Ringiver Mages

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ShirreKnight's picture
Joined: 2011-03-05
Ringiver Mages

Can a Ringgiver mage exempt his spellbook, from the rules hes sworn to follow?

while the code they follow SHOULD bite, it shouldnt make a char unplayable.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Ringiver Mages

There's plenty of other ways Wizards can record spells, I remember either Complete Mage or Complete Arcane mentioning this. One of the suggested methods was tattoos for a spellbook.

And even if they were a more traditional wizard and not a tattoo wizard, or a Sorcerer or a Psion or Invoker or whatever, DM's should use common sense in not letting something about a player's choice needlessly mess with their character.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Ringiver Mages

Or if the DM really has a problem, then work with the player to come up with some decent alternative. This is the planes after all, so you can get all sorts of exotic ways of keeping a spell book. How about a familiar from Mechanus in the form of a logic spirit who displays the spell formulas on its body? Or a muse of magic that follows you around and recites spells in your ears while you meditate? (read: memorize your daily spells) Spell cards/scrolls that are kept in an extra-planar space that only appear when you reach out for them and disappear when you let go. They could belong to a mutual spell pool that your character has gained limited access to. You don't actually own any of them, so Ring Giver philosophy wouldn't be a problem.

I always figured with Planescape, it's all a matter of player creativity.

Quale's picture
Joined: 2008-01-11
Re: Ringiver Mages

There's a tavern called the Pentacle where a Communual owner keeps a spellbook available to everyone.

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Ringiver Mages

Wicke wrote:
How about a familiar from Mechanus in the form of a logic spirit who displays the spell formulas on its body? Or a muse of magic that follows you around and recites spells in your ears while you meditate? (read: memorize your daily spells)

great idea - like a moigno composed of arcane formulae

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Ringiver Mages

Another idea: Kinetic memorization. Think of something akin to tai chi. Moving one's body in certain ways/forms calls to mind and/or focuses magical energy. This one may be more appropriate for a Cypher though.

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