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extropymine's picture
Joined: 2005-08-02
Resuming the discussion

Hey all. I'm new here, so I'll try to catch up fast, but first...

This part of the forum seems to have stalled out a little. Most of the threads haven't been posted on in a couple months.

What can I do to get discussions moving again?

Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
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Ask open-ended, specific questions-- the kind of stuff that gets people spitting out ideas.

Or, start spitting out some specific ideas of your own-- the kind of stuff that gets people spitting out open-ended, specific questions.

I haven't gotten deeply involved in any of the projects here because I've been over-my-head in projects of my own-- but I'm fascinated with the Rrakma Project because of my own love of the Gith.

Right now, I'm working on my Galactic Planescape project (well, mainly working on the novel trilogy that creates the Galactic Planescape), and I'm looking at a lot of Rrakma material for ideas on how to handle the role of the Gith races in the new order.

Right now, I'm seeing the Githyanki as heavily armored (except the Duth'ka'gith) mercenary troopers, rather like the Mandalorians in Star Wars, fighting for their clan's honor and glory-- possibly connected to the factionalization following Vlaakith's death. (Her death is the goal of Lich Queen's Beloved, and canon usually assumes the heroes win; also, Urban Planescape leads off with her assassination by Earth forces, so I'm assuming that she's destroyed by the Galactic Concord in GP.)

The Githzerai, I'm actually seeing as wandering liberators-- extremely discipline, hard-hearted men and women who encourage others to fight for their freedom, and lead by example. (They're still xenophobic, but I'm thinking they'll take the worldview that other free people are less likely to pose a threat to them.) I'm seeing the Githzerai as a major thorn in the sides of VoidCorp, the Nariac Domain, and the Thuldan Empire. They may show some mercenary leanings as well, simply because it helps fund their main activities, and, despite serving the interests of their race, Githzerai are generally free agents.

One major sideplot I can foresee is brought up in Lich Queen's Beloved-- the faction of allied Githzerai and Githyanki seeking to reunify their race after the millenia of civil war.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Resuming the discussion

What I really want to start doing is to just write up the various gith factions as articles and send them in to planewalker.

ClockworkDreamer's picture
Joined: 2005-10-09
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Another stab at breathing life into this section Smiling

How far along has the project come? What still needs doing?

A lot of the ideas that have been passed around so far seem really good and I'd like to see where they go.
One of the next things to do might be to come up with a handful of NPC's for the various factions, or outline their goals. It might also be an idea to come up with a 'base' state of the Githyanki Empire post-insurrection - so we know firmly what direction we're coming from.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Resuming the discussion

'ClockworkDreamer' wrote:
How far along has the project come?

What you see.

What still needs doing?

Everything else.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Would it help if we put together a To Do list and had folks sign up for which bits to do?

ClockworkDreamer's picture
Joined: 2005-10-09
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That's prob'ly a really good idea.

Where's a section manager when you need one, lol Eye-wink

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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That would be a good idea. I love lamp!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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And here's an outline of what is already done.

The Githyanki
- Form and Function: Gith Biology
- To Be a Githyanki: Psychology
- The Code of the Githyanki Knight
- Emissaries: Diplomats of the Xenophobes
- The Gish: Blending Sord and Sorcery
- Githyanki at War
- Githyanki Language
- Githyanki Music
- Githyanki Religion
- The Lucidity Cages
- Weaknesses of the Githyanki
Classes / Prestige Classes
- Blade-Handed Dervishes
- Githwarriors
- Mlar
Rules Gook
Magic and Spells
- Blade Shower
Creative Such
- Priest of the Dead Gods
- Growing out of the Slip
- Into the Darkness
- The Calling of the Knight
- The Calling of the Dragon
- The Test
- Some Sucky Githyanki I Drew

The Illithids
- Ikkool Rrem
- Illithid House
- Ilsensine: Psi and Omega
Classes / Prestige Classes
Rules Gook
Magic and Spells
Creative Such
- Kano's Last Missive

The Githzerai
- Nalla Kond Vellus
- Githzerai Far Realm Raiders
- Githzerai Monks
- Githzerai Vocabulary - Senzi's Reward
- Githzerai Vocabulary - Foe of Melniak
- The Test of the Blade
- The Unbreakable Taboos
- Toroj: A City in Limbo
Classes / Prestige Classes
- The Zerth
Rules Gook
- Chaos Shaping I
- Chaos Shaping II
Magic and Spells
Creative Such
- Theives' Justice

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Resuming the discussion

Most of these ideas are just what I personally came up with and bounced off of the community through various threads here. Most of the names were invented by Mephit James, with a few myself.

