[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

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Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

This is going to be another of those threads that all gets quoted from the old boards - partly since I've got this lovely character concept forming (who can be an example for the new system), and a few thoughts on a shiny new location. So, without further ado...

"EvilSandwich (pronounced Edward Davis)" wrote:
Here is what I have so far with the Revealing Light faction. Questions, comments and suggestions are welcome and encouraged:

Jacob had spent the past few hours perched on the roof of some cager’s house with his sketch pad in one hand and a pair of binoculars in the other. The surface of the roof was rough with many rusty nails jutting out of the sparse shingles. “Why am I doing this?” he muttered to himself.
It was a silly question, of course. He knew exactly why he was doing this. His fellow Shiners had entrusted him with the task of keeping an eye on a certain vrock that the Revealing Light had labeled “Worth Learning About”. He shifted his position when he realized that he lost all feeling in his rump.
After days of searching, he pin-pointed the Tanar’ri’s location to the warehouse across the street. It was apparently in a meeting with a group of tieflings. What the purpose of the meeting was, Jake could only guess about. He was no lip-reader after all. When he knew that he learned everything that he could by staring through binoculars from twenty feet away, he leaped off the roof... and fell into a pile of boxes with a loud clatter. After a minute of pushing away debris and stumbling, Jacob stood up and dusted himself off.
Jake slowly turned around to find the demon of his study towering over him and snarling. The Archivist chuckled nervously, “Hello, sir. Would you mind filling out this questionnaire? No? Bye, then!” Jake threw a smoke bomb to the ground, shrouding the entire area in blackness. When the vrock’s vision returned, all that remained of Jacob was a crumpled sheet of note paper.

“A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.” “There are some things mortals were not meant to know.” “It’s none of your business.” Such words are blasphemous to a Shiner. Knowledge is meant to be learned, understood and shared. By keeping secrets to yourself, you are benefiting no one and holding back the progress of society. You could be the most knowledgeable and intelligent person in the multiverse, but what would be the point if you refuse to share that knowledge. If you don’t teach others what you know, all that information will disappear when you die, never to be regained. And that is a sad thing indeed…

Philosophy: Knowledge is not to be horded. It’s meant to be shared.
Nicknames: Shiners, Archivists, the Curious, Those Nosy Berks
Headquarters: The Bharrai Research Center, Elysium
Major Races: Aasimar, Chaond, Githzerai, Gnomes, Humans, Tieflings, Zenythri.
Favored Classes: Bards, Clerics (with Knowledge Domain), Monks, Rogues, Wizards
Factol: Professor Edward Davis (CN male shadow-prime human Smart10/Charismatic6)
Prominent Members: Bumpliforn (N male gnome Expert12/Rogue2), River-of-Ash (LG neuter Tiefling Wizard11/Loremaster4)
Alignment: Any, except Lawful Evil
Symbol: An open book surrounded by a halo of white light.


“Look at the wizard, I say! Locked in his tower with hundreds of books, scrolls, manuscripts and tablets. Everyday, he pours over his library, slowly unlocking the secrets of the multiverse. ‘If only they knew’, the mage chuckles to himself as he guards his knowledge greedily. Over the years, as he learns more and more, he becomes paranoid. ‘Those lower peasants must never know about these tomes,’ he mutters to no one. He continues to build stronger defenses around his library. Thicker walls and more powerful warding spells. He smiled to himself, knowing that no one will get in to steal his knowledge. Then one day, nature catches up with the old mage and he dies. His tower falls into disrepair and crumbles into broken mortar. Years later, two men walk by the ruins of the wizard’s tower. ‘I wonder if anyone used to live there?’ says one man. His companion pulls him away and replies, ‘It doesn’t matter. Whatever’s in there has long since decayed to dust. Let’s leave!’ The two men walk away from the wrecked stronghold and disappear into the distance. Soon, all that remains is the sad little ruins. A grim reminder that, no matter what the mage discovered, no matter how powerful he was, his life ultimately amounted to nothing…”

