With January the 1st coming around and Clueless assembling the 2nd version of the PDF, I think it's fun to start looking back on the Ortho project and seeing what we liked most of what's come so far.
Basically, this is just a thread to talk about what you like most in the project in your fellow authors work.
Well, Armoury has done some great stuff in the last year, but I think my favorites are his extensive writeup on Life in the Pax Harmonium, Adventurers in Ortho, and the Harmonium Military. I especially like his Prides idea. Oh, and the political factions, those are great.
You haven't been around as long, so you don't earn as many accolades, but I thought some of your NPCs were quite cool and your Otaki write up turned out quite well. Keep up the good work.