1. The Ascendancy. Imperialists and monarchists who claim to have the next-in-line to Vlaakith, thus enabling them to continue the line of rule-by-queens. The Vlaakith-to-be is a githyanki noble who has discarded her old life to accept the mantle of Vlaakith.

2. The Heartforce. A cabal of generals trying to hold down a swath of Astral cities under martial law. They have a large military presence, but not a lot of political credibility. The Heartforce was the elite corps of githwarriors who held floating citadels surrounding Tu'narath. These forces eventually formed the core of the current militocracy, under the pretence that, as the supremely-charged guardians of the githyanki capital, they were the most qualified to take on its government. They held the city for a few weeks, until they were expelled by the Ascendancy, which had meanwhile formed. Other military units also broke off once the chain of command was broken from the top, but they either fell apart, joined one of the factions, or are too small to be of significance in the power struggle.

3. A sect of Gith-worshipers who are searching for the lost warrior-queen. Prophesies indicate that she is destined to return in the race's darkest hour, and followers have dispatched themselves to all corners of the multiverse in search of her. They are known as the Gith'etkri, or "Githites" by non-gith. There could be another group led by a githyanki who believes herself to be Gith reincarnated, but two groups dedicated to Gith's return could be too much.

'Fiddler' wrote:
The prophet who believes herself to be Gith reborn, while depicted as a charismatic leader who won the support of most of the garrison at the fortress she was assigned to, would be hardpressed to find support elsewhere. In taking over the fortress she attacked her commander, thereby breaking that Githyanki cardinal rule of never attacking one another. Plus the support she earned among the troops stationed there was based upon the fact that many had witnessed the extraordinary ablities she had displayed in combat as well as dreams she had on the Prime during these raids. Certainly she might be able to sway some of the rank and file with sheer charisma alone, as there will always be those seeking some cause to believe in, but the true power players in 'yanki society would be unlikely to be swayed by a known dissident.

4. The Silver Eyes, or maybe the Astral Searchers, or maybe they have a lot of names because they aren't a unified political group. A group of githyanki scholars, not interested in warfare, study god-corpses and planar phenomena in remote Astral nebulae and isolated pockets of the Silver Void. They form a loose collective, not presenting much of a direct threat and not with any designs of power, but they are valued by the other factions because they study the corpi dei upon which the githyanki build their cities and fortresses and have also uncovered several illithid plots to infiltrate the confused infrastructure of the society. I would look at Monte Cook's Requiem for a God for the Silver Eyes and things like Necrotheologists and rules for a corpus dei.

5. The Court of Vlaakith. Negative Energy Plane-based liches, former consorts of Vlaakith's, who are continuing with various nefarious plots. They represent the worst depths of the githyanki. Krypter suggested that they could have plans to bring Vlaakith CLVII back into existence. Alternatively, they could just be happy continuing to exploit the former Queen's rule in order to help themselves.

6. The Dragon Alliance, known as the "Cult of Tiamat" by outsiders. Followers of Tiamat who have clung to the draconic alliance and are now loyal directly to her. Some are in it for the power, some are in it out of desperation, and some are truly dedicated to their dragon masters. The latter are rewarded with power, but are almost universally despised by other githyanki, who see subservience to dragons as a self-imposed enslavement. Lots of Draconomicon material used here.

7. The Sha'Sal Khou, introduced in the Dragon Magazine module that started this all: the Lich Queen's Beloved.

'Fiddler' wrote:
The Sha'Sal Khou by their description in "The Lich-Queen's Beloved" are striving for the reunification of the two gith races. It is their hope to eventually raise and army powerful enough to be able to establish and hold a stronghold where the 2 races could live as one again as a single people simply called the gith. To do this though doesn't just mean battling any enemy troops sent against them, but millenia of teachings and beliefs that "they" ( be it 'yanki or 'zerai) were traitorous enemies only slightly less evil then the hated illithids. To defeat an ingrained way of thinking like this they would need an equally powerful symbol to rally around. And if that symbol was a charismatic and proven leader in the battle against their common enemy all the better.
Fiddler also presents his reasoning as to why the followers of the self-proclaimed Gith reborn and the Sha'Sal Khou should join forces, as well as why it makes sense to combine other factions, here.

