Title says it all. I'm looking for 2 new players, 16th level and nongood, and probably nonchaotic unless you can play something that isn't chaotic-stupid (evil is best). If you want to play an unusual character, take it up with me, and I'll figure out a way to make it work for you.
Because of the plot-centric nature of the game, concept creation isn't going to be simple. You'll probably have to bend and twist more than usual to make your characters fit what's already happened. Given the way the game has played out I cannot and will not accept a concept that isn't a really good fit with the story or the party. Also, I place high value on RPing and background. I will not accept a character with inadequate background information, but I'll tell you first so you can correct the issue. (It may also be possible to play a retired PC if you really want to. Talk to me about it).
Now I've gotten the nasty stuff out of the way, and if you're still interested by all means say so here.
can we play multiple characters?
*runs to hide from being chastised by DM, lol.