This is the fable that Factor Bumpliforn tells new recruits the first day that they join the faction’s cause. While many of the younger factioneers roll there eyes when the crazy old gnome tells this story, it really does illustrate what The Revealing Light wishes to prevent. The Shiners believe that, keeping secrets benefits no one and will, in the end, cause more harm to your goals than good . Share everything you know. For the things you don’t know, do everything in your power to learn about the subject and THEN share it. By adhering to this way of life, in the mere forty-five years since the faction was founded, the Archivists have compiled a database, so massive, that it almost rivals Demigorgon’s library in the Abyss or the Arcane Tower in Gehenna. The database is growing larger everyday and, to add insult to injury, it’s entirely open to the public. The Curious are very proud of the fact that anyone can just walk in to their library or log on to their many terminals in Logos and Dothion to learn about a multitude of subjects, ranging from the mating habits of a Lim-Lim to what Mephestio had for breakfast yesterday.

Of course, there are many people in the multiverse that loathe giving up their secrets. The Revealing Light wishes that it didn’t need to come to this, but the faction remedies this by sending out people known as “Agents” across the face of the multiverse. Their purpose is to collect data and uncover secrets that many forces wish to remain hidden. At first, many of the movers and shakers of the planes found the attempt laughable. That is until a Shiner agent managed to infiltrate the Arcane Tower and made off with a number of manuscripts detailing some of the Yugoloth’s plans regarding the recent turns in the Blood War. Now, most people are wondering just how far the faction will go before things turn ugly.

Next: Brief History....

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

"TheRoastSlinky" wrote:
Personally, I don't think that Lawful Neutral characters would join this organization, but it's your idea, so go where you want.

Then Sandwich/Edward forgot to log in (and I forgot to edit the posts for him, though he could've done it himself), so I've condensed the next two posts into one. I'd wrap up the quote from me in more of these shiny quote tags, but I've not a clue where it actually ends.

"Edward Davis" wrote:
I see your point. Considering that the faction does make a habit of thumbing their collective noses at authority, it would be rare for any lawful people (good or otherwise) to want anything to do with the Archivists.

It's rare, but it is possible. The general alignment of the faction members may tend toward chaos and good, but being a shiner sometimes asks you to be, not only loyal to the cause, but to the higher-ups as well. Especially if you're an agent.

Anyway, here is the history as written by our wonderful Admin:

My Suggestion...

The upheaval caused by one Prime world was unlike any seen before. Left on its own to develop, from it spring ideas unconceived where the traditional ways are power enough.

The return of a small, watery Prime world named "Earth" to the Multiverse as we know it was bound to have repercussions, and ever from small things do great things come. From the small changes in methods, great changes in ideologies have come.

It is that catalyst to which we owe our existence, our philosophy, our strength. The desperate alliance forged after the Faction War is one we now acknowledge as a mistake, and from that we rise again - free from the shadow of those who decide all is as they imagine.

Let the truth be discovered. Let only the facts be made known and let the people make up their own minds. Only once we know all that is, will we be able to understand the final, deepest dark of the Universe.
-- Factol Davis

One hundred and fifty years ago, her Dread Majesty delivered an Edict that saw the nature of politics in Sigil - and, indeed, the Planes - forever changed. This came in the wake of the Faction War; a conflict whose disastrous events shook the very foundations of the Cage. In the wake of this, the factions known then as the Believers of the Source and the Sign of One merged, creating the Mind's Eye faction - the one from which the Revealing Light emerged.

The Mind's Eye was anything but harmonious; its ideologies conflicting heavily, with factioneers occassionally coming to blows over doctrinal disputes. Over time, the beliefs of the Signers came to reign; that the universe exists only as the individual imagines it to be. Soon enough, they resumed their old name. A small sect within the faction disputed this, becoming ever more fervently opposed to the nature of the faction. These few payed only the sketchiest of lip service to the faction ideals. Factors fell to be Namers, or were branded traitors.