here's another idea by Primus

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
Amongst her chosen it is whispered that she is the child of Gith, sired by Ephemelon, but Fira refuses to comment. She refers to herself as the 'last living vestige of the Dragon Pact' and only she and her followers can once again gain assistance from the scarlet wyrms after the destruction of Ephemelon's Sceptre. The half-dragon half-githyanki's motives are unclear, but it is known that she intends to take some sort of role in guiding the githyanki into the future.

Fira, however, hides a secret. She is no regent from Tiamat sent to aid the githyanki. She is a proxy of Garxy, the All Consuming Flame, and her self-appointed mission is to convert the githyanki into a destructive force to raze the planes. She hopes that, in this way, she can curry favor with her lord and exhalt his name over that of Tiamat.

Mephit James suggested that she could be the leader of the Dragon Alliance. I have one significant hang-up there, personally. These factions were, in my hopes, going to make the githyanki less dupes of an abusive megalomaniac, and if the whole organization is a sham, it doesn't really improve their playability.

ClockworkDreamer's picture
Joined: 2005-10-09
Resuming the discussion


1. The Ascendancy. Imperialists and monarchists who claim to have the next-in-line to Vlaakith, thus enabling them to continue the line of rule-by-queens. The Vlaakith-to-be is a githyanki noble who has discarded her old life to accept the mantle of Vlaakith.
So this is the faction currently, or at least functionally, in control? Do we want to say that the new Vaaklith is waiting to take the throne? Or has already been inducted? This would help give an idea of just how stable the empire is at this point in time.

2. The Heartforce. A cabal of generals trying to hold down a swath of Astral cities under martial law.
I really like this idea, although I'm not sure about the name - doesn't seem to fit with the image of a no-nonsense Gith military group. Alternative ideas: Army of the True, The Steel Ring, Silver Legion, Chosen of Vlaakith... I'm not wedded to any of these either but I'd like to see some more opinions. The last one 'Chosen of Vlaakith' would work really well if the faction considered itself true to the former lich-queen.

3. A sect of Gith-worshipers who are searching for the lost warrior-queen. Prophesies indicate that she is destined to return in the race's darkest hour, and followers have dispatched themselves to all corners of the multiverse in search of her.
It might be interesting if one way that this manifested itself was that certain Gith-worshippers started gaining access to divine magic - introducing clerical magic to Githyanki culture. How this would be received by other Githyanki, I don't know. Also, I agree with what you say about two Gith sects. Maybe introduce the second one as 'flavour' rather than a full power group. This second group wards a child they believe to be the second incarnation of Gith (again, just an idea).

A group of githyanki scholars, not interested in warfare, study god-corpses and planar phenomena in remote Astral nebulae and isolated pockets of the Silver Void.
Whilst this adds a lot of information (mechanical and story-wise) to the dead gods of the Astral, and, sets up interesting character oppurtunities for Githyanki - it is hard to see how such a group could be considered a major faction. Maybe we should split these groups between either major and minor?

The Court of Vlaakith. Negative Energy Plane-based liches, former consorts of Vlaakith's, who are continuing with various nefarious plots. They represent the worst depths of the githyanki.
This is another idea I quite like, but, it seems to me that such liches would be loners by nature and few to begin with. Again, maybe they would make a good minor influence rather than a major power-group within Githyanki society.

6. The Dragon Alliance, known as the "Cult of Tiamat" by outsiders. Followers of Tiamat who have clung to the draconic alliance and are now loyal directly to her.
I'd like to start playing with some of the specifics of this one if nobody else minds? Again, I'm not sure about the title, but that's not really an issue for now. Would such a group have the interests of the empire at heart? Would they be thralls/masters/partners with their dragon allies? How does Tiamat feel about the Githyanki? As someone else pointed out in another thread - what was the genuine wording of Tiamat's pact?

