Resurrecting a Diety

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Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Resurrecting a Diety

Well, let me see. Some of my players' character are trying to resurrect a dead god. How would they go about this? Would merely gathering enough worshippers be sufficent or would something else be necessary?

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Resurrecting a Diety

I'd say a lot of it depends on the circumstances of the god's demise.

Did it die of neglect, or was it actively killed?
How long ago did it die?
Can its Astral Husk be found?
Does it want to return?

Many different circumstances might work, but they may not. The only resurrections of gods I can think of offhand are either initiated by other gods (IE Osiris put back together by Isis) or are very iffy and may not succeed (the whole Tenebrous/Orcus debacle)

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Resurrecting a Diety

'Lord Zack' wrote:
Well, let me see. Some of my players' character are trying to resurrect a dead god. How would they go about this? Would merely gathering enough worshippers be sufficent or would something else be necessary?
Belief is all it takes. Maybe it takes more believers to resurrect a deity than it does to originally establish/promote a deity but it seems to me that enough belief can change anything.


OneOfOne's picture
Joined: 2007-09-06
Resurrecting a Diety

Cant remember the details but the end of "Dead Gods" can give you some good ideas. Though I agree with 420 that belief should be enough, though, lots of it....Hmm just a thought...what about a belief magnifier artifact...that'd be cool.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Resurrecting a Diety

I belive that besides huge amount of faith and artifact crafted by dead god, some special action tied to god´s portfolio must be preformed.

For example:
Folovers of War god must ignite war in their patron name.
Huge sacrifice of life in the name of Death god must be made.
Godcorpse of Slaughter god must be painted compleatly red in blood of inocents.
Fertilty goodes can be reborned only trough child conceived and birthed on her godcorpse.
For god of wealth huge egg made of pure metals must be constructed from wich he will hach into new life.



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Ares's picture
Joined: 2004-06-21
Resurrecting a Diety

How about True Resurrection? It can even bring back outsiders, well what is a god?
Maybe that's too harsh. You would probably need a cleric that actually thought of the gods as nothing more than powerful exemplars....

Maybe an Athar Cleric?

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Resurrecting a Diety

More likely, one would need to be an actual deity first.

Hmmm.... perhaps get a god of life to help out? Or perhaps Isis or one of the other powers with experience in the matter?

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