Time passed, and the schism was imagined out of existence; collectively forgotten, except by the few who cared to carry on their true beliefs and traditions. This small, select group operated silently and invisibly beneath the umbrella of the Sign of One, steadily paving the way for the new faction to emerge. For fifty years, the founders of the Revealing Light believed in shadowed silence as the repercussions for their treachery became ever more severe.

The Terrestrial Upheaval brought an end to this era of silence. Dynamic, free information and the tools for mass-dissemination of data inspired the rebel Signers, and they eagerly took their opportunity. The rebel sect seceded from Signer control some 45 years ago, as the last of their infrastucture was readied for the large-scale liberation of information from the Planes. Their targets, as diverse as the Tower of Arcanaloths and the sciences of the Fraternity of Order, steadily came to be public knowledge. The ranks under their unifying banner began to swell; those seeking this absolute freedom eager to contribute. A large number of Sensates, too, flocked under the banner of the Revealing Light, seeing a new forum through which to gain, share and relate experiences to others, contributing to ever deepening pools of knowledge.

Over the years, the Revealing Light has come to be a popular faction for hackers and academics who believe that information and knowledge should be free to all, for the benefit of all. Their campaign against the subjective truth of the Baatezu, the deceit of the 'Loths and the hoarding by the other factions has earned them enemies among many of the factions, including the Guvners and the Sodkillers. Their past can be a catalyst for conflict with the Signers. The Xaositects, Dustmen and Transcendant Order seem happy to reserve opinion and judgement of the new faction. Allies amid the Factions are the Revolutionary Leage, the Society of Sensarion and the Athar, seeking to prove the falsehood of the Gods.

Some connection to the enigmatic Editor is suggested; no confirmation has been made, nor has any denial. Whether or not this is significant is a matter open to quiet debate, though only one individual would know for certain.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

And yes, I'm going to keep using my editorial powers to comment throughout.

"TanarriChild" wrote:
maybe tighten up the alinment restrictions a little, most evil charecters and most chaotic charecters would have few qualms about torching even the most important library under the right circumstances.

This I disagree with; a really evil character would keep it all for themselves. The truly chaotic would swing from the bannisters, or rewrite volumes in scramblespeak. Xanxost might just eat it.

"Whitemage" wrote:
Sorry Tannari Child, but I'm confused. Could you clarify what you said?

"TanarriChild" wrote:
"Edward Davis" wrote:
Alignment: Any, except Lawful Evil
youre gonna throw that many differnt alinments toghter in an organization? i thought this was based on D20 modern, what alinments?

This raises an interesting question. I rather like the idea of keeping alignment (especially after spending a fair while writing an article on it on the WtC Character Development board), though others may not.

And there's the thread. Thoughts? Questions?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

I like it.

But in the list of their allies, I noticed you didn't mention the guvners.

I would think that the Guvners would love to use the Shiners as scounts for info.

Or is it that the Guvners dont like that the Shiners are giving info away for free?

If so, then the assosiation with the revolutionary League, this is to infiltrait factions like the Guvners and gain access to their librarys, right?

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

"Fidrikon" wrote:
I like it.

But in the list of their allies, I noticed you didn't mention the guvners.

I would think that the Guvners would love to use the Shiners as scounts for info.

Or is it that the Guvners dont like that the Shiners are giving info away for free?

If so, then the assosiation with the revolutionary League, this is to infiltrait factions like the Guvners and gain access to their librarys, right?

Exactly! Think of them less like information brokers and more like the free press. The faction has extremely few secrets and they strive to make everything that they know common knowledge.

So, most people are very careful about what they reveal around a Shiner...

EDIT: And the Guvners were mentioned, they aren't very fond of the Revealing Light at all...

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

I've been vaguely considering the possibility of the Shiners running a university, maybe in Ecstasy. Thoughts?

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

You'll need an illuminating name for the university...

Seriously, you will want a name that captures the attention of interested berks... Especially so if you decide to place the center for learning in the gate-town of Ecstacy.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

"Persephone Imytholin" wrote:
This raises an interesting question. I rather like the idea of keeping alignment (especially after spending a fair while writing an article on it on the WtC Character Development board), though others may not.