The Sha'Sal Khou by their description in "The Lich-Queen's Beloved" are striving for the reunification of the two gith races. It is their hope to eventually raise and army powerful enough to be able to establish and hold a stronghold where the 2 races could live as one again as a single people simply called the gith.
This is really interesting (unfortunately I missed the original Dragon that this is all based on, but I think I'm starting to piece it all together, lol) - but just how would such a group be perceived by Githzerai and even other Githyanki? There's a lot of bad blood between the two. Just what is the real motivation for the Sha'Sal Khou? It is hard to imagine any 'yanki working solely for peace - without falling into good-hearted Drow territory.

Another thing I'd like to consider (again this was mentioned elsewhere on the boards) is what kind of reaction the death of the lich-queen has had amongst the Githyanki's enemies. It's easy to imagine the Illithid's and their kin using the initial disruption and civil chaos to slip agents into the Empire, or for the 'Zerai to step up campaigns against their astral bretheren (how would this affect the Khou's plans for re-unification?).

Anyway, hopefully this is enough to get things going again and I look forward to hearing people's feedback.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Resuming the discussion

'ClockworkDreamer' wrote:
I really like this idea, although I'm not sure about the name [Heartforce]- doesn't seem to fit with the image of a no-nonsense Gith military group. Alternative ideas: Army of the True, The Steel Ring, Silver Legion, Chosen of Vlaakith... I'm not wedded to any of these either but I'd like to see some more opinions. The last one 'Chosen of Vlaakith' would work really well if the faction considered itself true to the former lich-queen.
The Steel Ring has a good ring to it, or the Silver Legion. I actually came up with "Heartforce" but I've never been that jazzed about it myself. Probably this group and the Ascendency would be "classic githyanki." I don't see them as being that different except in loyalties, which allows a player to play a typically githyanki character and still participate in these little political scuffles.
"ClockworkDreamer" wrote:
It might be interesting if one way that this manifested itself was that certain Gith-worshippers started gaining access to divine magic - introducing clerical magic to Githyanki culture. How this would be received by other Githyanki, I don't know.
Hmmm... that is an interesting idea. It would certainly give them an edge in the philosophical battle: "Oh yeah? If Gith isn't still alive, how come I can do this?" I think that other githyanki would be really hostile toward divine-casters if only because they've been conditioned against it for centuries. This also makes the Gith'etkri a more individual group, though I wouldn't want them to get too touchy-feely. This is the group I'd be interested in detailing, which I might use as a study break this weekend...
"ClockworkDreamer" wrote:
Maybe we should split these groups between either major and minor?
Good thinking.
"ClockworkDreamer" wrote:
This is another idea I quite like, but, it seems to me that such liches would be loners by nature and few to begin with. Again, maybe they would make a good minor influence rather than a major power-group within Githyanki society.
Well, I'm going to have to disagree with most of that, actually. The Court would be small, no doubt, but they're liches. I really can't think of creatures more suited for wielding huge influence single-handedly (even the illithids work in hives). If you have even five liches (let alone the eight that Mechalich proposed) each one could command twenty henchmen without missing a beat (a force of one hundred) plus each would have incredible magical power even without drawing on the natural necromantic power of the Negative Energy Plane they're floating around in. In short, liches are bad news and these ones have had centuries to practice being even worse news.
"ClockworkDreamer" wrote:
I'd like to start playing with some of the specifics of this one if nobody else minds? Again, I'm not sure about the title, but that's not really an issue for now. Would such a group have the interests of the empire at heart?
Go for it. I think that the group would have a pro-githyanki message to rally followers but they don't have to have a pro-empire message. "Cast off the bindings of this kingdom! Vlaakith's death is an omen of glory not of ruin! Together, with the power of ancient wyrms at our command, we will rise again!"
"ClockworkDreamer" wrote:
Would they be thralls/masters/partners with their dragon allies? How does Tiamat feel about the Githyanki? As someone else pointed out in another thread - what was the genuine wording of Tiamat's pact?
I think that the githyanki typically "make deals" with the red dragons, which to me indicates a give-and-take set-up. They don't really command the dragons to do something, they offer them a part of the action if they help. All the pact does is ensure that the dragons don't just swallow the gith as soon as they show up. As long as things stay on this even setting, I don't think Tiamat will suddenly take issue with the pact. In fact, she might be intrigued by the possibility of more influence in githyanki society.
"ClockworkDreamer" wrote:
It is hard to imagine any 'yanki working solely for peace - without falling into good-hearted Drow territory.
Something to avoid at all costs.

