Reinventing the [Great] Wheel

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Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Reinventing the [Great] Wheel

Just for fun, I've been converting Planescape to my own personal image of perfection, and next on my to-do list is the alignment exemplars! I am a fanboy of PS of course, but not of all the details. I'd like to narrow the exemplars down to nine races that are more thought-through than the canon races, which are mostly the result of D&D's haphazard "We made some shit up we thought was cool" creative process.

For example, I want three distinctly thematic Evil races instead of 5 (6?) Evil races that can largely be summed up as "Menageries of ugly* anthropomorphic creatures that are sometimes fiery." (I like 4e's elemental-demons, so I'm reserving "Oh, and it deals energy damage" for them.) So I'm making up my own shit that I think's cool, and I could use your help!

Here's my strategy: The exemplars of each alignment pole (NE, NG, CN, LN) have a shtick. Evil exemplars have disease/curses, Lawful exemplars have metallic flesh-enhancement (modron-ish), Chaotic exemplars have shapeshifting, and Good exemplars have...I dunno, I haven't worked that one out yet. Any ideas?

Then, the exemplars of each alignment blend (CG, CE, LG, LE) combine the shticks of their 'parent' races. For example, shapeshifting (C) + curse (E) = were-beast (CE)!

* Seriously, why are the evil ones always ugly, unless there's an ugly pimp on some lower plane ordering them about? Evil is selfish, it wants to be beautiful!

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Reinventing the [Great] Wheel

So are you thinking of one for each alignment axis (LG, LN, LE, etc.)? If so, are you imagining overlapping "shticks" (e.g. the LE exemplar would be both metallic and disease-laden)?

atomicb's picture
Joined: 2011-06-19
Re: Reinventing the [Great] Wheel

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Here's my strategy: The exemplars of each alignment pole (NE, NG, CN, LN) have a shtick. Evil exemplars have disease/curses, Lawful exemplars have metallic flesh-enhancement (modron-ish), Chaotic exemplars have shapeshifting, and Good exemplars have...I dunno, I haven't worked that one out yet. Any ideas?

Then, the exemplars of each alignment blend (CG, CE, LG, LE) combine the shticks of their 'parent' races. For example, shapeshifting (C) + curse (E) = were-beast (CE)!

It sounds as if the Law-Chaos axis is about form while Good-Evil is potentially more about theme (or something). So LE is cyborg (L) + curse (E) = perhaps something like an evil version of Warlock from the New Mutants, infecting living creatures with a metallic virus and draining the life from them.

If Evil is about disease and curses then maybe Good is bounty and rejuvenation and robust fertility. CG exemplars that rejuvenate blasted worlds by living on them as plants for periods of time. LG exemplars manufacturing themselves at an ever-accelerating breakneck pace so as to better spread law and goodness.

Just some ideas. Eager to hear more on this. What else have you done so far?

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Reinventing the [Great] Wheel

In my games I usually divide the good ones based on the psychological model of values

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Reinventing the [Great] Wheel

@ Palomides: Yes, extreme alignments will overlap the shticks of their 'parent' poles. For example I think LE exemplars will be carriers of a curse that worsens when the victim uses the curse. For example, a cursed victim needs money so he decides to use the curse to turn an object into gold. His money problems are solved, but the curse slowly warps his will. After using the curse to his benefit often enough, he loses the ability to distinguish friend from foe.

@ atomicb: Originally I wanted both alignment axis to suggest distinct forms, but I just couldn't think of any form-suggestive themes for Good and Evil. (I think beauty makes a good secondary theme for Good, but it shouldn't be a theme unique to Good exemplars.) I like your bounty/rejuvenation idea!

As to what else I've done so far, mostly the factions. I axed a few of them, tweaked a couple more, and added one of my own. Oh, and I axed faction restrictions and changed faction abilities into a FATE-like mechanic. Because I don't like telling players "You must/can't do so-and-so because of your beliefs."

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