Now, you have me curious. Do you still have a link to your alignment article?

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

"Edward Davis" wrote:
Now, you have me curious. Do you still have a link to your alignment article?

Just finding it now. Of course, a 'fair while' on alignment works out to all of thirty minutes, but still...

The Article[/url]

Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

"TheRoastSlinky" wrote:
Personally, I don't think that Lawful Neutral characters would join this organization, but it's your idea, so go where you want.

I don't see why not. While it's true that most authority figures and bureaucracies are well-known for keeping their secrets, the pursuit of knowledge for everyone's benefit can be easily portrayed as a lawful undertaking.

Exposing secrets is also a very good way to assist in the enforcement both of formal laws and of the codes of acceptable conduct in society. Also, the main lawful faction, the Guvners, is also obsessed with uncovering knowledge; only difference between them and the Shiners is that they hoard theirs.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

"Korimyr the Rat" wrote:
Exposing secrets is also a very good way to assist in the enforcement both of formal laws and of the codes of acceptable conduct in society.
I would imagine it would be very difficult for the usual dark secrets and backroom dealings to perpetuate themselves, at least to a degree enough to be considered a THREAT to the established order.

And then, I suppose they've also made some very powerful enemies as well. Enemies who maintain new and inventive ways of keeping their secrets safely away from this REVEALING LIGHT...

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

'Fell' wrote:
And then, I suppose they've also made some very powerful enemies as well. Enemies who maintain new and inventive ways of keeping their secrets safely away from this REVEALING LIGHT...
Many shady groups have been forced to take quite a few new precautions directly because of the young faction, but the faction is full of very smart and frightenly resourceful people. Many never realize just how smart and resourceful they can be. For a group of people that hate lies as much as they do, some of the best spys in the planes are Shiners. They have been known to get into the most carefully guarded places without raising a single alarm. You never know who might be a Shiner agent. Hell, your best friend or most trusted cohort could very well be mentality recording everything you say and do so it can end up in the next edition of their popular newsletter.

Those who laugh and roll their eyes at the Archivists often eat their words when they are reminded of the Great Tower Heist, in which a group of Shiners stole nearly a hundred books, scrolls and manuscripts of extremely sensitive material right out of the Tower of the Arcaoloths. The 'loths eventually got them all back and killed the Shiners responsable. Unfortunately, they weren't able to do so before every single word, picture and symbol of the stolen literature was scanned, backed-up a billion times and spam emailed to every single information terminal in Logos, Dolthion, Arcadia and Elysium for all to see. Many scholars note (with a certain nervousness) that this was probably the first time in recorded history that the Yugoloths were caught completely with their pants down.

And, since the burglars in question are now all dead, nobody even knows HOW they managed to pull off a theft that everyone took for granted as just plain impossible.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

'Edward Davis' wrote:
Those who laugh and roll their eyes at the Archivists often eat their words when they are reminded of the Great Tower Heist, in which a group of Shiners stole nearly a hundred books, scrolls and manuscripts of extremely sensitive material right out of the Tower of the Arcanaloths.

Sometimes, a planar writer writes something that makes me think, 'Wait, they what? Oh my GOD!' I consider those to be good ideas. This, I consider, is a good idea.


Pants of the North!

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
Sometimes, a planar writer writes something that makes me think, 'Wait, they what? Oh my GOD!' I consider those to be good ideas. This, I consider, is a good idea.

The bit about it that I'm most sold on is that they're all dead, and no-one has the slightest clue how they did it. It also implies a kind of sloppy operation from the 'Loths, who you'd expect to take them alive and question them mercilessly.

On a different note, I love the idea that Archivist agents have to do things they're fundamentally opposed to, in order to do what they see as right. It's a tasty kind of flavour, where these people do their very best every day so that everyone else can learn their truh of the Multiverse, but that they can't ever have it for themselves.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

'Persephone Imytholin' wrote:
It's a tasty kind of flavour, where these people do their very best every day so that everyone else can learn their truth of the Multiverse, but that they can't ever have it for themselves.
Many note this trait as the core difference between Shiners and Guvners.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

This faction has been added to the Thread of Threads.

