Rilmani Factions -- An Overview

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Joined: 2004-05-11
Rilmani Factions -- An Overview

(As before, this will be included in my compilation of Rilmani-related writings once I complete it)

Rilmani Factions – Overview

Though the Balance remains the focal point of the mind of every rilmani, the favored method to maintain that Balance differs within the race. One could compare this difference to the differences in methods of worship within a church to the same deity, such as the Christian Church. All worshipers nominally worship the same God, but their beliefs about that God and the paths to salvation differ from faction to faction. In much the same way, all of the rilmani have the same end in mind: the support and maintenance of the Balance. However, the means to that end differ within the rilmani society. Unlike a religious difference, these philosophical differences are not strong enough to cause a schism within the rilmani race. The rilmani are a strongly unified race. It would seem that the aurumach leaders understand how to use these different views of achieving Balance to further strengthen the unity of the race, rather than allowing the race to fall apart.

The Rilmani Factions At a Glance

Some of these factions have philosophies that are quite similar. Others believe in means that work well with the ideals of one or more other factions. Regardless of any similarities, though, a rilmani in one of these factions believes most strongly in the course that his faction philosophy dictates.

The Destroyers – The Destroyer faction could almost be kin to the Doomguard. Members of the Destroyer faction believe that the Balance of the multiverse is best achieved by simply eliminating and destroying all that causes imbalance.

The Veiled – The Veiled seek to work the Balance through extremely subtle means. To them, the rilmani should take an active role in the multiverse, but should do so from behind the scenes.

The Minglers – Often called the Meddlers, the Mingler faction believes that the Balance should best be achieved by mingling with the other races, either as a rilmani or as one of that other race.

The Defenders – Often considered the antithesis of the Destroyers, the Defenders believe that the multiverse must be preserved in order for the Balance to be maintained.

The Saboteurs – Sometimes mistaken for the Destroyers, though the Saboteurs do not believe in complete destruction. Rather, they believe one must undermine the efforts of the strongest side to create the equilibrium that the Balance desires.

(More Factions may arise if I develop ideas for more paths of Balance)

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