Mogget's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Knights of Vlaakith

The Knights of Vlaakith are of course, the Githyanki Knights. Their goal is to bring back a legitimate heir by resurecting one. They know there are no living Vlaakiths and feel that only a Vlaakith deserves to rule the Yanki, so they are going to make one!

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
Resuming the discussion

'Mephit James' wrote:
"ClockworkDreamer" wrote:
Would they be thralls/masters/partners with their dragon allies? How does Tiamat feel about the Githyanki? As someone else pointed out in another thread - what was the genuine wording of Tiamat's pact?
I think that the githyanki typically "make deals" with the red dragons, which to me indicates a give-and-take set-up. They don't really command the dragons to do something, they offer them a part of the action if they help. All the pact does is ensure that the dragons don't just swallow the gith as soon as they show up.
There is considerable leeway in the source material as to whether this is in fact a give-and-take set-up. While the source material does not strictly say it isn't so, a good portion of the source material seems to lean in the other direction. So of course having the opinion that this is an equal partnership is valid, if perhaps a stretch. But saying that the pact is more cynical in nature for both parties is also a reasonable conclusion.

I know many of you are familiar with the details, but here's a quick summary for newcomers. The 1E Fiend Folio flatly states that "githyanki have a pact with a group of red dragons" who "assist the githyanki when on the Prime Material Plane by acting as steeds." More importantly, it states "these red dragons will obey only githyanki when on the Prime Material Plane." As we move on to 2E, we see that the dragons are said to "serve as mounts" for the githyanki and are "forced to heed the call", but it also says at one point that "the githyani respect these powerful friends". In 2E, the pact once again is said to only apply when the githyanki are on the Prime Material Plane. In 3E, we see another turn towards a more cynical and less friendly pact (although the restriction about the PMP is omitted). This is most clearly seen in the description of the scepter of Ephelomon in the Planar Handbook, which describes it quite bluntly like so: "The bearer has total control over red dragons". It grants the bearer the ability to dominate any red dragon within a half mile, and to gate in a very old red dragon to "serve the bearer without reward" on a failed save. So, strictly speaking, githyanki are indeed commanding the dragons to one degree or another. The pact is dissolved if the scepter is destroyed. The red dragons do not immediately turn against the githyanki, but only the most subservient ones will continue to serve or assist the githyanki in any way. Red dragons in Vlaakith's service continue to serve the lich-queen out of fear but not loyalty.

I've tried hard to include the most critical and relevant information above. There are other references, but to my knowledge they basically repeat the ideas listed above. If anyone knows of anything not included in this overview, please let me know.

Based on this info, I think it's very reasonable to conclude that the githyanki and red dragons in 3E might not have give-and-take relationship. I personally think the source material is telling us that the dragons that work with the githyanki are forced into doing so by Tiamat's will. The powers of Vlaakith's scepter would indicate that some dragons need to be "kept in line" by dominating them, and Vlaakith has Tiamat's blessing to do this whenever she wishes.

I personally find that to be distinctly un-friendly. And please note that this scepter was given to the flesh-and-blood Vlaakiths that preceded the lich-queen, so it's not specific to this last Vlaakith. All githyanki leaders since the pact was forged have had these powers to utterly subjegate red dragons as they see fit.

I write all this because an honest discussion of the nature of both this pact and the feelings of the two groups towards each other directly impacts several of the factions here. The nature of githyanki feelings about red dragons, and about red dragon feelings about githyankis (and the influence of Tiamat) are all factors in determining how accepting the githyanki will be of red dragon involvement if the scepter is assumed destroyed. And the pure disgust that githyankis have for the duthka'gith, and persistent feelings that the creation of the duthka'gith was somehow a contributing factor to Vlaakith's downfall, will also be a factor.

So I'm not sure that red dragons will necessarily be buddy-buddy with githyanki after the fall of Vlaakith. It is just as likely that the githyanki will flatly reject any involvement with red dragons, now that the dragons are not compelled to do as they are told. Many will blame the red dragons and duthka'gith for meddling in their affairs, and they are probably right. There are many directions this could go.