I also happen to like it a lot. Smiling

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

With the old factions having a large amount of power in Sigil, why not have the newspapers of Sigil now be recently have become dominated by Shiners? Their basic philosophy would be one that is basic to many newsjournalists... and the press is powerful as a societal entity. The original triad would largely have issues with them, but the press is usually considered to be at least mildly antagonistic to governmental powers in most somewhat democratic societies.

To hold the reigns of knowledge is a powerful trait in a modern society, and to give them away freely can be more so. That is a reason the modern press was/is considered the "Fourth Estate" of societal power.. the first being the governmental bureacracy, the second being churches, the third being the rich citizens, and the fourth the press.

Hackers, journos, librarians, scientists, spies... the Archivists would be a shelter for the activities of all of them. I could easily see the Archivists providing massive grants for all sorts of knowledge-based activities... and so, not only are they Archivers, but I would also see their proponents also calling them perhaps the Researchers, (incidentally, that might be a good in-faction nickname for the agents/spies within the faction) and extolling the way they have brought about new stuff to the masses.

EDIT: I would probably personally amend the "origin" story of the faction to also include perhaps a sub-faction of Guvners splitting off from the main Fraternity and joining with the rebel Signers. The sub-faction would be those Guvners interested in learning the laws of the multiverse, but not interested in hoarding that knowledge, which would also mean... that the current Guvners might have some heavy infiltration by Archivists.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

As a side note: I'd say the greatest rival for the loyalty of the hackers would be the Free League. Looking at their fairly 'don't tell me what to do' philosophy combined with the known information network system they have - they're a perfect match for the sterotypical hacker.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

'Kestral' wrote:
EDIT: I would probably personally amend the "origin" story of the faction to also include perhaps a sub-faction of Guvners splitting off from the main Fraternity and joining with the rebel Signers. The sub-faction would be those Guvners interested in learning the laws of the multiverse, but not interested in hoarding that knowledge, which would also mean... that the current Guvners might have some heavy infiltration by Archivists.
I wholeheartedly agree. But as much as it pains me, we need to do more than just amend the history. We need to rework the faction history completely. Especially since we finally axed the Astral War storyline.

I would imagine that the Revealing Light would have been initially formed from equal parts Guvners and Sensates. Both dissatisfied with the selfish aims of their parent factions, a large group of Guvners, Sensates and a smattering of other factions namers like Sons of Mercy (frusterated with their uneffectiveness and wanting to try something new), Anarchists (asking themselves what was the ultimate point to overthrowing "The Man") and the Free League (finally finding a cause that's worth joining).

The former Sensates were led away from the Society by Factotum Edward Davis Ph.D, a cheerful, friendly but mysterious old man from an unknown prime world. The former Guvners were represented by Factor Bumpleforn, a kurt and stubborn old planer gnome that was completely feed up with how the faction was just collecting knowledge and not doing ANYTHING worthwhile with it.

I'll add to this later.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

I'd argue we need a more full and OPEN description of the Githyanki Invasion, arrival of new Prime and Planar races, and the fallout from the Faction War.

I'd argue we need them as soon as we need Modern Sigil, since the Factions and the philosophies they represent ARE the core of Planescape's entire schtick that makes it more than just a chance to include any and all D&D settings under the same roof. If we can't figure out timelines for each of these things, then Modern Sigil and the like become a lot more difficult to populate, or fully keep half-way consistent.

