Real people in Planescape, with a twist

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Real people in Planescape, with a twist

I notice that a few joke references to real world personalities appear in the Planescape material, such as a "Mill Boyers" who is obviously a pun on "Bill Moyers", etc... Do you ever incorporate real people into your game (disguised or not)? I'm thinking that Aleister Crowley or Anton LaVey would make great evil mages to have pop up on some poor unsuspecting PCs (or maybe as fiends... I imagine they'd move up the infernal ladder rather rapidly!)

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
Guilty again

They fought a petitioner who escaped from the Grey Waste who was performing certain familiar ritualistic killings reminiscent of the White Chapel area of London circa 1898...

I decided that the seven lich rulers of Rigus should be modeled after seven of the most acclaimed (or believed) military minds ever to exist.
Szun Tsu
Hitler (emphasis on believed)
Ghengis Khan
Mao Tze Tung

A few opthers...

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

Real people? Not so much, though I have freely stolen characters from fictional sources. (Hawk and Fisher [Simon R. Green's "haven" books] alternate between working the Hive and the Lower Ward as guards)

I did have Elvis in Sigil not too long ago, doing his planar "Ain't never gonna die" tour. (But was it Elvis or a golem in his image?)

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13

Hey baby, rock on...!

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