That said, the whole idea is to come up with new ideas, and uninteresting parts of older editions can be rejected in favor of more interesting directions. I'm certainly not a rules lawyer. But I personally think the idea of the githyanki fearing and resenting the red dragons has more than enough existing evidence to make it worthy of inclusion in the discussion.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
Resuming the discussion

ClockworkDreamer: You can get a summary of the Dungeon adventure "The Lich Queen's Beloved" here:

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
Resuming the discussion

'ClockworkDreamer' wrote:
The Sha'Sal Khou by their description in "The Lich-Queen's Beloved" are striving for the reunification of the two gith races. It is their hope to eventually raise and army powerful enough to be able to establish and hold a stronghold where the 2 races could live as one again as a single people simply called the gith.
This is really interesting (unfortunately I missed the original Dragon that this is all based on, but I think I'm starting to piece it all together, lol) - but just how would such a group be perceived by Githzerai and even other Githyanki? There's a lot of bad blood between the two. Just what is the real motivation for the Sha'Sal Khou? It is hard to imagine any 'yanki working solely for peace - without falling into good-hearted Drow territory.
There's no reason the githyanki can't work towards unification with the githzerai. The githyanki hatred of the githzerai stems from the fact that the split that created the githzerai decreased the gith army to such a degree that they were unable to destroy the illithids once and for all. A reunification with the promise of a new, improved combined war to obliterate the mind flayers would be very appealing, even to unapologetically evil githyanki. Both races regret the ancient schism to one degree or another, so a reunified race of gith might have strong appeal if it led to a successful crusade against the mindflayers. The enemy of my enemy and all that.

You're right that it's definitely an uphill battle, and plenty of githyanki wouldn't go for an alliance with the githzerai, but there would be some interest among progressive thinkers on both sides. Both races see the illithids as public enemy #1, so they at least have that much in common. No goody-good vibes are necessary on the part of the githyanki to justify combining forces for the wholesale slaughter of braineaters throughout the multiverse.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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The Ascendancy. Imperialists and monarchists who claim to have the next-in-line to Vlaakith, thus enabling them to continue the line of rule-by-queens. The Vlaakith-to-be is a githyanki noble who has discarded her old life to accept the mantle of Vlaakith
That's not as appealing to me as a resurrected member of the Vlaakith bloodline. Presuming such individuals were destroyed by the lich centuries ago, assume that some non-lich-lovers hid away the bits necessary for rejuvination of the line, for the impossibly distant day when the lich was finally removed from the throne. It would have been quite clear by that point that Vlaakith was systematically exterminating all such rivals. At least some githyanki at any point in time would have resented the undead queen, and looked for a future when a living queen would reign.

Just having any old githyanki noble step in seems much less interesting to me, and it is definitely less sound from a poltical standpoint.

If a valid heir shows up, then they would be shoe-ins for a quick return of the throne to flesh-and-blood githyanki. However, it is true that the overwhelming appeal of having a legitimate heir does reduce the need for speculation about other less viable factions who really couldn't compete.

Mogget's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Resuming the discussion

I was dwelling on how to keep the political factions with the resurecting a Vlaakith thing. It deals with the dragonpact with Tiamat. Let's assume Vlaakith I betrayed Gith. She sold Gith out to become the ruler of the Githyanki, however, she also agreed to sell all of the souls of her descendents to Tiamat. So, whenever a Vlaakith dies, this ancient pact causes their soul to be transported to Tiamat's lair where they are tortured or what-not. This makes it alot harder to resurect a Vlaakith.

Going this road, the Knights of Vlaakith would be forced to find a trapped soul of a Vlaakith that wasn't already in Tiamat's hands. The Palace of Whispers(?) contained the souls of dead Githyanki; when Vlaakith CLVII or whatever died, the palace was destroyed, releasing all of the dead souls. One of those souls couldn't escape however, the bonds keeping the soul tied were not broken. The soul trapped is a MALE descendent of the Vlaakith line. Now the Knights of Vlaakith need to find a way to free the soul and resurect him before Tiamat whisks his soul away.

This gives the other factions time to solidify their power bases, which means when the Vlaakith is (if ever) resurected, they might not want to surrender their power. Also, since it is a male, he can't rule right? I'm not actually sure on that point, sorry. If the Knights of Vlaakith want a legitimate heir now, they need to wait until a female is born of the male Vlaakith's seed.