I suggest as Project 2, we go with the Factions/Sects or the History/Timeline... I would go with the Factions/Sects, since we can use some of the material for D&D PS 3.5ed.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

Would you like me to see what I can scrape out of the PSCS group and from the Rrakkma groups as a summary of where they were looking at going with those questions? I know UPS is far far future compared to the others so I'm hoping you were referring to those plans and I'm not completely off track on what you were aiming for. Smiling

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

'Clueless' wrote:
Would you like me to see what I can scrape out of the PSCS group and from the Rrakkma groups as a summary of where they were looking at going with those questions? I know UPS is far far future compared to the others so I'm hoping you were referring to those plans and I'm not completely off track on what you were aiming for. Smiling

That would be great, actually! It just feels difficult trying to figure out where the storyline's going in terms of the D&DPS era -> UPS era. It also might help us figure out how the various planes would need to change, since we seem to be having some disagreement on the 'feel' of the various planes, and figuring out the responses of each alignment to the pressures the Planes have faced over time is probably a good way of attempting to reconcile that and come up with a cohesive whole.

I personally wouldn't mind fleshing out some of the interplay between the various new/updated Factions, and that would be a nice boon to that effort for me.

We also need to figure out a semi-consistent cosmology too...

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

Project two will be the transition from PSCS to UPS. The centerpiece of this project is going to be Ragnorak+the Pantheon War, which I mentioned in my "Changes to the Planes" Thread. Once I get an outline of Modern Sigil (since that will give me us a target of where we are going), I'll start working on Project 2

I'll also put my project outline on the FAQ.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

Can I toss in the idea of the Russian pantheon coming bubbling out of the Hinterlands? It was something I wanted to work into PSCS eventually as one of the dark things moving in the background for our plots, so Rgnarock might be perfect to have them come out in the open after building up for so long.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

'Clueless' wrote:
Can I toss in the idea of the Russian pantheon coming bubbling out of the Hinterlands? It was something I wanted to work into PSCS eventually as one of the dark things moving in the background for our plots, so Rgnarock might be perfect to have them come out in the open after building up for so long.

Funny you mention that. I was actually going to include heavy Russian elements in the post-Ragnorak Norse (ie Baldur reborn, Vidar, and Norse heroes). If you want to develop the Russians as an independent Pantheon, though, be my guest!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

Perhaps as the unexpected (came out of nowhere when everyone thought they were dead) player in the pantheon war they really did manage to heavily influence a lot of the other pantheons in the aftermath? It's a unique enough pantheon I think they've been pretty much... ignored by most game settings out there.

And I'll admit - the Seryi Volk vs. Fenris is a fight I'd pay to see.

And in the light of being so incredibly off topic (sorry for the thread hijack): Continue conversation over here?

And let this thread get back to the faction work.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

'Edward Davis' wrote:
I would imagine that the Revealing Light would have been initially formed from equal parts Guvners and Sensates.

If they like to free information, they could have journalists named "sensationalists" Laughing out loud

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

'Almighty Watashi' wrote:
If they like to free information, they could have journalists named "sensationalists" Laughing out loud
*rimshot* Sticking out tongue

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

Revealing Light is next on my list of Factions to Upload. It's needs a little tweeking (such as replacing D&D classes with D20 Modern Classes, and editing out any Earth references), but it's still among my favorite additions to UPS

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

'Ulden Throatbane' wrote:
Revealing Light is next on my list of Factions to Upload. It's needs a little tweeking (such as replacing D&D classes with D20 Modern Classes, and editing out any Earth references), but it's still among my favorite additions to UPS
I would also like to remove any mention of the Mind's Eye from the history. That was mostly Persephone's idea and I always thought it fit too awkwardly into the overall whole. I always imagined that the Faction would have been constructed from rogue splinter groups of Guvners, Sensates, Anarchists and Sons of Mercy. Like I mentioned in a previous post.

BTW, what's the progress on uploading the Revealing Light?

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
[Resurrected] The Revealing Light

'edward davis' wrote:
I would also like to remove any mention of the Mind's Eye from the history. That was mostly Persephone's idea and I always thought it fit too awkwardly into the overall whole.

I'm rather tempted to agree. There's no reason for them to have anything to do with the Signers, and I can't remember why I thought it might be worthwhile to put them in there.

Actually, wait, I do. I just don't like the Mind's Eye, so I wanted to write in a Godsmen/Signer schism somewhere. That it didn't make sense there, completely my bad.

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