Thoughts?

You can have them encounter ushabti (or helpers), egiptyian magical servant in form of litlle statuete. This litlle fellas were buried with dead to work the ordinary jobs of their owners in afterlife.
Ushabti came in warious shapes and sizes and they are activated by magical word when chore is need to be done, so in a way they are wery similar to figurines of wonderus power.

So you can have them encounter ushabti working in papyrus fields or even worse: magus who want to learn the secert of their making so he could create army for fiends.

Adventure seed: in petitioner vilage on the river Ma´at, all ushabti were found smashed, culprit is unknown and guilt falls on passing strangers (PC), so they must find the real culprit unless they will be sentenced to work ushabti chores until the the all damage is paid.


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Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
River Ma'at and Thoth's Estate - Thoughts?

Some quick ideas:

I don't know the cannon thoughts on this, but since Egyptian religion divides the soul into multple parts (ka, ba, etc), its possible that petitioners are actually split into multiple creatures when they die - if the PCs want to learn some information known by a petitioner, they might have to locate different pieces of the knowledge in each part of the petitioner. Alternatively they could have to spiritually reunite the NPC to get what they need.

How about some Khaasta, sunning themselves along the riverbank alongside those crocodiles? (or Khaasta pirates riding dire crocodiles?)

Thoth is mythologically a mediator and impartial judge, so his priests will probably serve as arbitors and adjudicators for visitors with a dispute. It could be amusing if the PCs cross paths with some rival/enemy and are forced to have their feud arbitrated by a local cleric....

Ibises are probably sacred animals, sacrosanct from harm. They could practically infest the Ma'at, but (at least in Thoth's realm) player characters will be in extreme trouble for harming them.

Also... endless fields of reeds, dotted with "factory towns" of petitioners making papyrus around the clock for all those scholars in Thoth's realm - and since papyrus-reed is man-sized (in fact, the tallest strains reach 15ft or so in height and I can certainly see that being used in Thoth's realm) you can have the players crash around fields of the stuff after/away from something virtually blind. Very cinematic!

Laughing out loud

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