Anyways, just some ideas I'm throwing out. I've also got some ideas for the Dragonpact made with Tiamat that I'll post later.

One more thing, the Ascendancy faction could still be plausible. After all, how will anyone prove who the real Vlaakith heir is?

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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If a soul of a male heir of the bloodline was trapped, identified, and even resurrected somehow, that wouldn't necessarily force anyone to do anything. Githyanki, like humans, would vary in whether or not they believe in the nature of this person, and would need to be convinced that there was no duplicity involved. It would be difficult, perhaps impossible, to convince the entire race of anything like that. No matter how good your evidence was, you'd never convince everyone.

Even if a simpler scenario were to occur, you would still have a wide range of reactions across the githyanki populace. For example, let's say a bona-fide living legitimate female heir of Vlaakith I appeared on the scene. Some would accept that she is the legitimate heir, based on the evidence or simply on their desire to see such a thing happen, but others would not for various reasons. Some would say she is an imposter, and other might say she is legitimate by birth, but that she is somehow also a stooge controlled by forces unknown who have an agenda. Factions that want a Vlaakith on the throne would be more likely to believe in her legitimacy, but even that is by no means guaranteed. And it can be quite interesting to explore these unexpected scenarios.

So what the different factions want is somewhat unrelated to what they get, just like any other intelligent, political race. The fact that they are evil makes that even more so. You might find that the factions that desperately want a Vlaakith on the throne actually dispute the right of a legitimate heir to rule for some reason. And you could find that other factions might support that same heir, but for entirely different reasons. There is a very wide range of scenarios possible when core beliefs are questioned and so very much is at stake. And that can easily lead to all sort of complications, just as it so often has in human history.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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Perhaps it would be helpful at this point to look at the situation from a higher level, by looking at what general categories the already defined groups fall into regarding their political aims.

Githyanki (pro-monarchy)
- The githyanki that desire Vlaakith CLVII back as ruler. Some believe she was not destroyed, others believe she will return. Includes Court of Vlaakith, perhaps.
- The githyanki that desire another living heir of Vlaakith I to rule. Not described yet.
- The githyanki who believe that that the next ruler will be Gith herself. Includes the Gith'etkri.
- The githyanki that seek to have another unrelated, living githyanki rule. Includes the Ascendancy & the Sha'Sal Khou.

Githyanki (anti-monarchy)
- Not described yet.

- The duthka'gith, including the Dragon Alliance.

I'm not aware whether or not the Heartforce has been defined as one of the above categories. The Silver Eyes are by nature unaffiliated.

So as you can see, we have large stretches of this that are unexplored. Each type of group would face different general objections to its general political aim, and specific groups would also face specific objections to their specific plans as to how to accomplish the general aim. I suspect there would be at least one major faction in each category, and possibly several minor factions also. But any group with a specific political ajenda should fit into one of the above categories, I believe. If I've missed a category, please let me know.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Since we have so many names for the Heartforce, why not have it be a coalition-style group? Maybe even call it something like the I'irathu [?] Coalition, named after the god-isle that supports their central city-state. Several of the empire's proudest and strongest legions (including the Heartforce, the Silver Legion, the Army of the True, the Steel Ring, the Chosen of Vlaakith--who now call themselves simply 'the Chosen') banded together to return the race to its proud origins. The githyanki were born in battle, and battle is their destiny, their calling. Their official stance is that the empire was too lax, and so was doomed to be eliminated. What is now needed is a soldier's discipline and the military values of the race's origins. Of course, some in the coalition might be sympathizers with the Ascendacy. I see this coalition as huge, maybe the largest and most powerful of the githyanki factions, but its statistical advantage is hurt by its lack of political focus. There are too many leaders and not enough centralized power to give commands.

I figure the Ascendacy is a place to put githyanki stuff that only fits in the old society. They're the status quo who have too much to lose if the githyanki give up on the eons-old imperial society. They've held on to some city-states and dug up an obscure gith of distant royal blood (no closer relations still lived) and then touted their new figurehead as the "rightful heir." Some backed this newcomer, but others decided that the imperialists had blown their chance and it was time to take a more proactive stance in carving out the githyanki racial destiny.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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I have a hard time believing that any blood heir of Vlaakith I could possibly be alive. In this regard, the githyanki might be very much like the Japanese, who generally know their lineage very well. Many Japanese have an official family geneology that allows them to trace their heritage to the first emperor. However, if there had been a homicidal emperor set on eliminating all such lineages at some point, they probably wouldn't be around today. It wouldn't be hard to figure out who begat who if you are so concerned with such records. Between Vlaakith and her knights, I think they would have eventually identified anyone who had any *remote* chance of being an heir, and then delivered them to Vlaakith for "reassignment". Vlaakith had an *awful* long time to root out any stragglers.

