Resurrection on the Planes

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Companero's picture
Joined: 2005-02-17
Resurrection on the Planes

Okay, picture the scene - a once grand, but now devastated throne room, with the wreakage of several golems littering the floor. Small fires burning from cushions where a fireball obliterated a mezzoloth. A severly injured wizard facing off against a furious renegade arcanoloth arms dealer and his two remaining 'mechaloth' bodyguards (winged golems formed in the image of yugoloths, armed with viscious poisoned claws), one in front, one behind. The wizard raises his hand to cast a spell, but as he does so one of the mechaloths grapples him from behind, injecting the poison. He feels his strength sap away, and as it does the arcanoloth steps forward, unrolls a scroll, and utters Power Word: Kill.

Anyway, back to OOC: Plans are afoot to resurrect this character, quite possibly as the focus of a whole new adventure. However, i've never quite understood how resurrection is meant to work on the planes.

I mean this character was born in the prime (call him clueless and get a fireball to the face...), died in the Outlands and one point or another visited every major plane. He started as chaotic good, but a vast number of game sessions later he had passed through chaotic neutral, neutral and possibly in the last couple of sessions back to neutral good again... just working out where he went as a petitioner is difficult enough...

But, more to the point, what does happen to a mortal character who dies on the planes - does he become a petitioner on the plane that most closely reflected his alignment, or the one on which he was killed (after all, the outlands would probably except anyone)? I was thinking that it might make a good emotional conundrum for the characters to meet the petitioner, having lost all his previous memories but still recognisable...

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
Resurrection on the Planes

The character would go to whatever plane matched his alignment and philosphy the most.

In the case of a Neutral, leaning towards good, it's probably going to be Elysium, or the Outlands (maybe Elysium's gatetown).

Sakara's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
Resurrection on the Planes

Actually, I think, though I can't quote which page, the campaign setting says that when killed on the planes, your soul stays in plane you died in.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Resurrection on the Planes

"Sakara" wrote:
Actually, I think, though I can't quote which page, the campaign setting says that when killed on the planes, your soul stays in plane you died in.

In some cases, yes. If you die in the Abyss, you might well be stuck there as a bodak. Those who spend too much time in the Waste might dwindle into a shade or larva and be stuck there. This is not usually the case, though; the Celestians aren't going to force a chaotic-good soul to stay there! They don't want the chaotics around; they have no place in the society of the Mount. Better to ship them over to Arborea, Ysgard, or the Beastlands.

What the campaign setting box says on the matter is that petitioners "are departed spirits of primes and planars whose bodies reformed on the plane that matches their previous alignment or devotion." [A Player's Guide to the Planes, page 9]. The italics around the "and" are in the book itself, and serve to emphasize that planars go to the plane that matches their god or alignment too, not whatever outer plane they happen to be on. If that's the case, a prime on the wrong plane is going to be the same way.

If this wasn't the case, the planes would be a right mess, with every plane full of planewalking characters who died in the wrong place at the wrong time. Think how much that would upset the modrons!

Sakara's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
Resurrection on the Planes


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