Redesigning the Planes...

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Xaositect_Bob's picture
Joined: 2004-08-09
Redesigning the Planes...

This is a link to the portfolio of some of my older work. A planewalker tried and true, I feel it is my duty to track these subjects down and reveal what they really look like.

Comments and questions are encouraged.

Snide remarks, too, but with a little less enthusiasm. Eye-wink

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Redesigning the Planes...

Simply stunning. Your LoP is my favorite, but they're all good. She is a little too human for my taste, human and feminine, BUT the picture is visually stunning.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Redesigning the Planes...


Do you take commissions?
And will you be at Gencon?

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Redesigning the Planes...

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
Simply stunning. Your LoP is my favorite, but they're all good. She is a little too human for my taste, human and feminine, BUT the picture is visually stunning.

She has toes. I think the toes are cute. Smiling

Wait a minute. Did you just quote an earlier version of your post there?

Puzzled I'm confused.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Redesigning the Planes...

*quickly cleans up!!*
You didn't see that - none of you saw that... EPP! *grabs broomstick and sweeps it under the carpet*

*mental note have 'edit' post link moved FAR away from 'quote' post link*

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Redesigning the Planes...

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
Simply stunning. Your LoP is my favorite, but they're all good. She is a little too human for my taste, human and feminine, BUT the picture is visually stunning.

She has toes. I think the toes are cute. Smiling

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Redesigning the Planes...

Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. All the peices are amazing....though I must say I'm partial to Ping. Eye-wink

Feathercircle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Redesigning the Planes...

I really, REALLY need to get a popup blocker. Or you need to get a better host for your site. Probably both. I've never seen popups be so insistant, pushy, and in-your-face before... they're like something designed by tanar'ri to drive mortals insane. Or something..

Meanwhile, WOW. That's all I can say. Your art is really, really great, especially the black-and-whites. I'd have to say my favorite is Riven... there's this air of vulnerability about the picture that makes me just want to give him a hug... until I noticed just what that vague shadowy thing in the background was, and what he was holding. Wow.

Additionally, I like your alternate component rules a lot... I don't know if I can work them in my particular campaign, but it's got great flavor.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Redesigning the Planes...

"Clueless" wrote:
"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
Simply stunning. Your LoP is my favorite, but they're all good. She is a little too human for my taste, human and feminine, BUT the picture is visually stunning.

She has toes. I think the toes are cute. Smiling

I never thought of her serenity having visible toes, but clueless is right, the toes are cute... omg... did I just say that? *shudder*

either way, I like this take on the lady. kudos and such.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Redesigning the Planes...

The Lady is certainly showing a lot of skin in that picture. I always thought she'd be a bit more prudish. Still, I like the bladed whippy things that float around her. Very menacing.

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