I would guess that by the end, she might have even had a complete geneology of every githyanki, living or dead, all the way back to the rebellion. It stands to reason that she would have persued this knowledge, considering the fact that any living heir could have (legitimately) contested her undead possession of the throne and received some degree of support based simply on the fact that she wasn't undead. Losing the throne is frequently described as the biggest fear among her many paranoias.

Kearrann's picture
Joined: 2005-09-04
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I must agree with Invisg0th.
We can be almost sure of the fact that last Vlaakith had no heirs - closer or more distant. She had at least a millenium to get rid of them all, so nobody could even try to think to take her place. As for the Knights, they were surely aware of that, because it was them who carried out her orders to kill/bring all those she wanted. True, there still can be 'yankis who believe they can find a "rightful heir", but their aim is futile, meaningless. And there wouldn't be any Knight with them - they just *know* that there is no heir. Sure, one can think that there might have been a hypothetical Knight who disobeyed the Lich-Queen and didn't kill the person he was supposed to kill - but the Knights were blindly loyal to their mistress, so that is also quite impossible. Correct me if I'm wrong...

extropymine's picture
Joined: 2005-08-02
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I'm not sure it's fair to discount an heir of Vlaakith so quickly.

Just as a point from the real world, there's a long-standing theory that the remnants of the knights Templar are hiding the blood descendants of Christ, or the mummified body of Mary Magdalene, or any number of other religious icons stretching back 2000 years. Is it likely? No! But does it make for a great story? Absolutely! Just look at The DaVinci Code and see how captivating these stories are to the imagination.

And that's what we're trying to do; write an interesting story. So why not?

If you had a multiverse-- heck, if you had Sigil-- it wouldn't be implausible to hide a hundred generations of a bloodline. There are pocket communities of radical githyanki opposing the lich-queen: why haven't they all been wiped out? Because the multiverse is really, really big, and not even Vlaakith has the resources to investigate every hamlet on every world.

Heck-- maybe THAT has been the driving force behind the conquests of so many worlds? Vlaakith is actively searching for what she believes to exist: an heir. Her quest for godhood goes along nicely with that, too: if she can attain godhood, who cares about an heir?

extropymine's picture
Joined: 2005-08-02
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'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
And here's an outline of what is already done.

The Githyanki
- Form and Function: Gith Biology
- To Be a Githyanki: Psychology
- The Code of the Githyanki Knight
- Emissaries: Diplomats of the Xenophobes
- The Gish: Blending Sord and Sorcery
- Githyanki at War
- Githyanki Language
- Githyanki Music
- Githyanki Religion
- The Lucidity Cages
- Weaknesses of the Githyanki
Classes / Prestige Classes
- Blade-Handed Dervishes
- Githwarriors
- Mlar
Rules Gook
Magic and Spells
- Blade Shower
Creative Such
- Priest of the Dead Gods
- Growing out of the Slip
- Into the Darkness
- The Calling of the Knight
- The Calling of the Dragon
- The Test
- Some Sucky Githyanki I Drew

The Illithids
- Ikkool Rrem
- Illithid House
- Ilsensine: Psi and Omega
Classes / Prestige Classes
Rules Gook
Magic and Spells
Creative Such
- Kano's Last Missive

The Githzerai
- Nalla Kond Vellus
- Githzerai Far Realm Raiders
- Githzerai Monks
- Githzerai Vocabulary - Senzi's Reward
- Githzerai Vocabulary - Foe of Melniak
- The Test of the Blade
- The Unbreakable Taboos
- Toroj: A City in Limbo
Classes / Prestige Classes
- The Zerth
Rules Gook
- Chaos Shaping I
- Chaos Shaping II
Magic and Spells
Creative Such
- Theives' Justice

Can anyone provide links to these completed chapters and articles?

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
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Is there anything not done I could help with?

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