Reviewing what we have so far

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Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Reviewing what we have so far

With January the 1st coming around and Clueless assembling the 2nd version of the PDF, I think it's fun to start looking back on the Ortho project and seeing what we liked most of what's come so far.

Basically, this is just a thread to talk about what you like most in the project in your fellow authors work.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Reviewing what we have so far

Well, Armoury has done some great stuff in the last year, but I think my favorites are his extensive writeup on Life in the Pax Harmonium, Adventurers in Ortho, and the Harmonium Military. I especially like his Prides idea. Oh, and the political factions, those are great.

You haven't been around as long, so you don't earn as many accolades, but I thought some of your NPCs were quite cool and your Otaki write up turned out quite well. Keep up the good work.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Reviewing what we have so far

Congrats to Duckluck on creating more workable Beholder stats. Not sure if I'd let a PC beholder into a game but if I did, it would be under these rules. Kudos to the original people that had a go too though. I also particularly liked Duckluck's Octave story and characters.

Thanks to Charles for turning Thaera into three distinctly different hell holes. Laughing out loud Also nice to see the Chaos Gods getting some attention too.

Clueless' (?) labelled up colour map of Ortho is awesome.

There's also lots of thing in the PDF that I've no idea who did them, but they deserve a mention too. Its much easier for me to come into a project with this much groundwork, and although things need tweaking throughout, that's only because we now know things about the setting that they didn't when this stuff was written down. Well done all. Cool

Speaking generally however, probably the best contribution has been the debates we've had in thrashing out the setting. Win or lose, no one can say we've not addressed things thuroughly and passionately!

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Reviewing what we have so far

I salute the write-ups of the Lords of Order.

Armoury's Pax Harmonium is amongst the best stuff I've seen either professionally or amateur.

I also love all the Provinces but the Greek One.


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