I want to make some miniadventure, that involves a Baatorian recruiter the heroes have to deal with.
Here's the chant:
Through his contacts down in Hell, a Baatezu called Retaphis managed to get out of the trouble of risking his life with the demons and got right into the Cage instead. There he appears as a somewhat sleazy nobleman and is enjoying a relatively calm and relaxed job luring clueless barmies into signing a contract to serve "as mercenaries in a war-torn land far away to finally conquer an evil and ruthless enemy". To anyone interested in the honor of becoming a hero in the battle against a dastardly enemy, he offers quite a lot jink as pay.
Retaphis has been quite successful so far and got a lot bashers who couldn't resist the seducing offers of wealth the nasty in disguise made towards them.
Among these sods also's the brother of a cutter who tells the heroes about his foolish sibling sighning up for war (he doesn't know that it's the Blood War being talked about).
Being eager to gain themselves a name in Sigil, my PCs'll want to help this guy (maybe they even won't realize that no cutter in Sigil gives a copper to know about some bashers wo are giving some recruiting fiend the laugh ... )
To show this jaunty pack of bashers that a berk finds himself easily in the Dead-book, when he tries to force the wrong people through violence, Retaphis is a horned devil. They'll wish to be in hell rather than getting trouble with this one.
But before I have to regret my bumbledom, I'd better come up with some arguements this fiend may confront my players with, when they are smart enough to talk with him.
That's where I need your help. And If you have some idea about other encounters the characters could have during this adventure, even better.
Rataphis the Deceptive (all fiends have to have titles with negative and/or violent connotations. I think it's a law.) is one of the canniest fiends to ever trick his superiors into moving him off the front lines. In exchange for getting to bang around the cage playing at being a bored noble, Rataphis has to lure an endless streem of greedy clueless to their bloody deaths in the Blood War.
The first tactic Rataphis will imploy is to appeal to a basher's consience. He'll offer detailed accounts of the attrocities being commited against his kin by barbarians of unrepenting evil, but when asked for the details of who this evil people are, he'll try to change the subject, probably by claiming that he misspoke, and it is not the men, but the deeds they are commiting that are evil. If questioned further, he will typically dance around the issue until he can distract them with promises of a reward.
The second tactic he will try is a general threat that, "If we don't stop them now, we won't be able to stop them later." He will also, say that all of Sigil, and probably all of the Multiverse is in peril and it is time to take a stand. Only addle-coved lemons will believe him, but then they are the only people who will still be listening anyway. In this instance, the Cornugon tries to play on their fears, whatever he thinks will get them to ignore their better judgement. When asked what the "peril" actually is, he will likely speak of unspeakable hordes over-whelming civilization and raping and pillaging everything in their path.
The third tactic Rataphis will deploy is a simple appeal to greed. He may promise them anything from a heaping pile of jink to "spiritual release," which is more straight-fowardly known as death. Whatever the Cornugon promises, the rube will eventually recieve, but most of the time, it isn't nearly as good as he makes it sound.
It is important to note that Rataphis will never lie outright, because that would invalidate the contract he is trying to foist on them. Instead, he simply lets them leap to their own (false) conclusions. On the other hand, when he is discussing matters unrelated to contracts or promises, Rataphis will lie constantly and effectively.
Therefore, when the PCs confront him, they will have to be careful if they him to tell them what they need to know. Unless they give him a reason to be honest, like fiegning interesting fighting, the Baatezu may simply start lying like a 'loth. Which won't tell the PCs anything, and may end up sending them down the wrong path entirely.
If the PCs look clueless enough, this won't happen as the Cornugon's first instinct will be to try to recruit them. All the PCs have to do is keep their mouths shut for a while while Rataphis gives them his pitch. If the PCs play their cards right, most likely by asking Rataphis seemingly innocuous questions, Rataphis will reveal something important simply in the effort to get them to join up.
Rataphis is terrified of what will happen if he doesn't recruit enough mortals to please his Pit Fiend master, and terror breeds sloppyness. Specifically, Rataphis may inadvertantly tell the PCs the location of the place where the battles will take place which will allow the PCs to run in and extract the would-be mercenary before its too late.
I'm spent. Someone else have any brilliant suggestions?